
Susan Kelly (2)

Autor von Murder on the Dance Floor

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Susan Kelly (2) ist ein Alias für Susan B. Kelly.

12 Werke 75 Mitglieder 3 Rezensionen


Werke von Susan Kelly

Die Werke gehören zum Alias Susan B. Kelly.

Murder on the Dance Floor (2007) 17 Exemplare
The Lone Traveller (2000) 11 Exemplare
Death of a Ghost (2005) 7 Exemplare
In Cold Blood (2003) 6 Exemplare
The Seventh Victim (1994) 5 Exemplare
Disguise for Death (2006) 4 Exemplare
Death is Sweet (1996) 3 Exemplare
Tod im Steinkreis (2000) 2 Exemplare
For Love or Money (2001) 1 Exemplar
The Ghosts of Albi (1998) 1 Exemplar



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Protagonist: Detective Chief Superintendent Gregory Summers
Setting: present-day Hungerford, Berkshire, England
Series: #1

First Line: This was a place of sacrifice, two millennia ago.

It's almost time for the summer fair in Hungerford, and the New Agers and the Gypsies are already in place. Tensions between the townspeople and the travellers are already strained, and when six-year-old Jordan Abbot goes missing from her home in Hungerford, the situation becomes explosive. It's up to Superintendent Gregory Summers to keep the warring groups from killing each other and to discover what happened to the missing girl.

I can't remember where I learned about this series. Perhaps I have too many resources at my disposal. (Too many resources for a bookaholic? Nah!) Wherever it was, I owe that person a big thank you. The plot is compelling, the pace is swift and sure, and there were several wonderful characters to sink my reading teeth into. Gregory Summers is a complex and likeable copper, and I'm looking forward to learning more about him as I continue reading this series.
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cathyskye | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 13, 2008 |
Do people in your library leave little marks on the back page of a book to let you know they've read it? They do in mine, and lost of people have handled this book. I wonder if they share my reading tastes?

This is #3 in the Greg Summers series and I'm a bit regretful that I didn't get hold of #2. I reviewed #1 THE LONE TRAVELLER last week.

I was a bit surprised that the theme of a missing child cropped up again - that was the focus of THE LONE TRAVELLER too. Emilia Troy is the missing child, and her father thinks that she has been taken by Joshua Salem, a social worker and a neighbour. Emilia is only three. The story of how her mother refused treatment for rampant cancer during her pregnancy, deciding against a termination too, and then died shortly after Emilia's birth, is well known. When her father, a clever scientist, had a nervous breakdown and was hospitalised, Emilia was fostered out for a couple of years. But then Roger Troy married a nurse and was declared competent to look after Emilia again. But his new wife Concepta does not seem fond of the child.

For some reason I found this book did not entirely grab my attention and was a bit difficult to get into. There are two major POVs (points-of-view): the continuing story of Detective Superintendent Greg Summers who shares his house and his life with his daughter-in-law Angela, and the new character Megan Davies. Megan is Greg's new Chief Inspector, but is a single mother, her status the result of a newly fractured marriage. She has returned to the district for family reasons: her father has progressive dementia, and yet at the same time she is hoping her mother will be able to help her care for her 9 year old son.
Perhaps part of my problem is that I haven't read #2 and perhaps if I had I would have known more about some of the new-to-me characters in this book.

Don't get me wrong though - there's a lot to like in the issues and scenarios that Susan Kelly is tackling. I like her approach too.
Sometimes we see things from Greg Summers' point of view. He is a compassionate leader, a thorough investigator, one who doesn't mind doing the grunt work too, although not really good at delegating and leaving alone. We see also his moral dilemma of his love for Angela, the young woman who was his dead son's wife. There's a nasty newspaper reporter who tries to use that as blackmail from time to time. He's the case of a character who was developed in THE LONE TRAVELLER, and just pops in here, with minimal back story, for a cameo appearance.
And then we also see Greg Summers from the POV of those he leads and manages, and the picture is quite different, flavoured by their emotions and in this case things that Megan Davies is just not coping with. That Greg Summers seems tough, uncaring, unsupportive and lacking in trust.

So yes, hopefully I will find #2 in the series and get to read it. Regretfully neither my library nor BookMooch have it. I think Susan Kelly is on a winner here.
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smik | Aug 22, 2008 |
It comes as a surprise when you finish reading this book to find that all the action takes place over 11 days.

People are gathering on Hungerford Common near the neolithic stone horsehoe in time for the summer solstice. There will be a traditional English fair with stalls, crafts, shire horses, food and drink. Romanies and new Age travellers are arriving with their gypsy caravans and campervans.

On the evening of 19th June DS Greg Summers is being held hostage by a grief stricken Romany who has just accidentally shot his wife dead. Her body lies on the floor in the B&B room where she and her children have been staying. Huwie Lee is holding DS Summers and the landlady hostage.

This is the first of a number of incidents in what will be an action filled week for Greg Summers. On the night before the summer solstice six year old Jordan Abbott who lives with her mother in the houses bordering the Common disappears, and local distrust of the gypsies surfaces.

THE LONE TRAVELLER is #1 in Susan Kelly's Gregory Summer series, and the author is rather obviously laying a lot of groundwork for an extended series. That doesn't make the story any less interesting, but I suspect it does mean that it will be worth attempting to read the books in order, which I intend to do.
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smik | 1 weitere Rezension | Aug 16, 2008 |

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