

Werke von Graeme Hampton



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I received a copy of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley.

This featured extreme violence, undercover policing, organized crime and police corruption, which makes it sound more exciting than it was. The first half was very slow and repetitious, and then I found the second half rather unconvincing, with operational decisions being made which seemed extremely unlikely to me. The characterization was a bit lacking again - Trudy and Neeraj had no real personalities - but the ending was good.… (mehr)
pgchuis | Apr 6, 2022 |
The Darkness Within by Graeme Hampton
D.I. Denning and D.S. Fisher #3

Interesting twists and turns abound in this intriguing police procedural that has the team dealing with a murder that leads back to crimes from long ago.

What I liked:
* D.I. Matt Denning: didn’t see a lot of his private life but enjoyed seeing him interact with his team, his wife, and others that he encountered on the job and elsewhere
* D.S. Molly Fisher: tenacious policewoman willing to help as s he solves cases. I enjoyed seeing her relationship with colleagues, her significant other, and those that she helped.
* The team: there is much to learn about the team as the series continues
* The police procedural aspects of the story
* The twists and turns and unexpected surprises
* That the bad guys were unearthed…mostly
* That there might be justice even decades after a crime was committed
* The complexity of the story and how all the threads wove together seamlessly by the end of the book
* Wondering about what will come next in the series
* The believability of the plot
* That there was a firm conclusion – no cliffhanger
* Wondering if Alfie Kane will ever be arrested
* That there is another book to look forward to in the future.

What I didn’t like:
* Knowing that the crimes in this story do occur in real life
* The ripple effect crime has on people and communities
* Saying goodbye to the characters and having to wait awhile for the next book

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely

Thank you to NetGalley and Hera for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars
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CathyGeha | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 13, 2021 |
I received a copy of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley.

While there was nothing particularly wrong with this book, it left me cold somehow. Molly and Matthew are the most developed characters, but even they didn't really come alive for me - and what on earth does Molly (would anyone?) see in Jon?

The police procedural side of the story was full of officers being corrupt, officers going over each other's heads, officers being suspended, officers working unofficially, officers working unofficially with the press, officers being demoted etc etc. It didn't make you feel as if crime fighting was safe in their hands. On the plus side, Colin's character and dilemma felt realistic and therefore tragic.

If you enjoyed the first two in this series, I think you would like this instalment too.
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pgchuis | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 10, 2020 |
Blood Family by Graeme Hampton
DI Denning and DS Fisher #2

Family, murder, secrets and more...generations gone in one night but why? Who would kill so ruthlessly then burn everything to hide their trail? How will the police finally unearth the murderer and find justice for those murdered?

This book was a well crafted police procedural that dealt with arson and murder. It also revealed links to a cold case that kept cropping up as the search continued for the killer. A side trail lead to organized crime and human trafficking and the biggest thing of all was...not the actual least not for me.

No, the biggest thing about this book was that it dealt with real people. The author drew me in with not only the police bits but with the police themselves. In seeing the issues those who protect us and search for criminals deal with not only while working but while at home...well...that was the biggest thing...the thing that made this story so very real to me.

I had not read the first book in this series but did not need to for this book to pack a powerful punch. I was drawn into the complexities of the story and search for the “bad guy” but also felt for both Denning and Fisher as they dealt with issues in their own lives.

Family is many things...sometimes it is what we share with blood relatives and sometimes it is more or less than the tie blood provides. Families can be “good” or “bad” or “dysfunctional” but in the end...the family we find ourselves within will help mold and shape us and give us much that will help us become who we ultimately are – that person will think and make decisions and move forward dependent on their past...and I say that because I do believe that in this book Denning and Fisher are impacted by their familial relations and both grow in new ways before the end of the book.

What made this special? It made me care and think about families and what my family means to me
Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley and Hera Books for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars
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CathyGeha | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 10, 2020 |


½ 3.7