
Kathryn C. KellyRezensionen

Autor von Misled

36 Werke 251 Mitglieder 26 Rezensionen


I'm so very excited that Inferno’s release day is almost here. I can't thank everyone enough for all the interest you've shown in Georgie's and Sloane's story. The subject is taboo, yes. Some of you know who inspired this Lolita-style, May-December romance.

This is the story of two broken souls who manage to find one another. Sometimes, when we are lost and shells of the person we should be, we do very stupid things. There's another component to Inferno--Georgie's mother, Cassandra. She's as broken as her daughter. The world is obsessed with youth and Cassandra knowingly ignores Georgie, to feel better about herself. Sloane is the bridge that crosses the Georgie-Cassandra divide.

Finally, I apologize for the cliffhanger. I wasn't sure which would be best. The cliffhanger or a book close to 200K words. I chose the CH. To be fair, I know everyone doesn't have my reading tastes. However when I have a choice between reading a very long book or a book that will be split into two or three different novels, I go with the latter. That isn't to say I won't read novels that are 190,000 words. It takes me longer to pick it up because with my day-to-day schedule, a longer book seems more daunting to me.

Once again, I thank everyone who took the time to read and review Inferno.
katkelwriter | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 14, 2023 |
Diese Rezension wurde vom Autor verfasst.
Dirty Boy was a departure for me and I had a lot of fun writing it. I'm offering a limited number of ARCs at, until 9/29/2016. If you'd like a copy, here's the link:
katkelwriter | Jun 14, 2023 |
Diese Rezension wurde vom Autor verfasst.
Hi everyone, if anyone sees that I gave my book one star, that isnt the case!
katkelwriter | Jun 14, 2023 |
Diese Rezension wurde vom Autor verfasst.
UPDATE 5/31/23 Reckless is out! If you read my journey on Facebook, the following text isn't different. But I want to thank everyone so much.

I have been working on Reckless for a very long time. When I scrolled through my timeline, I saw how many times I talked about it and promised it and teased its release. Amidst writing Reckless, I had health scares, new diagnoses, procedures, tests, and surgeries. I watched Memaw Kelly become so very frail. I worried about Kathryn Ferdinand and her mental state and health scares.
Like everyone, the economy took a toll and there were days when I had to stretch a little food to pay for a lot of medicine. Other times, I didn't know if I wanted to bother living anymore. Just from the gargantuan obstacles I faced. One in particular is dealing with electrical issues in the house. I've been trying to figure out how to change bad breakers in the box but I don't want to get fried. That realization strikes me even as I write this. Deep down, I don't want to die. I fought hard to survive cancer and, years earlier, heart failure. I was just tired. All of this affected my thoughts.
There wasn't a month that went by where I didn't think about Reckless. There were many days I didn't because my head was too crowded with other issues. I continued writing and was in several anthologies from Andrea Miles Rhoads and Elizabeth Knox. My submission was accepted to be a part of the Cocky Hero Club. My book was to be based on Stuck-Up Suit by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward. I was ecstatic. But my illnesses and my concern for my family, whom I love dearly, repeatedly interfered. Then, late last August, I finished Savage Suit. Somehow, I finished my first full length novel since 2019.
It was a moment I will never forget. I cried. After all the lows and the tears and the prayers and the fear, it was finished. And I am very proud of that book but for the first time I was proudest of myself. Yet, there was still the elephant in the room that stole some of my joy: Reckless.
I started the story long before I was accepted into any of the aforementioned projects. And it wasn't finished. My despair returned and I fell into a deep depression. It only deepened when I saw that updating the original series was stalled. I updated Misled and Misappropriate and then stopped because of some of the other personal and writing obligations. I considered laying down my pen.
Misled came out in 2013 and the industry has changed so much. I told myself if I didn't budget for marketing, why bothering releasing the book. However, I made a promise to y'all. And I couldn't leave you hanging OR my characters. I worked from October to December on rewrites. In January, I set up preorders with the intention to release on May 3rd. I told myself I had enough time to complete the book I envisioned, do justice to the series, and make it worth everyone's wait. I begged Christopher to talk to me. I prayed.
Then, I had the hemorrhoidectomy and I thought I would never sit down again. My laptop is old and wouldn't update. It kept freezing on me, so I HAD to sit at me desk. The book grew. Savage Suit was released. I listened to the audiobook and loved it. The pain of the internal and external incisions was intense. My mother was barely able to walk because of back pain. Kate's depression became concerning. Food was low. I received a small shock at the breaker box.
I was exhausted. I quit. I was going to release a statement saying I was retiring from writing. Yet, that was the easy way out. I love writing. I started my first novel at 12. Had I really fought all these years just to crawl away with my tail between my legs? I knew eventually I would have to write again. So I told myself, ain't nothin' but a thing. I have my family. We have a roof over our heads, a car to drive, and food on the table. I pushed the release of Reckless to May 31st. I watched Queen Charlotte. Twice. Alone and then with Kate. I prayed. And I told myself to get back to work. This was when I realized I had to split Reckless into two books. The decision reinvigorated me.
Suddenly, part one was done.
I stared at my screen and clapped and laughed and cried. It was after 3 in the morning but I called my mother. It was done. Even as I write this, tears are in my eyes. It was almost like the day I rang the bell in November 2016. And, today, Reckless is available to the world. I would love for it to be a smashing success. I wish it gets thousands of reviews. But I don't have marketing money and I still have so many personal obligations. I also have to finish Ruthless because I just can't wait for y'all to see how it all plays out.
To everyone out there, don't give up. Continue to fight and hope and dream and pray.
Thank you to everyone who never gave up on me, even during my darkest days. Thank you for never giving up on Reckless. Much love to each of you.
As much as I want Reckless to be a bestseller, its release represents so much more. Whether it sinks or swims or whether its loved or hated, Reckless is my biggest triumph and, for me, that is everything.

I have to offer my apologies to everyone. I canceled the preorders I wasn't able to complete the manuscript to upload it in a timely manner due to some illnesses I have been going through. I have been undergoing tests and thankfully I have nothing serious. Just very annoying. I broke my tailbone at the age of 19 and, lately, I have been going through holy hell with pain at the base of my spine. More than likely, I will need a third esophageal dilation because my esophagus continues to close up, despite having had two dilations since December. Finally, I have to see a rheumatologist because the major marker that indicates Lupus has always been abnormal or high or positive--I don't know the correct term for this because I try to live my best life and not worry about what may not ever come to pass. Having said that, there is some suspicion that I might have developed full-blown Lupus. These are my most serious issues and I feel as if you deserve an explanation as to why CJ's story is delayed again. The good news is I have only 4 chapters left to completion (and a resend to my editor). You will see advertising because it was too late to cancel. However, instead of rushing the process and the story, I canceled the pre-orders to put out the best possible read for y'all. I'm so sorry for the delay. I contacted Amazon beforehand to put a new preorder in and was told I would be able to do so because of the extenuating circumstances of my health issues. However, when I wrote in to get the approval, I was declined, so as soon as I get this issues straightened out, I will have it back on Amazon at the $0.99 preorder price.
katkelwriter | Jun 14, 2023 |
purchased this item on February 27, 2016 Amz
bodebeabay | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 25, 2022 |
This is a wonderful anthology, with something for everyone's taste. I cannot review all of the stories, so here's three chosen (almost) at random:
Marie Skye's 'I Still Hate You'. I really wanted to like this story and in the end I did, but I have to say that at the beginning, with the complicated history between Ash and Perrie I found it hard going.
Maria Ann Green's 'Once Upon That Time He Was Stuck in the Friend Zone' is a friends-to-lovers about Colton and Emma. An interesting story, well-written with a good supporting cast. The likeable protagonists devastate one another, but in the end…There is a thing about Colt's nickname for Emma and in the end it will make you cry.
Dakota Davies' 'Falling for My Fling'. I'm a big fan of Davies and bought this book to read this story and it doesn’t disappoint - except it isn't a HEA - yet. The great outdoors is important to this author; she has written about swimming, zip-lining, rock-climbing and here it's rafting. Lori is working at a summer school while waiting to go to Stanford. She meets Caleb, who works for his family's rafting company and who is known for his frequent, short-term hook-ups. There is a lot of background angst for both protagonists which makes their feelings for one another all the more sweet.
SuzieEN | May 2, 2022 |
3.5 stars
I am really struggling with this review. I both loved and hated this story. It seemed so childish at times. Yet, other times it was everything that I wanted in a MC romance. It was dark and real, and dirty. It was like SOA but grittier. It is for that reason I had to go with a solid 3.5 star because it did keep me turning the pages. I needed to know more. I am assuming that as the series goes on the characters will have more depth to them and not seem like a teenager trying to be like Gemma from the aforementioned SOA. Please. I hope so because I liked the grittiness of this story and need more.
MagicalRi | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 22, 2019 |
I understand that some books have violence in them to show why certain characters are the way they are. Plus it show how their world works. But there was WAY TOO MUCH VIOLENCE in this one. Yes in the beginning it tells you how Megan got to be the way that she is but it was TOO MUCH for the average reader. I've worked with young woman like Megan but all the crap that happened to her would have done a heck of a lot more damage mentally to her. If a person can read between the lines ( I did) there is a story there about two fu##ed up people who find each other. Outlaw really had his own issues but part of the time with Megan he was a good guy , other times he was a real d#ck head. At least at the end it was a happy ending.
Dolphinmom729 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 27, 2019 |
3.75 stars
Okay, after reading the first book I was worried if I would be able to continue. Not because of the story itself because the author does a great job creating an MC world that is realistic, gritty, and real but because I needed more from the characters. I finally was starting to see that evolution in the author's writing style and seeing the characters not seem immature. Meghan still had her moments and Outlaw was over the top a lot of the time but they were better. I liked the softening in Christopher and I liked that she had more of a backbone. I am very interested in Johnnie's story so on to the next book.
MagicalRi | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 15, 2019 |
3.75 stars
The writing is getting much better. I still have issues with the characters but not as much as I did. I have to give this author credit that even though I am frustrated in many parts of the story I still am invested enough in this series to keep reading. The MC is gritty and raw and just how I imagined it to be. It is for that reason that I continue on in order to find the answers to my bizzillion questions.
MagicalRi | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 15, 2019 |
I'm torn between 3 stars and 2 and half stars to be completely honest. But I'm going with three because I did like Georgie towards the end.

I received a copy in exchange for my honest opinion. This does not influence my opinion in any shape or form.

My head is seriously all over the place after finishing Inferno. I can definitely the first book was my favorite the second one had too much of everything and I hardly ever complain about anything but this time I definitely felt like it was too much.

Our Story
With a family like the ones Sloane and Georgie have you don’t need enemies. In fact, they may be nicer then your family because this family is just so messed up. I just can’t even.

We pick up where the first book leaves off, Georgie is pregnant and under law Sloane is in serious trouble because she’s underage and he’s like nine years older then her so obviously she can’t consent. So things just turn into a hot mess.

Hiding Georgie from the world, telling her she has to lie about the paternity of the father so that Sloane doesn’t get in trouble. Live apart. Blackmail. IT HAS IT ALL.

And you know who I feel the most sorry for Georgie! The poor girl, everyone is so busy covering their asses that they don’t even take time to consider her! The poor girl is constantly be threaten by HER OWN family to have her baby taken away from her. I just can’t, you don’t do that. THAT IS MESSED UP.

I felt this whole book was a bit messed up the story just went all over the place for me. Like I got whiplash. I didn’t know who was a friend, who was an enemy. I just didn’t know and I don’t know how Georgie managed to keep it together. I seriously don’t.

What I did like about the story was it showed just how crazy fans are, to what lengths their loyalty will go, how crazy a celebrity’s life goes and just how fascinated we are with our youth that we forget to embrace the aging we go through.

Our Characters
Georgie, my sweet Georgie. Half the book I wanted to slap her because she was crying all the time which I totally understand because the hell everyone was putting her through was just taking a toll on her. I felt like she was just a hot mess and finally towards the end of the book I was finally happy that she was learning to stand up for herself and grow a back bone because she needed it in the first book and a lot in the second book.

Sloane I don’t know if I hate him or I love him. Like, I think I hate him more then I love him. Because I don’t understand a whole lot of his actions especially in the beginning, I had to take a break from the book because it was making me so so mad. I just couldn’t deal with his, I love her, I hate her ordeal I just couldn’t. But towards the end, I kind of respected him and how he finally put Georgie and their daughter first.

For sure, the first book was my favorite compared to the second book. I just felt like too much drama happened in the second book that really took away from the storyline. I was seriously lost when the whole Death Dwellers MC came into play, I’m assuming they’re the author’s other book series and she wrapped them into this series but yeah, I was definitely not impressed and wanted to skip most of their parts because I couldn’t really understand what they were saying or what they were doing there. I did like that Georgie was finally learning how to stand up for herself and learning to have her own voice. She really needed it. I especially how she was as a mother, I really enjoyed seeing her grow in that aspect of her character. If there is more to this series I may check it out, I may not. I’m still undecided. Check it out for yourselves see what you think.
tina_thebookworm | Feb 12, 2016 |
Inferno is fifty shades of messed up and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it. I have so many mixed feelings about this some are good some are bad and some are just all over the place. The other part of me is screaming “WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST READ?” while the other is saying “I LOVE IT!”.

Our Story
Inferno is definitely a taboo romance, a sixteen year old with a twenty five year old. It actually didn’t bother me like I thought it would.

Inferno is about Sloane and Georgie.

Sloane sees something in Georgie that makes him want to protect her. He sees her spiraling out of control and no one seems to care the girl will be lucky if she even makes it to her seventeenth birthday at the rate she’s going. He can’t help but want to protect her from not only those around her but from herself. Not to mention she’s beautiful and damaged and god help him because he knows he shouldn’t touch Georgie because he would face jail time if he did but temptation is sure hard to resist.

The story is definitely a page turner. It definitely kept me on my toes and I had to know how this was going to turn out. It is told in multiple points of views – Sloane, Georgie and Cassandra (Georgie’s mom). I actually liked the different points of views minus Cassandra’s. I had to read Inferno without stopping (even though I did have to stop a couple times because of reality). But it is a story you need a whole day to read because you cannot just pick it up and put it down and pick up again. You just need to know what’s going on.

Our Characters
Georgie she’s sixteen and lost. She’s spiraling down a rabbit hole of disaster one where she’s lucky if she’s going to live to see her seventeenth birthday. Does her family? NOPE. She already knows she’s an inconvience to her family, they just buy her stuff and tell her to go about her business never showing her attention or even giving her love. It’s a damn shame. She’s a drug addict thanks to her brother’s best friend Crowell. She’s an alcoholic. She’s a damn disaster. You can’t help but feel sorry for her because the girl isn’t wanted. She’s just there and no one cares. You feel like its your job to care about her so you keep reading and praying something, someone helps her out of this disaster and someone does….Sloane.

Sloane is the rockstar god. He is amazingly talented but does it matter? He’s a recovering drug addict with a list of problems from here to Timbuktu. But he’s working hard to set himself straight not necessarily by his own free will but still enough to try and clean up his image. He sounds like an ass for the first part of the book but then you see the other side of him the one that’s caring, the one that wants to protect and help someone who can’t really protect themselves. I liked the side of Sloane that wasn’t a rockstar. I liked seeing him shield his protection so that he could do the right thing (although it was sometimes for the wrong reasons). I thought he was a far better choice for Georgie compared to all the other jerks in her life.

Cassandra is Georgie’s mother and that is an insult to mothers everywhere seriously. She views Georgie as a threat. Georgie’s young and beautiful. Cassandra is getting older, her husband is bringing in other women and men into their bedroom and Cassandra is starting to obsess with her age and looks. She’s shallow. She’s downright crazy. Once she sleeps with Sloane she can’t seem to stop thinking about him. She’s downright obsessed with him and it’s insane how she views Georgie as a threat instead of her daughter.

Like I said I had so many feelings when it came to this story. It was such a beautiful disaster. Once I started the story I just had to finish it and now that I finished it, I need to go on and read the second book because seriously that cliffhanger. I GOTTA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!
tina_thebookworm | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 12, 2016 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
This is the story of Georgie, 16, and Sloane, 25. Each has more problems than they know what to do with, ranging from family to drugs to sex, and so much more. Their lives first intertwine at a party, and they think it is just a one time meeting, but their paths keep crossing - and they are drawn to each other because they are both struggling to survive.

I liked the book overall, it is written in such a way that you develop compassion for the main characters. I felt that the ending was a bit abrupt, I didn't understand exactly what happened. But the characters have stayed with me, almost like worrying about them, so the book did have an impact on me.
dmjohnson12 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 13, 2015 |
This is 100% must read.

It was action packed, sexy and a very good read

We follow the story of Outlaw & Meggie as they head towards their wedding.

I sincerely recommend these books and I for one cannot wait until the next one
Obsessed-by-Books | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 7, 2014 |
This is 100% must read.

It was action packed, sexy and a very good read

We follow the story of Outlaw & Meggie as they head towards their wedding.

I sincerely recommend these books and I for one cannot wait until the next one
Obsessed-by-Books | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 7, 2014 |
This is definitely a series you have to buy.

I received a copy of this book as a gift in exchange for an honest review.

Once I opened the first page I couldn't stop reading, both John boy and Kendall are such complicated characters and had you reading right to end to see the outcome of the story.

These books are one of my favourite reads and Im on constant wait for the next instalment.

Please Kathryn don't make me wait long for the next book
Obsessed-by-Books | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 7, 2014 |
This is definitely a series you have to buy.

I received a copy of this book as a gift in exchange for an honest review.

Once I opened the first page I couldn't stop reading, both John boy and Kendall are such complicated characters and had you reading right to end to see the outcome of the story.

These books are one of my favourite reads and Im on constant wait for the next instalment.

Please Kathryn don't make me wait long for the next book
Obsessed-by-Books | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 7, 2014 |
This is 100% must read.

It was action packed, sexy and a very good read

We follow the story of Outlaw & Meggie as they head towards their wedding.

I sincerely recommend these books and I for one cannot wait until the next one
Obsessed-by-Books | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 7, 2014 |
This is definitely a series you have to buy.

I received a copy of this book as a gift in exchange for an honest review.

Once I opened the first page I couldn't stop reading, both John boy and Kendall are such complicated characters and had you reading right to end to see the outcome of the story.

These books are one of my favourite reads and Im on constant wait for the next instalment.

Please Kathryn don't make me wait long for the next book
Obsessed-by-Books | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 7, 2014 |
This is 100% must read.

It was action packed, sexy and a very good read

We follow the story of Outlaw & Meggie as they head towards their wedding.

I sincerely recommend these books and I for one cannot wait until the next one
Obsessed-by-Books | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 7, 2014 |
This is 100% must read.

It was action packed, sexy and a very good read

We follow the story of Outlaw & Meggie as they head towards their wedding.

I sincerely recommend these books and I for one cannot wait until the next one
Obsessed-by-Books | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 7, 2014 |
This is definitely a series you have to buy.

I received a copy of this book as a gift in exchange for an honest review.

Once I opened the first page I couldn't stop reading, both John boy and Kendall are such complicated characters and had you reading right to end to see the outcome of the story.

These books are one of my favourite reads and Im on constant wait for the next instalment.

Please Kathryn don't make me wait long for the next book
Obsessed-by-Books | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 7, 2014 |
This is definitely a series you have to buy.

I received a copy of this book as a gift in exchange for an honest review.

Once I opened the first page I couldn't stop reading, both John boy and Kendall are such complicated characters and had you reading right to end to see the outcome of the story.

These books are one of my favourite reads and Im on constant wait for the next instalment.

Please Kathryn don't make me wait long for the next book
Obsessed-by-Books | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 7, 2014 |
This is definitely a "raw" read but not as dark as some. Outlaw may been giving in to Meggie's church wedding, but he is still very much alpha in his family. And when a new threat arises, it only proves to show how much Outlaw cares for Meggie. He has to learn to balance his bad boy nature with his tender spot of his wife and son.

I did not have any trouble reading this as a standalone but it did read as a HEA from previous novel. More of a bad boy maybe not changed but slightly tamed by love. Also got to know several characters I assume will be in upcoming novels.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review.½
Books007 | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 1, 2014 |
This is the fourth book I have read in the Death Dwellers MC series. If you're looking for a dark, gritty motorcycle club series, then look no further. Misled and Misappropriate, the first two books in the series, in particular, which primarily focus on the romantic relationship between Christopher, the Club's President, and Megan, while laying the framework for the MC dynamics, are spectacular, and should not be missed by MC romance lovers.

While I love this series, and plan on reading the two new books coming out later this year: Misbehavior (Val's and Zoann's story) and Misguided (Mortician's and Bailey's story), Kendall is my least favorite heroine of the entire series. Her immense insecurity and jealousy make her a very difficult character to like, particularly when many of these traits are aimed directly at Megan, a heroine who has won my heart and most of the MC's members' hearts. Nonetheless, this a series that really needs to be read in order. Not only is the hero's and heroine's relationship explained in the immediately prior book, Misunderstood; but this book actually continues to contain quite a bit of Christopher's and Megan's continuing developing relationship, as well as, developments in Val's and Zoann's, and Mortician's and Bailey's, story. I found these aspects of the other relationships, overall to be more enjoyable than Johnnie's and Kendall's story. Additionally, it is worth noting that Kendall's character does in the end evolve towards a more positive direction; so don't despair, there is definitely logic to her extreme nature.

In Misunderstood, John “Johnnie” Donovan makes a commitment to make his relationship with Kendall work after learning that she is pregnant with his baby. Although at the beginning of this book, Kendall's status as Johnnie's "old lady" is definitely determined, her standing and how she fits in the Club is anything but a sure thing. A large part of that equation is Megan and whether or not she will accept Kendall, especially given that on the night Kendall met Johnnie, she first attempted to seduce Christopher. Further complicating matters is Kendall's need to have Johnnie all to herself. Her insecurity and jealousy is so profound that she wants Johnnie to patch out of the MC. As if these were not enough obstacles to their fragile relationship, her ex-boyfriend who is a member of a rival gang, and who physically and sexually abused her, was partly responsible for her sister's death, and whose gang attacked the Death Dwellers' MC in the prior book, killing one of the MC's cherished members in the process; remains on the loose, and determined to hurt Kendall. With all these obstacles in the way, do Johnnie and Kendall have any chance for a HEA or are they doomed to heartache?

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of Misdeeds is the political aspect of the old ladies' interactions and their effect on club life. Kathryn Kelly does a great job of highlighting this, undoubtedly important social dynamic of MC life, that frequently is overlooked in MC romances, no doubt due to space limitations. The fact that this entire series focuses on a set of defined characters that have evolved over a number of books helps lay the setting for this interesting case study. Misdeeds also does an amazing job of driving home an important lesson: when jealousy is at the forefront, nobody wins. The old adage, "united we stand and divided we fall" is a great analogy for club life and Misdeeds does an amazing job of exemplifying it.

All in all, Misdeeds was an enjoyable read, but definitely should only be read after the preceding books in the series, which in turn, should be read in the following order: (1) Misled, (2) Misappropriate, and (3) Misunderstood. Given the prior characters' development, and unraveling of past secrets detailed in these predecessors, these books are an essential read for a complete understanding of the present day group and couple dynamics of the Death Dwellers' MC.

Source: ARC provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review.
B.J.O. | Aug 23, 2014 |