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Deadly fighting skills of the world is the most in-depth study yet of how trained soldiers kill and wound, and a complete insight into how human beings can be turned into deadly fighting machines.

These skills can be primitive as well as ultra-modern. Far Eastern elite troops train in the historic martial arts: the South Korean Tiger Division is expert in the lethal skills of punching and kicking. Western special forces can fight with their bare hands, using them to defeat heavily armed assailants,and can kill without a sound. They can improvise weapons from materials at hand. But they also have access to the most sophisticated weaponry: hand-held anti-tank guns which can transform a tank into a blazing hulk. They know the latest technique of ambush, how to assassinate heavily guarded poilitical opponents, and how to rapidly destroy key installations.

All the above and much more is in this exceptionally interesting book, made more graphc by 100 diagrams and 80 photographs.

Steve Crawford has a postgraduate degree in military history from the University of York. A former emplyee of the British intelligance services, he has worked on numerous foreign assignments. Now a freelance writer, he has written seveal books on elite units, such as The SAS at Close Quarters and SAS Gulf Warriors. He continues to research this particular field of military affairs and currently lives in London.


Hands & silent weapons
Chapter 1 Throws & locks
Chapter 2 Strikes & blows
Chapter 3 Edged weapons
Chapter 4 Improvised weapons
Chapter 5 Throwing & tension weapons
Deadly firepower
Chapter 6 Grenades & flamethrowers
Chapter 7 Sniping
Chapter 8 Automatic weapons
Chapter 9 Heavy firepower
The fighting skills in action
Chapter 10 Ambushes
Chapter 11 Assassination
Chapter 12 Infiltraton
Chapter 13 Night fighting
Chapter 14 Taking on airborne & armoured pursuers
Cahpter 15 Sabotage & booby traps
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
Battleships and Carriers is a B&N reprint of a book by the same name and part of their compact military reference series, but one that has its problems. It seems that no editing was done and some of the little history blurbs about the ships are a little awkward at times or puts information about the ship out of chronological order. Another problem is that often times the technical specs about the ship are wrong. While they usually get the armor and armament rights things like speed, crew complement, and dimensions tend to be off. On the other hand the little history burbs, minus the poor editing seem to be accurate for the most part, albeit for the modern ships slightly out of date, so as a reference book it's not a total loss. In addition, the book does have nice colored silhouette images of each ship that show a fair amount of detail for being so small. Even with its flaws, I still got some enjoyment out if it as it was a nice that I could read a page quickly in between other activity's, like a computer loading screen or TV commercial break.

Overall you can gain some information from the book if you take the technical specks with a grain of salt. However I wouldn't want to use this book for a report of any kind but rather just as a quick reference to any question you might have but don't want to go to Wikipedia to answer.½
bakabaka84 | Jan 22, 2013 |
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