
Jaqueline Girdner

Autor von Adjusted to Death

18+ Werke 809 Mitglieder 7 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern

Über den Autor


Werke von Jaqueline Girdner

Adjusted to Death (1991) 90 Exemplare
Tea-totally Dead (1994) 86 Exemplare
A Stiff Critique (1995) 72 Exemplare
Fat-free and Fatal (1993) 71 Exemplare
Murder Most Mellow (1992) 70 Exemplare
The Last Resort (1991) 64 Exemplare
Most Likely to Die (1998) 60 Exemplare
Death Hits the Fan (1999) 58 Exemplare
Murder, My Deer (2000) 57 Exemplare
A Cry for Self-Help (1997) 57 Exemplare
Murder on the Astral Plane (1999) 56 Exemplare
A Sensitive Kind of Murder (2002) 41 Exemplare
A Stiff Critique 1 Exemplar
[No title] 1 Exemplar
[No title] 1 Exemplar
A Stiff Critque 1 Exemplar

Zugehörige Werke

Sisters in Crime 5 (1992) — Mitwirkender — 85 Exemplare



Gebräuchlichste Namensform
Girdner, Jaqueline
c. 1946
Marin County, California, USA
Mystery Writers of America



I thoroughly enjoyed this book by Jaqueline Girdner, which tells the story of Charlotte, the schizophrenic mother of four daughters, who has been silent for 20 years. Silent, until one day, after new treatment, she speaks. An emotionally charged family gathering to celebrate her ‘new’ voice is one of revelations…and self-discovery. Charlotte’s children have many questions for her, the most critical one being ‘why?’.

Each daughter’s viewpoint is narrated by her, in the first person, as the day unfolds. I thought this was very skilfully done. The change of POV is done by chapter, changing from daughter to daughter. The changeover is seamless, never disrupting the sequence of events, and it is always clear who the narrator is. I particularly liked this, especially as it was adeptly executed. It made it very easy for the reader to understand, not only each woman’s difficulty in comprehending their mother’s illness and turmoil, but also to appreciate the daughters’ resentments, sometimes begrudging sympathy and eventually applaud their candour, directness and ultimate acceptance of their mother’s journey.

The daughters are very different with their own set of problems; their lives have taken very diverse paths, but each also has a skill and talent of her own. Their mother’s return to ‘life’ unearths recriminations, reproaches and confusion. Could their lives have turned out differently if she hadn’t retreated into a mute world?

The star of this book is, without doubt, Charlotte. She is brilliantly portrayed. Her moments of lucidity reveal her love and infinite faith in her beloved daughters and her long-supportive husband. I loved the way she spoke in rhyme and her simple, though uncharacteristically wise and sensible, view of life. Her reasons for her silence do unfold eventually.

This book is poignant, emotional and moving. It’s witty and humourous. It’s insightful, beautifully written with wonderfully conceived and diverse characters. Thoroughly recommended.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in order to review it.
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Librogirl | Mar 13, 2022 |
Kate Jasper, freshly divorced, helps her ex-husband in discovering who really killed his girl friend. I was not impressed with the characters, the plot and the final outcome of this mystery.
WiebkeK | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 21, 2021 |
This is an entertaining, light read. A death occurs after a meeting of the Deer Abused Garden Club. It seems a little ridiculous that a second death occurs at the next meeting. It is interesting to get to know all the characters but which one has the murderous flaw? I can't believe Kate the main character gets much work done between answering her doorbell and answering her telephone. It's hard enough for the reader to keep everything straight with all the interruptions!
LilQuebe | Jan 27, 2019 |
First one I've read in this series. I like Kate, dislike some of her friends, and think I love her new love interest!

I didn't guess the killer and was surprised by the ending so that always makes it a good book to me.

Kate is visiting her chiropractor when she discovers a dead body in one of the examination rooms. Maggie, the chiropractor, asks Kate to investigate because she doesn't trust the cops to get it right. Kate sets to work checking out all the people who were in the office at the time of the murder.

I can understand why the cops get frustrated with her, she does tend to go off on weird tangents and puts herself and others at risk.

I'll be looking for more in this series.
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bookswoman | Mar 31, 2013 |

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