
Beth Ditto

Autor von Coal to Diamonds: A Memoir

5+ Werke 100 Mitglieder 5 Rezensionen

Werke von Beth Ditto

Zugehörige Werke

Riot Grrrl: Revolution Girl Style Now! (2007) — Einführung — 89 Exemplare



Rechtmäßiger Name
Patterson, Mary Beth
Arkansas, USA



I received this book through the GoodReads first-reads program.

Unlike most of the reviewers on this page I knew nothing about [a:Beth Ditto|3048391|Beth Ditto|] prior to picking up this slim volume. As far as first introductions go, I have to say that this was a startling one! This memoir, while short and easy to read, held back no punches. [a:Beth Ditto|3048391|Beth Ditto|] talked about the insular world of the south, the way that a small town can both help and hurt those who live there, and how one can overcome their beginnings without really leaving them behind.

This book was both touching and inspirational, fascinating and humble. As far as memoirs go I thoroughly enjoyed it. This is a good way to pass a summer's day, and I'm sure for fans of Gossip this book will be, well, awesome. I'm happy to know that even for people who had never heard of the band it's still a great read!
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Lepophagus | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 14, 2018 |
Beth Ditto’s autobiography with Michelle Tea proves that the Gossip’s effervescent frontwoman is a diamond in the rough. A proud punk, her story is told in the form of various episodes from her fractured childhood in Arkansas. It was not an easy one by any stretch, as Ditto was part of a large, blended family and living the life of a nomad from an early age (sometimes living with her single mother, occasionally with an aunt and at other times with the man she thought was her father). The only constant was her hometown and one that could be re-dubbed “Hicksville, USA”.

In Coal To Diamonds the unlikely frontwoman describes how she overcame obstacles like abuse, poverty and even bullying about her weight to eventually become the strong and powerful singer we know her as today. It’s a role she relishes and one she sometimes can’t believe she has. But we also learn that she did consider becoming a choir mistress and has never turned her back on the idea of chucking it all in to become a hairdresser.

One things for sure, the story is a true, underdog tale. Ditto was not born with a silver spoon in her mouth. But she does make good. But then, this only happened after she’d earned it through her punk-DIY spirit and gigging with her friends and bandmates (Nathan “Brace Paine” Howdeshell and Kathy Mendonca (who was later replaced by Hannah Blilie).

Ditto would eventually have her own share of personal and professional successes and these were off the back of her own moxie and talent. It is more than the Kardashians and Hiltons of this world can claim and certainly what makes Ditto such a fabulous role model. Well, that and the fact she’s a proud lesbian and flag-bearer for the feminist cause. She has also been outspoken on her views about certain issues and it’s clear from this book that these were shaped during her formative years when she was listening to the riot grrl bands that pre-dated her group’s output.

This memoir is not a difficult one to read in a literary sense. Although it is heart-wrenching to read about her abuse, poverty and the bullying she endured; the actual writing is personable and gripping. It is also how I imagine Ditto is in real life- i.e. down-to-earth, passionate and as tough as nails. Brilliant.

This review originally appeared on my blog. To view the post click here:
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natsalvo | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 25, 2015 |
Very interesting story of her life living with her Aunt Jennie. Well written and makes you feel as you too are part of the family. A must read for all!
MaryAnn12 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 4, 2013 |
Beth Ditto has been an inspiration to me for the better part of a decade. As a teenager I loved her band The Gossip, her positive body image, and her "fuck you if you don't like it" attitude. I never really knew much about her personal life and history, though, so I was super excited when I heard she was coming out with a memoir.

Beth has definitely had an interesting life and rise to fame. From growing up dirt poor in the middle of the Bible Belt, shuffled back and forth between various abusive relatives, to discovering punk music in high school and starting a band with friends just to kill some time, to touring with The Gossip, putting out major label records, and becoming an international celebrity.

This memoir is pretty short and doesn't go into the depth it could--for instance, Beth continually talks about how she comes from a huge family and has dozens of relatives, but we're only introduced to a few of them. Years of her life are glossed over at a time. Everything Beth wrote about I loved reading, but I just wish there was more!

Trigger warning for cutting/self-injury and rape.
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agirlnamedfury | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 30, 2013 |


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