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The Love Shack by Lori Foster
Indiana Summers #3

Splendid summer story perfect for reading on a beach, while flying, or just about anywhere ~ Great addition to the series

What I liked:
* Returning to Cemetery, Indiana – small town with big heart
* That there were two romances brewing at the same time
* Berkley: loving, kind, a bit reserved, had a difficult time in the past, runs the animal shelter, begins to open up as she makes friends, drawn to Lawson
* Lawson: skilled carpenter, business owner, community minded, is drawn to Berkley, protective, caring, the whole deal
* Lark: hair stylist, outgoing, knows everyone, starting over after a difficult time, drawn to Oliver
* Oliver: owns the new fitness center in town, physical therapist, strong, caring, protective, drawn to Lark
* Betty: town matriarch, cares about her community, opening up more during the series
* The animals: Hero – canine who rescues, Cheese – thieving feline, Gladys – elderly canine that gets adopted, Handsome – abused canine that finds his forever home
* Kathleen: spotted frequently throughout Cemetery and the surprise partner she ends up with
* The feel-good vibes, chuckles, and contentment I felt while reading and the smile on my face as I write this review
* Wondering who will star in the next book in the series
* All of it really except…

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about what some of the characters experienced in their backstories
* Having to wait for the next book in the series

Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely

Thank you to the author and NetGalley for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars
CathyGeha | Jun 11, 2024 |
Mmm. I missed some of the audiobook beginning and that may have been a small part of why I found this confusing. I didn't understand why Jamie was in hiding, why was Faith there? it's a slow reveal, and I lost track - in part because I wasn't interested enough in these two MCs.

Jamie who's lived like a hermit for many years, doesn't seem to "reach" for Faith because he hasn't had anyone to talk with for ages! but purely based on her naked allure - it's not cerebral!

Yet the book plays mind games - which don't come off. Which reminds me, we are told that, especially when he removes the "Unabomber" beard, Jamie is a super handsome guy but somehow the cover was not a fit with the novel. In the version I read, he is dressed in a white t-shirt and looks like a fantasy gigilo.

I didn't think any book could go wrong if narrated by the inimitable Tor Thom.

I see that I have read 7 of Lori Foster's 253 books (according to Library Thing)!!! I got about 65% of the way through this book before giving up.½
Okies | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 25, 2024 |
BooksInMirror | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 19, 2024 |
BooksInMirror | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 19, 2024 |
BooksInMirror | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 19, 2024 |
What did I get out of this book? It was a good read - good storytelling - but overall, not a spellbinding book. Molly was an interesting heroine - for a change. She was so "fiercely independent", as it says below, that she was like an island, not part of her family or any other social group.

What we heard of her boyfriend, whom she split from not long before her kidnapping - how could such a woman be attached to such a man? He provided a conduit to a social life - that was it. Still, she was engaged to him! T

She meets Dare, the professional soldier, now someone who does dangerous work such as rescuing kidnapped women from human traffickers. Despite her "island" nature, in no time she's drawn to Dare, the kind of man she's never met. A protector. I found it startling! out of character.

Should every woman "wait" for such a man?! Holy smoke! Unfortunately I have enough scepticism left, after 4 years of romance reading, to feel this man is not real. You might be waiting a while.

I didn't quite trust this story, and I didn't feel a lot of chemistry between the MCs. Dare was an attractive character, but not fully drawn; Molly was a mash of contradictions. The setting, Dare's house in the mountains, now that was something.

The book blurb, necessary to remind me what happens:
"Professional mercenary Dare Macintosh lives by one hard and fast rule: business should never be personal. If a cause appeals to him and the price is right, he'll take the mission he's offered. But then the lovely Molly Alexander asks him to help her track down the men who'd had her kidnapped--and for the first time, Dare's tempted to combine work with pleasure.

Fiercely independent, Molly vows to trust no one until she's uncovered the truth. Could the enemy be her powerful estranged father? The ex-fiancé who still holds a grudge? Or the not-so-shy fan of her bestselling novels? As the danger heats up around them, the only anchor Molly has is Dare himself. But what she feels for him just might be the most frightening thing of all."
Okies | 35 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 3, 2024 |
I'm going to start by saying I love this author and all of her books but with that said this book was hard for me to get into. Lets start with what I loved about the book:

The storyline was amazing and I enjoyed it because it was different and I hadn't read anything like it yet. Brodie was amazing, sweet, and had a sense of humor. He was constantly aware of others feelings and he liked to lookout for the underdogs or those who may not be able to take care of themselves in certain situations. Also his dog, Howler was loyal, sweet, protective, and the story surrounding Brodie rescuing him was so sweet. Ok so lets go to my main issue with this book:

Mary. She was so uptight and out to prove herself to the world that she didn't realize how obnoxious, judgmental, and downright rude she came off as. I tried so hard to like her because as the reader you just know there is a reason for her being this way. you know that she wants to be treated as an equal and come off as I am an independent woman hear me roar which is fine because I am all for strong heroine leads but when they are constantly being condescending to the Hero over and over and over again you can't connect with them. She keep treating Brodie like he was a lowlife and every situation that occurred she yelled at him and belittled him. I honestly wanted Brodie to walk away from her and not look back because he kept apologizing for absolutely nothing. Honestly her attitude was so annoying it took away from their chemistry and romance.

Overall I enjoyed this book but Mary wasn't even likeable until she finally let go of her attitude but that was about at 80% of the book. If she had lost some of her attitude earlier then I could see the connection between her and Brodie but she had me feeling so sorry for him that I couldn't buy into their romance.
readonreader | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 5, 2024 |
This is actually the second time I've read this book. I couldn't remember if I had read it before, so I got it from the library again. I don't usually like to reread books, but this one was good enough to read twice.
amandabeaty | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 4, 2024 |
Jedidiah has come to the Colorado Rockies in search of answers. She wants the truth behind the fire that killed her family. She gets a job at the new campground owned by Memphis Osborn and sparks fly! But the more she investigates her family’s deaths, the more dangerous it becomes for Jedidiah and she just might lose Memphis in the process.

Jedidiah is a fabulous character. And I swear, I laughed out loud when she met Memphis! He is naked in the shower so you can just imagine how well this goes! And their chemistry just keeps getting better and better. And Memphis is very protective and you just can’t help but love this couple.

I have not read a Lori Foster book in FOREVER! And no idea why?? She is a solid writer with real characters and real situations. This book checks all those boxes. I did feel it was a bit long and could have been shortened a little bit.

Need an all around good romance…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today n

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.
fredreeca | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 28, 2023 |
"The Good Girl's Guide to a Very Bad Christmas" Kylie Adams -- this was my favorite, hands down.
lexilewords | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 28, 2023 |
The Charmed anthology brings together four stylistically different authors under one common theme: romance at Halloween. Jayne Ann Krentz (writing as Jayne Castle, her futuristic romance pseudonym) takes us into the future to the novella that began her Harmony series of books, Lori Foster gives a passionate spin to treasure hunting and ghosts with a story that's part of her Winston brothers novellas, Julie Beard travels back in time to King Arthur and Eileen Wilks has a slightly gothic flair to a paranormal contemporary with djinn and witches.

Of the four stories I definitely enjoyed Castle's the best. I've been a fan of her Harmony books for several years now, but had not read this particular novella. There's less cohesion to the world, with more flair for the dramatic then usually found in the books, but the couple Sam Gage and Virginia Burch are sizzling. It was fun to see the guy so uncertain about where he stands with a woman and wanting love, not just sex. Virginia, also wanting love, but willing to settle for the sex if need be, is feisty and stubborn, but their respect for each other is apparent.

Foster's was the hottest of the four and gives the phrase 'grand passion' a literal meaning. I loved Allison. Hands down she was entertaining. Casually arguing with a ghost while trying to keep her wayward--and explicit--thoughts to herself and battle the flirtations of her long time crush sparked some interesting comments. Chase was very aggressive at first, but its understandable given the amount of frustration he must have been feeling. There was an unnecessary thread, involving an ex of Allison's, that was just kind of there as added 'danger' at the end, but overall this was a fun and often amusing story.

I enjoyed Beard's story the least of all the stories included. It was too pat, too predictable. It started out really well, with a crazy fortune-telling lady and misfortune and Woden's Curse, but devolved into a standard romance rather quickly. Tristan is entirely too nice and understanding for a guy in King Arthur's time, Katherine takes her time traveling really well (as well as the marauding Saxons) and the development of their relationship is pretty much off screen so to speak. Various mystics tell them both, about each other before they meet so they're already pre-disposed to falling in love. There is a clever trickery of words used, but even then the romance that develops from that is just so-so.

Wilks' story was a little confusing, and involved more psychological thinking then I usually like in a romance, but it was pretty basic. Dora and John, two seemingly dependable and staid people, are hiding secrets from each other. Which turns out to be an issue since Dora's secret puts her at risk because of John's secret and both together just makes them combustible. There was more wordplay trickery involved in here, which was funny but not discussed overmuch. The ending is a little abrupt with the consequences of their actions occurring and then lovely discussion begins, but it was fun. Plus I like romances involving djinns.

Overall this collection was entertaining and fun, but other then Jayne Castle I don't believe I'd read any of the other authors separate works based upon what I read here.
lexilewords | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 28, 2023 |
Terrific blend of action, suspense, and romance. It can be easily read as a standalone, but reading the first book will fill in some of the gaps regarding the secondary characters in this book.

Memphis is a tech geek who purchases a rundown campground notorious for the shady characters who used it. He secretly plans to use his over-the-top security to identify and stop illegal activity. The site was still under renovation when Jedediah (Diah) showed up looking for a job. He's reluctant to hire her, but his brother insists she's perfect for the job. I loved that conversation between the two men. Memphis appears to be a laid-back guy, but there are moments where an unexpected intensity shines through.

Diah has been on the run for ten years and on her own for two, always looking over her shoulder for the danger she left behind. She is looking for the truth about the deaths of her family, and that search leads to Memphis's campground. All she needs is to get hired so she has the opportunity to search for it. I liked Diah a lot. She is much stronger and braver than she thinks she is. She is also intelligent and intuitive.

I loved the first meeting between Memphis and Diah. Memphis is unflustered at being caught in the outdoor shower while Diah brazens her way through her surprise. The banter between them was funny as each tried to hide their immediate attraction. Neither trusts easily, and I enjoyed watching them get to know each other. Memphis senses that Diah is hiding something but he's willing to give her the space and time she needs. From the start, he feels protective of her, and that protectiveness doesn't always sit well with the very independent Diah.

I liked the slow building of Memphis and Diah's feelings for each other. The chemistry is there and acknowledged, but there needs to be trust before they are ready to do anything about it. I loved their interactions, from arguing over Memphis's protectiveness to Diah needling him about the way they met. But once they've earned each other's trust, there is no holding back.

The suspense of the story was good. Diah is looking for information about the fire that killed her family. Unfortunately, she doesn't know exactly what she is looking for. At the same time, the local crime boss has plans for the campground. This guy is seriously creepy and evil in how he runs his business in town. The tension builds slowly until it explodes in a nail-biting confrontation at the end.

My favorite secondary character is Diah's dog, Tuff. Like Diah, he is wary of strangers and is as protective of her as she is of him. He has excellent instincts and takes to Memphis right away. Tuff's trust in Memphis is sweet and helps Diah trust him, too. Remmy runs a close second as a favorite. He is a former thug, so he still gives off bad-guy vibes but tries to live a better life. I liked the growing friendship between him and Memphis and his surprise that Memphis trusts him. After getting off to a rough start, Remmy and Diah also become friends. I laughed out loud at Diah and Remmy's conversation about her relationship with Memphis.

I liked seeing Hunter, Jodi, and Madison from the first book. Hunter and Memphis have a terrific relationship as brothers, and I liked their mutual respect. I liked the teasing between Jodi and Memphis. Madison fascinates me. I need to find that series and read it.

scoutmomskf | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 27, 2023 |
The Fearless One by Lori Foster
Osborn Brothers #2

Absolutely loved this book and am not a bit surprised because Lori Foster is an author guaranteed to provide a story that I will become immersed and enmeshed in with characters I won’t want to say goodbye to, and this book was another one that had all that I could hope for.

What I liked:
* Jedidiah “Diah” Stephens: difficult backstory, skilled jill of all trades, looking for answers about her past, difficult childhood and past, has secrets, needs a job, finds work at a campground being refurbished
* Memphis Osborn: tech savvy, bright, younger brother, wicked sense of humor, good friend, has a secret plan, protective of those he cares for, really like him
* The meet cute: it is making me smile and fan myself as I think of Diah’s first glimpse of Memphis
* Tuff: Diah’s canine companion and a good friend as well as protective
* Getting to see Hunter and Jodi from the previous book along with Madison from the MacKenzie family of a previous series
* Remy: once a bad guy with a conscience that was in the previous book and I wanted to know more about – still want to know more and hope he has a book, too, that perhaps has Lane in it, too
* Lane: a woman on the run from a bad guy that finds a safe place to land at the campground
* Glover: a man that gave up everything to keep Diah safe as long as he could
* That the characters are people I would love to be friends with and spend time with
* That the bad guys were easy to dislike

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about how evil Otto was and how easy it was for him to do despicable things

Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Definitely!

Thank you to NetGalley and Canary Street Press (HQN) for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars
CathyGeha | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 24, 2023 |
Review is for 'Leather and Lace' by Maggie Shayne.

This story is part of the Sinful anthology that came out several years ago but I only have this one individual story on my Kindle.
I absolutely loved it!
Martha Jane lost her secretary job a month ago. Her sexy boss, Richard, fired her to hire a blonde bimbo, his supposed girlfriend, and he never knew plain Martha Jane was in love with him. Martha Jane and her best friend Kayla has started a lingerie line and their model falls sick on the night of their first ever fashion show so prim and proper Martha Jane has to fill in the stilettos with a mask to boot!
This is a hilarious, heart-warming story about secret love, old hurts and mystery on Valentine’s Day. Richard and Martha Jane’s relationship starts fast but believable. Though they’ve know each other for about a year, he pretends to not know who the mystery woman is behind the sexy mask and she won’t tell him. I love their banter, the way she gets her revenge on Richard for him ignoring her when she worked for him and for him showing off all his girlfriends in front of her. He gets his comeuppance and the book shows that everyone can change.
5 Stars

Disclaimer – I bought this book for my own enjoyment. I am a reader. I am not paid or compensated in any way, shape or form for this honest review. I will not change or alter this review for any reason unless at my discretion.
AmberDaulton | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 20, 2023 |
Midnight Rendezvous by Jamie Denton
He's a playwright with an alcohol problem and she is an ex model disfigured by a drunk driver. He's searching for a muse and her naked midnight swims are keeping his creative flow going but his life is in New York and her life is in New Orleans and the two of them couldn't possibly work as a couple until they do.

Dime Store Cowboy by Kate Douglas
Mark decides after an experience at a dude ranch to move there and try the life, Betsy has escaped an abusive relationship and resents his flippant attitude to life. The two of them have to find common ground.

From the Storm by Lori Foster
Sabrina works at a children's shelter using her life experience as a child to help the children. Roy works as a vet who also has an animal shelter. When they were younger his family took her in when her junkie
Sweet, tender. She was an abused girl his family had saved and taken in after her abusive junkie father tried to sell her for a fix. Storms make her very upset and he's always willing to soothe her but he respects her boundaries until they both change theirs.

Life in the Past Lane by Kathy Love
Rocco Vincente is happy with his life of writing columns and squiring women around New York but his 15 year reunion happens and the woman in charge of the Bed and Breakfast he goes to happens to be Fanny who he liked from afar. As he explores the town where he finished his high school education from a group home, he gets some perspective from himself as adult.

Take Me Home by Erin McCarthy
Sarah is home and pregnant and unsure who the father was. Travis has always been her refuge but he's cautious, she mightn't stay and that would break his heart but he can't stop helping her.

Razors Edge - Sylvia Day
This was included in the Shadow Stalkers Novella Anthology - he's an old friend of her now-dead husband and he's always been attracted to her but didn't want to go there on a friend, she's getting over the death of her husband and trying to find a new future.

All in all the stories were okay, in some instances I would have liked a bit more, in others the story was about the right lenght. A few of the authors I'd look for again.½
wyvernfriend | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 8, 2023 |
Not my favorite of Lori Foster's books. It moved a bit too fast for the subject matter at hand and it was hard for me to warm up to the characters. Not a terrible read, it was still an enjoyable book that benefits a wonderful charity. It just won't be on my re-read pile of books.
Full review here:
Bunny20 | Sep 19, 2023 |
didn't read the second story
spazkat | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 8, 2023 |
Didn't read the second story.
spazkat | Aug 8, 2023 |
Book Review:
Title: Fantasy
Author: Lori Foster
Date Read: September 17th - October 14th, 2016
Date Reviewed: October 14th, 2016

Introduction: I went to a local book store since they were having a clearance and I found many short but sweet novellas by Lori Foster floating around. After I bought many, this was the one I decided to start with. After months of this book disappearing around my house, I was finally able to find it and get down to reading it. The only reason it took so long to read was because of my busy schedule. It was a quick, sexy read despite my lengthy reading time.

Spoilers Ahead?: Yes!!

Quick Summary: Brandi Sommers bids on a man at an auction, only to please her sister. To her surprise, she gets stuck with security consultant Sebastian Sinclair for an all expenses paid, honeymoon vacation. When the two of them are forced to be together, emotions flutter and drama ensues.

Evaluations: This book is sexy and emotional. It definitely has its flaws (it's quite stereotypical) but it's a fast, sexy read. I found that this book kept me interested and I didn't get bored, but I was hoping for some not so stereotypical plot devices. Sadly, I didn't get any. Brandi is quite innocent, has only gone to bed with anyone once She was forced into bed by many men , and does not initially want to have any relation with Sebastian. On the other hand, Sebastian is an expert in the sexy time territory, he's super hot, he runs a successful business, makes lots of money, and has many other tropes that women are looking for in their sexy hero.

I'm somewhat glad that this book is not the first in the series (it's 0.5), because it seems far to typical for a romance novel. It gets tiring reading the same pair with just a tiny difference get the same romantic plot and ending. The two characters dislike each other, than one of them develops feelings, and then they get together, but conflict ensues and they break up, only to get back together and have a happy ending. It's typical and boring, but at least Lori Foster's skill of writing makes up for the very typical storyline.

Overall, I enjoyed this novel. I got to turn my brain off for a while and enjoy myself. Would I have liked some wicked plot twists? Yes. Nonetheless, it's still a great book.

Strengths: This novel is a quick read. Lori Foster does an amazing job at keeping the plot moving forward and not having any holes that makes the reader want to put the book down. All of the characters and plot devices didn't seem out of place either. This book is a great, quick romance read for the avid romance reader.

Weaknesses: This book is typical. It's hard to find an atypical romance novel these days, so if you are looking for something out of the ordinary in the romance department, this book is not for you.

Score: 3 out of 5.

I really enjoyed this book, but it didn't hit the ball out of the park for me. I will definitely read more by Lori Foster, but I'm not grasping for another novel by her immediately. I would recommend this book for romance readers because it's a beautifully written story!! Overall, it's a good book! Lori Foster knows how to write her romance.
Briars_Reviews | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 4, 2023 |
all the feels

I loved how these two people who are always taking care of everyone else find their way together and I especially LOVED that there was no “black moment.” Even with the antagonists working against them, nothing got in the way of this happily ever after. Will definitely be reading more from this author.
Karla.Brandenburg | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 1, 2023 |
def a D grade book. The supposed banter between the main characters wasn't funny, cute or witty. It was just annoying and since it comprised most of the book. well. no thanks.
aeryn0 | 11 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 23, 2023 |
Short and sweet novella about Marcus, who we first met in Getting Rowdy. Rowdy rescued him from his druggie father, and Reese and Alice Bareden later adopted him. Now he's all grown up and following in Reese's footsteps - not just as a cop, but also in falling hard for his neighbor, Lucy.

I loved seeing Marcus and Lucy together. Over the past six months, they've become good friends, bonding over their love of MMA fighting. She often joined Marcus and his friends to watch the matches on television, and I loved seeing the closeness and teasing among the group. Lucy mothers them a little by providing homemade snacks for their viewing parties.

Marcus wants to move out of the friend zone with Lucy, but he senses an occasional wariness in her that holds him back. It's the same kind of wariness he remembers from childhood, and he doesn't want to make her uncomfortable.

Lucy had a terrible childhood, which affected the way she saw herself. She wears baggy clothes and does everything possible to downplay her looks. She's attracted to Marcus but doesn't believe he would be interested in her. She also doesn't want to do anything that could wreck their friendship.

I loved Marcus's patience and understanding while waiting for his chance with Lucy. Lucy is shocked and disbelieving when he finally lets her know how he feels. She can't believe he hasn't pulled away even after he encourages her to tell him everything. It was sweet to see how Marcus worked so hard to show her he believed in her. I loved Lucy's joy when she realized that her feelings truly were reciprocated and how it unlocked the passionate woman she's kept hidden.

The other guys' reactions to the changes in Marcus and Lucy's relationship were hilarious. The shock, surprise, and overt happiness made me laugh out loud. The three of them immediately took on "big brother" status, and their rapport returned to normal.

There was a brief hint of suspense when someone from Lucy's past left an unusual gift for her. She was a little freaked out by it, and I loved seeing Marcus's protective streak kick in. I liked how Lucy dared to face that past with Marcus by her side for support. The resolution was not what I expected, but I loved what happened.

I hope the other guys get stories, too.
scoutmomskf | 1 weitere Rezension | May 10, 2023 |
The Little Flower Shop by Lori Foster
Indiana Summer Series #2

Cemetery, Indiana might be the perfect place to find happiness, love, and your happily ever after. Great addition to the series!

What I liked:
* Emily: divorced, early forties, flower shop owner, orphaned in her teens, close to her aunt and uncle, open, warm, caring, easy to talk to, more than she realizes, interested in Saul
* Saul: restaurant owner, charming, hard worker, most eligible bachelor in town, responsible, has had his eye on Emily for a while, really nice guy
* Aunt Mabel & Uncle Sullivan: Emily’s guardians, stepped up when Emily’s parents died, loving, wise, there for Emily, still deeply in love with one another
* Gentry: new in town, early twenties, helps out at the flower garden and shop, has difficult backstory, caring, kind, and finds his future in Cemetery
* Mila: new in town, early twenties, works for Saul, open, verbalizes what she wants, rather taken with Gentry, finds her future in Cemetery
* Beck: fourteen, orphan, comes to Cemetery toward the end of the story, is taken in by his guardian, may have a part to play in the future books in the series
* Snuggles and Satan: rescue animals that are an interesting addition to Emily’s life
* Kathleen: town mannequin, gets around, fun, makes me smile thinking about her part in the story
* That I was drawn in, cared, and felt good when I finished the story – great way to spend the day!
* Knowing there will be future books to look forward to

What I didn’t like:
* Nothing really…only thinking about how difficult it is to grieve and how much more difficult it must be when young and you are taken in by others

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely

Thank you to NetGalley, Harlequin Trade, and the author for the ARC – This is my honest review

5 Stars
CathyGeha | May 9, 2023 |