
E.E. BortonRezensionen

Autor von Without

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Kate and her young son Caleb are attacked in their home. Against all odds Kate survives the attack but after months of revalidation she's not the same person any more. Driven only by her will to hunt the men down who did this to her family, she embarks (together with quite a large number of people) on a search to bring them to justice.

I read this book in a single train trip, so it definitely was a fast read. The premise is quite interesting, but I didn't like the execution (of this premise, not the actual execution) as much as I did in other books I read with similar themes like for example The Beast by Roslund & Hellström.

It's quite graphic when describing the murder of a child, this might put readers off, so just a quick warning. My biggest problem however was everyone's willingness to help Kate in her plan. I understand why Kate would be hellbound on getting revenge and that the others want to help her cope with everything, but they don't even seem to worry about the legal/moral consequences of what they're planning. One of them even is with the FBI and should definitely know better. What I expected were people conflicted about helping, but everyone accepts it really fast.

A quick read, but not a very memorable one.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!
Floratina | 3 weitere Rezensionen | May 26, 2016 |
This is certainly not a work of any great literary prowess and I suspect it does not profess to be. Kate’s life is in chaos when she is brutally attacked in her home by a psychotic maniac and her son Caleb is horribly mutilated and murdered. As if this is not enough her husband Paul commits suicide as he cannot stand the pain or live without just your normal every day occurrence in downtown US :)

But our Kate is a real “gutsy” lady and not only does she survive but with her trusty friends and, newly inherited immense wealth, sets up home in sunny Florida. From there she spends the rest of the book plotting to seek out and find the individual who destroyed her life and family.

This is an ok read, fast and fun which unfortunately begins to get a little “wordy” and lose direction in the middle third. The violence when it happens is quite graphic and bloody and the reader soon realizes he is heading for a gore feast at the invitation of Kate in her beautiful Florida home. Will Kate survive? Will the murderer be caught? Will the reader manage to get to the end without boredom setting in?...and most importantly will the sun keep shining in Florida? And what’s on telly tonight?

If you have a few hours to pass and require a little mindless entertainment then Suffer may just be the book for you. As the title suggests I began to feel the effects of suffering the longer I read and was very pleased when Kate reached the end of her mission........
runner56 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 27, 2016 |
Where have I been? I mean Mr. Borton is my type of author. I could not stop reading this book. The story was not so much about the gruesome acts of the murders; although the ordeal that Kate survived is horrible. So if you are weak in the stomach than this book may not be for you especially since it does talk about a child being murdered as well. Also there is some foul language used.

Another reader commented on how cold and distant the character felt. This is part of why I liked this book. Kate did feel cold but it is understandable after what she experienced. I thought this quality made her stronger. I was cheering for her the whole time. The way she and the rest of the character drew out the killer was great. Justice was served. This book ended on a high note. It indicates that I might see Kate again in the future. I really hope so. There was no suffering reading this book.
Cherylk | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 11, 2015 |
Hell hath no furry.. . .

This book starts out and ends like a major fireball, with plenty of explosions in the middle! I could not put this book down! Imagine the worse crime that could befall your family, and then double it. Now, imagine you have the rage, the means and the manpower to make the barbarians who caused you this pain to receive the justice they so richly deserve. Not being the selfish type, you also offer the other victims of this barbarian the same opportunity. Bam! This is the story line of this book. Horrible things happen, people don’t trust the system to make things right, so they decide to become the judge, jury and executioner themselves. I could tell you about the heavenly surroundings, strong characters, detail the horrible crimes, give you hints about the secret love story, but that would not cut it. There is nothing simple in this book, and I could not put it down. This is the first book I have read by E.E. Borton, but it will not be the last.
CarolTilson | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 2, 2014 |
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