
Vonette BrightRezensionen

Autor von The Sister Circle

29+ Werke 891 Mitglieder 6 Rezensionen


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WBCLIB | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 19, 2023 |
WBCLIB | Feb 19, 2023 |
WBCLIB | Feb 19, 2023 |
It's hard to have confidence in someone that you don't know. That's why women who desire to live a confident, Christian life must draw near to the God they believe in. In A Woman's Walk in Truth: Devotions for Living a Confident Faith, Vonette Bright offers short, uplifting devotional readings for any woman who desires to grow in her faith. Stories, Scriptures, and commentaries provide insights for experiencing God's truths and a deeper relationship with Him.

I think A Woman's Walk in Truth: Devotions for Living a Confident Faith by Vonette Bright is the perfect little gift book for sisters, mothers, friends, etc. The front cover is attractive and the book addresses such a wide range of topics that anyone can benefit from using it. Personally, I prefer to read longer devotions each day, but these short ones are certainly handy on extra busy days. Each devotional reading is Biblically-based and supplemented by Scripture verses and “This I Believe” affirmative statements.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
BeautyintheBinding | Sep 7, 2011 |
A friend of mine gave me this series, and I kept it for a while before finally deciding to read it. Based on the cover's brief description, I didn't expect to like it very much. Needless to say (from my 5-star rating), I was mistaken. This book was wonderful. I'm so glad I read it, and am now looking forward to reading the rest.

Evelyn's husband has passed away, leaving her only $10,000 in life insurance, barely enough to cover the funeral. She's afraid of losing everything when she gets an idea: why not take in boarders? She lives in a beautiful home with 3 empty bedrooms, so she decides this is the answer to her problem. Almost immediately, the house is full as we are introduced to a lively group of women: Mae, an aging hippie; Tessa, a judgmental know-it-all; and Audra, a young unwed mother with a 5 year old daughter, Summer.

This book was a joy to read. At first, I read to find out how all the women would get along together. They are all from very different backgrounds, and things are not always smooth between them. There are major arguments and many hurt feelings along the way. I was interested in the group dynamics and in Evelyn's newfound role as head of the house. Somewhere along the way, I became more interested in each woman as an individual as well. They each go through many changes that keep the plot interesting.

The authors have created living, breathing characters that are so easy to relate to. Evelyn learns to live on her own for the first time, Mae finds the close family she's never had, Tessa embarks on a journey that creates a profound difference in her attitude, and Audra gains a possible romance and learns to be a better mother. All these changes are possible because of Peerbaugh Place, and the support from a circle of sisters.
halo776 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 8, 2011 |
A wonderful warm read about friendship. Altho' it falls under the Christian Fiction genre, it is not at all "preachy", with life's lessons subtley incorporated into the story.
Some parts of the story are preditcable, but that doesn't seem to affect the book in anyway. Loved it!!!
van-vinos | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 26, 2008 |
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