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With more and more presidential aspirants (and/or their running mates) being children of one or more non-citizens at the time of their birth, this book is still relevant despite the misleading title. The title is grossly misleading (intentionally or not, it's not clear to me), since the eligibility issue primarily concerns the Constitutional natural born citizenship requirement (ie, both parents being citizens), not mere birthright citizenship or native born citizenship. Corsi does address the natural born citizenship issue, even mentioning Vattel and natural law, but it's superficial and mixed in with a bunch of birth certificate and other stuff that give so much padding it's hard to know if he's intentionally obuscating or not. Corsi does cover a lot, but not all, of related eligibility flashpoints during the Obama campaign for presidency, but quite often it seems as if he's making the case FOR Obama (while seeming to appear against Obama) by misdirection, misrepresentation, omission, quote-twisting, etc. For ex, he lifts snippets, not even full sentences, from the damning video of the now deceased Percy Sutton, which primarily is of concern due to campaign fundraising sources, but Corsi's omits the entire point of the video and actually misquotes Sutton(!), making it seem about something in the past (partially true) and not the fundraising then going on. In sum, the book is probably confusing for most readers, but still documents a strange time in US history, given Obama's the first (not counting accidental president Chester Arthur) to run for President knowing of natural born citizenship eligibility issues -- even if the general populace fell for the birth certificate and mere citizenship red herrings. With 3rd party possibilities, forthcoming running mate choices, and ineligibile people like Ramaswami, Haley, Cruz, Rubio, DeSantis, Sununu, etc., the protective natural born citizenship requirement will impact how people vote, but no one's talking about it yet, so at least this book, annoying though it is, offers some thoughts.
ptimes | Apr 13, 2024 |
A kindly king and an elderly dragon are good friends in this slim paperback picture-book from 1972, but run afoul of the local witch, who is very wicked indeed, and who hates for anyone to be happy. When the king and the witch meet in the forest one autumn day, she casts a spell on him, cursing him to experience bad things every day at four o'clock, unless he drives away the "wicked beast" haunting the forest. Although clearly intending to force the king to turn on his friend, the witch's vague condition instead sees her being driven off, when king and dragon put their heads together to find a solution...

One of many titles I discovered through my perennial hunt for witchy picture-books and beginning readers—such books being a pet project of mind—The King, the Dragon, and the Witch was completely unknown to me, when I picked it up, as were its author and illustrator. I thought the story idea had promise, but the text itself was a little bit too involved and clunky for the whole thing to work. There was a great deal of exposition, with the book alternating between two-page spreads that were entirely text, and those which were half text and half illustration, and the overall effect was somewhat ponderous. Apparently the author has written numerous political works for adults, with this being his only foray into children's books. While not that impressed by the writing here, I was intrigued by the illustrations of Sylvie Selig, a French artist whose work includes painting, drawing and sculpture. The visuals here have a somewhat naive style, and look like they could be done in collage. The colors are often vibrant, and attention is paid to the fabrics worn by various characters. Although I wouldn't say I loved the artwork, I did find it interesting, and enjoyed looking at it, which raised my rating from two to two and a half stars. I'm not sure I would strongly recommend this one, unless the reader is interested in the artist, or has a strong preference for fairy-tales involving dragons and witches.½
AbigailAdams26 | Aug 6, 2023 |
A comprehensive and largely up-to-date assessment and speculation about the causes motives and reasons behind the John Kennedy assassination in Dallas in 1963.

A very readable and easy to follow book for those with an interest but should be quite amenable to the general reader
aadyer | 1 weitere Rezension | May 24, 2022 |
Good background for the current events concerning the FISA court abuse, a Justice Department & FBI plan (the insurance policy) to go after Trump based on a fictitious dossier which claims Russian collusion with the Trump campaign to change the outcome of the 2016 elections.
RFBrost | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 8, 2020 |
Not a lot new here if you have been gathering facts and commentary from sites outside the mainstream media so determined to drive Trump from office as soon as possible. Good recap, though, and I recommend it for anyone wanting to make sure they get the "other side" of the whole Trump story, the one you have to search for.
SamSattler | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 1, 2018 |
The viewpoint is obviously biased, so it is hard to tell the complete legitimacy of the complaints. I would be far more interested in reading something provided by a third party in between the anti-Kerry vets and the Kerry side. Biased or not, though, it is obvious there are many people with very strong feelings against Kerry, and it doesn't seem as though those feelings are completely unfounded.
SMBrick | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 25, 2018 |
NAFTA, the North American Union, and the threat of a coming merger with Mexico and Canada
jhawn | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 31, 2017 |
I was not expecting too much from this book, as it is old news from the 2004 presidential election. Published as a means of showing the disregard of Kerry to slander veterans as a means to political office this book did not play a large role in his loss in the general election. In the media, the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth were dismissed as embittered drunks and baby killers.
At 200 pages it is very short and the main author is a Naval Academy Graduate and now attorney. John O’Neill took command after Kerry left his command of PCF 94. Kerry’s Vietnam Swift Boat combat tour of four months enabled him enough time to win 3 Purple hearts, a Bronze Star and a Silver Star. That’s good work. That’s almost unheard of to most Vietnam combat veterans.
Very well written and the authors do not delve into exaggerated speculations or personal vitriol. The book looks at Kerry’s own words an compares them to other published accounts by Kerry himself or authoritative records such as the FBI surveillance reports, books, or journalist’s news articles.
This book is still worth reading as it makes sense to see why Obama would pick Kerry for his Secretary of State. Kerry’s personal ideas fit perfectly with Obama’s view of American global involvement.
In any case, Kerry always seemed to have been a social climber and wanted to use his military service as a springboard to political office. This in itself is not unusual among some veterans and even praiseworthy most of the time. The Swift boaters had a major problem when Kerry accused all Vietnam veterans of war crimes and that he himself had been complicit while he was there (presumably at the same time as he was earning military medals).
The book refutes all of Kerry’s claims about his and the United States’ war crimes (crimes against humanity for which there are no statute of limitations).
Kerry was a Yale grad and attempted to avoid being drafted in 1966, so once his deferment to study in Paris was denied, he enlisted in the US Naval Reserves, status “inactive.” The Tet Offensive was in 1968 and marked the point at which doubts arose in the media’s coverage and in the minds of US politicians.
I learned much from this book and it was not a sleazy attempt to tar Kerry with blatant falsehoods. The media tried to ignore the claims by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth each of whom affixed their complete names to the appendix of the book.
sacredheart25 | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 14, 2017 |
OMG these people are crooks. The confirming detail in this book is overwhelming. There is more detail than one needs or wants. I suggest you read CLINTON CASH in addition to this book to get a complete picture of the vastness of their duplicity and self enrichment. They are so greedy and so clever. They play on liberals causes to enrich themselves and seldom offer any help to those liberal causes. They are scammers.
SigmundFraud | Oct 27, 2016 |
No Greater Valor: The Siege of Bastogne And the Miracle That Sealed Allied Victory by Jerome Corsi deals with the surprise attack by Nazi forces against the Americans in Belgium that hinged upon the capturing/holding the town of Bastogne. It is a very detailed account, almost too detailed for my taste, for instance, there are intricate accounts of the weapons used, what kinds they were, how many…etc. Which just didn't capture my interest, but it makes absolute sense to have that type of info in a book about war. And many probably prefer such attention to detail. There are many maps in the book as well, illustrating what was happening, and many photographs from that time too.

The thing I really didn’t like about this book was that, though trying to have a Christian aspect to it, it didn't really succeed in anything but showing that many of the allied forces were theists. One of the main persons focused upon is a Catholic Priest rather than a protestant pastor. I found the parts that dealt with him and his actions during the war, though obviously meant to be inspiring, were actually quite disheartening because the man was not teaching or promoting the Gospel of Christ but rather a works based salvation which will not save. Corsi also tries to demonstrate that Patton was a devout Christian, but I didn't get that impression from all of Corsi's arguments, rather it seemed that Patton viewed God as more of a tool to be utilized rather than a God to be worshiped because He is what life is all about. I just didn't get the idea that Patton was a very godly man. Also, as this book was published by Thomas Nelson and supposed to be from a more Christian perspective(and is in Christian bookstores), I was quite shocked that there is a quotation with Christ's name being taken in vain while swear words are cut out and replaced with: [expletive]. Why didn't they take out the vain reference to Christ's name and put: [blasphemy] instead? I mean, I find Christ's name being taken in vain more offensive than references to Hell, especially as it goes against the third commandment.

Anyway, the book seemed to be written with more of a theistic perspective than a Christian one. But again, if you like detailed books about war/battles, you'd probably like this one. There are a lot of references to other books about the siege of Bastogne and personal accounts of various people who were involved, so if you just want more of the history, overview/summary, this would probably be a good one to get. I just wasn't thrilled personally.

I received a free review copy of this book from the Booklook blogger program in exchange for my review which did not have to be favorable.
SnickerdoodleSarah | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 13, 2016 |
he new Israeli government headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly declared that a primary foreign policy objective is to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons capability.

Israel is a "one-bomb state," such that one atomic weapon, even a relatively low-yield bomb of the type the United States dropped on Hiroshima or Nagasaki in World War II, would destroy the modern Jewish state as we know it today.

The Obama administration has repeatedly declared the intention of following up on the campaign promise to negotiate directly with Iran. This represents a fundamental policy shift from the Bush administration's efforts to apply international sanctions through the United Nations in an effort to force Iran to quit enriching uranium.

Consistently, Iran has insisted upon the nation's right as a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty to pursue the "full fuel cycle," code words for Iran's determination to advance uranium enrichment technology in Iran under Iranian control.

In recent months, top Iranian government and military figures have issued warnings that the time is getting short, such that Iran might well have the capability to develop and deliver at least one nuclear weapon by the end of 2009 or the beginning of 2010.

At the same time, the international community has expressed doubt that the Iranian government will make any serious concessions on their atomic program.

In press conferences and speeches, President Obama has openly acknowledged the U.S. government now believes Iran is pursing a nuclear weapons program.

At the end of the Bush administration, the international press credibly reported that the Olmert government in Israel was denied fly-over rights in Iran in order to launch a military strike on Iran.

Known as the "Sampson Option," an Israeli first-strike on Iran's nuclear facilities becomes increasingly likely to the extent Israel feels isolated from the world community and concludes there is no chance the Obama administration will ever be able to induce Iran to stop enriching uranium, regardless how seriously the president intends to push direct negotiations as a strategy.

We have already seen two wars launched by Israel against terrorist surrogates financed and supported by Iran: the 2006 war against Hezbollah in Lebanon and the 2008 war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Now, a war between Israel and Iran is on the near horizon, possibly fated to occur before the end of 2009.
jose.pires | Jun 7, 2015 |
Title: No Greater Valor (The Siege of Bastogne & the Miracle that sealed the Ally Victory)
Author: Jerome R. Corsi
Pages: 384
Year: 2014
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Each book covering any historical event or person can never quite contain all the material available, the various views or the contested aspects of an event. I read a couple of different reviews of this book before writing my own as I was curious as to how others viewed the material and whether they agreed or not. Suffice it to say that books are sometimes downgraded in rating for what they don’t contain or for how they were written. Each review is an opinion and I understand that, but I would love to see people point out the positive aspects of rich, historical, nonfiction writing like No Greater Valor with the understanding it isn’t meant to be the final word on this particular historical event.
No Greater Valor should be a on the shelf of anyone who loves either history, military or WWII in particular. The way it is presented, I believe, is to show how much our forefathers who served during this time had a faith that gave them strength and courage when fighting, suffering through the elements or any number of other reasons. We owe a debt to those who served during this war as we do all our service men and women due to their willingness to lay down their lives for America.
Hitler and his regime were evil and cruel, and the fight of the allies was as much spiritual if not more so than physical. Corsi points out various leaders sharing what they brought to the war front along with the oral history that was written down for future generations. In our age of “instant”, we should be reminded of how life wasn’t as instant and people took time to share their stories orally so we could learn from them long after their passing.
What a trip through history the author took to highlight this particular battle in December 1944, along with the outcome. As most will never forget 9/11, neither should we forget those who have served and are serving, along with the stories that have yet to be told. I find it quite fascinating to hear a person’s point of view, who was there and lived to tell about the experiences. Whether you agree with the author or what he presents really isn’t the focal point. God is the focal point in this one of many battles that took place overseas. I hope you consider giving a copy to the history person in your family or friendship circle to enjoy, and a copy for your personal library at home to pass on to the next generation.
My rating is 5 stars.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255. “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Other reviews can be read at . Also follow me on Twitter @lcjohnson1988, FaceBook at
lamb521 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 22, 2014 |
Hunting Hitler
By Jerome Corsi
Publisher: Skyhorse Publishing
Published In: New York City, NY
Date: 2014
Pgs: 138


If Hitler had died on April 30, 1945, the facts surrounding his death should have been easy to prove...Doesn’t the explanation that the Soviets absconded back to Moscow with Hitler’s remains before the United States had a chance to demand proof that the Fuhrer was dead seem a little too convenient? Historically, it appears not only did Stalin and the Russians doubt Hitler was dead, but so did US General Dwight D. Eisenhower. And in 2009, DNA testing proved the skull the Russians had been claiming was Hitler’s since the end of the war was actually that of a forty year old woman. The truth is that when the Russians entered Hitler’s underground bunker in Berlin, Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun were gone. Their bodies were never found. Exactly what happened to them on April 30, 1945, has long remained a mystery...

nonfiction, conspiracy theory, hitler, ww2, world war 2, nazis, history

Why this book:
The claim of “new scientific evidence that Hitler escaped Nazi Germany” on the cover sucked me in.

This Story is About:
Shoddy investigative work more in service of propaganda than in search of the truth. That’s the story of both the Allied and Soviet investigations into what happened. There was a whole lot of bending the truth to the narrative instead of letting the truth drive the narrative. What was always a meager suspicion on my part is a strong feeling now.

Favorite Character:

Least Favorite Character:
Trevor-Roper who seemed more interested in writing a book and having it be dramatic than in doing his job and investigating like the intelligence officer that he was purported to be at the time.

Peron and Evita for their complicity in the escapes of many of the Nazis along with the Roman Catholic Cardinals of Argentina in that era..

Character I Most Identified With:

The Feel:
You get the feel early on that there was a lot of propaganda trying to tell a good story instead of a real search for the truth.

Berlin; Moscow; Washington DC; Argentina; Vatican City; Switzerland

This documentary is very well paced.

Plot Holes/Out of Character:

Last Page Sound:
The author threw away the good will he had built up with me in the close when his politics came to the fore whereas the majority of this book relied on speculation on a strong foundation of fact.

I buy it. Hitler, at least, didn’t die in that bunker in the ways that the various histories claim. He may have died somewhere else during the escape or as an older man in Argentina. Either way he’s dead today. Still...I wonder.

Author Assessment:
My politics and the author’s don’t line up. But I won’t hold that against him if he delivers a good and interesting read.

Editorial Assessment:
Well edited. The prose is kept punchy and direct.

I wish the editor had lured him away from the political statement in the closing paragraphs.

Did the Book Cover Reflect the Story:
A shattered swastika with Hitler’s face inside the broken cross.

Hmm Moments:
Stalin and Eisenhower, neither one, believing that Hitler was dead.

The main guy who wrote the Allied version of the accepted story didn’t have access to all the witnesses that he claimed to quote and he is the same guy who later in life falsely authenticated The Hitler Diaries.

The dental plates that the Russians used for their identification. And the question of whether their investigators allowed the dental witnesses who had handled Hitler and Eva Braun’s teeth to see the plates and base their findings on their memory rather than having them produce at least a drawing of what they remembered and then compare that to the plates the Russian authorities had recovered from the suspect corpses.

Erich Kempka, Hitler’s chauffeur and one of the purported witnesses that much of the little that is “known” about those days is based on, admitted in a 1974 interview that in those 1945 interrogations he told investigators what they wanted to hear. This admission throws Hugh-Roper’s “definitive” and Btitish propaganda backed book The Last Days of Hitler is thrown into severe doubt due to Kempka being one of his primary sources.

Hugh Thomas’s assertion that “some of these eyewitness accounts are confused, some are deliberately duplicitous; very few are unchanged.”

The father of Eva Braun’s brother-in-law received a message from his son after he was supposedly shot for treason. The message told him that his son and the Furher had left Berlin.

J. Edgar Hoover following up on a report through a US Counter Intelligence Corps from Austria that Hitler was in the company of the Eichhorn family in Argentina in the area of a farm and spa called La Falda informed the US embassy in Buenos Aries to be on the look out for the family and put the embassy on alert.

Dulles and the nascent CIA’s complicity with the escaping Nazis. Same with the banks both in Switzerland and abroad; in Argentina, the US, and around the world.

Knee Jerk Reaction:
instant classic, real classic, real genre classic, really good book, glad I read it, it’s alright, meh!, why did I read this, not as good as I was lead to believe

Disposition of Book:
Irving Public Library

Why isn’t there a screenplay?
I’m sure this will show up as a documentary on Discovery, History Channel, etc

Casting call:

Would recommend to:
history buffs, conspiracy theorists, militarists, genre fans
texascheeseman | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 6, 2014 |
Hunting Hitler is exactly what the synopsis states it to be. It is nothing more than a detailed examination of all of the evidence put forth by the Germans and by the Allies proclaiming the double suicide of Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler. Written in a narrative fashion, Dr. Corsi explores one piece of evidence per chapter, giving each case a thorough evaluation on its plausibility, especially in the context of other evidence gathered. He takes the driest evidence and gives it a life of its own through historical context.

As one would imagine given its timeliness, Dr. Corsi pays particular attention to the DNA discovery in 2009 but does not limit his review to that event. He also focuses on the multiple contradictions in the alleged eyewitnesses to the events, declassified documents discussing Nazi defections to Brazil, as well as the mysterious and unsolved routes taken by various U-Boats before they surrendered, also in Brazil. Of particular interest is the length Hitler’s secretary went to distribute the Nazi wealth among various businesses and banks to get it out of Germany should the war not end in their favor. Unbelievably, this massive export of funds and other valuables started as early as 1942 and ended up involving some of the most well-respected banks and companies in existence even today.

What emerges is a clear understanding that while one will never definitively know Hitler’s fate on 30 April 1945, there is too much evidence that points to Hitler’s escape from Germany rather than his suicide. Dr. Corsi presents the idea that the suicide story is nothing more than a fabrication by the Allies to further embarrass the defeated Germans. That there is much more to the story than the history books state, there is no doubt. Hunting Hitler presents a very intriguing hypothesis that could not only rewrite the history books but also force people to rethink the complexity of the Nazi regime and its survival.
jmchshannon | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 2, 2014 |
Nothing really new here. Corsi rehashes old theories about the assassination and suggests numerous people and institutions might have been involved. He uses a shotgun approach with the hope that some theory will stick.
He accomplishes nothing except to muddy the waters.
opmbms | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 15, 2013 |
When Fr. Bartholomew begins to show the stigmata of Christ, he becomes a revered individual. The world watches him closely. His story is told over and over.

A near-death experience, and a promise of deciphering the shroud codex, brings Fr. Bartholomew back to this life.

A well written book, full of intrigue and mystery. I read this through in a single day, simply not able to put it down. But then, the Shroud of Turin has always held strong fascination for me, so this fun read held me fast!

It helped that I am a fan of Corsi's investigative writing as well!

I highly recommend this read to anyone who enjoys a good fictional read that is very loosely based on fact.

I give this book five stars and a big thumbs up!

****DISCLOSURE: This book was a private purchase, and as such I was under no obligation for reviewing it. All opinions in this post are my own and under no obligation.
texicanwife | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 17, 2013 |
Thorough, necessary, and thoroughly ignored by people who want free things from Hussein.
gmicksmith | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 31, 2012 |
This was a great read. I enjoyed the storyline and house closely referenced the different stages of the Crucifixion. I would recommend this book to others to read.
Grizzly21 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | May 20, 2012 |
NCLA Review - After a severe car accident, Father Bartholomew awakes in a hospital bed, convinced he has died and returned to earth in order to decipher a message Jesus encoded in what people now know as the Shroud of Turin. When he starts healing people who come to confession, and then exhibits convincing stigmata, the Pope puts him in the care of an atheist psychiatrist in an attempt to get at the truth. The plot is engaging, albeit rather predictable, and freighted with the author’s researched and seemingly endless details about the Shroud and particle physics. This book targets readers who are fascinated by the Shroud, want the gory details of the crucifixion, and hope for proof of Jesus’ physical existence. It has questionable value for a church library. Rating: 2 —DKW S
ncla | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 2, 2011 |
A sort of techno-mystery with religious and spiritual overtones, in which a priest returns from a near-death experience convinced that God has given him a mission to reveal to mankind the secret message encrypted in the Shroud of Turin. He begins to manifest the wounds Jesus suffered during the Passion, and even comes to physically resemble the man depicted by the Shroud. There is a fairly intriguing conclusion that reminds me of Arthur C. Clarke's saying, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" (I have always mentally substituted the word "God" here). But the writing is bland, the dialogue reminds me of the two detectives in "Dragnet", and the conclusion lacks any kind of definitive revelation. And I suppose I shouldn't hold this against him, but I found in the author's blurb that he is the author of some pretty far right-wing political books, including the truly slimy Swift Boat Veterans smear of John Kerry.
burnit99 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 5, 2010 |
This book is devastating, and although a quick read, it is a sickening read. I went through various opinions about Kerry as the evidence unwound: coward, narcissist, fantasist, and eventually settled on psychopath. It's well-researched and the evidence leaves you nowhere to turn. Why did he refuse to allow the reprinting of "The New Soldier"? Why did he pretend to throw away his medals? Why did a man who thinks the entire US army was one war crime machine turn around and run as a war hero? O'Neill and Corsi have all the answers, and they fit. John Kerry (AKA) "Boston Strangler" is a dangerously self-absorbed man, and we are all but chess pieces to him and men like him. As a side note, it's interesting just how much braver reporters were in 2004, or perhaps it was Kerry's long history in politics that couldn't be so easily avoided as a certain Constitutional scholar's was.
CollectorOfAshes | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 15, 2010 |
Conspiracy or the truth ? Are we really in for a merger of North American countries. This book has a strong focus on China as the ultimate winner and describes a trade route into the US from China through a Mexican port, Kansas City and San Antonio and New Orleans and the Mississippi. Whether this is about to happen or not, it is still worth reading. I recall a button worn by a Canadian I met in a Salvation Army Store in Toronto in 2001, stressing that the US must be kept from taking over Canada.½
carterchristian1 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 24, 2009 |
It's possible that this book cost John Kerry the 2004 election. If it did, it's a testament not to the truth of the matters asserted in this book, but rather to the power of the book to sway public opinion. Gutenberg would be proud.
horacewimsey | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 15, 2009 |
Ugh. Talk about bias. I was not impressed. His sources are all internet sites. Pitiful research.
1 abstimmen
lnlamb | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 9, 2008 |