
Alicia M Kaye

Autor von Skinny Dipping

2 Werke 26 Mitglieder 2 Rezensionen

Werke von Alicia M Kaye

Skinny Dipping (2014) 23 Exemplare



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Skinny Dipping by Alicia M. Kaye

Sophie had a near death(water) experience as a child, and has a fear of water. Now grown and successful (advertising executive) she doesn't think about her past , until she meets a client Matthew, he owns swimming centers. Soon they become friends, and he insists she learn to swim. There are definitely sparks between the too, but she has the fear of water, and scars from a past relationship. She will have to put all this aside in order to move forward in her personal life.

A fun original story with a great plot, laugh out loud moments, as well as romance. Sophie, is very likable flaws an all. She has definitely has personal issues that haunt her. Matthew is likable as well and watching their friendship bloom was exciting. I highly recommend Skinny Dipping to those who love a great read.
… (mehr)
SheriAWilkinson | May 31, 2017 |
I freely chose to review this ARC and never laughed so hard or wanted a skinny cappuccino so badly! I liked the way Ms. Kaye hooked her readers in so fast with Mickey racing to her coffee shop with a baseball bat when the store's alarm went off only to see a dark shadow standing in front of her shop and starts racing toward it only to remember it's almost day break and the shadow and her are the only ones up! I thought Mickey let everyone walk over her from her business partner to her best friend as she never asserted herself enough. Clive decides to take some time off at the worst possible time as bills must be paid and there is only break-ins up and down her street and she has a unsecure lock on her door. When she meets Artie Banks, she assumes that he's from the security agency and one thing leads to another bad situation as the one time she felt a spark of interest in a man, she learns that he's engaged!… (mehr)
Linda.Bass | May 23, 2017 |

