
John Foster (30) (1949–)

Autor von After sustainability : denial, hope, retrieval

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3 Werke 17 Mitglieder 2 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

John Foster is a freelance writer and an associate philosophy teacher in the Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion at Lancaster University, UK.

Werke von John Foster



Rechtmäßiger Name
Foster, John Michael



I fully support the views of John Foster... for 175 out of 177 pages. This book supports the Deep Adaptation line of climate awareness: if you are unaware of this, the basic precept is that it is now too late to look for a business as usual solution to climate change, and that we are fighting for continued human existence.

John Foster states his case eruditely and without over emotional language. The conclusion, with which I agree, is that only some form of revolution will save humankind. Where I have problems with his argument, is when he says that, whilst it would be nice to take the people with us, it is not necessary.

I accept that revolutions work better with a small lead group (Russia was 'stormed by a small group able to take rapid decisions - NOT a committee voting for each stage). The problem with not having broad support from the people is two fold: it leaves the revolution open to counter revolution (again proven by the Russian example) and secondly, it is wrong. Even if it were possible to sustain a revolution against, or at least without tacit support of the people is arrogant; it smacks of, "I know what is best for you". Something of which, I think, we have had more than our sufficiency.

This is a major flaw in an otherwise excellent tome and I would, most definitely, NOT let it prevent you from the crucial information that is contained within.
… (mehr)
the.ken.petersen | Mar 27, 2022 |
Climate Change is now almost universally accepted as a problem. The solution, however, ranges from our Prime Minister who feels that we just have to bluster until such time as a technological answer comes to hand, to those who feel we should ban all technology.

Having a book which presents a variety of views, is a great way to put these ideas together.

This book has been part of my firming up the concept that strong action will be required if the human animal is to survive. We have to accept that it is now too late to pretend that everything can be sorted out. We will face detrimental effects of climate change, whatever we do at this late stage. We also need to remember that we are facing more than a surfeit of CO2: we have the 6th Mass Extinction of fauna and flora, ocean acidification, soil deterioration, and that's before we concern ourselves with a fair society.

Change must occur - and quickly. Will it? I hope that I live long enough to see the answer (and, of course, I hope that we get it right!).
… (mehr)
the.ken.petersen | Jan 8, 2022 |

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