
Cindy Cipriano

Autor von The Circle: Book One of The Sidhe

9 Werke 78 Mitglieder 4 Rezensionen


Werke von Cindy Cipriano

Fading (2018) 22 Exemplare
The Circle (The Sidhe Book 1) (2019) 7 Exemplare
The Lost (2017) 3 Exemplare
Searching (The Fading Series) (2019) 3 Exemplare
Pretending (The Fading Series) (2020) 2 Exemplare



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This book reminds me of a cozy mystery, but for younger readers. But this one has a twist. Time travel. I saw that mentioned in the blurb and instantly grabbed a copy. The two main characters, Grace and Jack, are right for each other. Nerds through and through. And there's nothing wrong with being a nerd. I'm a bit of one myself, so I guess that's why I related to them, regardless of the age difference.

I'm not much good at science, and to be frank, I have no idea if the science side of the mystery is based on anything remotely close to possible. But, I believed what I was told in the story. Not that I believe in time travel, but I don't disbelieve it either. :D

What I'm trying to say is that the author wrote the science part of the story in a way that sounded legit. Be honest, if you were a teenager in the 1970s and they (whoever "they" are) told you that you would be sending a little through thin air rather than by post, would you have believed them? No way. Your looney alert would be going off, big time. But here we are in 2019, and that is precisely what we do. I don't know anyone who posts a letter these days, we all sent a text message or an email. So in another 40 years, maybe we will travel back and forward in time. Who knows!

I enjoyed The Case of the Toxic River. I enjoyed the blossoming relationship between the two main characters. And I think that if you read this book with an open mind, you will too. Recommended.
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KarenLeeField | Aug 22, 2020 |
This romance, with a supernatural twist, drew me in from the start. Author Cindy Cipriano has a light touch and an easy writing style. The main character, Leath, is torn between two love interests. First there is best friend Victor, who has been Leath's best friend forever, but wants more. Then there is James, the new kid, in town, who also seems the perfect match for her. He says all the right things and makes all the right moves, but Leath, and the people around her, have doubts about his motives. Despite the warnings, she spends more and more time with him, and her doubts are soon erased by his charming, if somewhat possessive manner. I'm not much of a fan of love triangles, but the author expertly keeps us guessing as to who will be the one for Leath and I enjoyed the twist at the end. Victor and James each have their attractive qualities and if I had to choose between the two of them, I think I'd end up choosing both!… (mehr)
Elizabeth_Foster | Dec 24, 2019 |
Originally Reviewed At: Mother/Gamer/Writer
Rating: 5 Controllers
Review Source: NetGalley
Reviewer: Ariel

First of all, this was a great debut novel for Cindy Cipriano. The first few pages were a little slow, but by the end of the first chapter I was hooked. Cipriano introduces an amazing world of magic with the Sidhe and she keeps readers guessing as Calum tries to find out what happened to his cousin Finley.

One of the things that really intrigued me about the novel was the fact that it’s full of Irish phrases, which can be a little tricky at first but there is a pronunciation guide on the book’s website, I always get fascinated whenever something European is involved, so this was a huge plus for me.

Something else that I found really interesting about the novel was the fact that there were different clans of Sidhe and each clan has their own token and their own verse, and I don’t think we’ve been introduced to all of the clans yet, so I am looking forward to the possibility of that in future books in the series.

The characters are fantastic, Calum is your typical 11 year old boy (aside from being a Sidhe of course) and he’s an extremely easy character to relate to. Apart from anything magical going on in the novel, Calum is, like a lot of children, nervous about middle school. He meets Laurel, a human girl, and is reluctant to be friends with her because she is a girl. His best friend is hanging out with other kids, bullies, and the two are drifting apart. It is an extremely real telling of this particular time in a kid’s life, Sidhe or otherwise.

That being said, the interactions between Calum and Laurel are really enjoyable, the awkward just getting to know someone new right before starting a new school situation is done really well. Hagen, Calum’s cousin, is a great character as well. He and Calum act more like brothers than they do cousins, and Hagen is just as dedicated to finding Finley as Calum is. There are family trees in the back of the book, which come in handy and I wish I would have checked the back of the book before I read the whole book because it can be a little difficult at times to keep track of who is related to who and how they are related.

There are still some things that seem a little mysterious that I am looking forward potentially being explained in the rest of the series. Something still seems a little suspicious with Laurel to me (you’ll understand once you read the book) and of course, the book ends on a cliff hanger leaving lots of room for the next novel.

I’m giving The Circle 5/5 game controllers. It was a great read, something that I thoroughly enjoyed, and definitely would have enjoyed when I was younger. Fantastic debut novel, and I can’t wait to read more.
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momgamerwriter | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 17, 2013 |
A young boy discovers a new friend during the summer before sixth grade and a key to a family mystery. Could the girl be tied to his missing cousin? Why does she know things about his people that no human should? There are too many questions for one boy to answer alone.

This was a very enjoyable read. The story moved along at a relatively fast pace with a plot that had many layers. You start out thinking that the story is about a boy in school, then his missing cousin, then the strange stone, then ... so many other incidents that don't add up until you get to the end.

The characters are well-done. They are complex as they deal with their own feelings, peer pressure, and family expectations. These are sixth graders mostly, and they have complicated lives just like adults. The author goes into all that. Sadly, I had too many memories of my sixth grade pop back up as she described their lives in school and the interactions with their classmates.

This is a paranormal story as the boy and his family are fairies and have magical abilities. They live in the human world but can travel to their own world whenever they like. The problem is that not all fairies get along.

I read this book in one sitting. Usually for this age group I don't get that involved, but this one had me wondering about the new girl, the stone, the many weird events. They kept coming at me at a steady and interesting pace. I just had to get to the end where I was very upset. I immediately wanted the next book. (This is payback for my own endings, I think.) All I can do is beg the author to get it released. I want to put it on my to-read list. :)

Note: This book was provided to be as part of a virtual book tour with no expectations of a positive review.
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RebeccaGraf | 1 weitere Rezension | May 16, 2013 |


½ 4.6

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