
Jason Cunningham

Autor von The Lamp: A Supernatural Thriller

8 Werke 94 Mitglieder 13 Rezensionen

Werke von Jason Cunningham






I received this book as a member giveaway through LibraryThing for an honest review.

I was amazed by the characters in this series. They were so real but also had a uniqueness to them. [Jason Cunningham] did a magnificent job of taking you into the struggle between good and evil and showing you the shades of grey most of us get caught up in. [The Lamp Series Omnibus] as the name suggests is four complete novels that follow Violet, Levi, Jenny and Micah as they try to come to terms with what is right and wrong. Also they must decide how best to protect those they love.

As a comic book fan and someone who loves to read about struggles of conscience this series kept me coming back for more. I was vaguely reminded of [The Stand] except this was focused on one city.It is never made clear if it goes beyond. They mystery involved also keeps you on your seat.

[Cunningham] has written a must read for fans of many types of genres.
… (mehr)
MsHooker | Dec 26, 2014 |
The Island of Ted is a story about a man who became fed up with life, and decided to live on a private island. As I made my way through the book I found the characters enjoyable and the story interesting. Then the author changed point of view halfway through the book. He went from first person point of view to third person, then back to first person. It was jarring and took me right out of the story. I feel like I should give this book a lower score because of that, but seeing as I did enjoy the story and the characters three stars will suffice.… (mehr)
wincrow | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 25, 2014 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
This is a candid story exposing the world of William as his life goes from relatively easy-going to an out of control upend. William is a great character, and I felt like Cunningham flawlessly built him as the story progressed. There are parts that are too rushed or drag out, but the story keeps you interested enough to drag you along on William's journey. I'd recommend this book without hesitation.

**I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. My thanks to the author and/or publisher.… (mehr)
Kristen11 | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 7, 2014 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
It is a stunning coming-of-age novel. Once I picked it up, I could not put it down. In his ever changing world, the protagonist, William, is thrown into worlds that he could never imagine. I struggled a bit at first as we were shown glimpses into the lives of his parents and friends, but, once I finished the book, I realized how stunningly everything came together and fit so perfectly despite the many tears I shed throughout the book. I definitely recommend this book for everyone.
CSTaylor24 | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 3, 2013 |



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