
F. T. Bradley

Autor von Double Vision

5 Werke 110 Mitglieder 5 Rezensionen


Werke von F. T. Bradley

Double Vision (2012) 62 Exemplare, 3 Rezensionen
Double Vision: Code Name 711 (2013) 33 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Double Vision: The Alias Men (2014) 12 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Double Vision: The Alias Men (2015) 2 Exemplare



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I bought Double Vision for my 11-year-old granddaughter, so I did not actually read this middle grade novel. However, my granddaughter could not put it down from the moment she started reading the story. She is a picky reader, and will not stick with a story she does not enjoy. She read Double Vision in one sitting. I hope the author has more books coming out soon.
Catherine_Dilts | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 25, 2022 |
Linc Baker thought his days with the top secret agency, Pandora, were over. Then he gets a call that he's needed immediately for a case in LA, because Benjamin Green (junior detective agent) is out of town. Luckily, Linc’s headed there with his parents for their annual family reunion. His mission is to find a “Dangerous Double”, a bowler hat which belonged to Charlie Chaplin, a famous movie star from the 1920s. The hat has powers that will allow the criminal, Ethan Melais, to complete his sinister plan. Linc has a clue where the hat is, and his plan is to nab it while on a tour of a Hollywood studio. Things become more complicated when he can't get the Dangerous Double and a famous director decides he must have Linc in his movie. This could be his chance to get closer to the Dangerous Double and figure out who the elusive Ethan Melais is, but it definitely is not making things easier with the Baker Family Reunion. Add his nemesis, Benjamin Green, on to the scene and things become a whole lot more stressful. Linc wonders if he'll ever get the recognition he deserves and worries that now that the “real junior detective” is back in town he’ll be pushed aside. Will the dangerous double be found? Will Ben and Linc ever bury the hatchet between them? Who is Ethan Melais, and will he ever be found? Read this page turning action-packed book to find out!

I was so excited to read the third book in the Double Vision series: The Alias Men by F.T. Bradley. Having enjoyed Linc’s other adventures, I knew this would be no different. It was great getting back into the detective business and finding out a little bit more about “old” Hollywood. I've always thought Linc was a cool guy, and I appreciate his fly by the seat of your pants type of detective work. But I also like Benjamin Green’s systematic method of keeping track of a suspect. Their rivalry seems very believable and they each add to the story. I also thought it was fun to get to know Linc’s grandfather better, and the young starlet from the movie set, Savannah, kept Linc on his toes. I recommend this book to kids in grades four and up who like adventure, spy themes, suspense, and a little bit of danger in the books they read. I've enjoyed every book I've read by F.T. Bradley and look forward to reading her next book. I think this might be the last book in the series, but I hope I'm wrong. I would love to read more about Linc!
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Robinsonstef | Jul 10, 2019 |
Lincoln Baker is back to being a regular kid when he gets the call from Pandora that his assistance is needed again. Looking like a junior detective can come in handy when people want to keep a secret. Unfortunately, Linc looks like his nemesis, Benjamin Green, and both recently finished working on an undercover mission in Paris. It seems they are both needed again because there has been a threat on the President of United States and her family. Someone named Dagger has sent a message that they will bomb the White House during an upcoming special event. What makes the situation even worse is that they may be wearing a special coat once worn by George Washington, and the coat is believed to have protective powers. Linc and Ben need to help find this allusive coat before the villain, but time is ticking. When the President's daughter, Amy, decides to follow along with Linc is he putting her life in danger? Do Ben and Linc have what it takes to solve the case? Will their competitiveness work against them? How will they piece together the clues, and who can they trust in a city filled with so many people? This action-packed adventure will have your heart racing!

Although I did not read the first book in the Double Vision series I had no problem following along with Double Vision: Code Name 711 by F.T. Bradley. Linc was a character I could relate to right away. He was humorous and smarter than he knew. It was fun going along on a secret case and thinking about what I would do in each situation. Sometimes I agreed with Linc, and sometimes I didn't. This book is filled with spies, moles, villains, and heroes. There are also some pretty cool gadgets, thanks to a character named Henry. I would love to try some of them out! This book made me think about how hard it would be to be a child in the White House and all the restrictions you would have on you. It was clear that Amy really needed some attention from her mom, and she wanted friends and excitement. I would recommend this book to anyone in third grade and up who likes suspense, adventure, and secret codes. I look forward to the next Double Vision book and finding out if Lincoln and Ben ever become friends.
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Robinsonstef | Jul 10, 2019 |
Remember that two stars means "it was okay," not that I didn't like it. This is an adventure book, with lots of running around and implausible plot twists. Lots of fun, though, and pretty funny. I would have said "very funny" when I was only a few chapters in, but it's one of those books that's trying so hard to be funny, the humor gets a little old, you know? I did read the sequel, which was pretty similar quality. It's the kind of series I would recommend to my twelve year old brother, who loves Rick Riordan's sense of humor (which this book tries but falls a little short of having) but not all the magic.… (mehr)
Jaina_Rose | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 1, 2016 |




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