2 Werke 13 Mitglieder 5 Rezensionen

Werke von Laura J. Davis






Come to Me was like no other story that I have ever read that portrayed the life of Christ. At first, I admit that I was a bit skeptical because biblically-based historical fiction is one of my favorite genres to read and I’ve read so many versions of Christ’s story as told by other authors. But then, there’s Laura Davis…… She wrote about the life of Christ through Mary’s eyes, and it was simply amazing! When I finished it, I couldn’t help but think to myself, “This book would be such a great witnessing tool! If I knew someone who was lost, I would just hand them this book!” There is so much Scripture packed into this book, but it is not preachy. It is just told as a story from Mary’s point of view, and as you are reading, it almost feels like you’re there.

Mary’s character is so engaging, a little bit of a tease, as well as a bit like the girl next door. I enjoyed getting more of a glimpse of what might have been Jesus’ younger years before the incident at the temple when he was about His Father’s business. Joseph and Mary’s relationship also seemed more like how I would picture them….young and in love, but at the same time, nervous about their duties as parents to the Son of God.

So many other portrayals of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus seem to be uptight (whether it’s in a book or movie format), but this book is so refreshing, realistic, and natural. I highly recommend this book, and I look forward to reading more from Laura Davis in the future!

Review copy provided by the author.
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blissbooksandjewels | Oct 19, 2020 |
Title: He Who Has an Ear
Author: Laura J. Davis
Pages: 162
Year: 2014
Publisher: Create Space
Note: I received a complimentary copy for an honest review of this book from
The author’s focus is solely on the seven letters that are written by John while on the island of Patmos and recorded in the book of Revelation in the Bible. I thought this a wise move as there was so much there just in that section of Scripture for Laura to share the insights in a well-developed format. I found that her love for the Word and inductive study is exactly what I have loved for years, and since then, other studies tend not to be as rich when not inductive.
The author shares in a very direct manner what is and is not in these seven letters along with what her research revealed. Then, towards the end, Laura helps readers see how we can apply what the Word says to our lives today. Sometimes I would read a section quietly then share it with my husband which led to some great talks between us. This is one book to sit down and just read and think about what is presented, and then put it in your personal library for future reference.
Always keep your Bible close along with a highlighter or pencil to write anything the Lord may prompt you to mark as you read. One of the author’s admonitions throughout the book is to never take anyone’s word for what the Bible says, but to check it out for ourselves. This is very wise counsel which if readers will practice can protect them from falling into teachings that aren’t biblical.
I recommend buying copies to pass out and share with people as you study from your Bible just the seven letters written in the early chapters of Revelation. The book contains ideas that will challenge heart, minds and souls and will make studying the topic challenging yet fruitful if applied to living daily to please Him!
My rating is 5 stars.
Note: The opinions shared in this review are solely my responsibility. Other reviews can be read at . Also follow me on Twitter @lcjohnson1988, FaceBook at
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lamb521 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 17, 2014 |
Have you ever read Revelation, especially the letters to the Seven Churches and wondered – how does this relate to me, thousands of years later? Well it really does relate to us today and Laura J. Davis in her new book “He Who Has An Ear” explains how and why.
“He Who Has An Ear” describes who the seven churches of Revelation were then and are today. Starting with a background of hierarchy of the Church, Laura then discuses each letter, sentence by sentence and why each letter was addressed to the particular church that received it.
All explanations are fully researched and documented.
Do you know who the Seven Angels are?
Do you understand what an elder of the Church really is?
Who were the original Seven Churches and how does this relate to Churches today?
These questions and more are answered for you in this book.
While this book is not for a Bible study of Revelation – and the author asks you not use it for a Bible study – I do feel that it is a great start in preparing for a Bible study of Revelation.

I have always shied away from studying Revelation because I did not understand it. After reading this book, I feel much more prepared for a Bible study of Revelation.

I did receive a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
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grammygeek | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 16, 2014 |
The author approaches Revelations 2 and 3 with the view that we can learn from the mistakes of these churches in Revelations and apply this knowledge to our own lives. That is definitely a valid way to look at them and useful, too.

It is quite evident that the author has done her “homework” in the research department. She goes into some detail explaining almost every verse. It was thorough.

There were no stories to illustrate points and not very much of the personality of the author came through but in this type of scholarly book it was probably better that way. But in case you really like stories you need to know this book does not have them.

I was a little surprised to see some exposing of false doctrine of some modern Christian leaders. At first it seemed out of place but upon further thought I can see why it was included, basically because God is exposing the errors of the various churches in Revelations! Perhaps you are “following” or even idolizing a leader that holds to false doctrine. Although the author does not include every controversial doctrine in modern Christiandom there are quite a few here to look at.

This exposing of false doctrine did not offend me in the least as I had “coincidentally” been diligently searching some “heresy watch” sites on the internet for a few days just prior to reading this book!

Not every Christian will agree on every point of doctrine in general amongst themselves or with what is included in this book but there is no reason to be afraid of it or offended by it. Real truth is capable of holding up to honest scrutiny. My view is that if you find “bones”, then spit them out and if led to, tell others of the error.

Overall I enjoyed reading this book. I found the part about examining ourselves against the errors of the various churches mentioned, the most useful part. I think that would be a useful thing to do on a regular basis.

The other thing that I liked about this book was that it spurred a desire in me to do more Bible study. That is, after all, one thing actually commanded in scripture that we do, study to show ourselves approved unto God.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author herself. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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cherylcope | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 24, 2014 |



½ 4.6