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Ashley Fontainne is a must read author for me since I picked up the very first book. That being said, Empty Shell is not one of my favorites, though I did enjoy the mystery. She has an ability to start her books with a fantastic hook, making me continue flipping pages.

Over the years, I had watched too many of my friends go through this nightmare. Held them while they wept, hearts ripped apart.So many strong women turned into empty shells, nothing but former husks of themselves.

I was lost inside the empty shell of my womb, unable to find my way out of the darkness.

Secrets, betrayals, mystery, murder and loss fill the pages. Good friends can make life easier, so it’s a good think Melody as a couple. I didn’t see the biggest betrayal of all, and I love when an author can sneak in a surprise that leaves me shaking my head because I didn’t see it.

Ashley Fontainne has included many Christian references and I found, at times, it slowed the reading down for me. That may not be the case for others, so keep that in mind if Empty Shell sounds like a good fit for you.

I am looking forward to the next Ashley Fontainne story.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Empty Shell by Ashley Fontainne.

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sherry69 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 3, 2023 |
Number Seventy Five by Ashley Fontainne is seventy four pages of goodness. There are a couple different covers. I think they are both great, but the Goodreads Kindle version is my favorite. I am a huge fan of Ashley Fontainne’s, so I foresee some heart pounding moments coming my way.

I love that the character of Mandy Rusell is in her forties. I do read a lot of young adult, so an older female protagonist is always nice to be with, no matter how horrific the conditions.

I thought the online dating was going to be a bad thing, but had no idea how bad it would be. Mandy was smart about it, giving her best friend, Shawna a safe word and going to a restaurant that her cop friends frequented.

“…A true woman is prepared for anything, especially a southern one, cause we know the woods is full of varmints.”

Ashley Fontainne’s writing shares her love of all things southern, including the varmints.

I know with Ashley Fontainne, bad things will be coming, but I sure didn’t see this, and the surprises kept on coming, right to the very end. I sure wouldn’t want to meet Mandy in a dark alley. She is a hellcat and will fight to the death to try and save herself. The number seventy five in the title holds a special significance and it was even more horrific than I could have anticipated.

At the price of $0.99, this is a steal.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Number Seventy Five by Ashley Fontainne.

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sherry69 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 23, 2023 |
WOW…Ashley Fontainne and Lillian Hansen can sure pen a novel. I only have a half page of notes, because the power of Doodahville was so intense, gripping me, not letting me stop to even jot a note or two. All my emotions came to life, at times overwhelming me.

An impending death, and Gail, Kevin, and daughter, Kassandra are off to Daltville, Arkansas. A small town, small minds, small everything.

I quickly grew to love Gail. She is badass, take no prisoners, kick your ass, leave me and mine alone. At times she cracked me up, other times I wanted to be beside her fighting the good fight.

Kevin and Lurlene are no slouches in planning ahead. Kassandra is a teenager moving from Southern California to small town Daltville, as if teenage angst isn’t already enough. It is a culture shock. At times she feels like life is over for her, but there are also many benefits, which she will learn in time.

The kitten…HA HA HA HA HA.

Racism rears its ugly head on many of the pages. It is the south, so I find that is no surprise and I love the way she handled it in the novel, along with all the nasty secrets and ongoing issues from them.

I have read a lot of Ashley Fontainne’s work, and she easily crosses genres. Her mother, Lillian Hansen did a fabulous job in this collaboration.

Looking at the fun cover, I underestimated the power of Doodaville. Southern living, fraught with danger and secrets that come to light with disastrous results for some, for others freedom. The marvelous characters rise above their situations, sharing love and hope with those who need it. I also went down memory lane from the 1980s. Many scenes were taken from Ashley’s personal experiences, so maybe that’s why they read like true life.

I CAN SEE THIS AS A GRAND MOVIE (along the lines of Gone With The Wind) OR A TV SERIES.

WARNING: Tissues may be required.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Surviving Doodahville by Ashley Fontainne.

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sherry69 | Aug 29, 2022 |
I found this book really interesting. I had to keep listening as the story peaked my interest and I needed to find out what would happen next. I am excited to listen to the next book in the series. I thought the narrator did a good job with the pacing and characters.
McBeezie | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 27, 2022 |
The next chapter in this post apocalyptic series kept me riveted to the end. If you like zombies, you will enjoy this series and the new take on how the living dead were created. The narrator did a great job portraying the characters. I am excited to read the next book.
McBeezie | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 27, 2022 |
I knew it was coming, but tears formed and my heart broke. The characters have been to hell and back and Ashley Fontainne shows no mercy. Who will be called to face Evil and have their faith put to the test this time? Looking at the cover, I think I know who Legion will be targeting. Mayhem is the third novella in the Legion series, so I am anticipating some heart palpitating horror to come my way. Not all the characters will survive. How strong is their faith? WOW…Just WOW…I knew what would happen, or thought I did, but not how it would happen. I find it amazing how Ashley Fontainne managed to pack so much action in a small package, containing all the emotions a human can feel and ending the series in an uplifting way.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Mayhem be Ashley Fontainne.

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sherry69 | Feb 2, 2022 |
A mother’s anguish and her descent into hell after her husband’s death will be called on to face a demon. A child’s anger over the loss of his family will have him questioning his faith. Will he make the right choice between good and evil? He didn’t remember that night, but evil will do whatever it takes to try and collect another soul. Legion is many and still has Clyde in his sights. Could he survive a second time? FREE WILL. Horror and evil oozes off the pages and Ashley Fontainne leaves me wanting more!

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Madness be Ashley Fontainne.

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sherry69 | Feb 2, 2022 |
He entered thinking one thing, facing a bloody, gory horror he never could have envisioned and by the time he figured out what really happened, he was face to face with evil and it wanted him. His faith will be tested. The book may be short, but it has the creep factor alive and well and I turned the pages faster to put an end to it. And, of course, the ending is so much worse than I thought. May be short. Isn’t sweet. Made my skin crawl. Packed a lot in this novella. For the most part three stars would work, but because Ashley Fontainne had to take me down such a twisting road, jerking me left and right til the end, she has earned that additional star.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Many be Ashley Fontainne.

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sherry69 | Feb 2, 2022 |
Well, we are at the end of the adventure with this group of people I have come to know and love in the final story of the Rememdium series, Tainted World by Ashley Fontainne. It has been a long, torturous, bloody road to El Salvador and we have lost many friends and family. How many people are alive and where they are will remain unknown and that may make their survival more likely.

I wondered how Ashley Fontainne would wrap up the Rememdium series and I thought she did a bang up job. I am completely satisfied. After all the running, fighting, killing, munching, hiding, crying, dying and loving, I breathed a sigh of relief at a job well done. Not everyone made it, but those that did left me with a feeling of hope for humanity.

My ratings are 4 and 5 for all the individual books, so I gave this a rousing 5 Star rating for the complete series, because it deserves it!

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sherry69 | Dec 28, 2019 |
Well, we are at the end of the adventure with this group of people I have come to know and love in the final story of the Rememdium series, Tainted World by Ashley Fontainne. It has been a long, torturous, bloody road to El Salvador and we have lost many friends and family. How many people are alive and where they are will remain unknown and that may make their survival more likely.

Those around you died brutal, savage deaths, literally being ripped limb from limb and eaten alive. Would you rather go out in the initial slaughter or be one of the last ones standing? Which is worse? Well, I will not go quietly into that good night. How about you?

So much more to worry about than the zombies that dog their every step. Sometimes humans can be more deadly. Conspiracy is the ultimate betrayal when the country is going through an apocalypse. If you can’t count on those in charge, who can you count on? Do you believe in an ultimate power source, like the Illuminati? I sure do.

When Mike and Trent came across Chris, that about summed up everything for me. I can’t tell you what happened but it affected me profoundly.

I was surprised to see a character that carried my name, Sherry, whether it’s intended or not., It’s always so much fun to see it happen. I thought she was the best. LOL

I love Jesse. She is a character that has turned everything in her life around and stands tall in a crisis. I loved it when she said, “…even a pawn can capture the king if in the right position on the board.”

I wondered how Ashley Fontainne would wrap up the Rememdium series and I thought she did a bang up job. I am completely satisfied. After all the running, fighting, killing, munching, hiding, crying, dying and loving, I breathed a sigh of relief at a job well done. Not everyone made it, but those that did left me with a feeling of hope for humanity.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Tainted World by Ashley Fontainne.

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sherry69 | Oct 31, 2019 |
Tainted Future by Ashley Fontainne is the third book in the Rememdium series and I do recommend reading them in order. That being said, how do I write this review without giving any of the good stuff away?

Ashley Fontainne included a cast of characters in the beginning of the book and it picks up where Book II, Tainted Reality left off.

Tainted Future starts out with three bloody, gory deaths and a flaming missile that obliterates the town. They are on the run. Where do they go?

And it only gets worse. A bullet to the head. Brains splatter.

My emotions ran hot. I was filled with fear, smiles and hope, watching the characters face their personal demons and rise above them was inspiring. I only wish I would do the same in a dire situation.

People will be exposed for who they really are. Some will change for the good, others… Some characters are filled with great courage and sacrifice, at least those that are not out to rule the world. I hate that Ashley Fontainne has the need to kill so many of them off, but hey, I’m not surprised at all. Be careful of who becomes your favorite, because they might not make it.

One of the greatest scenes was in the Humvee, racing over the terrain and anything else that gets in the way. Bodies were thrown side to side, as they bounced their way into the next hair raising end of the world scenario.

We don’t end up with a cliffhanger, but we do need to read Book IV, Tainted World to find out what happens next. Will it be the final chapter? I am already bummed at some of the characters that had to bite the dust and I am afraid to find out who will be next…but, I have the book on my Kindle and will begin reading…NOW.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Tainted Future by Ashley Fontainne

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sherry69 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 30, 2019 |
Ashley Fontainne is an award winning author and I have read a lot of her books. I won this back in 2015 and shame on me for waiting so long to share such a fabulous story.

A snow storm…don’t ya just love a story that starts out like that. Bad things happen during storms in novels. LOL Ya know, like when the town rolls up the sidewalks like it’s the end of the world, telling all to go home and stay there. Ashley Fontainne has a way with words and her writing brings the scenes to life in vivid detail, making me feel as if I am there.

She adds the details to her characters personalities that bring them to life, adding those bits and pieces that make you feel empathy, fear, and the need to save them. I feel like I walk in their world, wearing their shoes.

The devastation caused by the death of Angie’s sister ruined her family, created a distance from everyone. Death, a loss so deep they can’t recover.

I knew from the first sentence that Whispered Pain would be another awesome read. I had a feeling I knew what was coming and as the horror comes full on to Angie, my suspicions are confirmed. I can’t help but smile with wicked glee in anticipation. Ashley Fontainne can take me to the lowest low, a despair so deep I don’t have the strength to fight it…Until…a spark ignites, a fire of determination, a rage that comes to life, as if it is a physical thing. I raged with her.

WTF Who died and made these men God?

The plot is filled with twists and turns that kept a smile on my face as if it was a present to open through Ashley Fontainne’s words. I love that she brought the story full circle.

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sherry69 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 7, 2019 |
I liked this book. It had some good character development. It appears from other loyal readers of this author's that they really enjoy her books. Thus after reading this book, I do look forward to checking out some other books from this author.

I enjoyed the power of sisterly love between Sam and Suzy. They really had each other's back. Plus, they were engaging and easy to get to know. An abusive person reappears back into Sam's life. Yet, she does not "cower" but fights. Yet, the sisters are not the only characters in this story. There are about a half a dozen other characters. The author does a nice job of introducing them a little bit at a time so not to overwhelm the reader. The rest of the characters have important roles in the story as well like Sam and Suzy's grandma, who's actions in the past come back to haunt them.

While, I did like this book, I felt like the first half laid the foundation for the second half of the story. The second half is where the story really shined and picked up speed with intrigue. Despite, the first half being slower reading; overall the whole book did not take that long to read.
Cherylk | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 26, 2018 |
No one messes with Sam’s sister, Suzy. I love Sam’s loyalty. She’s a “book nerd with a mouth” and Suzy’s the “socialite party girl.” She’s a quick talker, but with a short fuse. Fists fly almost as quickly as her words. But, she does listen when something rings right and Ms Townsend’s idea begins percolating in her mind. Using her ability to talk her way out of almost anything would make her a great litigator. She immediately went home and asked her dad if she could start watching L A Law.

Now she’s grown and buying her own home. One she has dreamt of owning for a very long time, The Halstead House. Only she changer the name to Lily Belle. It will be her office and her home.

No one knew the real reason she had quit her job and moved home. It was her and her friend , Resa’s, secret to bear. But secrets rarely stayed buried and she is not the only hiding things.

I love her Swisher smoking Nana. She’s a real hoot. All the ladies are strong and it’s no wonder they butt heads all the time.

Richard: Sam was his property, he owned her, and he will not let her go. How far will he go? Will it be life or death for one of them? He is a vile creature. No one is safe until they find a way to deal with him. He has no problem with beating, torture and murder.

Ashley Fontainne has a way with words and her stories go further and deeper than my thoughts. She fills Fatal Agreements with twist after twist and turn after turn. I had a feeling the house held some secrets…But, what? And who’s secrets are they?

Kip is just plain pathetic. Easily manipulated.

Bradford…I love this man. A retired cop. sometimes you have to stoop to the criminal’s level to get justice.

Secrets and sadness. So much sadness. so much happening to all the characters. I wonder who will be left standing and what shape they will be in.

The pace is picking up. It’s time to gather the forces and ready ourselves for the finish, because I have a feeling with Ashley Fontainnes’s ability to take a story and wring every what if, how about it situation you can think of and some you can’t are coming our way?

Where is he? What’s he doing right this second? As I sit here, I can picture him, getting into the moment, thinking…Is she being too lackadaisical? Too confident?

I know you too well Ashley. You can’t fool me. I know you have some delicious nuggets of goodness, or should I say badness, coming until the very last page is read.

“Mama bear’s on the hunt and she’s got back up and bullets.”

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Fatal Agreements by Ashley Fontainne.

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sherry69 | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 28, 2018 |
I am so happy to be back with some familiar friends and am looking for another mystery to solve. Blood Loss by Ashley Fontainne and her mother, Lillian Hansen, is the second Magnolia story, based on a true one, and I don’t want to miss a thing.

We pick up where Blood Ties ended, but I believe you can read this as a stand alone. If this is your first foray into the Magnolia series, I do recommend starting at the beginning.

The Magnolia has become Karina’s home. She and her mother inherited the home for the elderly and it seems like mysteries and danger arise from the house itself.

Karina’s nightmare awakens her, but it’s nice having her hunkie boyfriend at her side. Bo tells her the nightmares will pass.

“They’re all dead thanks to you, so that makes you the predator, not the prey.”

Karina is a strong, determined ex cop, as is her mother. They have put that behind them, but it’s a good thing they have those skills to draw on.

She’s tough, snarky and has a potty mouth. Pull a gun on her and she’ll blow your head off, but she has a big heart and guards it well.

Death by dick wouldn’t fly anyway, though it would be a memorable obituary for sure, going viral in hours. (Karina’s thoughts about Bo’s insatiable libido).

I laughed out loud when I read her version of the song You Don’t Own Me.

Karina has me cracking up throughout the pages and I love being inside her head.

It is that kind of writing that gives Ashley’s stories a fun and humorous bent and keeps me coming back for more. I think humor goes hand in hand with romance and mystery.

My first big surprise I never saw coming. No warning, but at least it’s all good.

“Like the Good Book says, the love of money is the root of all evil. And it’s a thick root that runs deep into bloodstained dirt.”

Government conspiracies? Never underestimate the power of greed. Some will stop at nothing.

A home for old folks…not surprising there are skeletons in the closet and secrets hidden. In 1957 two women vanished without a trace and the game is afoot.

Karina misses the rush of the hunt, so when the mystery appears, she jumps on it, regardless of being warned off. It’s just not in her nature. She cannot resist the mystery and I know she will find danger.

I’m onto you Ashley. The second surprise is about Karina. I didn’t see this one either and I love when the author can surprise me. Ashley Fontainne has that ability, and so much more. She draws me into the story quickly and easily. The characters become my friends. I worry about them, want the best for them, and if I could climb into the pages of the book, I would help them. As it is, all I can do is read…

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Blood Loss by Ashley Fontainne.
sherry69 | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 24, 2017 |
Poisonous relationships, sexual crimes covered up in the name of business, desperate misery and desperate measures all come together in Ashley Fontainne’s Accountable to None, first in her Eviscerating the Snake series. And there are certainly snakes in the paradise of this business world.

Strong language in the opening scene warns readers what to expect. Analytical descriptions of character motivations and occasional over-the-top descriptions—“a textbook narcisist/sociopath that any psychologist would salivate over at the thought of…”—together with long backstories, offer a bumpy ride, sometimes fast and sometimes languorously slow. There’s much to relish in the playing out of revenge, and much to despise in the carefully described inner thoughts of the main antagonist.

The first part of the story is complete by the end of this novel, so readers could stop here or go on to read more as they choose. The novel’s short, but the reading’s slow, with touches of faith, ashes of pain, and thunderous splashes of fury at the world’s treatment of women in business.

Disclosure: I found it on a deal and I offer my honest review.
SheilaDeeth | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 19, 2017 |
Callie’s running a race to gain her place at college and cement her future. But this race will change direction as she searches instead for her brother’s past. Author Ashley Fontainne evocatively brings to life the despair and temptations of addiction, through the evocative poetry of a wounded soul, and the driven desperation of a woman who believes she can rise above those wounds.

Bad things happen to good people in this novel, and foolish risks have sad consequences. But wounded souls can save each other too, with God’s help, as Callie’s story moves through pain to hope. A compelling read, smoothly powerful, faith-filled with a pleasingly gentle touch, this short novel is highly recommended.

Disclosure: I was given an ecopy and I offer my honest review
SheilaDeeth | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 19, 2017 |
I was kind of expecting and hoping for this book to be a bit scary. In fact, it was lacking in suspense. Yet, what kept me staying with this book until the end were the characters. The residents of the Magnolia, Karina, LiAnn, their parents, and Gram. It was for the characters that were intriguing that it was like I was part of this family. As far as the story was involved, it was fine.

Just like the author's, this was the first time that I heard the name Maud Robinson Crawford. Maud is who this story is loosely based on. In real life she disappeared and her case has not been solved. Which, as this story is a "what if", Maud's case was solved, I felt like the authors could have dressed up the story a bit more. The case as told by the residents of Magnolia was slow and not a lot of action happening. Although, the authors did fine wrapping up the story in the end.
Cherylk | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 6, 2017 |
Eighteen-year-old Sheryl Ilene Newcomb - and yes, her initials do happen to spell SIN - should have little to worry her beyond whether or not she will make the cheerleading squad, missing her boyfriend who is away at basketball camp, and lending a sympathetic ear to her lovelorn best friend. Instead, for the past nine years, Sheryl has been living with a secret. According to her family, the transformation - or whatever it might have been - could probably be traced back to events that happened during the summer when Sheryl turned nine.

That was the year that her elderly great-grandmother died, and when Sheryl's nightmares of the mysterious Shadow-Man started. It was also the year that Sheryl determined no one would ever learn the gruesome details about her Nana's death, nor that Sheryl was convinced that she was in some way responsible. After all, Sheryl had witnessed Nana's mauling, somewhere deep in the woods, and had done nothing to stop it - had she?

However, for the Newcomb family, the day when they truly realized there was a problem - when they had reached the point of no return - was a week before Sheryl began her senior year at Junction City High. That was when the mutilated bodies began appearing in the brush down beside Caney Creek, along with the notes claiming to know Sheryl's terrible secret and warning that the notes' author would soon come to collect what was due - warning that the women of the lineage were going to be eradicated at the hands of their worst enemy.

For eighteen-year-old Sheryl Ilene Newcomb, that was the summer when the fangs and claws of an undeniable monster ravaged all that she held dear; the summer when everything changed and the monster deep inside her soul was unleashed. Because that was the summer when evil awoke and everyone heard its menacing growls. Every living thing in Locasia County, Mississippi quaked in fear, hearing such ominous rumblings.

I really enjoyed reading this book. The plot was very well-written and interesting; I was drawn into the story right away. The character and story development had me intrigued until the very end - I found myself really connecting with Sheryl and I hoped that she and her family would come through everything relatively unscathed.

This was also an unusual treatment of lycanthropy and of werewolves in general; at least in my opinion. This was the first book that I ever read by Ashley Fontainne, but I look forward to reading more in the future. I would certainly give Growl by Ashley Fontainne an A!½
1 abstimmen
rubyandthetwins | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 22, 2017 |
Ashley Fontainne is a master storyteller and I am always on the lookout for another story from her.

Ruined Wings…I love that the cover shows the despair and hope that is contained between ‘the pages’. It makes me wonder which will prevail.

A lot was riding on the day for Callie, but something felt wrong to her. I knew something bad was coming and her life would be changed forever.

DRUGS…ADDICTION…whether legal or illegal drugs, addiction is addiction. The destruction it brings into a family is horrific. The loss of a loved one can make something you thought was so important, inconsequential.

I love Callie, a flawed, yet strong, focused, determined seventeen year old girl who cannot accept her loss…who can’t move on.

The descent into hell is slow, seductive, and I did not see it going down this way. I love that Ashley Fontainne can always pull a trick or two out of her hat to keep me on my toes.

This sad, and realistic tale reads like a true story.

Ashley’s writing will reach into your heart and gut, and rip them out! Ruined Wings reads like a true story.

Once you start, you won’t be able to stop reading. Unputdownable. Gut wrenching. Tragic, yet hopeful.
sherry69 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 14, 2017 |
What would you do if your life spiraled out of control in a matter of hours? Everything you thought you knew and could hold onto were suddenly like quicksand beneath your feet. Who would you turn to?

This is the premise of award-winning Ashley Fontainne's latest suspense thriller. Right from the start, you're thrust headfirst into Melody Dickinson's life, which quickly becomes a nightmare.

As is typical with Ashley's works, the twists and turns come at you so fast, and seemingly out of nowhere, that you're left breathless. But among all the chaos and carnage that has become the lives of the Dickinson's, as well as peripheral characters who change in ways you don't expect, runs a thread of hope and healing to grasp.

Ashley excels at the thrilling suspense novels you've come to expect from her pen, but what makes her novels stand out from the crowd is her well-drawn characters, believable dialogue and actions, and the deep-seated faith, truth and love that shine through it all.

"Empty Shell" will take you to the darkest reaches of the human heart, but it will also lift you up to the peak of human love, understanding and forgiveness.
DTChantel | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 12, 2017 |
This is a heartbreaking morality tale wrapped up in the enigmatic and compelling storyline that is Ashley Fontainne's forte. You will want to weep alongside Callie as she slowly succumbs to the unrelenting grip of drug addiction. You think you're immune, you think it doesn't touch you or those you love. And you think you can close your eyes and your heart to the hurting and drowning people around you, but you can't. Nor will you be able to ignore or forget Ashley Fontainne's "Ruined Wings." For with this sad, yet ultimately hopeful story, we are reminded that all of us are flawed and broken and in need of redemption. Get this book, read it, absorb it's message, learn from it and pass it on. Truly a tour de force.
DTChantel | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 12, 2017 |
In "Tainted Future," the third book in Ashley Fontainne's exciting, non-stop action zombie thriller series of books, The Rememdium Series, our various bands of survivors are doing whatever they can to not only survive, but to make sense of a horrifying, ever-changing new world. How do you begin to live when every minute of your life is a terrifying nightmare?

As old friendships are broken and new alliances are formed, it is both suspenseful and heartbreaking to see who emerges the stronger and who falls by the wayside. This is "survival of the fittest" as only Ashley Fontainne can do. If you think you've run the gamut of zombie apocalypse novels, think again, and give this one a try. You won't be sorry.
DTChantel | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 12, 2017 |
“Growl” by Ashley Fontainne is not what you might expect. Every time I think I know where Ashley is going with a story, she manages to completely stun and amaze me. “Growl” will do the same for you. With a protagonist whose initials spell the unlikely monogram S.I.N., you just know things are going to go from bad to worse. But no matter how many dark paths Ashley leads you down, there is always soul-lifting redemption along the way.

Sheryl Ilene Newcomb is your average girl next door, in love with her boyfriend and surrounded by wonderful small-town people she grew up with. But is she? Is anything what it seems in this story? I absolutely flew through this book in my eagerness to see what happens next. The characters will steal your heart, the plot will thrill you and the ending will astound you.
1 abstimmen
DTChantel | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 12, 2017 |
"Night Court," by award-winning author Ashley Fontainne, is one of her darkest novels yet. Set in the dark streets of the night amidst today's pervasive drug culture, Ashley pens a tale that is part non-stop suspense and part heart-wrenching family drama. I was absolutely blown away by this book as once again, Ms. Fontainne managed to amaze me at the devious twists and turns this tale took. However, behind all the thrills and surprises, you also get a glimpse into the sorrow and anguish that many face today that are victims of the addictions and demons of our times.

Ashley Fontainne has a unique way of telling a story that manages to astound me every time I read one of her books. I think I know where's she's going with the plot and then, every time, she manages, through her evil genius, to astonish and confound me. Her characters are never black and white, but in that shaded area of grey where you think you're going to like or dislike a certain character, but then manage to totally change your mind by the end of the book. This book did it to me again and I ended it with tears in my eyes.

I hesitate to say that each book I read by Ashley just keeps getting better and better because that would be to insinuate that her first books weren't as good, and that's not the case at all. Each one does keep getting better and better, but she started at a point of excellence to begin with, so if you're not reading her books by now, you have absolutely no idea what you're missing.

**I received a free copy of this book by the author in exchange for an honest review **
DTChantel | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 12, 2017 |