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A WW11 Family Saga

Katarina Stahl is an American Red Cross nurse stationed in the Philippines working with her husband Jack Gallagher, a surgeon. Once their medical mission over they set on their way home to the States when they witnessed bombs falling out of trapped they needed all their wits to survive.... This drama is an epic war stories of two families the Stahl and the Gallagher. One will depict Manilla in all its horrors and the other will brings us to the U.S.A with the internment of German resident aliens and German- American citizens.

My thoughts in a few words:

I have mixed feeling about this story it starts very slow and seems not to take wings even dwindles at one point. I join those saying the story is a bit contrived and style lack spunk, its narrative is somewhat choppy but I overcame this after a while and went with the flow. At one point and finally the story became very interesting and then it had all of my attention. I enjoyed being taken away from the European conflict which I am an avid reader of and step out of my comfort zone to read a story on the other side of the world.

There is a lot of movement In “The War Nurse”, each chapter alternates from Katarina’s story in the Philippine with the Stahl family in the U.S.A. Multiple characters show up for us to track of it is a bit challenging to place everyone and follow them but eventually all will come into place.

This is another glimpse of what war does to people and highlights the remarkable survival instinct human have....

This story may not have been my favourite nevertheless it left me satisfied.
Tigerpaw70 | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 23, 2024 |
To be fair, not reading the first two books in the series may have affected my enjoyment of this one. Too many characters, a bit too much focus on technology that will be outdated soon.

It was okay, but I'm sure my friend who is working towards her NP master's degree would strongly disagree that it's 'just another credential'.

ker95tx | May 27, 2020 |
The War Nurse tells the story of the Stahl Family during WWII. It takes place on two fronts, the Philippines and the US. Katerina Stahl is a nurse for the American Red Cross, while her parents, brothers and sister are in the US. Katerina and her fiance Jack Gallagher are scheduled to go home as their duties are done, but this is the eve of WWII and Pearl Harbor has been bombed and they end up staying and taking care of the injured. Meanwhile Katerina's family is taken into custody because they are German and even though the children were born in the US, the parents never became citizens. This causes a host of problems for the family.

War rages on and as time goes by Katerina and Jack are prisoners of the Japanese who treat the prisoners very badly. Food and medical supplies becomes a rarity and the prisoners are starving to death and a lot of them do die. They say that survival is of the fittest and that is definitely true in war time. In order to keep on surviving, Katerina becomes a smuggler for food and ends up doing things that are against what she believes in. The Stahl's in the US end up in an military internment camp for questioning by the FBi, Ellis Island and then to a camp in Texas. They suffer segregation, they are ostracized and ultimately face repatriation back to Germany.

War is hell and this story is just a glimpse into what the ravages of war can bring to innocent people. The author knows the ins and outs of nursing, did a remarkable amount of research in my opinion, to be able to tell this story of survival in a believable way. Very believable and likeable, and some not so likeable characters. There are a lot of WWII novels out there lately, but I believe that this one is a must to read.
celticlady53 | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 2, 2014 |
Wow, if you want to read a fantastic cozy mystery, go get " Body Wave (A Text-A-Nurse Mystery)", now. I promise you will not be disappointed, cause when you start reading, you will not want to put the book, down.

Just 46 days ago, my aunt(Julia) told me(Reece Carson) "release me from the death waltz and that she is tired of feeling haunted" while she lying in bed, dying of cancer. All of sudden, Julia grab my arm stated "I did not kill the girl";But, I help cover it up. Reece, check her aunt oxygen level, thought it was low. By her aunt words.Julia, voice was getting hoarse, Reece, do not forgive what I done, because I am dying. Guilty, I am.
Reece, ask why,while she trying not to cry. Julia, inform her when you show me the pictures of the yellow fever graveyard, realize that you was standing on her unmarked grave. Please, "free the girls, dig up the truth, end the silence, and then you can forgive me, if you can.

All of sudden, Julia died.

After, Julia pass, had not have peace of mind. Not able to sleep, still grieving. Plus, had not investigate her dead bed confession.

Then, Reece cell phone vibrated, she answer,"Reece Carson at Text-A-Nurse." Raspy voice, ask how do I cut off fingers.Excuse, me? Realize it was my neighbor Mary Belle Murphy and my patient. Are you sick, Mary Belle.No, but he awake. Is your son on the computer, now. Yes, when my closes, hear him tapping, sounds like roaches scampering out of the light, it makes my skin crawl. Notice, someone has sent me a text message, I ignored it. Can't help two patients at the same time. Mary Belle, yell can't stand it. Then, she shouted "I saw the girl's body roll in on the wave surrounded by dying fish; flowers in her hair, white ones. You were there? Can, I come over and we talk. Mary Belle, say ok, but I need to spray the roaches, first.
I yell, Mrs.Murphy! Grab for scrubs, about minute later hear her son screaming, got disconnected. Grab my gear, went try to help my patient.

Next morning, Reece nieghbor Dorothy Dearwood, came over. She inform me that she love column, on yellow fever. I write columns to help pay my bills,plus started Text-A-Nurse, some pay or barter for my services. Mary Belle gave you some excitement during the night, Dot said. Dot, ok give me the low down, on what happen. You know that I can't. Ok, she told me that she saw a dead body, come on shore years ago, at Point Clear.

Dot inform Reece, that they need to going. Reece, where we going. I sent you a text, yes I answer said i'd go tomorrow, not today.Last time, I went over she slam the door in my face. Remember, she help you with your column. Dot, let Reece know that Abigail is having strange symptoms, it not listed on her pharmacy sheets. That Abigail had some small fires, un her home, in which the fire department was call out. One of the firemen(Glenn Hanover,came out another day install fire alarms, for her.

So, we both got in Dot car, I drove over there. No, answer at Abigail house, we went to the back door, it was unlock. Dot, shouted Abigail.They walk back to Abigail room,was in shock. Abigail was wrap up in her blankets like a cocooned, head prop up on a pillow. Check for a pulse, nothing. Call 911.
The paramedics arrived, relieve me of doing cpr.They ask how long, do not know, she was flat line. Corporal Tyson, introduce himself. If you for questions, like to ask you a few. Dot, let him know that she call last night, around half past midnight. Corporoal Tyson, inform them that it look like she die of natural causes. Dot, ask how can you tell? Her doctor, told me. Dot raise her voice, told him the back door was not lock, that her blankets was wrap her so tight, that Reece had to yank them off if her. Abigail would not done it, so someone else was here. Tyson, say she may forgot to lock her door, that she wrap the blankets around her. Dot, inform him again that they was to tight for breathing. Reece, let him know that she right, remind her of soft restraints. Tyson, say if you find anything missing I'll turn it over to a detective.

Reece found some odd looking pills in Abigail meds. She grab them up, she let Tyson know about them, later. Jane the stroke nurse was good to her, she came out here to see Abigail. Point at the shaw, you recognize it, Dixie say no. Tyson, you not taking anything ate you. Reece, inform him that the medics did not take the meds. Notice several odd shape pills in one of them and can you ask the coroner to look at them. Did you slip them in, he ask.No.
Reece, ask if we have any questions, is there a way we can contact you.Tyson, gave her his card, my private number on the back.

Red convertible pull up in the driveway, middle-age man wearing tee-shirt read Firehouse twelve, blond head women, in her late twenties. I am Wayne Sanders and my wife Lisa ;We heard the emergency call on my fire radio, how is the old gal. We just checking on her for a friend, Glenn Hanover. Ms.Abigail has pass on, Reece inform, them. This will kill Glenn, they said. Wayne, inform Reece that he & Glenn answer Abigail 911, call; and Glenn, became good friends with her. He got her some smoke detectors, install them for her.

As Reece, look into Abigail death & her aunt request regarding the dead woman that wash ashore, years ago. Reece, house got broken into, the Stroke nurse Jane, who she thought had something to do with Abigail death, turn up dead the same way. Reece, trying to figure out, who kill Abigail & Jane, now. Hurricane is on it way into Mobile. Will Reece, find the killer before she get kill or blown away by the hurricane.

Please, go get yourself a copy of "Body Wave ( A Text-A-Nurse Mystery) by R.V. Doon. I promise, you will not be disappointed, once you get to reading, will not want to put it down, until you are on the last page. I love it, will be giving it Five (5) Stars.
tagharrell | Sep 20, 2013 |
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