
Bruno Frank (1887–1945)

Autor von Cervantes

31+ Werke 226 Mitglieder 3 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern

Über den Autor

Beinhaltet auch: Frank Bruno (2)

Werke von Bruno Frank

Cervantes (1934) 76 Exemplare
Tage des Königs (1924) 27 Exemplare
The Hunchback of Notre Dame [1939 film] (1939) — Screenwriter — 26 Exemplare
Der Reisepaß (1937) 20 Exemplare
Trenck (1973) 17 Exemplare
Sechzehntausend Francs (1940) — Autor — 10 Exemplare
Politische Novelle (1928) — Autor — 8 Exemplare
The Magician and Other Stories (1946) 4 Exemplare
Der Magier (1929) 3 Exemplare
Twelve Thousand (1927) 3 Exemplare

Zugehörige Werke

Deutschland erzählt : Von Arthur Schnitzler bis Uwe Johnson (1962) — Mitwirkender — 108 Exemplare
Weltende (1977) — Mitwirkender — 13 Exemplare





È forse per il quarto centenario della morte di Cervantes che un editore ha ripubblicato questo romanzo risalente agli anni trenta del secolo scorso. È ben scritto (e mi pare anche ben tradotto), di lettura piacevole, ma di livello ordinario: un'onesta trasposizione romanzesca della vita sventurata di questo grande delle lettere e di tutte le traversie che subì, dal soggiorno in Italia alla battaglia di Lepanto, alla prigionia in Algeri, al rientro in Spagna, all'incubazione e alla nascita del "Chisciotte". Anche il mondo di Cervantes viene ritratto: il tetro fanatismo di Filippo II; la sua Madrid, incipiente capitale, poco più che un villaggio; la sua Spagna, regno dalla natura inospitale, popolo fatto di una sparuta élite privilegiata e di masse misere, stremate dalle tasse; la Algeri dei pirati barbareschi, barbaro e variopinto "schiavificio". E il mistero della creazione del capolavoro, che arriva sommessamente alla fine del romanzo e le dà un tono di consolazione e riscatto di questa vita sventurata. Ma le vite sventurate sono state, sono e sempre saranno innumerevoli, e il riscatto manca loro quasi sempre. Se in tutto il resto Cervantes fu sfortunato, in questo almeno no.… (mehr)
Oct326 | Jul 21, 2016 |
Otto Frank iniziò la sua carriera artistica con alcune raccolte di liriche caratterizzate da un estetismo di stampo espressionistico (Aus der goldenen Schale nel 1905, Die Schatten der Dinge nel 1912 e Requiem nel 1915). Nel 1915 venne pubblicato anche il suo primo romanzo, Die Fürstin. I primi successi gli arrisero tuttavia come autore teatrale: Die Schwestern und der Fremde e Das Weib auf dem Tiere, sul modello del teatro di Čechov, e il dramma storico Zwölftausend in cui narra il destino crudele di dodicimila mercenari venduti dal loro sovrano. Si dedica anche al romanzo storico con Tage des Königs, vita di Federico II di Prussia, e Trenck, un cortigiano della stessa corte prussiana. La storia contemporanea venne trattata nelle Novelle politiche, in cui tratta dei rapporti fra i due uomini politici pacifisti, il francese Aristide Briand e il tedesco Gustav Stresemann. I romanzi Cervantes, biografia del grande scrittore spagnolo, e Die Tochter, la cui protagonista è figlia di una cantante ebrea polacca, furono scritti in esilio.… (mehr)
gianoulinetti | Sep 19, 2013 |
What a fine collection of short stories these are – and how fortunate the accident that led it to join my home library! I purchased this book entirely by mistake; attracted by a preface by Somerset Maugham, I confused the book’s title with another by Maugham himself. And while I am glad to have a copy of Maugham’s preface, I am even more so to have had the chance to read and enjoy these stories. Of the thousands of short stories that I must have read over the years, a few of the ones in this collection must rank among my favorites.

Their author, Bruno Frank (1887–1945) was a writer, dramatist, and poet who fled Nazi Germany in 1933 and eventually took up residence in the US. Although he is known for his novels and his screenplay of the 1939 The Hunchback of Notre Dame, in the 1930s he wrote various short stories that were translated into English for this posthumous collection.

The Magician and Other Stories contains nine short stories plus a “fragment of a projected novel”. They are tales of courage, sorrow, regret, loss, retribution,and inspiration. Most are life- affirming stories, brimming with the joy of human existence in a troubled and difficult world. In “Pantomime,” two young lovers being forced to terminate their relationship choose to end their lives in a double suicide – and through accident, live to see how short- sighted their act would have been. In “Sixteen Thousand Francs,” a former soldier is tormented for decades over his thoughtless act on the battlefield, and in trying to make amends, finds that there are worse things than forgetting the past. In “The Golden Beetle,” an escaped prisoner has the chance to end the life of the cruel jailer who made his life so miserable – and in a sudden revelation of wisdom, accepts the existence of his own tormentor.

In “The Suitcase,” a husband who has grown indifferent to his wife discovers the miracle of unquestioning love and trust, and grows to become the man worthy of both. In “The Unknown Woman,” a young man falls in love with a woman (a stranger) on a train – and the experience opens in him an aching need that life cannot fill. “The Concert” recounts a vicious rivalry between two male singers, with an ending worthy of de Maupassant or Maugham. “The Moon Watch” is a strange and powerful story with a chilling ending. Other stories in the collection include “An Adventure in Venice” and “The Magician.” The final selection, “Chamfort Releases His Death” is presented as a fragment of a never – written autobiography, of an author who lost his life during the French Revolution. It ends thus:

“I have been a witness to great changes, a witness moved by bitter passions, though not of heroic stature. The violent earth-quakings and earth-shatterings of recent history consume me in my waking hours. And thus, between life and death, sitting as it seems in an open grave, I deliver my report.”

The stories in this collection deserve to be remembered, and it is sad to contemplate how few copies of this book seem to exist. Granted, the language is at times florid and dated, and the descriptions of people and scenes more detailed than some might prefer. But with eloquence and wisdom they celebrate the experience of human existence. I enjoyed them immensely (and one -- I shall not reveal which -- has brought tears to my eyes both times that I have read it). As the saying goes: "it is not you who reads the book, the book reads you."

(Note: Somerset Maugham’s preface, like all of his writing, is worth reading in its own right. Maugham knew Bruno Frank, and could therefore give the reader a sense of what he was like as a man. The stories are very different from Maugham’s own work, as in his maturity, he eschewed lengthy description and melodramatic language. In reading his preface closely, I infer that he was being generous towards a style of writing that was not quite to his taste. However, as he points out, an individual’s own opinion of fiction is all that should matter.
… (mehr)
5 abstimmen
danielx | Jun 9, 2012 |



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