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Judith Jones (1) ist ein Alias für Judith B. Jones.

8+ Werke 1,058 Mitglieder 22 Rezensionen


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Entertaining but I wanted it to be another My Life in France and it was only Julia's editor!
featherbooks | 13 weitere Rezensionen | May 7, 2024 |
Lovely cookbook, well presented. I often cook just for myself and usually resort to an omelet or leftovers. I got some nice ideas for other things I can do from this cookbook, which I borrowed from the library. I also enjoyed the author's tone, which is gentle, encouraging, and reassuring. I may buy myself a copy because I'd like to have the sauce and baking recipes, particularly.
sturlington | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 16, 2022 |
I'd really give this a 3.7, but I'll round up...This is one of those books I read and think 'I meant to have that life!' But I was born too late (there are probably a few other reasons I didn't get that life...). A fun, overview kind of a read--nothing is explored too deeply, but much is touched on.
giovannaz63 | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 18, 2021 |
laurenbufferd | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 14, 2016 |
This is a great book about the love of food and quality ingredients. It is so interesting how Americans have changed the way we cook over the last few decades! It only gets a four star rating because there were a lot of names that made it confusing and the narrative jumped around a lot.
cygnet81 | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 17, 2016 |
One of my favorite cookbooks ever.
1 abstimmen
idiotgirl | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 25, 2015 |
I thought I should check this out since I need to cook more instead of doing frozen when hubby is out of town so much. There were things I liked and disliked about the book. The good things were day 2 and day 3 recipes to handle the leftovers. The down side was several recipes were things that were more labor intensive than I wanted or used foods that I wouldn't normally buy. But hands down I think having soup recipes for one was the neatest thing in the book. I'm on the fence about getting my own copy, I might have to check it out again and actually use some of the recipes instead of just reading it.
Glennis.LeBlanc | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 8, 2014 |
When I went over to my grandmother’s house on the weekends, I would undoubtedly find myself making cookies or banana bread or some other such thing on one of the days we were together. For her it was something exciting, for me it was something to pass the time. I have very fond memories of walking in to her kitchen with all of the cooking gadgets and gizmos scattered on the counters, in cupboards and on shelves, but I never wanted to bother with any of it for myself. As I got older, I used the griddle to make pancakes the way we used to on Sunday mornings, but that’s about all.

Then I picked up The Tenth Muse and I instantly thought of my grandmother. I devoured the pages like I would her banana bread or blueberry pancakes and as I read on I came to realize exactly what all of this cooking stuff was all about. The book did not convert me. I will never want to go in a kitchen and whip up a simple or elaborate meal, but I have learned a new appreciation for the people who do have that desire to cook somewhere in their blood. Thankfully Judith Jones doesn’t insist that reading her book will make everyone run out and pick up a pot or a pan. She accepts that there are people out there who just don’t have a cooking gene and is okay with that, though she does say she hopes to see more young people cooking.

At first this statement upset me because I know from experience that you can’t force a love of cooking on anyone. I may have the fondest memories of my grandmother in her kitchen, but I am not going to run to my kitchen in order to relive them. After a while, though, I realized that the exposure to the kitchen is more about remembering the past, sharing time together, and enjoying yourselves than it is about making someone figure out how to boil potatoes or bake the perfect cake. I read stories of Julia Childe and all of the other famous folks out there who wrote cook books or encouraged people to take the time to feed their families in a wholesome way and I made a connection with my grandmother’s generation that I never thought was possible.

I can’t go to her now and tell her that all of this has happened for me, but I can remember what it was like to experience this realization and I can pass it on to other readers. I can recommend this book to anyone who has a willingness to relive a memory of family in the kitchen, I can tell the cooks out there that there are recipes in the back of the book, and I can let everyone know that the stories of publishing a wide variety of cookbooks will intrigue and delight readers of every variety. I never thought a book about cooking would touch me the way this one has. I never thought I would claim said book was a must read. This one falls into both of those. Enjoy.
mirrani | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 1, 2013 |
Better beginning than ending.
olevia | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 5, 2013 |
People who enjoyed Julia Child's memoir, [book: My Life in France] will probably enjoy this one as well. Judith Jones was Julia Child's editor and also worked with most of the other famous cookbook authors of that era. She was also married to food writer Evan Jones, with whom she did some cookbooks as well. Judith Jones enjoyed food from an early age, even though this was discouraged in her family, and when she first went to Paris in the late 1940s she fell in love, first with French food and then with Evan Jones. She also learned to cook and even helped run a clandestine restaurant in the apartment of a friend's aunt (who was unaware of the use). Jones's other claim to fame, which preceded her work with Child, was convincing Alfred A. Knopf to publish Anne Frank's [book: The Diary of a Young Girl}, which had already met with several rejections. Jones's book has just enough gossip to be interesting without making the reader feel grimy. The latter part of the book describes her and Evan's semi-retirement to Vermont, their food and gardening adventures there, and then her widowhood and why she cooks herself a real meal each evening. Many photographs add to the enjoyment and there are recipes at the end of the book. It doesn't take long to read, and is rewarding far beyond the time spent reading it.
auntieknickers | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 3, 2013 |
Even after subtracting all the veal and lamb dishes (I don't eat either) there were a lot of great recipes! Judith Jones clearly learned a lot from the authors she published (Julia Child, James Beard, etc) and her techniques are sound. Plus it's just nice to see recipes that don't feed 8- us single people don't want to eat leftovers 7 days in a row :)
wwrawson | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 31, 2013 |
This is a tell all memoir - about food. Not about people. It is a well written professional memoir that focuses on the story of how Judith Jones became involved in publishing and how she became one of the guiding lights of some of the most important publications about food in the last century. She edited cookbooks by Edna Lewis, Claudia Rodin, and the great Julia Childs. This book tells some of Judith Jones story, but concentrates on the story of the cookbooks - how they came to be and how one book led to another. As interesting as Judith Jones live is this book is only about her life as it connects and intersects with food. Very well focused and doesn't deviate from thesis as stated in the title. Accompanied by some recipes at illustrate Judith Jones' take on some of the recipes done by the famous people whose books she edited.
benitastrnad | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 24, 2012 |
A personal and business biography of the publisher who took on Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking in 1959. The serious American writers are all here - James Beard, MFK Fisher, Edna Lewis et al. There are also some excellent recipes and the stories behind them. All in all a great read by a thoughtful, writer who has lived and worked with elegance.
Carrie.deSilva | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 28, 2011 |
This cookbook is different from my other ones. It has the feel of someone who is cooking as she is telling me how to cook, and her basic concepts can be extrapolated to other recipes and the idea of cooking for oneself in general. Although the book references New England often, its ideas apply to me in the Southwest due to how she handles leftovers ("tasty bits in your refrigerator"), portion size, common ingredients, and plain, simple instructions. She encourages the reader to get creative with their own preferences within the framework of each basic dish, so someone like myself who relishes hot peppers and other local foods will cook according to my own tastes. Her hearty winter bean soup recipe can support a Southwest flare based on bean types, spices and choice of protein. I took the book to a workshop to read at lunch, and another attendee said, "The pleasures of cooking for one? It doesn't exist!" As I cook for one often, I replied, "Oh, but it does," and briefly shared with her some of Jones' concepts. She didn't appear to be convinced, and I thought she sees cooking as a chore rather than a creative, relaxing event. This book is a good starter for the new cook, and refreshing for those more experienced.
brickhorse | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 15, 2010 |
An excellent cookbook! Totally readable, recipes are simple, portions are appropriate sizes for one or two people. Many ingredients can be easily substituted out for others or left out if you don't have them. I got this book hoping to learn how to cook intuitively, and it has given me exactly that.
1 abstimmen
sarah-e | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 2, 2010 |
I don't cook for one most of the time, but these ideas and insights are important to many who eat too much and waste too much. Here is a plan, what to do with what is left, as opposed to what to do with left-overs.
dreams_ark | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 7, 2009 |
excellent memoir. even i miss her husband. her food is not my choice but i admire her enthusiasm and adventurism. interesting glimpse of life in post-war france and new york,½
mahallett | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 6, 2009 |
Wonderful glympse into another era -- the 1950's, Paris, culinary arts, Julia Childs' rise to fame--and the progression of cooking in America over the subsequent decades.
betsyhoward | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 9, 2009 |
This book is a nice,readable autobiography of a person who had a large role in improving American food culture in the latter part of the 20th-century. The author does a nice job of presenting how she got interested in food, her life in food, and her side of how many of the classic cookbooks (and diary of Anne Frank) published by Knopf came into being. At the end of the book, she prints a number of recipes that she has enjoyed, listed by groups such as "Cooking for One" or "The Nine Lives of Leg of Lamb".
willyt | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 28, 2007 |
With insights into both the culinary and publishing worlds, The Tenth Muse is the perfect gift for the foodie reader on your list - maybe even yourself. Judith Jones, an editor at Knopf for nearly a half century and the woman who started it all with Julia Child, has finally shared her own story, well-written (she is an editor after all), fun and well, delicious. Recipes included,
alphaorder | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 6, 2007 |
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