
Stephie Davis

Autor von Smart Boys & Fast Girls

9 Werke 275 Mitglieder 12 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern


Werke von Stephie Davis

Smart Boys & Fast Girls (2005) 86 Exemplare
Who Needs Boys (2005) 50 Exemplare
The Boyfriend Game (2009) 48 Exemplare
The Boyfriend Trick (2006) 42 Exemplare
Putting Boys on the Ledge (2004) 30 Exemplare
Studying Boys (2004) 16 Exemplare
Playing the Field (2007) 1 Exemplar
Szerelem több szólamra (2010) 1 Exemplar
Erkekler Kimin Umurunda (2015) 1 Exemplar






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I actually ended up liking Smart Boys and Fast Girls a bit more than I expected. At first, I really wasn't sure about it. It didn't start out very good, what with that terrible cliquishness in the beginning, and that the "bomb" so to speak was dropped within the first few pages. But I kept reading in the hope that it would would get better. And I definitely think that it did.

At first, I was convinced that this was going to be an overly simplistic book. And it was fairly simple, but I found that I liked it like that. Everyone had such a straight-forward way of going about things-- there was no beating around the bush here!

Well, accept for the obvious beating, you know. Speaking of which, Natalie and Matt's faux-relationship was so adorable. It was predictable, but it was just the cutest thing that I can think of right off. I liked them as separate characters too, though. Natalie is her own brand of awesome, even if it's clear that she doesn't really think too much about how her decisions impact others. And they do. But Matt-- even if he's too young for me, that boy is so sweet.

I liked that none of their interactions ever felt forced, no matter how far-fetched their plotting was. And that ending was absolutely perfect. It was sappy and cheesy and wonderful-- the best kind of ending.

All in all, Smart Boys and Fast Girls was a cute and satisfying read. I would definitely recommend it for anyone who's looking for a little fluff!
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MVTheBookBabe | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 17, 2013 |

Natalie Page is overlooked and unappreciated.
Yeah, sure, she can run fast.
Yeah, sure, all the boys love a buddy.
Yeah, she has plans every weekend night...with her friends and their boyfriends.


It's time for the world to sit up and take notice. When Natalie makes the varsity cross country team, it seems like the fast track to being cool. The popular girls notice her, the hunky captain of the boys team is giving her rides home. Natalie Page is off and running.

Then she starts to fail geometry. She has to get a tutor: a very annoying boy who thinks sports are for idiots. A very smart boy who thinks she's stupid. A very cute boy who already has a girlfriend and has no interest in her. A boy she told her parents she was dating.


Natalie Page can run.
Now she has to decide how to finish.

I liked it, yet I don't know, something about it irks me at times. I would like to question the maturity level of certain characters *cough* Natalie *cough*. Her obsession with being "cool" is probably the only real thing in this book that annoys me. I understand how she feels, being a high school student myself, but really, she's trying a little TOO hard to fit in if you ask me. Making some poor innocent boy who has a serious girlfriend pretend to be your boyfriend just to hide the fact that you're being tutored is a little too much, don't you think? Especially when the guy's girlfriend does not like the situation so you bribe him with a job opportunity he really wants.

But if you ask me, that's how high school works. Well, it's a little exaggerated, but close enough. It does describe the classic high school cliques. The "stupid jocks" and "annoying math geeks". I feel for Natalie because it is difficult to be a guy's "buddy" instead of girlfriend. Then there's the evil, vindictive ex girlfriend of the guy, Zach, that Natalie likes. Along with her boy troubles, NAtalie also faces some within her friends. She feels left out because all her close friends have boyfriends. That's understandable really. I have to say though, I was rooting for Matt and Natalie to be together. It would be pretty predictable, classic jock and brain relationship, but I think they're cute together. I felt bad for Matt's girlfriend though. As I got towards the end, I got giddy (yes, giddy) because I could tell that Matt was going to change his mind about going to London and show up at Natalie's meet. It was really sweet and even though Natalie did bother me at times, I did like the book. It is a pretty short, enjoyable read, which is exactly why I picked it up in the first place. It's the perfect summer read for teen girls, or anyone looking for a quick paced romantic comedy.
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Danielle_Ruby | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 11, 2011 |
I really liked how this story started out at first. Girl who loves Soccer so much everything doesn't seem to matter to her, until she meets a guy who was so good at the sport she loved and everything changed. I liked it how Trisha seemed clueless and awkward of the feelings she's starting to have for Graham.What I do not like is how she's whiny and blames it to her bestfriends. I mean how could you blame your bestfriends for making you realize you like someone? Shouldn't you be grateful that they helped you realize that? I was a little bit irritated with Trisha because she was being a brat. Instead of helping Sara with her situation with Kirk, she goes on and complain about how Sara and Beth ruined her life. She loved soccer that much that she's blaming everything on her friends?This is a classic example of how girls should not assume. How can Trisha assume that Graham doesn't like her? And all the other assumptions made the story unnecessarily complicated.I feel bad for her though. She had to denounce her feelings for Graham because she was so afraid she'd lose the one thing that matters to her the most. Soccer. And when she saw Sara and Beth getting all happy, and she felt alone, I feel really sad for her.She finally realized she was a girl in a really painful way.It's funny how things seemed to worked out for her in the end though. She got into the Varsity Team, she made up with her friends and she felt good about Soccer again. I guess in the end Trisha is just so naive and stubborn and totally clueless how to deal with her feelings for Graham. She was so unsure and it was kind of cute in a way. Her friends had to help her out again.Overall I think this an okay book. I enjoyed reading it. It wasn't the best but I was satisfied with how it ended. I think Graham and Trisha would make a cute couple!… (mehr)
thekaisu | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 2, 2010 |
Reviewed by Jennifer Rummel for

Lily loves music, or at least she used to. Now playing the piano is her life and she's missing out on all the normal stuff. When her friends come back from spring break, each with hair highlights and talking about boys, Lily knows something's changed within their group. She feels like an outcast and she rebels against her teacher and her parents.

They come up with a solution where Lily will play keyboard in her piano teacher's nephew's band for a month to regain her passion for music. The catch? She's crushing over Rafe, the nephew, and mentioned to her friends that they're dating. Now her friends want to meet him and all kinds of lies are flying out of her mouth. How can she balance everything in her life and show off her coolness?

The BOYFRIEND TRICK offers an outlook on passion, being different while fitting in, and the crazy world of boys.
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GeniusJen | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 10, 2009 |

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