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There are books that are good, and there are books that are magnificent. This book by Ibn Khaldun falls into the latter category. The editing and translation are superb.

After reading this abridged version, I decided that in the near future I will read the entire text.

Ibn Khaldun's thinking was far ahead of his time and is advanced even in our modern age. He was a true intellectual, whose vision went wide.

This edition focuses on the nature of civilization and is - as per the subtitle - an introduction to history.

The book does not focus on kings and queens, but not on how kingdoms and civilization developed in his part of the world. When you read this book, you get an excellent understanding of life in the Middle East at that time, what forces were at play and how the Bedouin culture interacted with the more settled urban culture.

Read this book. You will want more.
RajivC | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 2, 2022 |
يشيد ابن خلدون بالعقل والفكر بصفته ما يميز البشر ويرفعهم على باقي الكائنات، ويصف نشأة وسقوط الأمم انطلاقاً من العلاقة بين الفرد والجماعة، وتأثير البيئة على طبيعة البشر، فضلاً عن قواعد الاقتصاد وإدارة رأس المال.
ورغم أن عديد أفكاره يعتبر بالياً قديماً (كالدعوة إلى السلطة الملكية باعتبارها المثلى لترسيخ النظام وكبح الشر في المجتمع، واعتبار التحضر والمدنية مدمرة لذاتها، وتفضيل دوام الترحال، والكثير من الهراء الديني الممل)، يبقى كتابه هذا سابقاً لعصره، ومادة مناسبة للدارس والقارئ في التاريخ والمجتمع.
TonyDib | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 28, 2022 |
¿Puede el buscador de la Verdad depender completamente de la guí­a que se encuentra en los libros sobre Sufismo o son necesarias las enseñanzas orales de un maestro espiritual? Este fue un debate acalorado en la Andalucí­a del siglo XIV que se extendió más allá de los confines de los cí­rculos sufí­es. Ibn Khaldun, se aventuró en este debate con un tratado que es tan relevante hoy como lo fue entonces. -
Can the seeker after Truth wholly depend on the guidance found in books on Sufism or are the oral teachings of a spiritual master necessary? This was a heated debate in 14th-century Andalusia that extended beyond the confines of Sufi circles. Ibn Khaldun, ventured into this debate with a treatise that is as relevant today as it was then.
bibyerrahi | May 27, 2021 |
Criminally ignored in history of philosophy/intellectual history, since it shockingly illustrates the different ways European & Arabic philosophy were working. This work, written in the 1300s, predates & anticipates a fantastic number of "unique" and "milestone" breakthroughs in European philosophy, including:

Limits of induction (Hume), compromise between rationalism & empiricism (Kant), inaccessibility of the noumenal world (also Kant), Labor theory of value (Smith/Marx), necessity of interpretation due to cultural/linguistic relativity (Vico/Herder), Truth as intellectual consensus conforming to empirical observation (Popper), tension between truth in text and truth in speech (Derrida), language influences thought (Whorf), the power necessarily inherent in law (Weber/Foucault)

and probably some others as well
1 abstimmen
sashame | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 9, 2018 |
I read this for Mark Zuckerberg’s book club, A Year Of Books.

I did not read The Muqaddimah fully, the first 100 pages I read, but after that I just skimmed. This book isn’t for me, I don’t care for books about religion or philosophy to this extent. I understand the significance of The Muqaddimah, which is why I tried to read it, it laid down the ground work for many areas of study, but I just couldn’t get into it, especially know that so much of it was already discredited. People who like philosophy and reading historical philosophy will love this, I am just not that person.
wellreadcatlady | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 4, 2018 |
The Muqaddimah is a pleasurable read for experts with many surprises (in the background/sidelines). Rosenthal's bracket fillers are sometimes annoying and misleading. Khaldun finished the work in 1377, which is a pivotal year in both, the Renaissance and also the decline of Islam civilization into intellectual and economic poverty. It is written at a time where much of Islam's high culture had already been lost. The Muqaddimah is full of superstitions that replaced earlier Arab knowledge.

Khaldun's social economic system is based on group feeling (singular nationalism), social cooperation (socialism) and natural cycles of excessive wealth that corrupt civilizations. He recognizes urbanization as a key factor to prosperity. As a stark reminder to modernity, excess leads to living above means, according to Khaldun, and to the corruption of character. This, he argues, leads to the ruin of civilizations. Hence, his conclusion is that religion - his Sufi version of religion - is the only way to keep a civilization sane and modest. It is an important book that builds a bridge to some understanding of modern Muslim thought. Many of Khaldun's offerings are found in Gaddafi's Green book in a slightly modified version.

The historical narrative that is based on traditions (that were invented after the fact) are useless for the student of history. For more information about how the traditions and the main Arab sects fit into history, see The Great Leap-Fraud.
1 abstimmen
ajdeus | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 27, 2011 |
Provides an insight into the views of a Berber-Arab Muslim of his period on the superiority of Islam and the workings of historical forces as understood in the period.
Martin444 | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 10, 2009 |
A philosophical text on the uses and meaning of the study of history, written in 1377. It includes historical descriptions as well. Ibn Khaldun was an Andalusian who moved to the Maghrib after the fall of Seville to the Spanish. He spent the last 20 years of his life in Egypt.

This edition is an abridgement of the three-volume set translated from Arabic by Franz Rosenthal.
lilinah | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 22, 2007 |
The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History (Bollingen Series (General)) by Ibn Khaldun (2004)
cdp02005 | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 4, 2009 |
The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History (Bollingen Series (General)) by Ibn Khaldun (2004)
cdp02005 | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 4, 2009 |
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