1 Werk 29 Mitglieder 2 Rezensionen

Werke von Achut Deng



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Watch the path of your feet
And all your ways will be established.- Proverbs 4: 28

Don't Look Back by Achut Deng taught me that I must think before I move and that good decisions that time and careful thought between myself and God.


"Achut, you must think before you move"

I learned that I must think before I move. Always. Be silent like a cat and think. Never say a word. Never respond. Do not be strong-headed and sass back verbally. Instead bury your feelings into poetry and journal in letters. Remember those who are silent are considered wise. Think before you move means that I am playing chess for the long haul to win for the future prize of financial wisdom and prudence and emotional wealth and stability as well as relationship success and joy. Think before you move to me means means that i have to carefully plan what I am doing each day. What I am reading each day. What musick I am recording each day. And what conversationns I will have that day. Thinking is important. Talking is not.

'Good decisions take time and care. Always use both."

Listen to this advice. Think better. Think wiser. Think smarter. Think the future. Think before you move. Good decisions that you make now will bless you and your progenitors in the future.

"We must trust in God's plan, Achut."

Trust in God's plan. No matter what. Always. Even when your family scream at you in your face or curse you out or ignore you or do not talk to you. Still trust in God. Even when everyone seems to want to be friendly with others but not you. Still trust in God. Even when no one wants to love you enough to stick around to be your lifelong companion in marriage. Still trust in God. God has a plan. He is creating the perfect marriage partner for you. He is building a family tribe just for you to call upon in your time of need. He is surrounding you with His love and protection everywhere you go when it seems no one is for you or with you He is still with you and for you. So look up and be encouraged. Because God will never fail you. Just trust in His plan. Whatever it may be. Not on the plans of humanity.

"If we are to survive," Koko told her son, the hard edge of her voice softening, "we must keep moving forward."

If you want to survive keep moving forward into your destiny of greatness with God. Do not look back at yesterday. Look at each stepping stone in your journey as a learning curve to greatness. Move forward in confidence that you are a child of the Most High God and that God loves and supports and cares for you as His Own. Even when others reject you. God accepts you! Keep moving forward. Do not stop.

"There is still too much good for you to still do in the world for God to take you now."

There is a lot of good for you to do in the world. Finish your work that you started in poetry and in your novels and in your letters. Stop talking and start producing works. Be like Abraham a person of complete faith and communion with God. Be at peace with God and yourself. Release all anger and hate and bitterness that your family feels from you. Live your life. A life of positivity and peace and joyful nature. Not screaming in your face, justification, gaslighting, blame-shifting, emotional and financial control.Live your own life. A Godly life. Do not rely on your genetic parents. Or your realm of genes. Eventually they will tire of you and walk away. You only have yourself to rely on. But while they are still around use them for your benefit and treat them with courtesy. Even if they really do not deserve it. Do it. Because God wants you to.

"Let your heart be strong."

Let your heart be strong. You have overcome much. Keep fighting for your goals. Keeping fighting for your mission. Keep fighting for your God-given Purpose! Keep being open and forthcoming with those you trust and can speak candidly to. Openness. Trust. Honesty. At all times. In all areas. That is your credo.

"Koko was right. I could not reach out for my future while holding on to the past."

Reach out for your future. Do not hold on to the past. Let it go. Yet work through your issues quietly and privately in poetry and in discussions and release it to God. Holding on to the past means to me that I am holding on to something that is no longer available or no longer feasible. It means I have not properly grieved over the issue as of yet. Take my time to grieve and heal and release the pain and sorrow and then release it like a balloon.

"I could not move forward while looking back."

Move forward in life without looking back. Those who look back look back because they have regrets. Or because they do not want to face an issue or grieve over an issue. You cannot move forward while looking back. Trust in God to carry you through. He has the Master Plan for you. Not man. But God.

"Don't look back. It will slow your steps."- Koko Deng

This taught me that I cannot look back because looking back will slow my steps. I can however reflect on issues through fanfics and books that I am having questions about. But do not look back. Looking back shows regret or sadness. Do not regret a life well lived. Regret not living your own life. Start living your own life chess piece by chess piece with Christ daily through musick, letters, and poetry.

"I could not move forward to my future if I remained stuck in my past, and neither could Deborah."

You cannot move forward in your future if you remained stuck in your past like your relatives. You are stable yes. But question everything your family tells you in poetry. You need to understand that they have their own issues they are dealing with that have nothing to do with you. They say they do. But they really do not. So stop trying to have a relationship with them. It just is not worth it. If they want a relationship with you let them make the effort. Not you. You did your part. Now it is their turn. If they do not then it shows that they do not and never really did give a shit about you anyways. You can live with that!

Your parents cannot live your life. You cannot live theirs. You cannot live your siblings lives. You cannot be them. You cannot be anything else but God's Creation. You cannot be anything else but you. So ignore everything people say to you negatively and use it in your writing to make yourself a better person. Not because you are egotistical. But because you want to improve yourself and be inspired in poetic format! And also to process your feelings. Even though you cannot speak them out loud. Or what you want to say. But through poetry you can. Poetry is your voice. So use it!

"We must be patient and silent."

Be patient. Be silent. Speak only when directly spoken to. Instead of speaking verbally speak your truth in poetry. But never, ever out loud. Keep your mouth shut. Keep your eyes open and your ears piqued and your feet dancing. Because with God He will surely deliver and uplift you from sinking sands to forever dancing in Him in happiness.

So do not look back. Look ahead. For God is looking down at you and is proud to call you His Blessed One. You are strong. Do not look not look back.
… (mehr)
Kaianna.Isaure | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 3, 2024 |
This is a very hard read -- about the war in Sudan, about what it's like to be a refugee child, to lose your family and the life you knew, to spend years in camps and experience abuse in your journey and to survive when everything around you is destroyed. It's very powerfully told, and the strength of Achut's story is beautifully evident in this collaboration. Very moving.
jennybeast | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 8, 2022 |


