224+ Werke 3,047 Mitglieder 38 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 6 Lesern


One look at Dalai's paintings and you can see that he sees things in a different way. It also becomes clear in his auto biography that he sees things in a different way. But while at times I admired his absolute genius, in writing, his absolute sense of being a genius at times became a bit tiresome.Despite being an amazing man and an artistic genius, in his autobiography, he comes off as being a little bit too full of himself. But overall, a fascinating read.Dali was and still is amazing !
kevinkevbo | 11 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 14, 2023 |
136 recipes, specially illustrated by Dalí, and organized by meal courses, from exotic courses to fish and shellfish to vegetables, rendered with a surrealist twist both gastronomically and aesthetically, but nowhere more so than in the tenth chapter, dedicated to aphrodisiacs. The illustrations and recipes are accompanied by Dalí's extravagant musings on a range of subjects. This is cuisine of the old school, with meals by leading French chefs from such stellar Paris restaurants as Lasserre, La Tour d'Argent, Maxim's, and Le Train Bleu.
petervanbeveren | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 11, 2023 |
Nice, straight-forward art book that shows around 300 pages of Dali's artwork- a majority of it lesser know and under appreciated. Lithographs, intaglios, pencil and ink drawings, paintings, sculptures and more. Definitely a satisfying edition to any art lovers or Dali fan's library.
am08279 | Oct 19, 2022 |
I learned from the first couple of chapters that the less I know about Dali, the better. I couldn't stomach the rampant narcissism and psychopathic behavior. I usually like learning more about an artist and contextualizing it with their work, but I'll pass on Dali, thanks.
shatomica | 11 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 16, 2022 |
Another artist whose work I dearly love. & even further proof that my politics doesn't always exclusively determine wch artists I endorse. After all, Stalin was great for that sort of thing, anarchists don't need to be doing it too. In the early 1980s I put together 2 editions of a small pamphlet called "Famous Moustaches". In the 1st edition, I included Frank Zappa, Adolph Hitler, John Waters, Groucho Marx, & myself (as Tim Ore). Waters pointed out that Dali shd be included. How cd I've missed him?! Hence the 2nd edition. Why wdn't I endorse Dali for political reasons? Welp, he was into money & he reconciled himself to the authotitarian regime of Franco in Spain. But, what the fuck, he had a fabulous imagination & that transcends it all.
tENTATIVELY | Apr 3, 2022 |
Dali wrote this in 2 wks. Wch is certainly remarkable. It's an ok novel, it has a few distinct quirky characteristics, but what I can most relate to about it is that Dali writes in his foreward that when he took a 2 wk vacation from NYC & wrote this he then went back to NYC & checked in to see what his friends had been doing in the meantime & found out that basically nothing had changed. They'd just been hanging out or whatever. Some of us are driven but most people aren't. I don't file this under Surrealism b/c it's not surrealistic (or, at least, I don't remember it being that way).
tENTATIVELY | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 3, 2022 |
A gorgeously produced bk by a great painter from a great art bk publisher. This is all details - wch is nice considering that the size of the bk, despite the excellent printing, wd make seeing full-size paintings a bit difficult.
tENTATIVELY | Apr 3, 2022 |
Az ​"Elrejtett arcok" Salvador Dalí egyetlen regénye. Ebben a Grandsailles gróf és Solange de Cléda cseppet sem szokványos szerelmének történetét elbeszélő műben Dalí ismét tanúbizonyságát adja kreativitásának… Az elsősorban festőként ismert művész mind a harmincas és negyvenes évek történelmi eseményeinek felidézésekor, mind a főhősök és a mellékszereplők érzelmeinek vagy fizikai élményeinek leírásakor bámulatos szürrealista képekkel kápráztatja el az olvasót. Ám Dalí szövege az összes érzékszervre hatni akar, így aztán a színek és formák mellett bőségesen ellát minket az illatok, az ízek, a hangok és a tapintás okozta élményekkel és ingerekkel is. A regényben mindezeken túl gondolatébresztő fejtegetéseket olvashatunk Hitlerről és sajátos küldetéséről, a tradíciók és a modernitás, az egyén és a tömeg, a szerelem és a mágia viszonyáról is. Az „Elrejtett arcok” megírásakor Dalí az Egyesült Államokban élt, ezért a könyv először angol nyelven jelent meg (New York, 1944). Amikor a regényt 1973-ban Franciaországban is kiadják, angolból fordítják franciára, s csak utóbb, 1982-ben, Gala halálakor találják meg egy bútorraktárban Dalí eredeti, francia nyelvű kéziratát, s végül 1988-ban jelenik meg az első olyan kötet, amely az eredeti Dalí-szöveg alapján készült. A jelen kötet nem a korábbi – angolból fordított – magyar kiadások reprodukciója: most egy átdolgozott, részben újrafordított, az eredeti Dalí-kéziraton alapuló, 1988-as francia kötetbeli szövegre épülő – tehát végre autentikus – kiadványt vehetnek kézbe az olvasók.
Gabriyella | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 25, 2022 |
„Dali zseni”- hirdeti Dali. Ha akadna netán, aki kételkedik ebben, arra a Mester jelen munkában összegyűjtött Gondolatai derakasan rácáfolnak. Akár festészetről, akár életéről, akár a vallásról, akár a szerelemről, a dalista ingerkedések sisteregve villanak fel, meglepőek és ellenállhatatlanok. A „század legnagyobb fantáziájának” humora hasonlít személyiségére: hóbortos, megsemmisítő és megzavar. „A bolond és köztem csupán egyetlen egy a különbség. Éspedig az, hogy én nem vagyok bolond”- hangoztatja a festő. Ítéljék meg maguk . Az öndicsőítés zsenije azonban kiáll nézetei mellett: „Egy valami bizonyos: hogy minden, de minden, amit itt mondok, teljességgel az én hibám, és kizárólag az én hibám.”
Gabriyella | Jan 25, 2022 |
This early autobiography, which takes Dalí through his late thirties, is as startling and unpredictable as his art. On its first publication, the reviewer of Books observed: "It is impossible not to admire this painter as writer ... (Dalí) succeeds in doing exactly what he sets out to do ... communicates the snobbishness, self-adoration, comedy, seriousness, fanaticism, in short the concept of life and the total picture of himself he sets out to portray." Superbly illustrated with over eighty photographs of Dalí and his works, and scores of Dalí drawings and sketches.
Gabriyella | 11 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 24, 2022 |
1994 Museu Dalí, Figueres
sllorens | 11 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 9, 2021 |
Fair Condition. Fading on front cover
katethomas56 | Sep 15, 2021 |
Catàleg de l'exposició Dalí: els anys joves, al Palau Robert de Barcelona del 13 de febrer al 9 d'abril de 1995. Catàleg il·lustrat amb fotografies i dibuixos en BiN i quadres amb color.
jmfont | Aug 27, 2021 |
> Babelio :

> Dali, un artiste au comportement imprévisible. La qualité du livre, la richesse de la documentation très intéressant.
Danieljean (Babelio)
Joop-le-philosophe | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 20, 2021 |
Murtra | Jan 10, 2021 |
A beautiful reprint of Dali's 1973 cookbook. It's very old-school cuisine, so not a book for me personally to cook from, but the art is wonderful, luscious, and terrifying. Dali is always Dali.
-Eva- | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 21, 2020 |
You may be thinking - Dali wrote an autiobiography? In fact he wrote multiple, and at least this one is as bizarre as his paintings. You get the sense that he observed certain qualities in the world, interpreted them through his own particular lens, and these transliterated those qualities onto the canvas. If you are intrigued by his art, you will be intrigued by his autobiography. It is about as compelling, but probably not as deep. I loved parts of it and scratched my head at other parts. You could spend years studying this fellow. I spent a few months giving some of his paintings serious study. I can't say I came away profoundly moved by this book in particular, but I did get the feeling that I was getting to know the artist a little more personally.
LSPopovich | 11 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 8, 2020 |
I love Dali's painting very much and have for years. I have a signed, numbered limited edition lithograph of one of his works. That said, like many great artists, he's the consummate narcissist. I can deal with that to a certain extent. What I can't deal with is an asshole who thinks he's both a genius and a great writer, when the former is debatable and this book is proof the latter is quite the opposite. I guess the current digital self publishing craze isn't the first time in history when utter crap books were published. The difference is, the so-called "authors" of today using platforms' like Amazon's either don't know how to proof and edit or don't care if they look like tenth grade dropouts -- it doesn't matter, because they can still publish their books and make some sales via Amazon's program. However, in Dali's time, such did not exist, and thus it typically required a manuscript be accepted by a publisher, who at least would have likely had the book proofed and edited prior to publication, hence masking bad writing to some degree, unlike contemporary writers. I'm not sure which I like less -- self published books where the "author" was too ignorant, arrogant or cheap to hire an editor, or a publisher presumably employing editors who publishes books that, while grammatically correct, are utter shit -- simply because the author is a celebrity. But then, that still happens I guess. Pity. And I thought social media had ruined grammatical and general writing skills. I can think of several areas in which one could attribute Dali's sad literary effort, but they should be obvious, so no need to mention them. He should have continued to concentrate on his painting. Brilliant there. We're not all Renaissance men, I guess...
scottcholstad | 11 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 24, 2019 |
guhlitz | 11 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 24, 2019 |
I read this book quite a while ago but it stayed with me - so sensual and delving deep into people's desires - yet so decadent and pointless. I felt relating to it - just like I relate to Dali's paintings - with understanding and recognition yet shuddering at the distortion and exaggeration.
Gezemice | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 29, 2018 |
Excellent quality cookbook and artwork.
alaskaEditor | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 10, 2018 |
LesliePoston | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 25, 2017 |
This book reads like a Dali painting. Dali talks about the early parts of his life including intra-uterine memories and false childhood memories. A must read written in Dali's unique style for all fans of surrealism.
ecumenicalcouncil | 11 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 1, 2014 |