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Werke von Clair Delaney


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Sooo goood! Beautiful story, beautiful ending - I really want the author to write this trilogy from Tristan's POV.

So without giving too much away, Coral becomes the unlikely heroine. She finds strength where she didn't think she had it, and realises no matter how scared she is, she just cant live without Tristan. They are so entwined with one another now, that there's no going back. There love for one another just feels timeless, and as a reader you get the feeling that these two will really last forever. I just want more. Maybe the author will do a follow on?

Forever continues where Fallen left off. Tristan is having to take care of Coral (for reasons i cant say without giving the story away) and she's struggling with that as she's so used to taking care of herself. She still has a lot to learn, and so does Tristan, but together, as the story unfolds, they work it out. I love the way the author wrote this one, you get more of the two of them being together. The secrets they share, and you can really feel their intimacy growing. They make a lot of progress together, but also suffer a few setbacks, very emotional ones for Coral. Tristan handles it as he always does, although his patience is tested a few times...

All her worries from the previous books are still there, but because of what happened at the end of Fallen, her character has really grown, and i really like that in a trilogy. There are more shocks, more answers to questions that have quietly eaten away at Coral, and yet again, as in the first and second book; I laughed, i cried, i gasped at the shocking parts, and also cried a lot of happy tears too. It really is one of those trilogy's that you don't want to end; so I'm going back to the beginning again and reading all three.

I am in love with this trilogy, I love Coral, and i'm so in love with Tristan. God he loves her, and is so good to her. And again, without giving too much away, the greater the love, the fiercer the fight - and boy do these two fight. It is soppier than the last two, Coral is more weepy, but that's just because she doesn't feel she needs to be so tough all the time, and because of something else that happens to her, that Tristan eventually tells her about - It again, makes her question her belief system, on love, marriage and...well i cant say, it will spoil it for you.

All the books on a subconcious level deal with relationship issues, and this one really does have such a lovely, happy ending - which is exactly the kind of book i like. Coral started off as such a self-contained mess, and throughout she has become more confident, less anxiety, more relaxed, which is allowing her to let go more and just enjoy being with Tristan, who is also revealing more about himself, and learning more about Coral too, it's really quiet funny in some parts (especially when he's drunk) he's just so cute and sexy!

This is the kind of trilogy that puts you on a emotional rollercoaster ride while transporting you into their world. Out of all the books i've read (and i read a lot) Coral and Tristan's trilogy is by far one of my favourites, which i'm sure i'll revisit time and time again. There's twist and turns and one hell of a shocker towards the end, where Coral does herself proud!

I love, love, love the chemistry between these two, the journey they have gone through together, and individually. I love how their relationship has evolved, it's a take your breath away, gut wrenching kind of love. I don't quite know how the author has done this, but i want to dive into their world, give Coral a big hug, and Tristan one too, because he needs her just as much as she needs him. Like i said 'Never Let Me Go' doesn't even begin to cover how these two feel about each other.

This author has a gift. She knows how to connect readers with her characters, how to acquiant them with Tristan and Coral so intimately that when they are hurting, you hurt too. When Coral cries, you cry too, when they have sex, you feel their intensity and their very deep love, and when they laugh with each other, you kind of light up inside. The love is lovelier, the passion more hightened, the heartache more potent, all because your experience with the characters is so emotionally charged. And there's still that dry english witt and dry humour.

Loved, loved, loved it!! So sad it's ended :-(
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RomancingAmy | Sep 3, 2015 |
Hot! Hot! Hot!

This author knows how to write hot steamy sex! She also knows how to write a romance with a trickle of suspense running through it. I'm not giving the plot away, but i had my suspicions as to who the bad guy was, but i did not expect the emotional ending that i got. I screamed at my kindle and jumped straight to the third book without a break (i'd already bought it) i just had to know what happened (my boyfriend didn't see me for days while i read this trilogy). All i will say is thank god it wasnt a non-hollywood ending, that would have killed me.

So the first book doesn't have any sex in it, it's implied, but it's more about the way they are feeling about one another, how quickly and deeply they fall in love, and how they will handle it. Or more to the point, how Coral handles it. This one, (which continues where the first ended) gives you what you're anticipating to happen in the first book.

I haven't wanted two characters to get it together in so long. I even cried the first time they did it (had sex), the author really knows how to tickle those emotions, well more likely bang on them like a loud drum, because Coral's been through so much, and you just want her to be happy. You're hoping the whole time that Tristan is the one (with crossed fingers, they are so perfect for each other), but you never know with Coral. She's such a traumatised character, so you never know which way she will turn, but don't let that put you off.

The second book was just as gut wrenching as the first. i laughed, i cried, i gripped my kindle so tightly at the scary bits (well i thought they were scary) and i swooned and drooled over Tristan when he was being so sweet, kind and loveable - i want him for myself! Don't tell my boyfriend :-) The supporting friends and family are just as realistic as as before, and...well, i cant say anymore without giving the story away.

This isn't your average love story. And both characters scream 'never let me go' i can so see this becoming a film or a short drama on t.v. I really love Coral, she drives me mad sometimes, but i also understand why she does the things she does, i can epathise. And you discover more about Tristan too. His past, his insecurities (no-one is perfect) that just make him so much more adorable. The way he wants to protect and love Coral unconditionally makes me melt inside.

I have loved the way in which this has been written, how they open up to each other more, share their secrets (especially Coral) the part where she lets it all out had me blubbering so badly. And then the climax at the end, was just awesome. This trilogy is going to go far in the romance world. And this author is going to have a stellar career.

Onto book 3 review!
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RomancingAmy | Sep 3, 2015 |
I can't believe I'm the first person to add this title? My best friend Sonia, (knowing i'm mad for romances) recommended this to me (she's read the trilogy, as have I). I checked it out on Amazon, then goodreads, and there's some good reviews. So, as it was free, i thought why not. I was dubious at first as it's a new author, but i was so wrong to think that.This book was amazing, from beginning to end. That's why i'm leaving an in-depth review.

I have to admit, the prologue is a little hard going (it's written for Coral's POV, but she's only 5yrs old), and was really upsetting (it had me in tears, and made me appreciate the wonderful & safe upbringing i was given), but i have to agree with Sonia; it's been written in such a respectful and touching way, that you just have to continue to know how her life turns out, and what effect the trauma she goes through has on her. I'm not going to give plots and storylines away, as i hate it when others do that, but this is so worth the read.

Chapter one then starts from Coral as a 30yr old adult. She has some serious issues, and tries so hard not to show them, or act out on them, and because of the prologue, i totally get where she's coming from, and most importantly, how can you fall in love with a man, when you cant stand them? it was so well written, i wondered if the author had studied psychology.

Needless to say, i was instantly immersed in her world (she lives in Brighton, England, it's on the coast) and felt compassion and empathy for this poor soul. Her therapist is a character names George, her best friend is a gay guy called Rob (who's really funny) and her adopted mother Gladys, had me laughing out loud. All the supporting characters are well written and you truly believe there is this young woman wondering around Brighton, feeling lost and empty - In comes Tristan, her new boss.

By the end of the first book, i was totally in love with him, and i didn't think i could like a character more than Edward Cullen (Yes, i know he's a vampire!) but i do. Every time i think of Tristan, i see the actor Chris Evans (with a beard) ladies you'll know what i mean when you read it. Tristan is amazing, sweet, handsome, funny, and soooo sexy!!!!

I cannot rave about this trilogy enough. It sizzles with longing, intensity, and love. i laughed, i cried, i clenched my fists when Coral was doing something stupid, and i sighed with relief when she did something good. I haven't been this emotionally invested in a novel in a long time, i can really imagine myself there, and i was screaming at Coral towards the end, begging her not to do what she does, you'll see what i mean. The moment i finished it, i went straight to the next book (Coral, Fallen) and bought it. Go to that book, i have done another review, as i will for the third too.

Don't hesitate with this one. I read a lot of romances, and i'm suprised this one isnt from a big publisher, it's really polished and so well done. I hope the author writes more soon, and maybe from Tristan's POV (that would be soooo good) as i really like her style of writing.
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RomancingAmy | Sep 3, 2015 |

