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Werke von Maggie Dana






I do like this book. And if I had read it, like, 7-8 years ago, I probably would have adored it. It's very much of "The Saddle Club" mode- best friends, great horses, catty mean girls, cute boys. I ate Keeping Secrets up, as in, I got it, I sat down, and about an hour later, I was done. I really enjoyed the dynamic between Kate and Holly, and they did actually seem their age, which I find is harder and harder to see in books these days. All of the minor issues I have with this book are just that: minor. Angela was mean to the point of ridiculousness; even in The Saddle Club, Veronica had some characterization outside of being the mean brat. In addition, I wish the horses had a bit more character, but that's totally just the horse geek in me.

All in all, this is a great book, and even as a 20 year old who read every single horse book imaginable when I was 12, I still enjoyed. Yeah, it's a little cliche, but it just slips you back into that mode of being 12 again, and dreaming of having these adventures alongside the characters.
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HorseNerd | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 1, 2024 |
Filled with quite a few devious acts on the part of SOMEONE or other that apparently can’t grasped right from wrong…certainly doesn’t help that their Mother doesn’t know this basic lesson either...whoever said the Middle Grade reads lack the energy and edge-of-your-seat pull you get from stories written for an older audience, should really think again.

Our main events center around Timber Ridge Stables, home of tranquil paths through beautiful woodlands and an award winning riding team currently lead by Ms. Chapman. She seeks to instill a love of horses and of riding in those she coaches but the powers that be are looking for a heavier hand. They aren’t satisfied with merely placing in the competitions, they want to be number one….regardless of the riders enjoyment, lessons they learn or whomever thinks they can be a shining star. It’s less about play and more about the prestige which as you can probably guess is a recipe for disaster. Ms. Chapman takes it in stride even when things begin to spiral out of control and I really admire the kind heart she shows even to those you’d really like to just go all out ninja on. Now, for the rest of our featured cast…

I found myself rooting for Kate time and again as she struggled to balance her outward persona with the guilt and blame she carried within. The cause of this heavy burden? A death at her previous riding school for which all blame fell to her. Was it her fault? Mums the word on that one but whether or not she was 100% guilty, the way the owners handled things? She’s only 14 for crying out loud, a mere child…accidents happen, people make mistakes. Yes, the consequences were dire, but my goodness…check things out fully before attacking people and take some blame yourself for not following up on your workers ESPECIALLY when they are children! Moving forward…

Holly is a spitfire whom I loved every bit as much as Kate. She’s stubborn, doesn’t let a thing stop her, and fights for what’s right even when others lack the needed backbone to do it themselves….in short, a great friend. Now for Angela Dean....she is a product of her upbringing, sad to be so cliché but it’s true. Her Mother is an upstanding citizen in the community and owns the resort/ranch featured here…read into that a snooty woman who thinks she’s above EVERYONE and deserves the best of EVERYTHING regardless of whom she steps on in the process. Guess what? She wants that for her daughter too. She's more than happy to take up the reins as she tries out for “Queen B of the Year” but underneath all the tennis sweaters, lack of cooperation, ugliness in words and actions ….yes, miles below the surface, I think she might have a glimmer of hope still. She prides herself on her image and the company she keeps but most of it stems from a craving for attention from the one that should be giving it unconditionally (aka Mom). She’ll do whatever she needs to remain in the spotlight, even if it means bending the rules or much worse. I think she had a little “ah-ha” moment at the end of this story with Kate at the competition….but we'll have to see what happens in the coming books.

A story full of heart for readers of all ages that explores the connections we have with animals as well as each other. Horse lovers will delight in the interactions with their equine counterparts as well as the “stable talk” while those with merely a passing fancy will find a home in the adventure of the story itself. The ups and downs, secrets kept and revealed, plotting and planning will keep you guessing just what will happen next while the final scenes will keep you coming back for more. We all want to be the best, but there can only be ONE “number one”. Perhaps instead of focusing on that lack of a blue ribbon, it is better still to strive for being the best version of ourselves we can be; it’s certainly a peaceful prospect and allows a lot more light and mirth to occupy our days than hard feelings and deceit. A lesson shared and something to think about…

*review copy received in exchange for my honest review
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GRgenius | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 15, 2019 |
Kate is back, much to chagrin of Angela and with best friend Holly by her side, things couldn’t be brighter. When we last left her she had won the hearts of the dressage competition, caught the attention of a fellow male rider, and patched things up with her pal…add to that the renewed joy of riding and she’s walking on sunshine; best watch out for the breaks in those sunbeams!

Change is a constant in life and in books and at Timber Ridge, change has arrived in the form of Denise, Angela’s other half, leaving. Don’t worry my friends, the saddle won’t have long enough to cool because a new rider has come to town with breeding and family that reaches right over to the other side of the pond; her name is Jennifer West. Angela says she’s all prim and proper (in this case, snooty and just like her), but I’m not so certain. One moment she’s all punked out (look wise at least) and the next she’s sporting your average run of the mill girl next door ensemble. When push comes to shove, she may be present at the “scene of the crime” but she doesn’t really seem to have her heart fully in it…perhaps there’s some hope for her yet. Back to the story...

This time around, there’s another new character that’s falls outside the human category by the name of Buccaneer. He’s a strong, powerful, willful horse, much too wild to be a resident of these stables and yet despite Liz’s protests, he arrives all the same. Good thing Liz is an expert trainer because he needs a firm yet loving hand to help him reach his full potential WITHOUT bringing the house down…literally. Another good thing? Kate’s presence. Why? Let’s just say that there’s a lot of healing that needs to be done and sometimes having a kindred spirit on that journey can be best for both parties involved. I really liked Buccaneer and think he’s a great match for Kate. He added that little extra something to the equine side of the story and his penchant for peppermints was too funny. Now, let’s check in with Holly…

The final scene of book 1 had us holding our breath as it looked like there was a good chance that Holly might finally be on the road to recovery. Great news, right? Not so fast. While her fondest desire is to be able to ride Magician again one day, it doesn’t seem like it’s going to be any time soon. That one step forward, well, it didn’t put her two steps back exactly, but it almost appears to have been a fluke…that is until things turn dire as in life or death. That’s right. Holly is thrown right in the mix and without Kate by her side, it’s all up to her. Will she find the strength within to save the day AND herself? You’ll have to read it to find out….

In summary, a great addition to the Timber Ridge Riders series and an adventure you won’t soon forget. The value of true friends is visited once again as is the importance of patience, kindness, and understanding. Readers will be reminded to take other people’s (and animal’s) feelings into account as well as the fact that while “number one” may be important, the musketeers REALLY got it right…ALL for one and one for ALL.

*review copy received in exchange for my honest review
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GRgenius | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 15, 2019 |
I gotta hand it to the author, with each installment this series just keeps getting better and better. I’ve yet to be let down by any of the stories and for me to follow a series in ebook format no less, it’s gotta have something special. The “special” in this case is characters you actually care about and stories filled with heart. Kate has proven herself time and again and yet still meets opposition both from Angela as well as her own inner voice. Holly, Kate’s best friend, is going through her own tough times as she makes her way back from an accident that nearly claimed her life and for a time, her ability to walk and yet she’s there by her side whenever she needs her. Angela is the girl we love to…well, dislike STRONGLY and yet still hold out hope that one day she’ll see the light and end her wicked ways. Even the horses like Magician and Buccaneer share the spotlight with their riders and create a name (and personality) for themselves once again.

To all of you non-horse lovers out there, take note…this book has MORE to offer than just another horse story. It has high stakes, heady competition, mysterious disappearances and everything in between. It’s really a story about taking chances in life to achieve our dreams and seeing them through for better or worse. Hey, if we never try then how on earth can we possibly expect to succeed?

*review copy received in exchange for my honest review
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GRgenius | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 15, 2019 |


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