49+ Werke 214 Mitglieder 33 Rezensionen


I had a great deal of admiration for Callum. He had a horrible family, except for his Uncle Ezra who he came to Leeds to live with. His homophobic father was in prison for the murder of a man just because he didn't approve of the man's sexual choices. The continuous support and actions boarding on glowing admiration for his father was more than he could stand. A fresh start was what he needed, away from what was left of his toxic family....and he found it in Leeds. He lands a job as a barman in "Heaven and Hell", a gay pole-dance club in Leeds. He couldn't believe it when one of the dancers, Dylan, playfully begins to flirt with him. Dylan is lonely and he hides that loneliness behind his numerous tattoos, piercings and one-time hookups. He was desperate for love that he thought he would never find or want. Dylan's childhood consisted of being shoved around from foster family to another. Then, to his surprise, he falls for the club's confused barman, and he fears he has now made himself even more vulnerable. Callum is slowly learning more about himself and none of it is anything that his sister or mother will approve of or care about anyway. I had trouble understanding why he would subject himself to even caring what they thought. This story was all about love and acceptance and how it can be found in the most unexpected places. Dylan made you just wanted to hug him. He was so calm, accepting and patient with Callum....even when Callum didn't realize that that was what he needed or wanted. There was nothing likable, much less, lovable, about Callum's family, so I was happy that the author didn't waste much valuable space and ink on them. This author has always been able to describe the thoughts and emotions of her characters in a way that makes them almost real.½
Carol420 | Jan 8, 2024 |
I really liked the main characters of Kyrone and Jared. Kyrone is a dancer at the Heaven and Hell club, but this is mostly Jared’s story. It's the story of a young man who suffered a traumatic brain injury, spent months in a coma, and while he did survive, he has complete amnesia. His family has become complete strangers to him, no memory of any of them whatsoever. Jared relocates to Leeds in his need to get away from their hopes that he’ll remember, but also to follow the one hopeful clue to his past since he had found, a note in his handwriting, that simply read, "J./Leeds". In Leeds he gets a job as an apprentice at a tattoo parlor and meets the intriguing, if somewhat flamboyant dancer... Kyrone. Several of the men from book#1 filter throughout this story giving the two guys encouragement and friendship. I couldn't imagine how Jared ever managed to live his life with no memory after waking up from his long coma. Kyone is a bit of a surprise, but in a really good way. The author presents him just as he is and lets the reader make their own assumptions. He was so good for, and so supportive of Jared making him more than okay in my book. I had to admire how Jared handled how changed his life had become since the accident. His constant migraine headaches that plagued him almost daily. I can't imagine losing the memories of 21 years of my life...but he had Kyrone to look out for him and to love him unconditionally, never knowing what the next day might bring. This is the 2nd book in the series and on some level, I felt it was a bit better than the first book, Broken, and it received a slightly higher rating from me. The main conflict of the story is better explained and so different than anything I have ever encountered in any genera...not that Broken, the first book, isn't well worth the reading time. I seem to just have a penchant for strays, underdogs:)½
Carol420 | Jan 7, 2024 |
This was a sweet story about two guys who end up being exactly what each other needs. Michael is the club owner who has had a difficult time finding a new relationship since he lost, Edward, the love his life. He's somewhat careful with his feelings because of that, but he is definitely interested in the new dancer, Jag. Jag is a young guy who has been on the run from his family for years since he came out and was forced into conversion therapy. For some reason (I have no recollection about why they are still expending so many resources to go after him), they continue to try and track Jag down, again, not sure what the purpose is, but it plays a major role in how Jag now lives. He has been living on the streets going from job to job, only staying long enough to make some money and hopefully stay ahead of anyone trying to track him down. He is definitely interested in Michael, but his no-strings rule is in effect for a reason. Michael is happy to go along with whatever limitations Jag puts on their “relationship” even though he is not normally a “no strings” type of guy. Of course, feelings grow and convincing must be done to get Jag to see they could actually have something more. Michael was exactly what Jag needed in that he never pressured him until it was safe to do so, and he always made it clear the ball was in Jag’s court. Likewise, Jag ended up being that sprinkle of sunshine that Michael needed to jump start his feelings all over again. We don’t really get too many details about Jag’s past, and much of the story takes place at the club in the present time. Michael’s best friend and employee was a great side character, and I’d love to read more about him and his partner. All in all, while I wasn’t completely wowed by this story, it was quite an enjoyable and easy read.
Carol420 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 4, 2024 |
I have read all three seasons of this series and have always enjoyed them by these various M/M Romance authors. They all have about the same themes..."Daddy's" or "Boys" summiting letters on the Cuffd Club site hoping to meet their forever Daddy or Boy over the Christmas season. The club calls it "Kinkmas". Barney had used this site in the past but even though he has met and enjoyed time with some really great "Daddy's", he never found one that he wanted to stay with. He makes a trip to Manchester to visit his best friend and his friend's husband when he discovered there was going to be a "Kinky Christmas" event at the club, and he decided it would be fun to attend. There he met "Santa", better known as Magnus, the owner of the club and diffidently a "Daddy" and a "silver fox". Barney was hooked and agreed to spend the week seeing and playing with this silver dream on two legs. Neither of these men expected to so quickly fall in love. There were a couple of things that frustrated me and even though from previous experience with genera, I knew it would eventually work out...but there was over 300 pages to wait for it to happen. One of the biggest frustrations was Barney's unfunded belief that he would have as toxic a relationship with anyone as his parents have. The second thing had nothing to do with the relationship but with Magnus' pet African Grey parrot's portrayal. I spent 28 years of my life in Conservation Education trying to convince people that wild animals were not intended to be or do they overall, make good pets. They are NOT domesticated. Domestication takes hundreds and sometimes thousands of years. Even dogs and cats sometimes turn back to their wild origins and injure and even kill their owners. The parrot was cute and funny, and they are one of best "talkers" in the parrot family...but they don't learn that quickly...or say phrases in just the right places like this one did. Somewhere in the end of the story, it would have been nice if there had been a disclaimer that the behavior and the abilities that this parrot displayed throughout the story was unrealistic, and some were impossible. I wondered how many people read this and went out and tried to purchase an African Grey parrot thinking it was going to behave like the one in the story and then being disappointed with the poor bird. Actually, this alone really bothered me more than Barney's insecurity. Otherwise, it was a sweet story with a happy ending for two guys that deserved it.½
Carol420 | Dec 29, 2023 |
Grumpy Bear needs Sunshine

I loved the light heartedness of this read! Light fluffy grumpy sunshine with a cute puppy mixed in! Im glad I finally manage to clear this from my TBR list.
SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |
This was exactly as the title says, hold us and naughty and nice!

I love the kinky twist on a Dear Santa letter and the author did a brilliant job showing both boys and their hopes, dreams and fears. I adored the connection between Rett and Zeke.

And Daddy was so good even though he was unsure about caring for 2 boys!

Even though this is part of a more author series it is a complete stand alone.
SharingTheBookLove | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 2, 2023 |
Ok these covers pulled me in and then the blurb, the ABC triplets so I had to read this and I have a weakness for age gap and well this also has a grumpy Daddy!

This was a well written story with Hamish and Archie, their family and friends all intertwine to make a wondeful read.

I like the way Archie is written in being an independent sub who knows exactly what he wants.

Super looking forward to B and C :)
SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |
Book 2 in this series we get more of Blake's MMM story with Gabe and Cal. We saw moments in Book 1 as these books are all written concurrently.

The trio are all very different but they work well and click together on the page.

I enjoyed this read and love the shibari kink with a Daddy and a Dom.

Blake's strength gathered from his Dom's to stand up to his parents is a perfect example of this trios bond.

Looking forward to the reading of Corey's Book to have all the stories wrapped up.
SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |
Corey's story is the last of the ABC triplets we get to read but as they all happen concurrently we kinda know but dont know his and Spencer's story.

I enjoyed this whole series but I think this was my fave as it all kinda wraps up with everyone getting there forever stories.

Lexi is super cute in this story and well Spencer and Corey - daddy kink / age-gap - well written!
SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |
Ben and Jayden, I am so glad Jayden finds his Daddy. He needed one when we met him in earlier books.

This is a cute, Christmas themed, Daddy by read with a dom who realises he is a daddy. The age gap isnt an issue and I love all the stuffies!
SharingTheBookLove | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 2, 2023 |
Beau and Fraser

Kinky play with cute safewords, housemates love.

This story is a light hearted kinky read with role-play, love, family both real and found, good and bad.

Enjoyable read in this series!
SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |
Stefan and Quinn

We finally get to see Quinn reveal his kinks but only to Stefan. We saw a glimpse of their connection in previous books and it only grows in this story.

Quinn and is sleep disorder, was interesting and I believe dealt with perfectly.

I enjoyed this read and enjoy reading this whole series.
SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |
Whilst I am sad to see this series end as its been a joy but to finally get Hendrix story and it be such a wonderful read makes it worth it.

It was great to see Hendrix realise he was loveable and keepable.

And well add in Rubem, Lyric and Toby and the intimate scenes are
SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |
oh I absolutely adored this read!

Haru and Kyle were so sweet, and the protectiveness of Kyle even at a young age - was just written perfectly.

The kink was - can kink be cute? LOL - anyway was sweet and nice, yet spicy!

Sad this is a standalone as I think some of the rugby boys/brickies seemed curious :) and well Arthur and Josephine - are my type of plants - haha
SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |
This is part of the "Naughty or Nice" series. It's a sweet and intimate look into a Daddy/boy relationship. It features an age gap, hurt/ comfort. It’s low angst and high heat. Ben is an army veteran who was medically discharged after a blast took part of his arm. He’s dealt with a lot to get back to a semblance of normal. He just wants to find a boy to love and cherish. He signs up for the Cuffd app and writes his letter to Santa asking for his perfect boy. He gets a message from a sweet boy, and they instantly mesh. Jayden is the sweetest little cinnamon roll of a character that you have ever seen. He was made an orphan after a car accident left his mother in a coma. She's been like this for 19 years and Jayden has visited and sat and talked to her comatose body for 10 of those 19 years. Throughout his life, he has never felt that he was wanted or good enough. Other partners were horrible to him and always left not being able to deal with all his baggage. All he ever wanted was a "Daddy" to accept him for who he really is and to love him. He wasn’t expecting to find the perfect letter to Santa on the Cuffd app. He definitely wasn’t expecting to find a Daddy who fit so well into his life. Jayden has a hard time accepting love, but Ben has no problem proving himself to his “little bird” as Ben calls him, over and over again. Jayden and Ben make you want to crawl into the story and hug them both. They both deserve all the love and affection they can get. Love is something they have both had trouble finding... especially in the kink community. I think the way Colette Davison portrayed these kind and vulnerable men in that world was an incredible feat. There was great chemistry but also a great foundation of friendship and understanding between them. This was a wonderful story with great characters and this entire series can be read as standalones.
Carol420 | 1 weitere Rezension | Aug 21, 2023 |
The local BDSM club, Cuffd, held a seasonal event on their website that Subs and Littles could write a letter to Santa asking him to bring them a "daddy". All of this series is about a different letter and the men that wrote them and answered them.... all written by different M/M Romance authors....and they don't have to be read in order. "Sweet" is not word enough to ever be able to describe them...but Daddy stories ALWAYS have a happy ever after. This one had a really. really happy ever after with a wedding and two families that supported these three men. For a big portion of the book, I wasn't sure about Rhett. Rhett's travel visa was almost expired, and he would soon have to return to England, leaving Zeke and "Daddy" behind. Zeke held dual citizenship, so he was okay... and Daddy, Michah, who was also a citizen of the U.K, was in the U.S. for his company, so he also was okay...but that left Rhett with overwhelming certainty of having to leave his two guys behind soon. Knowing they may only have this short time to be together they work overtime to make the most of it, while hoping they can come up with a workable plan to somehow stay together. This story is beyond precious. Lovers of daddy kink, age play, and simply lovable characters who will tug on your heart strings and not let go, completed with just the right amount of insta-love to be believable, will absolutely adore this story as well as the rest of the Naughty or Nice series.
Carol420 | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 11, 2023 |
Marlobo | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 24, 2022 |
Greeking Out is one of the stories in the ‘Destination Daddies’ series. Each story is written by a different author. This one, by Colette Davison, stars Troy, a young, geeky manicurist, and Apollo, an older, adult film star. This is told in first person from both Troy and Apollo’s povs.

I was surprised to find this story to be a very sweet, romantic read. Most of the Daddy/boy stories I’ve read are quite simple. Usually lust or love at first sight with desperate boys searching for a Daddy. Troy and Apollo were different in that they had an online friendship for a year before they met in person. This wasn’t instant lust, but a friends-to-lovers tale, which happens to be one of my favorite types of tropes.

The blurb does a good job of explaining what the plot is about so I won’t go into it. The subplots are about how Troy and Apollo, once they meet in person, then go about learning about each other by doing touristy things, and playing as Daddy and boy. A lot of the communication the two have in the book is done through email or text, so until they meet, which is about half way through the story, there isn’t any sex.

Troy is sweet and geeky. The geeky part comes from his obsession with Greek mythology. His connection to Apollo grows with telling Apollo tales of the Greek Gods and Goddesses. Troy had a bad experience with his previous Daddy, so his self-esteem is quite low. Apollo is a care-taker and Troy triggers all his instincts to protect and help build up Troy’s self-esteem. Apollo is very respectful of what Troy wants, something that Troy isn’t used to. The two are very much suited to each other and I could believe in them as a couple. The author did a good job of creating distinct personalities for each character.

I did notice some inconsistencies in the story. One inconsistency was with a sex scene that didn’t make sense. The positions and actions seemed mixed up and didn’t create a clear picture.

Overall, this is a sweet, romantic, friends-to-lovers, Daddy/boy story. One that goes more deeply into the relationship than the other Daddy/boy books I’ve read. I give this 4 Stars and recommend this book to anyone who likes this trope.

Penumbra1 | Oct 11, 2022 |
Half and half. Four good reads, four clunkers.

Fix me up - dnf.
Jingle My Bells by Meredith Spies. 3.5* I had a bit of trouble with the timelines (MF died 6 months ago, after Autumn equinox and its now just before winter solstice) but this story was fun. I could have read a longer more fleshed out version of this tbh. I'd hoped to hear Rowan's impassioned plea for the inclusion of demon-borns. Loved Whit's sister. And the scene with the fruit cake...priceless.
Jake's Heart for Christmas - skimmed.
Rebel without a Claus - 4* Fun tale of missed opportunity opposites attract, and a far too tight elf costume. Well written.
All Wrapped Up - DNF at mid Chapter 2.
Christmas Wish - Not for me. Too insta-lovey, considering they had no type of relationship prior to Donovan leaving for Hollywood, and then they take up without getting to know each other despite 11 years passing.
Also the chubby MC turned out to not be chubby at all. He thought he was a 40" waist but he was really a 32! Disappointing.
One Room at the Inn - 4* A good second chances story with HFN ending. I like that it ended that way with the promise of more but no grand plans or declarations. The characters were all engaging and I'd be interested in seeing how they make this work.
Until After Christmas - 3.5* can't go wrong with a fake boyfriends story. This one was cute.
Lillian_Francis | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 26, 2021 |
A fish out of water tale. No, honestly, this is a literal fish out of water tale. When Raen finally finds his mate, his mate is drowning, and male, and human. To save him Raen breaks the Merman laws and is banished from the ocean. This story is beautifully written in a very sensory and sensual way, with Raen unable to speak, so much communication is carried out by touch. As such you can understand that when the conflict comes it is at part a miscommunication/overreaction and at part Raen's lack of worth within himself that causes the issue. Luckily Stephen doesn't give up on his merman quite so easily.

Loses half a star for use of the word 'clean' in a discussion about sexual health. It's 2019, chaps, I thought we'd discussed this 5 years ago.

An excellent paranormal love story with fated mates, an age gap (15 years), real communication issues (merpeople have no vocal cords) and an endearing couple. Recommended.
Lillian_Francis | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 26, 2021 |
I liked this more than Why I Left You.
I could totally cope with Noah. He and I have the same issues. Maybe not because how I've been brought up, but I'm not comfortable touching people either, not to that degree, I cant tolerate it, but don't like it. And to watch his struggles, and how he gets past them, it made me feel hopeful.

And I just looooved the slow-burn. :)
Gabi90 | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 18, 2021 |
Depression is an important thing to talk/write about. I think that every person suffers from depression at some point in their lives. Whether it's after heartbreak or something simple like you just can't decide what to do with yourself after high school/college and your stuck in limbo, while everyone moved on; or because of bullying; or pain caused by the loss of a loved one or any number of things. Depression is an illness no one likes to talk about, not even the person who has it, or even acknowledge that it even exist.

You can't see inside a person's head, why their have these thoughts that the author described in this book. They seem irrational for us outsiders, but the person whose feeling it/living it, they're totally reasonable.

Now I'm not sure what was it about this story, but something was missing for me. I can't exactly put my finger on it. Maybe the lack of communication between the MC's, but I guess that's reality. We people don't like talking to each other about our feelings. Or maybe the writing wasn't deep enough for me, didn't match the story in emotion.

Regardless it was a great story.
Gabi90 | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 18, 2021 |
I usually like stepbrother romance stories. And I don’t have a problem with incest either, not that I read much, but with those I did read, I could decide if it felt right to me or not. If the love is all encompassing, then I don’t care that they are brothers by blood, or just adopted.

This book however threw me for a loop. I loved Adam’s initial reaction to his stepbrother’s advances, but he gave in too quickly in my opinion. And I couldn’t decide if their relationship was right or wrong, because it was said over and over again that they grew up together like true brothers, they were tight, even though Luc left after college and rarely talked to his family. Even after they decided to try and be together, I thought they would call each other boyfriends or lovers, but they still called each other brothers. And that didn’t feel right to me. I think the words stepbrother/brother were overused and it strengthened the feeling in me, that what was happening is wrong, though they clearly loved each other, so I should’ve felt the exact opposite. And Adam’s too sudden change didn’t help matters.

So this whole thing was balancing between right or wrong, and the scale didn’t tip over either way for me. While I enjoyed this book somewhat, this big problem was floating around throughout the whole story, and in the end I didn’t feel like it’s been solved, I should’ve felt some closure I think.

In other aspects it was a great book. I loved the tenderness between Adam and Luc, the playfulness, I even loved the anger. The dancing part wasn’t overdone, it was jut enough. I also loved the parents, their reaction was not what I expected, but that’s a damn good thing. Secondary characters were great too. But I think I will enjoy Mason’s story more.
Gabi90 | Apr 18, 2021 |
I liked this friends-to-lovers story between Seb, Matt, and Connor. I expected a bit more angst, especially since Seb was recently dumped and Matt was straight. I was glad there wasn't a lot of angst. There were things to work out for the guys (such as the rebound, their friendship, Matt's realization he wants them, how to make a relationship between 3 guys work), but they talked about it and moved forward instead of letting things simmer and get frustrating. I listened to this on audiobook, and it was well done and enjoyable.

I am voluntarily reviewing an ARC provided by IndiGo Marketing & Design
ktomp17 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 21, 2021 |
Half and half. Four good reads, four clunkers.

Fix me up - dnf.
Jingle My Bells by Meredith Spies. 3.5* I had a bit of trouble with the timelines (MF died 6 months ago, after Autumn equinox and its now just before winter solstice) but this story was fun. I could have read a longer more fleshed out version of this tbh. I'd hoped to hear Rowan's impassioned plea for the inclusion of demon-borns. Loved Whit's sister. And the scene with the fruit cake...priceless.
Jake's Heart for Christmas - skimmed.
Rebel without a Claus - 4* Fun tale of missed opportunity opposites attract, and a far too tight elf costume. Well written.
All Wrapped Up - DNF at mid Chapter 2.
Christmas Wish - Not for me. Too insta-lovey, considering they had no type of relationship prior to Donovan leaving for Hollywood, and then they take up without getting to know each other despite 11 years passing.
Also the chubby MC turned out to not be chubby at all. He thought he was a 40" waist but he was really a 32! Disappointing.
One Room at the Inn - 4* A good second chances story with HFN ending. I like that it ended that way with the promise of more but no grand plans or declarations. The characters were all engaging and I'd be interested in seeing how they make this work.
Until After Christmas - 3.5* can't go wrong with a fake boyfriends story. This one was cute.
Lillian_Francis | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 24, 2021 |