15 Werke 322 Mitglieder 6 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Tom Buk-Swienty is a former Fellow at the Cullman Center of the New York Public Library, he now teaches at the University of Southern Denmark.
Bildnachweis: Buk-Swienty in 2016 By Mogens Engelund - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,


Werke von Tom Buk-Swienty





This fell short of my expectations. The presentation is chronological, events are shown from many perspectives which makes it disjointed, like a kaleidoscope moving from one image to the next. More background about the political situation would have been helpful. The focus is on the Prussian-Danish antagonism, the Austrians are barely mentioned, and the views and hopes of Schleswig-Holsteiners play no part in this. Another deficit is the translation which looks like a rush job. And whose decision was it to cite Christopher Clark's history of Prussia in the German version, when all others by English-speaking authors are cited in English? Not to mention that his name is mis-spelled?… (mehr)
MissWatson | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 6, 2023 |
Velfortalt og meget interessant biografi en en ung tyskers opvækst og udvikling i det nazistiske Tyskland. Gennem uddannelse, krig, kærlighed og dagligdag får man et godt indblik i det nazistiske Tyskland.
msc | Dec 16, 2017 |
I was really afraid that this book would be superficial and would only tell me about battles. Fortunately, the book provides more than that. It provides some background as well as good discussion on foreign policy, domestic politics as well as international reaction to the war. Moreover, The writing style of the author is not dry but engaging. However, while i do appreciate that the author is trying to make the war look more real by providing accounts of the ordinary men and women who were affected by it, I felt that the book spends too much time on that. Not that I consider it a major flaw as i know some readers would prefer to look at war through the stories of ordinary soldiers, my own preference would have been to look at it through the eyes of political leaders involved as well as through ambassadors and political leaders of neutral nation. I wish that the author devoted more time seeing the war through Kaiser Wilhelm or through Franz Josef's perspective or even through the perspective of neutral Lord Palmerston, Alexander II, Napoleon III and Abraham Lincoln. Nevertheless, i would still highly recommend this book!… (mehr)
zen_923 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 31, 2017 |
Indeholder "Ordforklaringer", "Persongalleri", "Indledning. Tjørnehækken 1", "Del 1: Syv dage til dommedag", " 1. Onsdag den 22. juni - syv dage tilbage", " 2. Torsdag den 23. juni - seks dage tilbage", " 3. Fredag den 24. juni - fem dage tilbage", " 4. Lørdag den 25. juni - fire dage tilbage", " 5. Søndag den 26. juni - tre dage tilbage", " 6. Mandag den 27. juni - to dage tilbage", " 7. Tirsdag den 28. juni - dagen før", " 8. Onsdag den 29. juni - 'Angstens øjeblik'", "Del 2: Efter Dybbøl", " 9. Opbrud", " 10. Fredericia", " 11. Farvel til våbnene", " 12. Hovedstaden", " 13. Rømning", "Del 3: London", " 14. Delikate balancer", " 15. Tre danskere i London", " 16. Instrukser", " 17. Den skjulte dagsorden", " 18. Første runde", " 19. Ad Helgoland til", " 20. Skaktræk", " 21. Et generøst tilbud", " 22. Indre splid", " 23. Stivnede fronter", " 24. 'Vor stilling er slet'", " 25. Sammenbrud", "Del 4: Slaget", " 26. Overrumpling", " 27. 'Det mørke uhyre'", " 28. Kampen om Kær", " 29. Evakuering", " 30. Tab, smerte og små mirakler", "del 5: undergang", " 31. Panik", " 32. Massakren", " 33. 'Stakkels kong Christian'", " 34. Magtskiftet", " 35. Oberstens fred", " 36. Tæppefald", "Epilog", "Kronologi", "Tak", "En note om citatskik", "Kildemateriale og arkiver", "Anvendte arkiver", "Kilder kapitel for kapitel", "Litteratur", "Illustrationsliste", "Register".

… (mehr)
bnielsen | Dec 1, 2016 |


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