66+ Werke 905 Mitglieder 34 Rezensionen


This was a re-read for me and I enjoyed it. I read another one in this series earlier in the Christmas season - Christmas Belles of Georgia - but I enjoyed this one more. This one takes place over the course of four years at the Barncastle Inn where they have themed Christmases. The first book has a medieval theme, the second one WW2, the third a pirate theme and the last one is the first Christmas when Jesus was born.
I really liked the idea of different themed Christmases and it made the books interesting. Two of the stories have very fast romances which I don't really love but I still enjoyed the overall story. The second two stories the people already know each other which I found much more believable.
Overall though I found the stories enjoyable and completely clean which is nice. The writing was pretty good for the most part.
Piper29 | May 13, 2024 |
Enjoyed reading about life on the steamboat 'Cordelia' in the 1890's. Blanche Lamar was without money and a home following her mother's death. She suddenly receives a request from the father she never knew to come by steamboat to receive her inheritance with the help of a man named Ike Gallagher. Blanche will take to the river and the life aboard the steamboat. She will also get to know her father and realize he is a man she loves and doesn't want to lose. An interesting ride up and down the river as people learn to love and work together.½
judyg54 | Oct 3, 2021 |
Only in the darkness can one truly appreciate the Light.

What a lovely way to spend a few hours! Four wonderful stories set in the 1800’s, all featuring the call of women to help women. In those days, trained doctors knew very little if anything about childbirth, making the midwife a vital part of the birth process as well as in the care for the new mother and infant.

In the west where life is so different, or is it .... to the city where poverty and even a voodoo queen, life forces these trained midwives to stretch themselves to be ready to help those in need. From a one room cabin where charms are believed to help in the birth, to the single mother there to help anyone who is in need, their mission doesn’t change, even for those who work in the oldest profession known to women.

I thoroughly enjoyed all four of these novellas. These heroines were strong, stood up for themselves and their patients and brought change into the lives of those around them. This ARC was received through Barbour Publishing and NetGalley. The impressions and comments are my own and were in no way solicited.
Eamace | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 28, 2020 |
Heart-felt, endearing stories of four women who have felt called to be a mid-wife. All of these ladies come from different backgrounds and deal with a different set of circumstances to get their jobs done . Each must bring awareness to the community, help them get past their prejudices to help the suffering women and the conditions they live in.

All of these mid-wives are willing to fight with all they have to give the women in their care the best, hoping to ensure that mom and baby got the care they need to live through the birthing process. I liked how the men in these stories came aware of the need and are eventually willing to help in the fight.

I liked reading about these strong female leads and their compassionate, leading men. At first, the men do not understand the drive of their lady loves have but then seeing them in action, they get it. I enjoyed learning about how mid-wives are viewed in Ozark Mountains, 1868, 1868 Denver, 1871, N.Y. City, 1889, and New Orleans, 1890 and what these women went through to do their jobs. It was eye opening. We have come a long way to get to what mid-wives offer today.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising"

Nora St. Laurent
TBCN Where Book Fun Begins!
The Book Club Network blog
norastlaurent | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 12, 2020 |
This review covers all 4 novellas in the book. I received this book through Netgalley and Barbour Publishing. The review is my own opinion and freely given.
First, all of the stories seemed too rushed at the end. It was like they had just so many words they could use and were reaching the limit.
All the stories had one central theme, a midwife as the main character. I enjoyed all the characters but I enjoyed some of the stories more than others. Each had something going on that endangered the midwife to some degree. Each also had an underlying romance.
The book was mostly well written with few errors and hopefully, the few errors are corrected in the final edition as I was given an ARC edition.
Overall, I give this a 3 out of 5 stars. Not bad, but not my favorite. If someone was looking for a series of novellas I would recommend these as ok but not great.
grammy57 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 28, 2020 |
Charlsey’s Accountant - 4 stars

Lucy Ames, Sharpshooter - 4 stars

A Breed Apart - 4 stars

Plain Trouble - 4 stars

The stories were cheesy and adorable. I enjoyed them very much. Individually, they didn’t quite get a 5 star rating, but packaged together in one book, they definitely do.
book_lady15 | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 3, 2020 |
I have been a longtime fan of Dana Mentink's writing so I was excited when I saw she was included in a new novella collection of cozy mysteries by six different authors. Coffee Club Mysteries centers around a group of friends who are members of a book club in a small town in Kansas. Each story centers around a different member of the club who somehow finds herself in the middle of a whodunnit mystery. The ladies work together much to the displeasure of the local sheriff to solve the mystery and help their friend. The stories include humor, suspense, fun-loving animal companions, and even a bit of romance. I enjoyed how the stories were connected to one another so you got updates on the characters you met in previous stories. It was refreshing to see a group of women of various ages and stages of life be so supportive of one another and exemplify true friendship.

I received a complimentary advanced copy of this book from Barbour Publishing through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Melissa_O | Feb 17, 2019 |
Title: All Roads Lead Home
Author: Darlene Franklin
Publisher: Forget Me Not Romances, a division of Winged Publications
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"All Roads Lead Home" by Darlene Franklin

My Thoughts...

This was a beautifully written story of Graceanne Willis who was a Harvey Girl from Waynoka, Oklahoma and Peter Wagner who worked on trains and also studied the engines of airplanes. "All Roads Lead Home" was really enjoyable and interesting read as we get a ride with 'Charles Lindberg.' Well. the way the story is written you will feel as though you are right there in the mist of it all. Then as the characters take a trip that will make you feel all the richness of it all through there travels with the visiting wonderful sights, eating delicious foods, different issues with the weather and the friends that were made along this travel really made this storyline so very engaging. The author really knows how to keep one interest through the descriptions of amazing sites that you will definitely have you feeling that you are right there in the mist of it all By the end will Graceanne and Peter get to their HEA? Well, to find out you will have to pick up 'All Roads Lead Home" to see. Thank you to the author for such a interesting good read about Waynoka, Oklahoma.
arlenadean | Feb 19, 2018 |
Nine novellas that all can be read separately, but all dealing with the same subject of bondage, but coming from different angles of slavery.
Each author will have you thinking and quickly draw you into their story, and each has a woman that is being really held against her will. You will be quickly sympathizing with each of the victims and hoping for their release, and that is where the stories differ and we see the different ways the imprisonment happens.
You don’t want to miss this book, each read can be done by itself, and they are all page-turners, you will not be disappointed, and in the end I wanted to keep on reading.
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publish Barbour Books, and was not required to give a positive review.
alekee | Oct 4, 2017 |
I have never been to Colorado, but I have seen pictures of the majestic mountains there. The author describes Colorado with such vivid words that I could see how gorgeous the place was. I especially liked the homage to John Denver. He was one of those singers that was very likable.

Krystal and Jill have a wonderful job showing people around the city. On this particular assignment they find themselves as guides for Prince Johann "John" van Koppelberg and his “bodyguard” Gus. Krystal is really impressed by John and his natural politeness. I liked how Krystal and John hit it off right away. John has come to the Rockies for a vacation, but will he find more than just a place to relax and enjoy the sights?

I really liked Gus and his loyalty to John. I can just imagine how intimidating Gus must be with his tall stature and quiet nature. Krystal was a great character and I liked how she enjoyed being able to show off the town to John and Gus. I fell in love with the places the author described from hiking up the mountains to a place called little town. The story is short but filled with adventure and faith. The main quality John said he wanted in someone he would marry was that they loved God as much as he did. At the end of John’s stay, he realizes how much he has fallen in love with Colorado. Is it possible that there is something else keeping him there?

Don’t miss this great story about adventure, romance and the wonderful state of Colorado.

I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | Oct 1, 2017 |
I love stories that are clean, have wonderful characters and share God's word in a way that isn't preachy. This collection is just that kind of book. The stories are sweet, and filled with examples of how God brings people together.


I thought the author did a great job of developing the characters in a way that made them seem like everyday people you know. Michelle was a little hard on herself at times . It was refreshing to read how much trust she put in God as she makes hard decisions about her life. I loved Joe instantly. He has a charismatic personality that draws people to him. The sparks fly as Michele and Joe run into each other one day. Will they give their relationship a chance to grow? Don't miss this love at first sight kinda story that made me smile . I loved the way the author took them through struggles as they each kept God first in their lives.

Hidden Dreams :

This story is so fun to read. It is set in early 1900s. We meet Mary Anne who is trying to escape to Canada. I loved her strength most of all. The author writes with a sense of survival as Mary Anne finds herself in an accident that changes her travel plans. I absolutely loved the description about Vermont. The author made me so hungry as she described maple cured bacon. The farm that Mary Anne is taken to after her accident is filled with warmth and hospitality. Wallace is like a breath of fresh air. He is kind, thoughtful and very artistic. One of my favorite parts of the story is when Mary Anne participates in the Easter egg hunt on the farm. She explains the meaning of Easter to the children in such a passionate way. I loved reading why Easter eggs are dyed red to represent the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross.

The story is quite intriguing with someone looking to harm Mary Anne. Can Wallace keep her safe? The story has wonderful historical facts that allow readers to know Vermont better. I loved learning about different birds that Wallace was so occupied with at times as he desired to put his knowledge of them into a book. This is a great story of trust , faith and acceptance.

To Riches Again

One of my favorite things about this author is she knows how to make a story come to life. I really enjoyed learning about the Orphan Trains. I can't imagine the sadness on the trains as the children grieved for their families. Elyssa knows very well what it feels like to an orphan. She has such a tender heart and her love for the children is precious. She travels to Kansas to deliver the last of the orphans. I loved when she arrived at the station. The excitement as new moms and dads met their new children were a sight to see.

Elyssa has had a little doubt about one particular parent. It is most unusual for a single man to want to adopt. I chuckled as Elyssa realizes that he is late and she starts to fret. Today of all days, Bill has an emergency on the farm and is late getting to the station. I don't think he made a very good impression on Elyssa. The ride out to the ranch must have been a bit strained as Elyssa is quite upset with Bill. Is Elyssa having second thoughts about Bill as the father of the two children she has for him?

The children, Ian and Bridgett are a delight. They finally feel like they belong somewhere. The story is well written with budding romance that is guided by God. Will Elyssa take Bill's offer to stay and help with the kids? Can Elyssa learn to trust Bill? . Grab a copy if this great story and find out what happens when Elyssa and Bill listen to God for direction.

I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | Aug 26, 2017 |
With a gentle sweep of words the author transports readers back to the late 1800s. I loved how she described the seals and fishing vessels. Her knowledge of the history during this time was evident which brought the story more realism. I could hear the seagulls as the boats docked with their bounty of fish. I found the story to be very sweet and lovely. Young love is precious and the author tells Riti and Eddie's story with compassion and great faith.

I remember when I was young and had a boyfriend who I thought would be in my life forever. We were great friends at first, but quickly became boyfriend and girlfriend. Over the years he moved away and we lost touch. What I loved about this story, was how Riti never forgot about Eddie and how much she adored him. It was interesting to see how Riti's family wanted to keep her away from Eddie. They didn't seem to think he was good enough for their daughter .

Eddie is a hard worker as a fisherman. Working on a boat is hard and dangerous work but at the end of the day, you have put in an honest days work. I loved how Eddie befriended a seal named Petey. His compassion for animals was a nice characteristic and I thought he was a very caring person.

The story deals with religion and the different beliefs people have. I liked how the families had different views and expressed them openly. Will Eddie and Riti rekindle their love? Can Riti's family let her go and trust her to make the right decision? I loved how the story brings two people together after a long time and the things they go through to see each other. It's a great story with faith , love and trust as the main themes.

I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | Jun 27, 2017 |
I love stories with second chances. It shows the grace and forgiveness people work through. This story was very well written with two wonderful characters that I adored. What happens if you decide you don't want to get married on your wedding day? Cynthia was about to marry the man she has loved forever, but something stops her. I loved how she followed her dream even though she made a hasty getaway . Can you imagine what the groom must have felt when he realized his bride has run away?

Keith has not forgotten about that painful day four years ago when his dream went thousands of miles away to Australia. I really loved his character because he had great manners and treated women with respect. Cynthia had left him at the altar but now they find themselves back in the same small town. Keith has joined his dad's veterinarian clinic. There is one small problem though. Guess who has been working there while Keith was getting his vet's license? Oh my the story is fun when Cynthia and Keith see each other after all those years. I loved the beautiful scriptures the author uses that ties beautifully to the story. There are a few surprises in the story about a certain boot that will remind you that dreams do come true. It's a great read about two people who each much learn to forgive and open their hearts to a second chance.

I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | May 6, 2017 |
One of my favorite things about this author is she knows how to make a story come to life. I really enjoyed learning about the Orphan Trains. I can't imagine the sadness on the trains as the children grieved for their families. Elyssa knows very well what it feels like to an orphan. She has such a tender heart and her love for the children is precious. She travels to Kansas to deliver the last of the orphans. I loved when she arrived at the station. The excitement as new moms and dads met their new children were a sight to see.

Elyssa has had a little doubt about one particular parent. It is most unusual for a single man to want to adopt. I chuckled as Elyssa realizes that he is late and she starts to fret. Today of all days, Bill has an emergency on the farm and is late getting to the station. I don't think he made a very good impression on Elyssa. The ride out to the ranch must have been a bit strained as Elyssa is quite upset with Bill. Is Elyssa having second thoughts about Bill as the father of the two children she has for him?

The children, Ian and Bridgett are a delight. They finally feel like they belong somewhere. The story is well written with budding romance that is guided by God. Will Elyssa take Bill's offer to stay and help with the kids? Can Elyssa learn to trust Bill? . Grab a copy if this great story and find out what happens when Elyssa and Bill listen to God for direction.

I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | May 5, 2017 |
I love books that contain several stories and fill your heart with hope and joy. The author has done a great job of capturing the time period and given us characters that are strong, determined and faith filled. Each story is enchanting and I loved how the author brings each character to life. This is one collection that you don't want to miss.

My Candy Valentine
I loved reading about how candy was made and the hard work that it takes to make beautiful chocolates, ribbon candy and much more. Wouldn't it be fun to have your own candy store? After each batch of candy is made, you could sample one and taste the different flavors exploding in your mouth.

Catrina Jensen is known for her delicious candies and is kept busy filling orders each day. She has worked hard to make her candies a success. What happens when a gentlemen comes in the shop to offer her a business deal that will make her candies famous? Can she trust Gilbert Williams or is he there to steal her business? This is a delightful story with a bit of romance and a lesson in trusting God.

Love's Glory
The story opens with excitement as a plane is seen in the sky. The crowd is eager for it to land to welcome home Alfred and his friend Smitty. The story is set in 1919 and the author vividly describes the plane as it flies through the sky ready for landing. I could feel the excitement as Beth and Agnes waited as the plane touched down. To Beth's surprise Garan steps down from the plane. The shock on her face is easy to see. Everyone thought that Garan had died during the war, but here he was.

Garan has a lot to make up for with Beth , but she has a surprise that will change everything. I loved the reference to The Wizard of Oz and the name Dorothy. That is my all time favorite movie and I never miss a chance to watch it. This story really touches on some emotional moments. What happens when a secret is revealed? Can Garan and Beth forgive each other and themselves? The author does an amazing job of describing the war and the many dangers the war presented.

The reunion with Beth's family was very touching. It is hard sometimes to forget about the past. Will Beth's father forgive Garan for hurting his daughter ? I loved the theme of forgiveness in this story . It's funny that we think if we keep a secret no one will ever find out. God has a way of revealing secrets and allowing grace and mercy to follow. Don't miss this great story of learning to forgive and the importance of family.

Tobogganing For Two
We are introduced to two sisters full of life having fun riding toboggans until one day disaster happens. Laura and her sister, Eliza are changed forever when something goes terribly wrong. I admired Laura and her dedication to helping her sister who cannot walk anymore. Laura has carried guilt about the accident and I loved how the author showed how Laura couldn't let go of the past. Have you ever done something that you couldn't forgive yourself for?

As the sisters travel to Plymouth, Nebraska they are excited to see their aunt and to meet a doctor that can possibly help Eliza become a bit more independent. I loved Dr. Jay Andrews immediately. He has a strong desire to help others . He will have his hands full with Laura hovering over her sister. Laura and Jay will have some things they need to overcome and I loved how they prayed and asked God to help them. It is a wonderful story of forgiveness, new beginnings and trusting God.

Christmas Visitors
From the beginning of this story I could feel the emotions stirring within me. I love Christmas stories and this one really touched me. Alex and Josh came to know Cora when a tragedy struck. Cora is a very caring person and has been there to help others in need. I loved the connection between the story about a young couple taken in by an innkeeper and Cora doing the same.

As Christmas approaches, three women arrive at Cora's place looking for a place to stay. It is no accident they have arrived at Cora's place. God has placed these three women there to help Alex face his past , heal his heart and forgive someone that needs him. Cora will find herself dealing with the past as well. I loved this story so much and the ending is very moving as I felt tears run down my face.

Angel in Disguise
Rosie has not had an easy life. She is known as a thief but when she asks Jesus into her heart, she is a new person. She wants to follow His ways and help others that are struggling. I loved this story because it talks about those who are struggling to survive. Everyday there are people who go hungry, have no place to live and own very few clothes. We are to help those in need, but sometimes we forget about the people around us. Rosie has a big heart for the poor and decides to do something to help. She can't understand why the church she attends isn't doing anything to help the less fortunate. Not everyone in the church trust Rosie and she is not treated fairly. It reminds me how we may treat the homeless. Do we turn our backs on them? Are we guilty of judging someone because of their past?

I loved how Owen could see past Rosie's mistakes and treat her with kindness. He knows that others don't want to be around her, but they need to be reminded that we are forgiven and now are new believers. Rosie is so sure she is doing the right thing by helping her neighbors but she will soon find out that she may be breaking the law. Will Owen be able to help Rosie? Will others reach out and help their neighbors? This is a great story that focuses on helping others without judging.

Each story is beautifully written and I loved how the author had scriptures throughout each story. The boom is a great reminder that God forgives, does miracles and loves unconditionally.

I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | Mar 5, 2017 |
Nine romance short stories by a sampling of popular Christian Fiction authors, featuring the lawful and lawless, and independent Texans of the Old West.
mcmlsbookbutler | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 13, 2016 |
A Trusting Heart by Carrie Turansky is the first novella in this collection of nine stories that as the descriptions notes--celebrate faith and love in the Rocky Mountains. This sweet story begins with Annika leaving her twin sister and only relative to travel from Chicago to Wyoming as a mail-order bride. When she arrives in Laramie, surprises greet her. Just where is her husband to be? Will she be able to become a rancher's wife when she is fearful of horses? With a few twists and turns, a gentle hero, and a sense of strong faith in God woven throughout the author brings the reader a tender story with a satisfying ending. I look forward to reading the rest of the stories in this collection.
Anne_Rightler | Sep 3, 2016 |
Cozy mystery that is more a romance than a mystery.
Bettesbooks | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 6, 2016 |
Christmas bridal stories from some of the best authors - with a Texas theme.

As I've said before, I'm not usually a fan of short stories. I like a book that I can hang on to and continue the story for several days. I've come to realize the talent in a really good short story - one that still has that richness of tale. This book combines both. With four novellas by different authors that have characters that overlap, you get the best of each. The depth of these Christian Historical Romances and that connectiveness makes it feel more like you're reading a series. I highly recommend this!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the Barbour Publishing - Netgalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Robin.Willson | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 20, 2015 |
Book Description...

"Spend Christmas in the Old West with six unconventional women who take on Texas-sized challenges—and unexpected romance. Bridget falls for a man opposed to her teaching Indian orphans. Polly is trying to hold her family together when her childhood love returns to town. Rugged rancher Charlsey is inexplicably attracted to a tenderfoot accountant. Vivian shuns marriage until meeting a nomadic photographer. Lacey’s cooking draws a quiet blacksmith out of his shell. Tracker Bessie Mae helps a ranger hunt down a villain."

Title: A Texas Christmas
Authors: Ramona K. Cecil, Lena Nelson Dooley,, Darlene Franklin, Pamela Griffin, Cathy Marie Hake, Kathleen Y'Barbo
Publisher: Barbour Publishing, Inc.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"A Texas Christmas" By: Ramona K. Cecil, Lena Nelson Dooley,, Darlene Franklin, Pamela Griffin, Cathy Marie Hake, Kathleen Y'Barbo

What I liked about this novel...

Wow what a wonderful read. I will say I enjoyed each of these six 'Old West' Christmas stories with some interesting women who have some unexpected romances.

Who were these heroines? ....

"Here Cooks the Bride" by Cathy Marie Hake......Lacey...

"A Christmas Chronicle" by Pamela Griffin...Vivian

"To Hear Angels Sing" by Ramona Cecil...Bridget

"The Face of Mary" by Darlene Franklin...Polly

"Charlsey's Accountant"...Charlsey

"Plain Trouble" by Kathleen Y'Barbo...Bess Ames

These were six beautifully well written Christian old fashioned romances that were were from the Texas area during the 1880-1890's. I loved how each of the stories connected so well with each other...from Cut Corners, Texas, Pinewood Texas, Breading Texas, to Horsefly, Texas and all of these stories happened around Christmas time. All of these stories were very well done and I look forward to reading more from each of these authors. Would I recommend? YES!

I received a copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
arlenadean | 1 weitere Rezension | Aug 3, 2015 |
I received a copy of this book from LibraryThing for an honest review

This book is about a time period where it was tough and a war was going on that many men felt they needed to be part of . Beth' s boyfriend signs up for the army , much to her disappointment. When Garan, leaves for his assignment in the army , she decides to move. And doesn't tell him thst she is pregnant. She leaves her German town in Texas and heads to Abilene, Texas. She soon finds work at a department store owned by the Collins family . Beth becomes friends with Agnes a member of the Collins family. When they discover that Beth is pregnant and alone, they graciously open their home to her. They believe she is a widow who lost her husband during an accident in the army.

What no one knows is that Beth is living a lie. Because she was so angry that Garn enlisted , she stopped writing to him. She can't forgive him for leaving her and her bitterness drives her to deceive people who care about her. What happens when she goes with her friend Agnes to the homecoming of her twin brother Alfred and his friend Smitty?

The story is rich in history and characters that deal with forgiveness and overcoming mistakes. The author writes a beautiful story that takes you back to an era where struggles abounded and family was important. She gives her characters emotional twists and turns and find themselves seeking help to find their way back to their faith and trust in God.

The book is filled with a patriotic theme that ends on the celebration of Flag Day. Thank you for a moving story that shows how lies can change the course of a person's life and how forgiveness from a town and those who love them give them hope and peace in a loving God.
Harley0326 | Jun 18, 2015 |
What happens when two families, who have experienced tragedy and loss, and are from very different backgrounds are thrown together?

It is 1845, the Morgans are Texans through and through. They raise the famous Morgan Horses on their ranch, the Running M Ranch and have fought hard and sacrificed much to be the successful ranchers that they are. The Fleischer family have traveled from Germany and just arrived in Texas. This foreign land has taken much from them in the short time they have been here. Jud Morgan carries bitterness and distrust for the Germans who have begun to overtake "his" Texas. But his eyes are opened to the Lord's love for all people when he accepts the friendship of the Fleischers. Especially when the eldest daughter, Wande, catches his eye. It becomes apparent that the Lord brought these two families together. To work and live side by side to survive the untamed land of the "Lone Star State".

I couldn't put this book down! Depending on the personal events of our family, it usually takes me a little while to complete a book, no matter how interesting it is. But with this book, I couldn't help it. The dishes piled up, the laundry went unwashed and I read every second I could. Darlene Franklin captured my attention from the start. I always enjoy reading about this particular time era, when families are venturing into unknown land to build a new life. And Lone Star Trail did not disappoint. I look forward to reading the rest of the Texas Trails series and continuing the Morgan family adventure!

As part of their Blogger Review program I received a free copy of Lone Star Trail from Moody Publishers. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
BookwormMama14 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 15, 2015 |
Letters from a historical land run, clothing from a modern day reenactment, and bullets from a weapon of murder thread their way through Darlene Franklin’s Gunfight at Grace Gulch. If dusty Oklahoma really is a piece of Eden, then a snake has invaded the town, but who might it be? Small town food and politics feed into an intriguing combination of present day investigation and historical mystery, making this the sort of cool, fast read that nevertheless keeps readers on their toes. There are clues scattered throughout, together with a very natural Christian faith presented with genuine depth and human concern. Romance is as fragrant as wild flowers and warming as Velveeta cream cheese and butter. But guilt and merciful forgiveness might be the theme, and the tale’s well-told; a quick, exciting, enticing read with genuine romantic tension, clever mystery, vivid history, and heart.

Disclosure: It was free so I bought it.
SheilaDeeth | 1 weitere Rezension | May 1, 2015 |
I liked this three in one collection. I liked how each story built upon the previous story, just many years later. It helped you to see the family history and what become of each generation. I also liked the history in this story, which centered around the state of Vermont, which I didn't know much about. The three stories spanned the time of 1777 through 1864 and showed the stamina, hardships, wars, and struggles of the folks in Maple Notch, Vermont. You will see how God worked His will and way in the lives of these families and how their faith helped them through some trying times. You will see love blossom and grow and will find yourself wanting to travel to Vermont and discover this quaint town (but definitely not in the Winter! Brrrrrr!)½
judyg54 | Oct 14, 2014 |