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Independent Reading Level: Grades Pre-K - 3rd
Awards: No
DFountain58 | Apr 29, 2024 |
Good information, supplemented by lots of links to external content -- not all of which was written by the authors.

The authors clearly practice what they preach in regard to giving away some content in order to gain readers, but unlike some free 'books' which are nothing but sales brochures, this one has actual substance.

Bottom line: I feel like I now have a good understanding of the steps involved in self-publishing, and know where I can go to get more detailed information about any one step.
jsabrina | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 13, 2021 |
I think I must have got the 2012 version of this book because I found it limited and it read more as an advertisement for the author's online services. Even if I did get the 2012 version, I thought, "Word? Paint as an alternative to Photoshop? What?" I've been using Scrivener for writing and GIMP/Inkscape (as free subs for Photoshop and Illustrator) for graphic design prior to 2012, so I didn't have much faith in this version.
Since in self publishing, 2014 (for the updated version), is still quite old, I'll probably not bother with it. Each to their own though. I can possibly see how this would be useful to someone who has never thought about self publishing before, as a very quick intro. However, I would advise finding something published in 2016 or 2017.
KatiaMDavis | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 19, 2017 |
Shelley provided a step-by-step process to self-publish any book. The booklet (not book) gave sources for templates, free and otherwise, that would allow for various options. She took much of the uncertainty out of the process. When there were options, she provided charts that allowed you to see the pros and cons of each option to accurately choose what is best for your needs. A helpful booklet.
Sonya.Contreras | 2 weitere Rezensionen | May 21, 2017 |
This book provides lots of hands on, practical advice for published authors. I liked the author's writing style. It felt like we were having a conversation over a cup of tea.
HSContino | May 20, 2016 |
This book, which was free for my Kindle, consists of twenty-one short chapters, to be read one per day, on the subject of faith from a Christian perspective. It was quite interesting in places, nicely structured and clearly written. It didn't contain anything particularly new or inspiring, but was gently encouraging and - on occasion - thought-provoking. There are quotations from the Bible as well as descriptions of the author's personal struggle with issues of faith over the years.

I was supposed to keep a record of my journey, but didn't really find that there was much of a journey, although overall I enjoyed reading it. The end of the book has an introduction to a '21 days of gratitude challenge', but I didn't download that one, although I might at some point.

I would recommend this in a low-key way to anyone wanting a boost to their faith, or even a fresh look at what it means to have faith.
SueinCyprus | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 26, 2016 |
Informative for new authors.

Shelly is a great resource for new and unsure authors alike. Her books are always full of actionable steps based on her own experience as a nonfiction writer. Many of her tips will also work for fiction authors.

You should attend her free webinars any chance you get. They can cover information found in her free and low cost books; however, the chance to ask questions, free bonuses and promotions that are often offered are well worth the time spent.
weinerjm | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 10, 2016 |
Author Shelley Hitz tells how it took her a year to write her first book, and a week to write her most recent one. To be honest, that doesn’t encourage me to spend my hours reading it. But this short book on writing kindle non-fiction ebooks is filled with encouraging, practical, simple and helpful suggestions. So perhaps the author’s method really works. Perhaps having read it, I should give it a try. If you’ve been dreaming of writing non-fiction, perhaps you should do. And if your dreams tend more toward fiction, you’ll find suggestions that are just as helpful with that venture here.

Do you have time to write? Do you make time? What will you give up, because with giving up a few hours of something, you’ll never find those few hours a day for your book? The author asks these questions with encouraging comments and wise suggestions.

Do you know what you know? Write stuff down, she says, and find out; then consider what your readers want to know.

Do you have a plan? Where did you put your notes? And have you ever tried speaking what you want to say?

How to write a book is short, neat, practical, sensible, readable, and even fun. And it’s highly recommended.

Disclosure: I learned it was being offered free, so here I am writing a review instead of writing my next book.
SheilaDeeth | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 16, 2015 |
Once you have written your masterpiece and you have edited it and you feel it's ready to take to the public, this book takes you to that next level. I found the resources in this book to be a serious time saver. I wish I had read this before Mile Marker was published. But thanks to this book, the launch of my new novel will go a lot smoother.
TerrillDavis | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 5, 2013 |
I received this book from Shelley in return for an honest review. Because my faith is very strong in GOD it is a little hard for me to give a fully objective review. I would have given this book 3.5 stars because i can see how it may help someone that is really struggling with their faith in GOD during bad times or period. It gives many references to scriptures in the bible and that reiterates that the bible is life's instruction book. I did enjoy the question answer format. More of that would be very instrumental for younger readers, however she does refer you back to her blog or website to read more and post your own.
twokidsnablanket | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 2, 2013 |
21 Days of Faith Challenge by Shelley Hitz is a short, easy to read book that is filled with stories from the author’s life that show her struggles with faith and then she gives her thoughts on the stories. Each day features a Scripture passage and a quote usually from a well known person such as Corrie Ten Boom. At the end of each day’s reading there is an application which usually asks one to journal their thoughts. I admit that I did not do that for I have never been able to really get into journaling. Discussing the reading for the day with someone was also suggested and I would like to get a few friends together to study the book and discuss it in depth.

It was an enjoyable book but in all honesty I cannot say that it increased my faith. At this point in my life, age seventy-four, widowed, living alone, and with no extra money, I feel that about all I have is faith in God and the knowledge that He loves me and has a place in heaven for me one day. I had an incident a few weeks ago that was very upsetting and I admit that for a few minutes I cried, moaned, and groaned but then I said to myself, this is silly for there is nothing that I can do and God is in control so why am I even thinking about the problem. The problem is still there but I can honestly say that I have not thought about it in several weeks. If it does pop into my mind then I just remember that God is in control and He will handle the problem and I give thanks for that knowledge.

The author did a good job writing the book and I feel that she put her heart into the writing. I know that it was probably hard to bare her soul for some of the stories but she did and her book is and will be a great help to many women.

I recommend this book to anyone who is having trouble with their faith in God even though I did not feel it was of particular help to me.

Thank you to the author, Shelley Hitz , for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
deanna13 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | May 2, 2013 |
I thought it was a very well Written book, my first book from Shelly, I really enjoyed it, and it did make me think about my faith. I'll have to read a few more from here (those that are just for women that is;-) )
nirrad | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 10, 2013 |
Stress, fear, worry – all negative emotions that crept into our lives at anytime. Now you can prepare yourself each day to face the unexpected with Shelley Hitz ‘s new book – “Life Without Stress”.
Shelly guides you through each of 30 days by identifying a strengthening concept, reinforcing the concept with scripture and then using her calming words, she describes how she goes through the day based on that particular concept, allowing God to lead. In the end, she finishes by asking you to answer some self reflecting questions, giving you the chance to reflect on what you have read and how it applies to you and your life.
I really enjoyed the calming feeling I got from the words that Shelley writes. She shows us that anyone can be free of worry, stress and fear by placing it where it belongs – in God’s hands.

I did receive a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
grammygeek | Mar 25, 2013 |
21 Days of Faith Challenge by Shelley Hitz

We have all been there – on the roller coaster of worry and doubt. It is so easy to lose out faith and trust when life gets tough. But help is here.

Shelley’s latest book “21 Days of faith Challenge” takes you through the process of freeing yourself from worry and doubt by strengthening your faith and trust in God. Using real examples from her own life and God’s Word, Shelley walks you through 21 days of restoration, one day at a time.

Shelly’s work is inspiring and she is so generous in sharing her life and faith with everyone. No trying to guess what the message is here. Her writing keeps it simple in everyday terms using real life experiences that everyone can relate to. I wish books such as this had been available many years ago when I was trying to get a grasp on faith and how to live it. I highly recommend this book for those needing to restore their faith and trust and for those just beginning as this book will help you have a better understanding.

Please note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
grammygeek | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 16, 2013 |
Awesome Treasure that removes Marketing Pressure!

Author Publicity Pack takes book marketing to the next level. It is packed with online resources where the author as well as the author’s new book can receive publicity. In fact, there are 115 places outlined in Author Publicity Pack.

We, as authors, want exposure for our books. Where does an author begin to market your book online? Where?
It is easy to glibly answer, “There are more than enough places online.”
What does that mean in practical terms?
Why should I use a pigeon to relay my message if I could pick up my cell phone and speed dial the number? Author Publicity Pack is the cell phone every author can use to speed dial the marketing of their book to the next level by using the resources listed inside.

I have spent the weekend working through the Authority Publicity Pack, deciding which resources I would like to list my book at. It took me only a weekend, because Shelly Hitz and Heather Hart, have already done all the hard work for me, of discovering these online places. They have researched these resources personally and use it in marketing their book. All I needed to do was to use Authority Publicity Pack as a marketing checklist, ticking off the necessary items.

What does the pack include?
• 29 Places to Promote your Book for free
• 8 Free Press Release Submission Sites
• 4 Places to get Book Reviews
• 25 Book Awards where you can submit your book
• 7 Media Sources for Authors
• 36 Paid Advertising Resources
• 6 Virtual Bookshelves and Forums
There are also 39 additional resources for Christian authors.

I highly recommend Authority Publicity Pack: Resources to help you take your book marketing to the next level, an essential marketing tool for every author.
retha.groenewald.56 | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 10, 2013 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
I received this in a librarything giveaway. It had some really good info that many people struggle with.
crystalclancy | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 27, 2013 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
Trusting God When Bad Things Happen by Shelley Hitz is a discussion between a teacher or mentor and a student or disciple. Useful for Christians and seekers, the non-confrontational format guides the reader through a process of questioning that often occurs when a person is working through painful events.

Hitz shows that our view of God and the way we choose to respond to those who have hurt us, even if that person is God, determines our future. An excellent tool for encouraging dialog as it encourages hurting people to acknowledge the hurt and begin the healing process.
Kyrana | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 5, 2013 |
In this second book of short devotions, Hart, Hitz and other authors designed opportunities for teenaged girls to draw closer to God and find their true beauty in Christ. Each devotion is designed with a Biblical quotation and a brief commentary relating the scripture to the ups-and-downs, and ins-and-outs of the life of a teenaged girl. There is a question or questions for reflection or discussion, a recommended application step to implement the content of the devotion, and a short prayer honoring and petitioning God for help with the issue at hand.

The 90 devotions could be read from beginning to end or by flipping through choosing at random or by topic. These devotions cover the inner life, relationships, temptations, joys, and anguishes all of today’s teenaged girls experience. This book is designed in such a way that it could be used by an individual or with a friend.

Parents and youth leaders could also use these devotions to help ones’ teens to learn to apply God’s Word to their daily lives. The devotions in this book are already read daily by teens around the world. They are used in Bible study groups and even at events like See You At the Pole.

Heather Hart also collaborated with Shelley Hitz on Teen Devotionals … for Girls! Volumes 1 and 2. Hart is an author, author assistant and a book marketer. She edited several other books, has done ghost writing and other freelance writing. In 2012 she also published the e-book Book Marketing 101: Marketing Your Book on a Shoestring Budget. Other collaborations include: Unshackled and Free: True Stories of Forgiveness with C. J. Hitz and Shelley Hitz (Feb 29, 2012)

Shelley Hitz has been ministering to teens since 1998. Her main passion is to share God’s truth and the freedom she has found in Christ. She is an award-winning and international best-selling author. Her openness and vulnerability as she shares her own story of hope and healing through her books inspire and encourage. In addition to the two volumes of Teen Devotionals, she has published:
∗ Mirror Mirror...Am I Beautiful? Looking Deeper to Find Your True Beauty (2008),
∗ Mirror Mirror...Am I Beautiful? Bible Study Guide for Moms: Looking Deeper to Find Your True Beauty with Michelle Neff and S'ambrosia Curtis (Dec 26, 2009)
∗ Forgiveness Formula: Finding Lasting Freedom in Christ with C. J. Hitz (Aug 24, 2011),
∗ A Christian Woman's Guide to Breaking Free from Pornography: It's Not Just a Guy's Problem with S'ambrosia Curtis (Sep 1, 2012),
∗ Self Publishing Books 101: Helping You Get Published and Noticed! (Mar 29, 2012),
∗ 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge: Finding Freedom from Self-Pity and a Negative Attitude (A Life of Gratitude) (Jun 11, 2012)
∗ Live Without Stress: 30 Days of Finding Christ's Peace for Your Soul: How to Overcome Anxiety and Stress Through Christ's Transforming Power (Jul 15, 2012)
∗ Finding Hope in the Midst of Tragedy (Aug 7, 2012),
∗ 21 Prayers of Gratitude: Overcoming Negativity Through the Power of Prayer and God's Word (A Life of Gratitude) (Oct 1, 2012)
∗ Marketing Your Book On Amazon: 21 Things You Can Easily Do For Free To Get More Exposure and Sales (Book Marketing on a Shoestring Budget) (Oct 17, 2012)
∗ 21 Stories of Gratitude: The Power of Living Life With a Grateful Heart (A Life of Gratitude) (Oct 29, 2012)
∗ A Life of Gratitude: 21 Days to Overcoming Self-Pity and Negativity (Nov 17, 2012)
∗ How to Find Free Christian Books Online (Nov 29, 2012)
∗ Trusting God When Bad Things Happen (Forgiveness Formula: Finding Lasting Freedom in Christ) (Dec 9, 2012)
∗ Healing For The Broken Hearted: Discover Lasting Freedom in Christ (Dec 12, 2012)

Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book for my unbiased review. I was neither asked nor required to provide a positive review.
JorjaADavis | Dec 17, 2012 |
If you love to read, this is the book for you! Short sweet and to the point, this book details several different ways that you can score free books - both eBooks and hard copies.
_HeatherHart | Nov 30, 2012 |
A Courageous Book Written by Two Brave Women

This guide looks at pornography from sociological, neurological, and personal perspectives. The authors wrote this book to provide assurance to women, especially Christian women, who struggle with the power of pornography in their lives. Hitz and Curtis believe that freedom from pornography is possible. A Christian Woman’s Guide to Breaking Free from Pornography is based on a premise that, while images do not disappear, they can be controlled by redirection of thought, Christian counseling, accountability, and relationship with God.

Dr. Judith Reisman indicates pornography “could be more addictive than crack cocaine because cocaine can be excreted from the body, whereas pornographic images … remain, structurally and neurochemically with a person forever.” With this information, the authors show that pornography is deeply rooted in America, and holds certainly emotional if not physical consequences for those who become addicted.

Hitz and Curtis wrote this book “to open the door to confession and conversation among women in the Body of Christ who feel as though they are alone in this struggle.” They share their own journeys, “true stories of struggle and freedom,” and practical steps women can take “to break free” from their cycle of addiction to images or the written word. Throughout the eBook version, are links to other information and support available from or through the authors and other sources.

Two brave women have written a courageous book about a topic not often discussed from the pulpit, in small groups, or between accountability partners, which are the primary means of dissemination of support for Christians struggling with personal addictions. Hitz regularly speaks to teens and adults to share God’s truth, and the freedom in Christ she has found, with others. On her website, she shares her own story of hope and healing to inspire and encourage teens. Curtis is an English and sociology teacher at Salina Christian Academy. Each approached this project from her own battle with addiction to and freedom from pornography.

The tone of this book is objective and spiritual. The authors’ approach to this issue is straightforward but comfortable. Their use of personal stories, supported statistics, and information constitute a level of convincingness and urgency to their topic. The synthesis of information, shared guilt and practical steps provide a cohesive whole that is never vulgar or shocking. The Christian women that make up part of the 33% of the 40 million Americans who regularly visit porn sites; and struggle alone with their addiction and shame will find light, hope, and effective ways to approach their problem.

I was provided with an eBook of this title by the publisher for my unbiased review.
JorjaADavis | Oct 4, 2012 |
As Ms. Hitz shares her journey through the initial dark valleys of despair following her father's severe traumatic brain injury (the result of a physical assault) with us, we are so there with her and her family. She draws us immediately into her family circle and we are there with her dad as he slowly emerges from his coma and begins his tortuous journey back to physical and mental health. I particularly like her "From My Life to Yours" sections where she shares insights, suggests prayers and journaling prompts, and offers suggestions and questions for the reader to reflect on. The scattering of Bible verses and relevant lyrics throughout also help to set the mood and provide ongoing comfort and reassurance. This is a book of hope, trust, faith, forgiveness, and so much more! And I love her statement toward the end of her book, "I want to learn to dance in the rain" which is exactly what she has learned to do. Highly Recommended!
Sandra305 | Aug 2, 2012 |
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