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After a rough start of getting into this book, I ended up enjoying it a lot.
First off, the characters. Lia is very realistic in her emotions and she shows a lot of courage. I was also super happy to see that when a character has asthma, she uses her medicine. Many novels forget about health issues during the action scenes, but this one never did.
The writing was done very well. I was never confused and it flowed without hitches, in every way.
The mystery was intriguing, but did not draw me in as much as I wanted it too. It ended with a few untied ends that I was hoping would be resolved.
The one downfall of the novel that annoyed me quite a bit was the use of language. There was not a ton, but there was enough that I was a bit wary.

Rating: 4 Stars
Content: 1 Star

*I was given a complementary copy of this novel from the publisher. All thoughts are my own and a positive review was not required.
libraryofemma | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 18, 2024 |
This is the kind of book to take to a comfy chair because the tale is impossible to put down until that last page.

Lia's father died at the hands of The Swarm, a group of hundreds of teens who beat unsuspecting victims to death. She's obsessed with learning who they are and thanks to help from her friend, has discovered where and when the next attack will take place. But things don't run as she'd planned, and she's washed up on shore of the mayor's house. She might have survived, but she's now attracted the attention of The Swarm. She doesn't know who to trust or what actions she should take. She only knows that she could be next.

From the very first page, this read grabs and doesn't let go. The pacing holds steady, while a well-laid mystery unfolds. Lia is a wonderful heroine. She's determined, loves her family dearly, and is stronger than she appears or believes. The title hints at her asthma problem, which causes her quite a few problems and makes her an even easier target for those who'd do her harm. But it's her inner strength, which makes her a girl to root for until the very end.

This is a wonderful game of cat and mouse, where it's almost impossible to guess who is on which side. There are several characters in play, all which claim to have her best interests at heart but all which could be trying to see how much a threat she truly is. More than a few moments and decisions cause reason to hold the breath, since its impossible to guess what will happen next. The press, the mayor, friends at school and even possible members of The Swarm lay around every corner, keeping their true intentions in the shadows. The ending pulls the plot around with satisfying grace.

I received a complimentary copy and read this in one, wonderful sitting. So, I'm leaving my honest thoughts
tdrecker | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 20, 2019 |
This YA thriller has a lot going for it: interesting premise, intense action, teen romance. The characters are a mixed bunch, though, and some of the twists are predictable. But for me, it was the type of predictable twist that I can accept and even enjoy, especially when I'm not expecting deep or insightful thoughts on the human condition (e.g., the type of reading mood I've been in recently as I've battled migraines.)

Lia, as the main character, is rather self-absorbed. This is understandable. She's a teen (what teen isn't a bit like this?) and she's still grieving the violent death of her father. She also has to deal with her debilitating asthma. Now she's witnessed yet another deadly, seemingly-random attack from the Swarm. Her PTSD spins out of control. This makes her preoccupation with her own life understandable, if not necessarily likable.

Her two BFFs, Katie and Adam, seem like stereotypes of the quiet Asian girl and the gay, computer-hacker best friend. Neither felt very real to me.

Cullen, her archenemy-turned-fake-boyfriend-for-the-media, felt more developed. As the mayor's son, he's hyperaware of the power of social media and need to manipulate the press to cultivate one's influence; for a teen boy, he's a savvy political strategist. Or perhaps he's just someone who's been manipulated for his daddy's "family friendly" political image a few too many times.

Of all the teens, Ryan left me with the most questions. Yes, he's Lia's insta-love interest. (More accurately termed "insta-attraction." I don't roll my eyes at this trope because I remember experiencing it as a young woman.) Yes, he's a mysterious stranger who somehow knows her name. Yes, he throws her off a bridge into a river to save her life (or kill her, take your pick) at the end of chapter one. But he's got answers to her questions--or does he? Is it possible that he's misleading her?

The action escalates quickly. While some of it felt a bit repetitive, Lia's flights from danger (especially with street-smart Ryan along to correct her multiple screw-ups) got my heart pounding. I also enjoyed seeing how Lia and Adam, her hacker friend, try to track down info through modern technology. The Swarm is techno-savvy, and while she's technologically-literate, her adversary is always one step ahead of her. Always.

The ending brought mixed emotions for me. With certain questions left unanswered, it seemed to leave open the possibility of a sequel. Yet this book didn't "feel" like it needed to be part of a series or a trilogy or have a sequel; it felt like a standalone. Would I read a sequel? Sure, if only to make certain that the people I wanted alive stayed alive!

Overall, this is a fun novel. Suspend reality for a while, kick back, and enjoy the ride.

Note: I received a free copy of Every Stolen Breath from Netgalley and Blink in exchange for an honest review.
MeredithRankin | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 25, 2019 |
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