27+ Werke 885 Mitglieder 26 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Skye Jethani is an author, speaker, consultant, and pastor. He also cohosts the Holy Post podcast, a weekly show that blends cultural and theological insights with comical conversation. Skye has authored eight books, including What If Jesus Was Serious?: A Visual Guide to the Teachings of Jesus We mehr anzeigen Love to Ignore. Skye and his wife, Amanda, have three children and reside in Wheaton, IL. weniger anzeigen
Bildnachweis: publicity photo from author website


Werke von Skye Jethani

What's Wrong With Religion (2017) 27 Exemplare
Vida com Deus (2020) 2 Exemplare

Zugehörige Werke

Moral Issues and Christian Responses (1997) — Mitwirkender, einige Ausgaben84 Exemplare





Como está seu relacionamento com Deus? Este livro tem apenas um propósito: colocar em perspectiva a forma como você se relaciona com Ele. E, a partir desse ponto, te guiar até o caminho certo para uma relação saudável com o Criador. Você já se perguntou se serve a Deus por medo de ir para o inferno? Quem sabe, você acredita que ser fiel no dízimo proporcionará uma vida financeira próspera? Ou então que Deus espera de você grandes obras? Ou, ainda, que basta orar e pedir com fé, e seus desejos serão atendidos como num passe de mágica? A sociedade pós-cristã foi rápida em enquadrar Deus numa série de rótulos em resposta aos inúmeros fiéis que chegam todos os dias à igreja em busca de uma solução ― de preferência, rápida e indolor. Em Vida com Deus, Skye Jethani analisa como é e como deveria ser nossa relação com o Criador. Este livro não será uma mensagem fácil e nem trará respostas simples. Mas aquele que tiver coragem e fé sincera colherá os frutos de uma vida com Deus.… (mehr)
ariostonog | Feb 25, 2024 |
This book was an unexpected find for me at a used bookstore that has turned into what I feel is the most important book I have read in a while.

In the book, different postures of approaching and relating to God are covered:

• Life Under God
• Life Over God
• Life From God
• Life For God
• Life With God

I could relate often to each one in some aspects. For example, the “life from God” posture very much reminded me of my years stuck in false teaching such as seeking for one’s own fulfillment or gifts from God as the prosperity gospel wrongly promotes. Likewise, a passion to somehow live an extraordinary life for God fulfilling His mission that is rooted in fear can leave us finding our worth in what we do versus being His.

Ultimately, the posture of “life with God” is the one that we as believers are called to in doing life with Him through communion with Him. Appendix 1 was a huge help in finishing the book with some practical application.

My favorite section was when the book covered the topic of prayer specifically regarding communication to God versus communion with God (pp. 112-114).

Above all, I highly recommend this book to be moved to the top of your TBR! It is truly an eye-opener and I took so many notes!
… (mehr)
aebooksandwords | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 29, 2023 |
I thought this a little slow to get started, but excellent in perspective. Well-written and persuasive; the author looks at both secular and traditional Christian views on the 'new earth' as described in Scripture. He then points out that none is really coherent - that the new earth will be a transformation of all that's best about what we have now.

The consequence of this belief - and I felt that his explanation made a lot of sense - is that we should value all work towards order (in the broadest sense), beauty and abundance.

I found it overall encouraging, positive and thought-provoking. Perhaps a little repetitive in the final pages, and a tad heavy-going in places, but I would recommend it to anyone interested in this topic.

Longer review here:
… (mehr)
SueinCyprus | 3 weitere Rezensionen | May 10, 2023 |
A book of brief devotional concepts relating to the teachings of Christ. Would be good for a Bible study or Sunday School class.
4leschats | Nov 27, 2022 |


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