
Kathy Cooperman

Autor von Crimes Against a Book Club

2 Werke 228 Mitglieder 15 Rezensionen

Werke von Kathy Cooperman

Crimes Against a Book Club (2017) 214 Exemplare



Del Mar, California, USA



The beginning of the book is sort of the end but I think it's pretty obvious what happened...or maybe not?

Sarah is a high powered lawyer and Annie is her best friend from college, a former scientist, now raising three kids. They decide after seeing a $2,000 face cream in a store that they can do it themselves after both needing money for personal reasons – Sarah for more IVF treatments and Annie for her son for his special needs. Annie thinks she can do it, combined with other face creams and maybe a special ingredient and sell it to her book club full of hoity toity women and referrals from them in La Jolla, CA, passing it off as a face cream from a French scientist, with Sarah with her good looks who doesn't look 40 something doing the sales pitch.

This book kept me wanting to turn the pages seeing what would happen next with these women and how it affected them. It didn't just focus on the face cream, but the lives of the women in the book club and of course Sarah and Annie's lives, including Annie's mother, who is hilarious.

If I didn't find this in my Little Free Library, who knows if I would have discovered this book.
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sweetbabyjane58 | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 16, 2023 |
Hilarious and a little bit absurd, I really loved this one!

The plot is so very strange but so very novel and engaging. I absolutely adored the way that it unraveled and how all of the elements introduced in the beginning came together quickly. The plot alone could have carried me easily through this book as I was immensely curious to see what would happen.

But the characters added another whole layer to it. They were all strangely lovable, even the ones that I simultaneously disliked. The manner in which everything came together was quite clever. At times, it reminded me of high school drama books but for adults and it definitely had the cliquey prestige that we all love to hate.

The morals of this book were questioning and questionable and immensely fascinating to me. I was highly entertained by the conflict between Annie and Sarah and how their friendship evolved and changed, as well as by the family dynamic that surprised me near the end.

For a light drama and a fun women's fiction read, I recommend this.

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
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whakaora | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 5, 2023 |
I totally went against ALL of my TBR for the month of January and I am SO happy that I did! Ha! I have had A WONDERFUL reading month! It has been a great start to 2019!

This is a book that I don’t quite remember how it got on my Kindle but I am SO happy that it did! This has to be one of the funniest and easiest reads I have had in a long while. I would put the genre as Chick-Lit and I am living for it!

This is the debut novel for Kathy Cooperman and I can’t wait to read more of what she has to come out. She might be an insta-buy from now on!

This book is all about best friend Annie and Sarah. They are living life like they always have. Sarah is a high powered lawyer while Annie is a stay-at-home mom with a PHD in Chemistry. Sarah is trying for kids but it seems that she put her career ahead of her life wants for too long and is going through the arduous process of EXPENSIVE IVF while still working 80 hour weeks. Annie has given her career a brief pause so that she can raise her three kids. She finds out from her middle child’s teacher that he has autism and need expensive therapy that they just can’t afford.
These two women are desperate to make quick cash to help afford the things that they need in order to start a family and to keep a family. With Sarah’s drop dead looks and Annie’s brains and knowledge of chemistry they decide to sell a “luxury” face cream to the wealthy and aging beauties in Annie’s bookclub. This seems like a win-win in Sarah and Annie’s books until Annie tries to mess with the innocent formula and adds a not-so-legal ingredient to the cream to give it a little oompf.
This book had me laughing, tearing up, and loving my best friend even more. I know that we would do anything for each other. This is a must read!
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Courtagonist | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 15, 2022 |
I got this as the Kindle Single this month from Amazon. I have to say, I am shocked at how much I enjoyed this book. Maybe because the book at the top of each chapter goes into a book club read and gives you someone's perspective on it. Or I just loved the fact that some of the lines in this book were so freaking hilarious that I laughed out loud. I was actually sad to see the book end. I do have to say the ending was a bit out there, and not believable in the least bit, but I liked it. I think that some things could be tightened up a bit though (sense of time and it would have been nice to get a better sense of some of the male characters in this one).

The book starts off with two best friends (Annie and Sarah) both coming to a financial hurdle in their lives. Anne is a stay at home mom to three kids. When her son Oscar is diagnosed with autism and she is told how much it's going to cost her family to deal with one year of treatment for Oscar ($80,000) she is justifiably worried that there is no way for her family to deal with this cost on top of their mortgage and other bills.

Sarah is dealing with IVF treatments. She and her husband Michael are trying to have kids. However, due to Sarah's high pressured job (she's a lawyer trying to make partner) there's a worry she's too stressed out to get pregnant. When she finally quits her job (in a hilarious freaking scene) she realizes that she doesn't have the cash to keep paying for the treatments.

Enter the plan. Annie has gone to a book club and realized that these 1 percenters would pay thousands ($2,000) for a facial cream that makes women look younger. Due to Annie being a chemist, she puts together several different types of facial creams and mixes in a secret ingredient (no spoilers) and then uses the fact that Sarah looks a decade younger than her age to push the facial cream first to their book club friends and others.

Can I say though that out of the gate I had real sympathy for some of the book club crew. We delve into each women a little bit here and there along with Annie and Sarah. You get to see in some cases grossly unhappy women who are doing what they can to keep their husbands interested. In other women's cases, they are doing what they can to start all over again after being traded in for a younger model.

I did enjoy Sarah more than Annie. I felt out of like with Annie once we find out about her secret ingredient. Her reasoning behind it was total crap. And I hated that Annie sat around being judgmental about the other women and even Sarah to a certain degree. The two friends do have a falling out, but I was glad that Sarah let Annie have it. She needed it.

I honestly thought that the book worked very well together. I do have to say that the flow was a bit off here and there though. And as I said the ending was not believable at all, but I enjoyed it. I do think that the timeline situation should have been tightened up though. At one point I was reading and someone goes that so and so was 7 months pregnant and I went, wait a minute, they met when she announced she was pregnant, does that mean it's been like 4 months? I just needed the timeline spelled out a bit better.
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ObsidianBlue | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 1, 2020 |


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