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This was easy and quick to read but at the same time substantial and thought-provoking. The subtitle is “Uncommon devotions from every book of the Bible” and I liked the format of reading a verse from each book, and not the usual verses, either. What made this stand apart from other devotions is the spotlight on “unfamiliar verses and uncommon insights.”

As the book blurb says, author Lori Hatcher brings to light rich, life-changing Bible passages that will have you exclaiming, “Wow! I’ve never noticed that before.”

I read one chapter each day, and appreciated the conversational style, culturally relevant devotions, and story-driven examples from the author’s life. I look forward to sharing this book with friends who also want to dig deeper and unearth hidden gems of encouragement and insight.
PhyllisReads | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 4, 2024 |
This is the second devotional book by Lori Hatcher that I have read, and it was every good as the first one. I'm glad to have a third one on hand to read this year. Her writing is interesting, clear and concise, and faithful.
hobbitprincess | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 23, 2024 |
This book contains 60 devotional readings on prayer. I've shared some of these with other people because they have touched me. Hatcher writes in an interesting, very readable manner.
hobbitprincess | Mar 2, 2023 |
Thanks to Our Daily Bread Publishing & NetGalley for a digital advance reader copy. All comments and opinions are my own.

I really liked this book! Some days after reading a chapter, I found myself wanting to hug the author. She expressed the same feelings I have felt and, using Bible verses and personal examples, provided inspiration and support. I found so much comfort, hope, and encouragement in these pages.

The format is easy to read and relate to. Each chapter is brief and takes only a few minutes to dig into. Of course, you may want to spend more time in contemplation after reading. Each of the daily devotions has a personal example from the author’s life or describes someone she knows or has read about. She includes bible verses that confirm the truths of that day’s reading, then adds a brief “Take Heart” summary with a comforting explanation, reminding us of God’s power. Each chapter then concludes with “From the Heart” which is a short prayer specific to that day’s emphasis as well as thanking God, asking for strength, comfort, grace, etc. The prayer always returns to the reality of God caring about me and my life.

In the introduction author Lori Hatcher says, “Every day we have a choice of where to look for hope. These 60 biblical reasons are God’s version of hope and will fill you with joy and peace.” I can attest that the book does provide joy and peace. She says she wrote this book so that on its pages “you’ll find unshakable reasons not to lose heart, no matter what storms come your way.” I found myself looking forward to reading each day’s chapter and did indeed feel the hope and encouragement promised.

This would make a wonderful gift for both believers and seekers.
PhyllisReads | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 1, 2022 |
Let’s face it, sometimes even things we know are good and necessary for our well-being can become monotonous or shall I dare to say it – boring or stale. At various points in my Christian life, I have found it becomes easy to look at my devotional time as just another box to check off my to-do list. Yet that is exactly when I try to dig in deeper or shake up my devotional time in some manner.

This devotional can do exactly that. As I started reading the beginning of this book, I found myself agreeing with the author on her thoughts. A number of years ago our family attended a church where every January the pastor challenged his flock to read through the Bible with him. I took the challenge, and I am glad I did so. This book is another one of those things I am glad I took the opportunity to do or read.

These devotionals may not be the longest, but the words are powerful words. From the opening of each devotional with a verse of Scripture to the devotional itself to the Uncommon Thought section to the Unusual Faith section to a longer passage of Scripture for you to read, this book offers some wonderful insights about people and verses you may not have concentrated on in the past. So if you are looking for a devotional to shake up your time with God, check out this book for yourself.

I received a copy of this book for my fair and honest review.
PattiPeanut1992 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | May 17, 2020 |
I love devotionals and Refresh Your Faith is one of the best that I've seen lately because each devotion is based on a different book of the Holy Bible. Author Lori Hatcher has written sixty-six devotions centered around scripture that is often lesser known and they all end with the same sections: Uncommon Thought, Uncommon Faith, and Read (even more Bible scripture to read)!

The topics covered include hope, trust, forgiveness, and God's love, but there are also mentions of pride, jealousy, and the poor choices that we sometimes make. I was especially touched by the devotion based on Lamentations 3: 31-33 and Hatcher's story of a friend who suffered a fatal disease as a result of poor choices. The 'Uncommon Thought' of the devotion "Does God Delight in Our Suffering?" reminded me that "God never celebrates when the results of our disobedience wreak havoc on our lives. Instead, he weeps with us." Isn't it reassuring to know just how much He cares?

My knowledge of God's Word has certainly increased from adding this book to my devotion time and I highly recommend it for personal Bible study. I can also see Refresh Your Faith as a wonderful resource for a group Bible Study!

I received a copy of this book from the author and Celebrate Lit. There was no obligation to post a positive review. These are my own opinions.
fcplcataloger | 4 weitere Rezensionen | May 14, 2020 |
Finally someone has written a devotional where almost forgotten Books of the Bible are brought to the surface. How often do we hear anyone talk about the book of Micah or Zephaniah? We are all familiar with the story of Adam and Eve but what if we studied it with different scriptures? Would we then get to glimpse what the Bible was about? I love this devotional because it is not the typical scriptures many of us are accustomed to. It gets us out of our comfort zone and helps us gather new insights that we have not studied before.

The author takes us through the sixty-six books of the Bible using little known Books of the Bible and scriptures to refresh us and deepen our knowledge. I loved how the author uses examples we can all relate to and at the end of every chapter are sections called, Uncommon Thought and Unusual Faith. These are wonderful nuggets to feed our hunger for more truth and understanding of His Word. As a bonus the author also includes specific scriptures or entire books from the Bible to study on our own.

Obadiah is a very unfamiliar book from the Bible. The author uses the book about being deceived. “The pride of your heart has deceived you.” Obadiah 1:3.
With only one chapter for this particular book of the Bible it nails what we all at one time have dealt with. The ugly word pride is exposed and guides us to the truth that will set us free from our doubt that God has never left us. I know this devotional will have a place close by me at all times as I become more acquainted with overlooked books from the Bible that share truth, hope, forgiveness and God’s unconditional love.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | May 9, 2020 |
What a wonderful devotional!

Lori Hatcher chose "little-known and often overlooked verses in every book of the Bible" on which to base each devotional. I really like the broad-scope of the entire Bible.

Each day's devotional starts with a focal Bible verse or verses, then has a devotional lesson.

Each devotional lesson ends with an "Uncommon Thought" that reinforces its biblical truths. Next, she has an "Unusual Faith" section that through questions lead you to evaluate your own spiritual life in regard to those areas of your life.

Each day's devotional lesson ends with a "Read" passage that helps you put the entire devotional in context. My personal suggestion would be for you to read that passage before you read the devotional/lesson so you get a sense of the larger context of the focal verse or verses.

This would make a great graduation, Mother's Day, or "just because" gift.
NOTE: I received a complimentary copy of this book for reviewing from Lori Hatcher. I was not required to provide a positive review. Thoughts in are my own opinion.
LensofScripture | 4 weitere Rezensionen | May 4, 2020 |
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