

Journo, Brook, and Epstein have compiled a robust defense for the moral case of American self-interest in Middle Eastern foreign policy. Contrary to popular belief, Journo et al. demonstrate with reference to history and U.S. policy since the Carter administration that the U.S. has been engaging in self-effacing, appeasing action towards its enemies that have only resulted in making them stronger. This most especially includes the recent Bush administration who, far from acting unilaterally with "Cowboy Diplomacy" as their guide, have needlessly sacrificed our military soldiers for the supposed cause of nation building and securing murderous barbarians the ability to vote for oppressive theocratic oligarchies.

The authors explain why America is losing the fight against Islamic Totalitarianism as well as the will to fight at all. Armed with the proper ethics, they make their case that it is the Islamic Republic of Iran that is the well spring of all the attacks against the U.S. and that if America wishes to win and bring peace to our shores we need to topple their illegitimate regime root and all. With their inspiration in ruin Islamists worldwide will lose hope and be morally crushed knowing that their cause to spread Islam across the globe is self-defeating.

After Brook and Epstein explain what is wrong with the current U.S. approach towards foreign policy (championed by liberals and conservatives alike) and its fundamental flaw, Just War Theory, Journo offers a positive moral alternative. A policy true to American self-defense and to the protection of its citizens' individual rights, a policy of rational self-interest: egoism. With Journo's approach we can defend ourselves and the values for which America stands, unapologetically and as he sums up his case, "with our heads held high."

This book is a must read for all policymakers, military personnel, family members of the military, and anyone directly affected by this unnecessary protracted war. We need to do all we can to save American lives and bring them home as fast as possible, this book will do that.
1 abstimmen
mcaution | Nov 21, 2009 |