
Giselle Green

Autor von A Sister's Gift

11 Werke 134 Mitglieder 10 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Beinhaltet den Namen: Green Giselle

Werke von Giselle Green

A Sister's Gift (2010) 40 Exemplare
Pandora's Box (2008) 38 Exemplare
Little Miracles (2009) 26 Exemplare
Falling for You (2011) 9 Exemplare
Dear Dad (2016) 7 Exemplare
Finding You (2014) 5 Exemplare
The Girl You Forgot (2020) 4 Exemplare
A Sister’s Gift (2018) 2 Exemplare
Finding You 1 Exemplar
Where the Magic is (2022) 1 Exemplar






I was sent this book for my Kindle by the author, before publication. It's a character-based story, set partly in Rio de Janeiro, and partly in various locations in Scotland. Two viewpoints: Sofia, who is shortly to be married to the wealthy Cristian, although she's beginning to have a few doubts, and Cal, the Highlander who ends up being tour guide to Sofia when she visits Scotland with her young teenage daughter Ida.

Good descriptions, great characterisation, and an interesting subplot involving Ida's failing eyesight, and her need for expert advice. Some poignant issues related to the pulls of family life, trying to determine what is really important, and when it might be necessary to cause disappointment.

Definitely recommended if you like women's fiction that's a bit different.

Longer review here:
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SueinCyprus | Jul 8, 2022 |
This is an incredible book, based on a very unusual premise, told from alternating points of view. Will is persuaded to have a life-saving operation knowing that he's going to lose part of his memory. Ava has promised to keep an important secret from him after the operation...

The pace is excellent, the writing often moving and although the scenario is one I could never have imagined, it feels very believable. Some of the minor characters are perhaps a tad flat, but it doesn't matter; Ava's sister Robyn and her elderly friend Harry are wonderful people.

There's some tension, plenty that's poignant, some deep discussions, and an eminently satisfying conclusion which lost nothing for being the ending I had hoped for.

Highly recommended to all who enjoy contemporary women's fction.

Longer review here:
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SueinCyprus | Aug 4, 2020 |
I had to wait a few days after reading Dear Dad to write my review; the book is so poignant and heartfelt that it simply took my breath away. It's such an unusual idea for a story and with three strong, likeable characters it works so well. I completely bought into the story and really felt that fate had a hand in the lives of Nate, Jenna and Adam.

Adam is a 9 year old orphan living with his Nan. One day his Nan gives him the address of his Dad, so Adam writes a letter and posts it through his letterbox. Nate is the recipient of the letter only he's never met Adam's Mum and he's never fathered a child, but there's something about Adam that stops Nate from throwing a bucket of cold water over Adam's dream of finding his Dad.

Nate is a war correspondent but, after some traumatic experiences, is afraid to leave the house. When Adam's letter drops through Nate's door he can't face setting off to find Adam to explain the mistake, but fate soon brings Adam back to Nate's door. Before Nate has a chance to tell Adam that he's not his Dad, Adam tells Nate about some boys who are bullying him. Nate agrees to go to the school parents' evening to discuss the bullying, now he just has to get over his fear of leaving the house! Adam has such an effect on Nate that he does overcome his fear and makes it to the school, albeit a little late, where he meets Jenna.

Jenna is Adam's temporary teacher and is one of the first people to notice Adam, a big occasion for Adam as he has never been noticed before. Jenna is struggling after a bad break up and everything in her life felt temporary to me. Jenna doesn't want to be hurt again but when she meets Nate through Adam she can't ignore her feelings. The only problem is that Jenna thinks Nate is Adam's Dad and this lie is hanging over Nate's head like the Sword of Damocles. How will Jenna react when she finds out the truth?

The chapters flick between Nate and Jenna giving us the perspective from both sides and it works brilliantly. Giselle Green has written Dear Dad in such a way that I felt like I had the privilege of looking right into Nate and Jenna's souls. I knew what they were thinking, their hopes and dreams, their fears and doubts and their growing affection for Adam. The final chapter is written from Adam's point of view and finishes off the story magnificently.

I couldn't help but fall in love with young Adam and I missed Nate, Jenna and Adam from the minute that the last page was turned. With Dear Dad being her sixth book, I can't believe I haven't come across Giselle Green before now. I shall certainly be adding more of her books to my must read list.

Heartfelt and poignant, Dear Dad is a wonderful book that will melt even the coldest heart. It's so unusual and unique covering so many difficult issues in a sensitive and respectful way, whilst also reminding us of the true meaning of family. This is storytelling at its best!

I received this e-book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
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Michelle.Ryles | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 9, 2020 |
Nate is a former war reporter suffering a form of agoraphobia. Jenna is a teacher and tattoo artist who has just left a disastrous relationship. Adam is a nine-year-old motherless boy who cares for his aging grandmother and is badly bullied at school. And he thinks that Nate might be his father...

The story is told alternately by Jenna and Nate, with their storylines weaving together gently. There’s an overriding theme about running away: Adam from the school bullies; Jenna from previous relationships, and other stresses in her past; Nate from fear of being out of control. Neither Nate nor Jenna know what they really want out of life, but Adam’s desires are straightforward: he wants someone to look out for him, and to watch him at Sports Day.

The writing is good, the pace just right for my tastes. There’s not a huge amount of plot, and the time-line is only a few weeks from start to finish. But from the point of view of the three main characters, major decisions are made, healing begins to happen in different ways, and new relationships are forged. Perhaps there’s a tad more introspection than I’m comfortable with, in places, but it really didn’t matter. The characters are believable, the situations moving, and there’s a dramatic climax which left me unable to put the book down for several minutes.

Highly recommended to anyone who likes thoughtful character-based women’s fiction.
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SueinCyprus | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 22, 2016 |



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