13+ Werke 1,413 Mitglieder 21 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 2 Lesern

Über den Autor

Susan Bordo is a media critic, cultural historian, and feminist scholar. Her books include Unbearable Weight and, most recently, The Creation of Anne Boleyn. She is Professor of Gender and Women's Studies at the University of Kentucky.
Bildnachweis: from University of Kentucky faculty page

Werke von Susan Bordo

Zugehörige Werke

Feminism/Postmodernism (1989) — Mitwirkender — 205 Exemplare
The Gender/Sexuality Reader: Culture, History, Political Economy (1997) — Mitwirkender — 115 Exemplare
Revealing Male Bodies (2002) — Mitwirkender — 13 Exemplare
Critical Feminist Approaches to Eating Dis/Orders (2009) — Mitwirkender — 8 Exemplare



Land (für Karte)
Newark, New Jersey, USA
Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Newark, New Jersey, USA
State University of New York at Stony Brook (PhD | 1982)
Carleton University (BA)
Gender & Women's Studies professor, University of Kentucky
American Philosophical Association
Society for Women in Philosophy
Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
American Studies Association
Sam Stoloff
Susan Bordo is known for the clarity, accessibility, and contemporary relevance of her writing. Her first book, The Flight to Objectivity, has become a classic of feminist philosophy. In 1993, increasingly aware of our culture's preoccupation with weight and body image, she published Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body, a book that is still widely read and assigned in classes today. During speaking tours for that book, she encountered many young men who asked, "What about us?" The result was The Male Body: A New Look at Men in Public and in Private (1999). Both books were highly praised by reviewers, with Unbearable Weight named a 1993 Notable Book by the New York Times and The Male Body featured in Mademoiselle, Elle, Vanity Fair, NPR, and MSNBC. Both books have been translated into many languages, and individual chapters, many of which are considered paradigms of lucid writing, are frequently re-printed in collections and writing textbooks. Her newest book, The Creation of Anne Boleyn: A New Look at England's Most Notorious Queen, was published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in April, 2013. A British edition is forthcoming in Janurary 2014 from Oneworld publishing. She lives in Lexington, Kentucky with her husband, daughter, two dogs, two cats, one cockatiel, and teaches at the University of Kentucky as the Otis A. Singletary Chair in the Humanities. [adapted from (9/11/2013) and The Creation of Anne Boleyn (2013)]



TV by Susan Bordo is another insightful volume in the Object Lessons series. Bordo covers both a brief history of programming and a critique of what that programming has wrought, namely a horrible President* and a divided nation with the delusional half led by the orange menace. And it was through TV that a failed (multiple times) businessman was able to rebuild his image and convince a large number (but never a majority) of the population that a misogynistic, racist, sexual predator was a gift from their God.

Bordo traces the shows and even the commercials to some extent (since they blended seamlessly for some time) from early news and broadcast shows to news as entertainment (or propaganda in the case of Faux News) and more nuanced broadcast and cable/streaming shows. Using televisions most disgusting product, Trump, as the endpoint allows her to show the subtle steps along the way that brought us to this abomination.

If you're old enough to remember many of the shows and events she mentions, which I am, this is also an eye-opening trip down memory lane, albeit one that serves as more than mere nostalgia. No doubt some will be put off by Bordo making such a clear case for the catastrophe that has been the Trump administration being largely brought about and sustained by television. And unlike some who are thee imbecilic, television and ratings are indeed how Trump measured his success, Twitter was a tool he used to help toward that end. The asinine tweets are what made the news and created the controversies that got him unlimited television time free of charge. But thee delusional is, well, not very discerning, much like Trump himself. But loves to think he is clever.

Like most of the volumes in this series, I highly recommend this one. Each one is different, some more or less personal, some more or less analytical. That is what makes the series fun, each volume isn't simply a cookie-cutter brief about the given object but one writer's way into and through that object.

Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via NetGalley.
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pomo58 | Jan 19, 2021 |

Susan Bordo

“I don’t think we can move forward effectively unless and until we understand the past.”

In 2017, Susan Bordo published THE DESTRUCTION OF HILLARY CLINTON. It was a detailed analysis of many of the factors that led to her defeat in the 2016 Presidential election, something that very, very few expected. She was very popular, especially for her accomplishments as Secretary of State, until she ran for President. There were several causes for her defeat and Bordo put the blame heavily on political hatred, James Comey, and the media. It is an excellent analysis of the entire 2016 election process. But when Bordo spoke about it publicly, she faced the same problems, e.g., media bias and public attacks, as Hillary. Susan had very few TV interviews after publishing the book because she would not attack Hillary.
IMAGINE BERNIE SANDERS AS A WOMAN is a collection of her writings since November 2016. She not only includes some that deal specifically with that election but also events that have happened since then which have bearing on the current political climate. Much is an analysis of media coverage and how it has changed over the past few decades but it also includes essays on Jim Comey’s book, the GOP, Donald Trump’s pathology, Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court, Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s job restrictions and report, the #MeToo movement, reproductive rights (fetuses, through heartbeat bills, have more rights than pregnant women). It ends with the question: Will we ever have a woman president?
Since November 2016, our country has changed immensely. The problems that Hillary predicted would be caused by a Trump presidency have occurred. Bordo hoped that the public and the media would have learned a lesson from her earlier book and that things would change by the 2020 election. The fact that they haven’t she blames on the way women are treated when they run for a high public office. Men can look unkempt and unruly, yell, wave their arms around, and interrupt. Women, on the other hand, are attacked for the way they look, speak, and act. What they say is not important unless it is heavily controversial or if their actions are not “feminine” enough. An intelligent, well-spoken woman is considered to be the tool of the establishment.
Poor people, LGBTQ voters, and black women somehow don’t count when Democrats bemoan the loss of the base or failure to address the problems of the working class. It is different from the way men act; therefore, they are castigated.
The differences between the way women and men are treated have permeated our society and government. For example, within the last month (May 2020), the US Supreme Court met from remote locations on-line and the public was able hear the arguments for several important cases. An analysis afterwards showed Chief Justice Roberts cut off the three women Justices more often and gave them the least amount of time to speak.
The media has changed dramatically during the past few decades. TV news provides less information and more entertainment, moving towards sensationalism and 24/7 coverage. Newspapers are going digital and dying and the emphasis is on making money for the owners. Statistics, e.g., number of people attending a rally or poll numbers rather than on policy or experience, become predictions that become self-validating. The analysis behind those figures is ignored. For example, all the attention given to the first few 2020 primary elections without noting they were in states that do not represent the entire US population as a whole. Unfortunately, those results influenced who stayed in the race.
Instead of talking about the many similarities between the Progressives and Liberals, quite often meeting in the middle, the Democratic party is presented as being deeply and permanently divided. This does not help voters chose the best candidate.
Students today know how technology can change images and the view of history to make it more powerful. Revisionism is rampant. What they see on television becomes the standard. Students don’t learn civics. “How can a teacher challenge all the vibrantly simulated reality with boring old documents written in English that tries the patience of Twitter educated reader.”
Bordo also discusses the ability of the Trump administration, with the support of the GOP Senate, to use Congress and the courts to undo years of progress in the US.
These issues that Bordo raises are our challenges for the future but they are necessary to understand thoroughly in order to regain our country’s soul and spirit and move forward.
Being a collection of previously published essays, each chapter in IMAGINE BERNIE SANDERS AS A WOMAN is complete without having to read the entire book. Because of that, one problem with reading the whole book is that there is some repetition. However, skipping parts will diminish some of the context and force.
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Judiex | May 24, 2020 |
If you're already familiar with the Clinton backstory--if you know about her activism and efforts on social justice issues and her accomplishments--you'll like and be persuaded by Bordo's book.

If all you know about Clinton is the media narrative as published relentlessly every time she entered an electoral race, you won't.

Bordo doesn't include enough about the backstory to persuade people who don't already know it. It's a shame, because that backstory is worth telling, and would have made for a much better book.… (mehr)
andrea_mcd | Mar 10, 2020 |
It's an unusual history book that tries to point out how little is actually known about its subject. This was a good reminder that as much as we may think we "know" about Anne Boleyn, almost nothing comes from original sources and most comes from the writings of people who were highly partisan. Anne the historical person is unknowable from this point in history, but Anne the archetype changes with the times and is used in different ways. I did find the book a bit repetitive, and the author's opinion of who Anne was comes through too strongly in points given that she's already made the argument that there's not much we can know for sure, but I still found this a very interesting read.… (mehr)
1 abstimmen
duchessjlh | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 3, 2017 |


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