
Marshall KarpRezensionen

Autor von NYPD Red

24 Werke 6,782 Mitglieder 174 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 6 Lesern


BooksInMirror | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 19, 2024 |
BooksInMirror | 20 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 19, 2024 |
Love that Patterson handed off the series to the co-author and it still was great. It has been awhile so I was worried I’d have forgotten but I jumped right back in and the characters were still who I remembered and loved following.
Asauer72 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 3, 2023 |
usual Patterson action with some love tension between our two main characters. The jealous thing gets old though. They just need to hook up!
Asauer72 | 20 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 3, 2023 |
getting into a new series by the action
Asauer72 | 20 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 3, 2023 |
Great James Patterson action like I have come to expect!
Asauer72 | 29 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 3, 2023 |
Constantly moving but a little too much like a soap opera
drmom62 | 20 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 21, 2023 |
Rambo! Like a movie script. Alternately entertaining & gag worthy but certainly a step above the earlier ones in the same series. I really just don't like Patterson's Style
drmom62 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 21, 2023 |
Constantly moving but a little too much like a soap opera
drmom62 | 20 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 21, 2023 |
This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader.
Joaquín Alboroto is the head of Mexico's largest drug cartel—and is a character straight out of Winslow's Cartel Trilogy (and, likely, reality). He's powerful, ruthless, calculating, and vengeful—and right now, he's angry. His anger is directed at New York City and the family of one judge from NYC, and he goes after both.

The first step in this process is blanketing Central Park in cocaine—it looks like a snowstorm swept over the park. Horses, dogs, squirrels, birds, children, and adults out for a fun day in August are killed or hospitalized—countless lives are irrevocably damaged at once. And Alboroto promises more to come.

The NYPD is totally unprepared for this—the current commissioner isn't the right man for this moment, he's better known for working the political and bureaucratic sides of things. Preventing attacks of this type isn't in his wheelhouse.

A former counter-terrorism officer in the NYPD is recruited to head up a group of retired officers to confront Alboroto and similar threats. This is a vigilante group with private funding, but in their hearts, they're still NYPD and want to serve the city. Using old contacts (on both sides of the law), liaising with the Mexican government, and armed with the best hackers and technology that money can buy—plus their own experience and grit—this small group just may be able to stop Alboroto before his next strike.

This right here might be my favorite idea in this novel. So you've got a non-governmental anti-terrorist strike force—you need to fund them if they're going to be effective at all. So, sure, you could have one of them be a super-genius inventor/entrepreneur (like Tony Stark), an orphaned heir of a super-rich man (Bruce Wayne), a group of thieves and con artists turned Robin Hood (Leverage), or a Powerball winner. Something.

Karp gives us a group of billionaires who know the economic impact that a terrorist attack can bring on the city—and on themselves. They don't want to go through that again, so they're willing to spend a lot of money to keep them from losing much more. They're benevolent and out for themselves at the same time. That's as close to a perfect description of heroes for our time as you're going to find anywhere.

This book made me flashback to a book that I hadn't thought of in years—I posted about it on October 25, 2013, so probably the last time I gave it any thought was the 26th (though probably the afternoon of the 25th)—Dick Wolf's The Intercept. There's a very similar elite group of cops ready to take down terrorist threats with all the fancy tech and everything. That group, however, was part of the NYPD and should've been controlled by things like the Constitution, the courts, and the city's budget. This book, however, features retired cops acting as vigilantes with a budget that probably shames even all of The Big Apple's. Also, the writing is crisper, the characters aren't cardboard, and it's more entertaining. My intent wasn't to find another excuse to disparage The Intercept, but because the books were similar in so many ways, I had to figure out why I really liked one and had little good to say about the other.

Sometime after 9/11 I remember reading about (and I think I heard one or more of the participants discuss this), some governmental agency brought together some thriller writers, movie makers, etc. to think up some possible, but unlikely attacks that could be launched on the U.S. so contingency plans could be thought up as well as ways to deter this. Does anyone else remember this? Anyway, a lot of what Albortoro gets up to in this book feels like the product of those meetings—possible, but unlikely. Still, if you picked up your phone tomorrow morning and whatever social media feed gives you your news described the attack on Central Park (or any of the other things in this book), you'd believe it. I'm not so sure how willing I am to believe that a handful of ex-cops and federal agents could stop it. But I'd like to think it could happen. (I clearly have more confidence in the ingenuity of criminals and killers than I do in people who'd want to stop them).

There's an incredibly cinematic feel to this—if your brain doesn't project a lot of these scenes onto a mental movie screen in your head, something's wrong. That cover shot alone deserves a Wagner score (although that seems overused, maybe substitute Harold Faltermeyer*). That cinematic feel lets Karp get away with a few things that I'm not sure that other thriller writers could get away with (and some thriller writers use all the time)

* Composer of Top Gun's score.

Combine all of those two paragraphs, and what Karp has given us is a blockbuster novel with a very realistic grounding, but it doesn't necessarily play out that way. But Karp hooks you quickly and keeps on hooking you—he's not content to get you invested just once, he wants it all. There's a romantic subplot that works well and rounds out Danny's character, but I wondered a couple of times if it messed up the pacing a bit (and made me wonder about Danny's priorities at least once). Aside from that, the pacing was spot-on, and the novel kept picking up speed as it goes and you barrel into the conclusion—I don't know how someone is supposed to put this down during the last 50 pages (it's slightly easier in the 50 before that—slightly).

Satisfying action, well-executed plot twists and turns, characters you want to see again, and very believable villains. Snowstorm in August is the action-adventure novel you need to read.
hcnewton | Nov 22, 2022 |
This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader.
Part of this feels like too much to say, but it's right there in the title (also, the publisher's description), so...

Practically simultaneously, two wealthy and well-known producers are killed. One was shot by a sniper pulling off an incredibly difficult shot. The other was killed by a knife attack in broad daylight with no witnesses. These two were brothers, and each had given some people clear motives to kill them. But both at the same time? It's difficult to tie them together. The NYPD Red squad—with Kylie MacDonald and Zach Jordan in the lead—is assigned to these cases and they want to consider that there's one person behind the killings—with two accomplices doing the killing. But can they actually establish a link?

During their investigation, a theory begins to surface about a team of assassins operating under the name of a sorority—Kappa Omega Delta. KOD—Killers On Demand. It sounds farfetched to the partners (and their captain), but they keep running into the idea. And soon, they might start to find some actual evidence pointing to it.

Meanwhile, in a probably unrelated incident, Kylie's boyfriend is shot. Officially barred from investigating (and she is front-and-center on a case the media and City Hall are focused on), Kylie is mostly watching this from the sidelines—but manages to help the detectives on the case while worried about his recovery.

I'm both annoyed and glad that the description of the book tipped its hand so much about the assassins. I prefer to discover that kind of thing in my mystery novels—don't tell me what the characters are going to figure out, let me do it with them. But knowing it was coming did make it easier to buy into.

Up to the point that Zach and Kylie really start to take the notion seriously this novel had the feel of a pretty by-the-book procedural. They were being methodical, beating the bushes, checking off the things they needed to—and that's the kind of thing I really appreciate seeing in detective novels. I've said it before, I'll keep saying it, too.

Then there's a shift in the way the novel worked once we get to that point, though, and it takes on a heightened reality*-sense as the detectives try to work out the details of the KOD group—how they operate**, who they are, and how to track them down. The shift isn't a qualitative one, really, it's more subjective—it's a different feel to the book. One that is probably more in line with the rest of the series. The transition jarred me a bit, but not so much that it took me out of the book—but it reminded me what kind of book I was reading.

* I really need to find or develop a synonymous phrase for that, because I use it too often in this post. Sorry about that.

** I fought off the temptation to really dig into this part here, you should read it for yourself.

Looking back over this whole thing, I'm really impressed with it—at several points Karp plays against what you believe is happening. I don't think he ever pulls the rug out from beneath the reader—but he gives it a good, strong tug, and makes you stumble a bit. It may not be as flashy as a huge twist but can leave the reader just as discombobulated and unprepared for what's next.

I thought these were handled pretty well. There were elements of Zach's story that seemed like pretty large coincidences, but if a reader isn't willing to accept a convenient coincidence here and there, it might be time for a new hobby. I do think that story was handled pretty well.

The same goes for the plot about Kylie's boyfriend and the shooting (and what that suggests about the ongoing story about her now-missing husband). I think this shooting, the investigation, and the resolution was actually the strongest storyline in the novel and Karp developed it well. Especially in the heightened reality of this series, this came across as pretty grounded.

I'd have to go and look at my posts about the first two books in this series to see if I say anything about it—but I don't want to. I'm pretty sure that at the time I thought the books spent too much time on the personal lives of these two detectives. To an extent, it made sense while establishing the characters, but I still thought the balance was off. Perhaps it's because this is a later book in the series, perhaps it's the shift in authors, maybe it's just the way things worked out here in NYPD Red 7—I'm not sure I care—but that problem is gone. I even paused to note a couple of times how compared favorably to my memories of the first two books.

I went into this book with apprehensions—I dropped this series after two books and while I don't remember being opposed to coming back, I sure wasn't in a hurry to. But when someone mails me an ARC, I tend to read it. And I'm really glad I did—it won me over pretty easily, I got invested and caught up in the story, and generally had fun reading the book.

The best thing I can compare this to is an episode of Castle—but with two Detective Becketts and no novelist. Detectives—and their friends, lovers, contacts—who are impossibly attractive and extraordinarily bright on the trail of implausibly effective and skilled killers. And it's just as entertaining as that series was at its best.

The heightened reality of this series works well in the cases these detectives are involved with—Entertainment personalities and the super-rich. I've always liked the idea of a squad like NYPD Red (see also, The Closer's Priority Homicide), and halfway assume something like this actually exists. Given media scrutiny and politics, it makes sense for cases of this profile to be handled differently (as long as no one's ignoring other cases per Bosch's maxim). I enjoy seeing detectives work in this world as much as I do seeing them in more "everyday" settings belonging to the middle and lower class.

There's part of me that wants to harp on the implausibility of KOD. But I don't know why I would—it's a fun idea and works well in this novel. Karp's version of this thing that we've seen and read about in other books/shows/movies/comics is as successfully conceived and executed as I've seen it. And as I said before, if you accept the world of this series, the outlandish nature of the KOD works well. So, I don't know why I feel like I have to make excuses for it or justify it, but I do feel that way. The KOD is a good challenge for Kylie and Zach and the way they confront it is entertaining. Which is what this book is about. He's not attempting to tell a gritty story like Winslow's The Badge (which has parts that are just as implausible)—this is an action-adventure story.

This is a fun read—I raced through it because Karp's writing and pacing wouldn't let me put it down until I had to. I thought the novel was stronger than the first two in the series and I'm tempted to go back and see where the series started improving. I'm definitely interested in NYPD Red 8, assuming that Karp gets to do another one and I hope the sales without Patterson's name on the cover allow it.

Even if you've never read this series (maybe particularly), pick this up if you're in the mood for an adventurous Police Detective novel, I think you'll be glad you did.
hcnewton | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 17, 2022 |
action/ adventure. Really liked it - good vacation book.
kathp | 20 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 10, 2022 |
E Book. Finished! very good.½
MustangGuy | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 3, 2021 |
Borrowed Library hardcover. Couldn't put it down.
MustangGuy | 29 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 29, 2021 |
Borrowed E book. Very much enjoyed it.
MustangGuy | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 25, 2021 |
Good series I enjoyed it.½
MustangGuy | 20 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 25, 2021 |
Another Patterson book from the Fenelon store. I enjoyed it and will attempt tp read the entire series.
MustangGuy | 20 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 12, 2021 |
Enjoyable book. A fast and easy read.
soosthemoose | 29 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 29, 2021 |
Another rollicking good time with the NYPD Red team as they solve a couple of crimes. There's a lot going on and I thought that it was tough to follow at times. Ancillary characters--the female mayor is a terror, Kyle and Zach's boss is a political mess and the perp is quite adept at hiding in plain sight. We did not learn a lot about the crimes. On to #6,
buffalogr | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 31, 2021 |
Marshall Karp is a keeper. I read a lot of J. Patterson books, not all are great but this series is entertaining.
xKayx | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 14, 2020 |
A celebrity dead wearing her loaned one of a kind emerald necklace. Great and fun mystery by Patterson & Karp. I don't enjoy all his series but this is one of his good ones.
xKayx | 20 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 14, 2020 |
Audiobook version is great. Entertaining story to listen to while doing things around the house.
xKayx | 20 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 14, 2020 |
Fast pace with some action. I enjoyed the sarcastic humors.
xKayx | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 14, 2020 |
Old reviews went missing. How does save not working?

Great series; I love NYPD Red books.
xKayx | 29 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 14, 2020 |