
Eileen Jackson

Autor von Lord Rivington's Lady

8 Werke 116 Mitglieder 2 Rezensionen

Werke von Eileen Jackson

Lord Rivington's Lady (1976) 44 Exemplare
The Secret Bluestocking (1985) 15 Exemplare
The Wicked Corinthian (1990) 13 Exemplare
A Servant of Quality (1988) 13 Exemplare
Dance for a Lady (1981) 12 Exemplare
Autumn Lace (1976) 11 Exemplare
Castle in the Rock (1979) 7 Exemplare



Rechtmäßiger Name
Jackson, Eileen
Andere Namen
May, Helen
20th Century
Manchester, Lancashire, England, UK
Eileen Jackson is no foreigner to the world of which she writes. Born in Bristol, she has lived in England all her life. Her book reflects the fact that she has extensively studied British history, literature, and art.
She is married and has four children. While currently living in Lancashire, she has traveled throughout the British Isles.
[About the author - from Lord Rivington's Lady]



When Georgina has an unpleasant encounter with a haughty man and he forcibly kisses her she should be happy if she never saw him again. As it is with these things she meets him again at a ball thrown by one of her familys neighbours. Lord Rivington doesnt even recognize her at first as he encountered a young woman in a worn dress and not a young gentlewoman dressed in her finest.

Georginas family is not precisely poor but they are not well off- and her mother and beautiful sister Penelope constantly complains and demands things. They cant understand how or why Georgina takes pleasure in helping the tenants of the estate of learning about medicine.

Despite this he manages to insult her yet once again when during a conversation the subject of womens rights Georgina rises up in defense only to have her beliefs ridiculed by Lord Rivington.

She is now firmly convinced of her dislike of the man.

When her older brother Peregrine returns home with the good news that he has won the lottery and is going to take them to London.Her mother and sister is in an alt but Georgina cautions them to invest it in the estate an advice that is dismissed as her being her usual bluestocking and boring personality speaking.

and of course she cant help but run into Lord Rivington.

If I had some reservations about [b:Dance for a Lady|2911510|Dance for a Lady|Eileen Jackson||2938683] , the only other book I have read by this author then I can say without any reservations that I truly disliked Lord Rivingtons Lady.

My first problem is with the love interest the Lord Rivington of the title.

From the first the "hero" Lord Alexander Rivington behaves in an appalling manner but while their first meeting appears to be similar to that of the couple of [b:Venetia|32102|Venetia|Georgette Heyer||3234302] by Georgette Heyer you will be waiting in vain for the two persons in LRL to form a relationship that makes you believe in the possibility that they will end up together.

They do end up together but it seemed rather unlikely.

Georgina our heroine is not a very proactive character for all that she jumps to conclusions and throws herself into situations she dont fully understand. It was depressing to read about her as she is constantly belittled by her mother and sister,her brother ignores her advice and chooses not to listen to her when she tries to warn him about the beautiful,highborn and bitchy Charlotte Ingram.
She just couldnt catch a break.

Georgina for much of the book in addition to the other unfavorable traits of Lord Rivington believes that he seduced and abandoned a poor girl and only grudgingly took care of her and their illegitemate Child,

I have read a great many regency era romance and several of them have heroes who are autocratic and convinced of their own superbut the ones I have liked are where they show something more of themselves or in some ways change, for example Mary Baloghs [b:Slightly Dangerous|71648|Slightly Dangerous (Bedwyn Saga, #6)|Mary Balogh||69382] or [b:The Duke's Wager|2785752|The Duke's Wager (Bessacarr, #1)|Edith Layton||2811516]
… (mehr)
Litrvixen | Jun 23, 2022 |
Read via Open Library

Anabel escapes the home of her aunt and uncle and more importantly the threat of being forced into marriage with her horrible cousin Miles.

Missing the coach she is nearly run over by a postchaise be long ing to Lord Ryder who she recognize as the one her cousin Drusilla unsucessfully tried to trap into marriage.

Thinking Anabel to be a governess and intrigued by her daring to talk back to him he decides to bring her along after all they are both heading to London.

This "regency" takes place in 1796 but its not precisely the usual regency setting I am used to as most of then takes place in the 19th century.

I think Anabel could have done with a bit more planning before running away sure she has the money and some idea to become a portraitist.

I had a discussion with a GR she likes romances where couples becomes friends at once while I quite like when the couples argues and has a love hate thing going on making their coming together all more worth while in the end. In Dance for a lady I liked that first but it didnt develop as I would have liked.

Anabel and Lord Ryder arent exactly like Elizabeth and Bluont from [b:Reluctant Bride|2789609|Reluctant Bride|Joan Smith||2815376] or Regina and X from [b:The Duke's Wager|2785752|The Duke's Wager (Bessacarr, #1)|Edith Layton||2811516] .

Also there is a Misumderstanding and Anabel refuses to reveal a secret that would resolve everything because of stubborness and because the plot demands it not because it makes any sense.

Would I give this author another chance? Yes.

… (mehr)
Litrvixen | Jun 23, 2022 |

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