
Max De PreeRezensionen

Autor von Leadership Is an Art

11+ Werke 1,812 Mitglieder 11 Rezensionen


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This is a series of letters written by a grandfather to his granddaughter on her difficult birth. He explores the mystery & miracle of birth, potential and God's love. He also was called upon to play the role of the father as Zoe's biological father is absent thru all the medical dangers of the birth & Zoe's first months.
ImmanuelPPLibrary | Jun 6, 2024 |
Leadership is any science or discipline. Art. It must be felt, experienced, created. Look at leadership through Max De Pree's eyes, you will never confront people, or yourself, and exactly the same way again.
PendleHillLibrary | 7 weitere Rezensionen | May 10, 2024 |
Rated: B
I love Max De Pree's perspective on leadership as a servant to those who follow. He embraces diversity, maximizing human potential, empowerment (a voice, not a vote) and the purpose of values. Books starts out well but faded into more of a philosophical essay toward the end.
jmcdbooks | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 23, 2021 |
De Pree, widely-recognized leadership guru, has here written a work that addresses especially the unique benefits and challenges of working in the non-profit sector. He does so not only because of their uniqueness but also because non-profits have much to teach for-profit companies. Many non-profit organizations are volunteer-driven which uncouples “power” from “leadership.” In a non-profit, a leader cannot “force” people to obey/conform/perform; rather, he or she must inspire them to do what is needed. A leader succeeds then, not by enhancing his or her own power but by empowering those who s/he leads.
What follows are a series of meandering essays on various aspects of not-for-profit leadership. “Meandering,” I suppose, has a too-negative connotation; to clarify, I do not mean that the essays are “unfocused” or “repetitive” or “confusing.” They do wander, but in a way that serves to draw the reader in. It is clear from the very first pages that what you are reading is the distilled wisdom of decades of successful leadership in both for-profit and non-profit arenas. I found myself taking pages of notes on a book that could easily been read in a few hours’ time, finding on nearly every page some personally-relevant insight.
De Pree is a master of the distilled insight. In fact, odd as it sounds, I found him to be only an average story-teller. However, he has mastered the art of the memorable turn-of-phrase. For example:
• “It’s much easier to extrapolate from the past than to imagine what’s possible in the future”
• “To measure performance is to gauge a group’s sense of urgency.”
• “What we do will always be a consequence of who we have become.”
By far, the most important insight is that the basic purpose of any successful organization must be helping people realize their potential. (What makes non-profit organizations such an important part of American corporate culture is that, for them, that purpose is more or less explicit.) Successful leaders do not “grow companies”; they “grow people.”
I can think of no other way to emphasize the power of this little book other than to confess that I first picked it up in order to give it away. I was in the process of moving my office library back home, trying to clear as much space in my home library, and being as draconian as a tender-hearted bibliophile could be. However, this book has earned back its place on my shelf and will, I think, long stand in the number of the best books I’ve ever read on the nature of effective leadership.
Jared_Runck | Jul 8, 2019 |
These is my first book that I read related to my job. Was giving to me by one of the high managers in the company.
I really apreciatte the gesture and I must admit that at the beginning I was afraid that I will not like it that it will only include motivational quotes the true is that it teach me a lot. It can be short but is full of lessons, it tell stories and provide perspective. I now think that everybody that wants to be a manager can start by getting ideas from this book.
CaroPi | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 9, 2018 |
Here is a leadership book that has sat on my shelf unread for far too many years. I appreciate DePree's thoughtful look at relational, servant leadership. Good stuff in here about intimacy, inclusivity in leadership, corporate storytelling and covenant relationships. Not your typical business fare. I like it.

I also found this an easy read. It doesn't give you a ten point structure or a clear business plan. This is more like a meandering conversation with a leadership mentor circling around important themes.
Jamichuk | 7 weitere Rezensionen | May 22, 2017 |
How to create a lively and harmonious future
kijabi1 | Jan 4, 2012 |
One of the best books about making a humane and empowering workplace. At a time when I was about to give up managing others because I didn't see how I could have a positive impact of people, I read this book. It gave me hope that I could have a positive impact on the people I was managing.½
verber | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 5, 2008 |
Written in 1989 this little book is newly published in the UK. Max De Pree is chairman and CEO of Hermann Miller Inc. (the US furniture manufacturer which brought Charles Eames to your magazines) and the son of the founder. Hermann Miller Inc. has been extraordinarily successful and has operated in a paradigm of leadership and empowerment quite outside the norm for the Western World.

The philosophy developed by the Millers is set out here in a chatty home-spun style that never-the-less It also led Peter Drucker to write “… says more about leadership in clearer, more elegant and more convincing language than many of the much longer books …”. I agree.
GreyHead | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 24, 2006 |
humsafar | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 8, 2012 |
I included this book in my book: The 100 Best Business Books of All Time.
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toddsattersten | 7 weitere Rezensionen | May 8, 2009 |
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