
Nikki Broadwell

Autor von The Moonstone

18 Werke 43 Mitglieder 4 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern

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Beinhaltet den Namen: ms nikki broadwell

Bildnachweis: Nikki Broadwell.


Werke von Nikki Broadwell



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Broadwell, Nikki
Nikki Broadwell
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I was raised by fairies in a sylvan glade under a massive oak tree. My early life was spent wandering fields and woods searching for acorns and berries and staring at the cloud shadows racing across the landscape while listening to the whispers on the wind. 

Magic and the mystical are alive and well in all my books. Celtic and Norse fantasy, time travel, murder mixed up with ghosts, humor and steamy romance, and a shapeshifting coyote, inhabit my 19 novels. If confused about where to begin--start with Moonstone, book 1 of Wolfmoon. 

My books are not what you would call literature, and yet they are not mere entertainment either. They are unique--humorous at times, sad at times, and page-turners that take the reader into a world separate from this one. I do not write to market, I write from my heart. 

I couldn't stop writing if I tried--it is the heart and soul of me now. I am still astounded by how my characters lead me on, taking me down meandering paths where I hadn't planned to go. The muse sits on my shoulder most days, and when she's absent I flounder and realize I need a break. I love all things magic, including the Tarot, the runes, divination of all kinds, ghosts, clairvoyance, astral travel--you name it. Magic is all around us if only we open our eyes to it. 

I lived in the Pacific Northwest for sixteen years before moving to the desert southwest with my husband, a cat and a dog. The move was hard because I left family behind, but Arizona is a wonderful place to be and the weather, at least in the winter, is delightful! 

In my spare time I do yoga, hike, garden, and enjoy the bird and animal life that abound in the desert. Check my blog http://jalapenosandjavelina.blogspot.... tales of close encounters with rattlesnakes, coyotes and javelina! And if you want more writing related info, go to



This cosy mystery had some continuity problems and they were not all a deliberate result of the supernatural. My copy of the book also had a few typos. These drawbacks were not too intrusive for a quick easy otherworldly read.
BridgitDavis | Feb 21, 2020 |


(2nd Review for July)

I was given this book for free by the author for my honest opinion:

This is the third book in the Wolf Moon Trilogy. I haven't read book one (The Moonstone) or book two (Saille The Willow) but could easily pick up on book three with no problems.

I loved the detailed description of Scotland from the smell in the air, to the small white cottages, to the simplicity of their ways. Maeve being from a large city seemed to fall in love with their enchanting ways. it took a while for a detailed description of Maeve's physical appearance to come through, but when it did she fitted the picture perfectly with her red curly hair and green eyes. Throughout the story we watch Maeve grow into an extraordinary woman with so much ability.

The outerworld was fascinating, now plunged into darkness by Brandubh the evil priest, Maeve is the only one who can save it as the prophecy was told a long time ago, the outworld is fuelled with magic, creatures and animals with abilities to communicate, trees that have souls and plants that can heal.

Harold who is Maeve's boyfriend play's a huge role in the outerworld, surprising them both the second chance he is given causes a new love to bloom between them that is beautiful to watch.

Over all a very well written story that was very enjoyable. I loved the Gaeltacht in the story as it's my countries language. Nikki Broadwell made it sound magical. :)

So go raibh míle maith agat for such a magical story.
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Aoifesheri | Aug 25, 2013 |
Suburb storytelling and a must read series if you love animals and want to protect their environment. This tantalizing paranormal romance will take you across the fine line between humans and animals in a mystical realm that honors Native Americans and exposes the dark side of human nature.

Coyote Sunrise is book two (Just Another Desert Sunset-Book One) in the series where the reader is drawn into the life of Sara and Istaga and their two-year-old baby (Kaliska) who shift from the human world into the treacherous world of coyotes. Although a series, each book stands alone as Author Nikki Broadwell masterfully writes a complete saga from beginning to end with expert knowledge of the Tucson Arizona Desert, Coyotes, American Indian Traditions and the mission of the Predator Masters Hunting Group who hunt to kill predators, especially Coyotes with the blessing of the United States Government.

Descriptive writing brings the reader not only into the story but into the desert environment with the glory of sunrises and sunsets, the birds of the air and the creatures of the land with raw dangers that are inherit in the life cycle of coyotes. Istaga along with his wife Sara is determined to “keep these hunters from laying waste to all predators”. I am careful not to spoil the story for the reader, but I always quote a passage so you can experience the authors writing style.

“Once she was away from town she shifted, knowing it would take less time on four legs. The moon was up, spreading silver light across the pale desert landscape and seeming to light her way. Her belly was empty and she was anxious to see her pup and her mate, but other than that her mind was on the pungent scents riding the cool night air and the other animals roaming and trying to stay out of sight. In the distance she heard sirens, a sound that never failed to make her heart beat faster.

Her anxiety began to taper once she reached the river and swam across. There was no light from the fire when she worked her way up the steep cliff face toward their cave. Her coyote mind pictured raw meat instead of cooked, her mouth filling with saliva. But as she approached the cave she stopped to listen. There were no sounds coming from within. Before she processed the thought she was standing on two legs, alarm filling her body with adrenaline. Ducking her head under the overhanging lip of the cave she entered dark space. There was no one there.”

So check your DNA and keep turning the pages as the dialog and storyline is keenly in Nikki’s realm of imagination and sphere of time. I encourage to read Coyote Sunrise as I now wait for the next story in this series to take shape in Nikki’s mind.

Cold Coffee Press/Café endorses Coyote Sunrise: A Shapeshifting Story by Nikki Broadwell as a tale of courage and survival. Coyote Sunrise is Nikki’s eleventh novel and follows Just Another Desert Sunset that shares a place and time where Nikki and her husband call home. I reviewed this book from a Kindle/PDF format. This review was completed on January 6, 2016. For more information please visit Cold Coffee Press and Cold Coffee Cafe. and

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coldcoffeepress | Jan 8, 2016 |
“There was once a coyote who wanted to become a man, but before he could be granted his wish the shaman asked him for three things.”

Just Another Desert Sunset is a provocative paranormal romance that begs the reader to recognize the fine line between humans and animals in a mystical realm that honors Native Americans traditions and beliefs.
This face paced well written story takes place in Arizona where Author Nikki Broadwell uses the beauty of both sky and land with desert creatures that crawl, area birds fly and furry animals that hunt. Nikki weaves spell binding rituals with humans that are going about their lives unaware of the clash of cultures that exists as a fine line ready to tear the very fabric of time and space.

Well-developed characters live in a modern world that collide with a spiritual world were a coyote leaves his familiar pack in search of a way to become a human man. His deepest desire is to see, hear, feel and make love to Sarah who overwhelms his senses with her fragrances and beauty which brings confusion and longing in his spirit. Shape-shifting is not new to literature, but it is new to coyote when his warm, four footed fury body shifts into a Native American man named Istaga with yellow eyes, long braids and smooth, hairless skin.

I quote a passage where romance bridges instinct. “Coyote woke with a start, staring down at the woman curled up next to him. She looked serene and peaceful, a slight smile curling up the corners of her mouth. He wanted to stay as he was, wanted her to know him as animal as well as man, but it was too soon—too early for her to find out the truth. If she woke now he couldn’t imagine how she would react seeing a wild beast lying next to her. He thought of the night before and how he had longed to turn into his coyote form but had managed to control the urge. How he wished his visions would come to pass—that they could change together from human to animal while they mated. When he moved away she moaned in her sleep, reaching for him, but he was already loping into the underbrush, searching for their breakfast.

When Sara woke, Istaga was gone, nothing left to indicate he’d ever been there. She had a moment of panic, wondering if she’d dreamed the entire scenario, but then she felt the sand in her hair, the sore muscles in her shoulders and hips and smiled to herself. There had been no exchange of the usual endearments between them but somehow the episode felt profound and deeper than any sex she’d ever experienced. Except for the first time with Istaga, she thought to herself, chuckling. Hopefully he had only gone to relieve himself and would be back soon. The thought of him disappearing from her life again was too painful to bear.”

Cold Coffee Press endorses Just Another Desert Sunset by Nikki Broadwell as a delightful paranormal romance that intertwines human and animal nature in its purest form. Nikki currently has 10 books within 4 series, two Kindle Gift sets and a new book coming out early in 2016. We reviewed this book in a Kindle/PDF format. This review was completed on November 23, 2015.
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coldcoffeepress | Nov 27, 2015 |



½ 4.5