17 Werke 66 Mitglieder 4 Rezensionen

Werke von Bob Klein






BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
> L'ESSENCE DU T'AI-CHI-CH'UAN, par Bob Klein - Ed. J.-P. Bertrand - Groupe des Editions du Rocher. — Discipline millénaire d'origine chinoise, le T'ai-chi-ch'uan est une pratique axée sur l'harmonie et le bien-être. Inspirée de figures animales, à l'instar du kung-fu, elle vise avant tout à laisser s'exprimer le Soi authentique, en libérant le flux du Ch'i, ou énergie vitale. A travers un enseignement limpide et joyeux du T'ai-chi, en particulier de la pratique de Qi Gong ou "Souffle de l'Esprit", de la Forme et de Pousse-Mains, l'auteur nous invite à dénouer les blocages, à dissoudre les barrières que nous dressons entre "nous-mêmes" et "nos expériences".
Mais l'auteur enseigne surtout au moyen d'exercices pratiques comment comprendre, entraîner et maîtriser la dynamique de l'attention pour vivre une vie plus naturelle où l'"esprit-corps" reprend ses droits sur l'"esprit-mental". L'Essence du T'ai-chi-ch'uan nous invite ainsi à renouer avec notre essence profonde, en réalisant ici et maintenant l'harmonie de l'esprit, du corps et de la nature.
Diplômé de zoologie, féru d'écologie, passionné de philosophies orientales, Bob Klein a été initié au T'ai-chi-ch'uan par le grand maître William C.C. Chen. Il dirige une école de T'ai-chi-ch'uan à Long Island depuis 1975. Les éditions du Rocher ont déjà publié du même auteur "L'Esprit du Tai-chi-chuan" (1996), auquel le présent ouvrage fait suite.
Infos Yoga, (34), Sept./Oct. 2001, (p. 39)
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Joop-le-philosophe | Feb 16, 2023 |
The body-mind-spirit connection of the martial artist

In the first book of this series, Movements of Magic, Bob Klein presented a dsicussion of T'ai-chi-Ch'uan and its practical and spiritual implications for daily life. Here in Movements of Power he delves deepliy into the teachings of this ancient Chinese health system to show how to release the power of the body and achieve creative attention and unshakable inner peace. Movements of Power is captivating to read, with original parables and vibration analogies to natural and animal energy, Kung Fu, and secret Gnostic writings.

Bob Kliein trained in ecology and Hebrew philosophy from childhood, turned to Eastern philosphy in 1968 and, soon after, T'ai-chi-Ch'uan. He has been director of the Long Island School of T'ai-chi-Ch'uan since 1975.

Mr. Klein, a graduate of Cornell University in Zoology, maintains an active career in that field-studying, researching, traveling, lecturing and writing.

He brings this wealth of knowledge and experience about the natural world to his teaching of T'ai-chi-Ch'uan, as a way of living in harmony with the natural world. In addition to his classes and books, he produces instruction video tapes on T'ai-chi, health, exercise, self-defense, and the healing systems of other cultures.

'Robert Klein stated his studies with me in the early 1970s and then began to share his wonderful T'ai-chi-Ch'uan experiences with others. Movements of Power expands his teachings on the power of the art, and explores the ways in which personal growth is enhanced by T'ai-chi-Ch'uan practice. In that sense, Robert's approach differs somewhat from my own, which deals with the human body under the action of physical forces. Robert's goal is to iluminate the great powers gained from these slow, gentle, flowing movements. All readers, whatever their level of experience in the art of T'ai-chi, should find his views enlightening.'-T'ai-chi-Ch'uan Grandmaster William C.C. Chen Author, Body Mechanics of T'ai-chi-Ch'uan


Born into the middle of a conversation.
Sharing knowledge.
Reactions to Movements of Magic.
Spirit breathing.
Creating the mind.
The king and the land are one.
Section I Understanding hidden teachings
Chapter 1 The boy and the eagle
Encoding teachings in children's stories.
The power of mythology.
Chapter 2 Ancient Gnostic teachings and T'ai-chi-Ch'uan
How we create our own misery.
Escape from illusion.
Loss of self-awareness-the fashioned creature.
Chapter 3 The living book
Death and re-birth.
Becoming like a child.
Discovering creativity.
Chapter 4 Becoming whole
Remembering your original self.
End of the separation of inner and outer.
Chapter 5 The secret of personal growth
Recognizing your true self.
Ending internal conflict.
Chapter 6 When healing erupts
Chaos as a prelude to healing.
When pain and suffering pass out of the body.
Chapter 7 Creativity regains control
Living with full awareness.
Becoming truly spontaineous.
Chapter 8 Buried treasures of knowledge
How to read Movements of Power
Chapter 9 Living mythologically
Section II The dynamics of attention
Chapter 10 Attention!
What it is, what it does and what it could do.
Chapter 11 The healing force
Animating our bodies.
Spirit breathing.
Cellular awareness.
Seeing inside the body.
Becoming 'empty.'
The politics of attention.
Recognizing a good teacher.
Expanding attention.
Breathing as a diagnostic tool.
Trusting ourself.
Using this book as a vehicle for perception.
Chapter 12 Nature and the power of attention
Consciousness of the earth.
Interacting with animals.
Biological joy.
Healing through patterns of attention.
Chapter 13 Attention exercises
Maximizing the speed and efficiency of the mind.
Becoming aware of cellular communication.
Power of attention in animals in the jungles of Panama.
Escaping your 'echo of expectation.'
Expanding your awareness.
Increasing your subjective life span.
Living in eternity.
Ending the inner coercion.
Developing your own power of attention.
Learning to play the game of attention.
Avoiding snares of attention.
Tapping into the earth's creativity.
Revitalizing relationships.
Living magically.
Chapter 14 Encounter with a big seed
Mock combat with a bull.
Pinciples of interacting with other consciousnesses.
Fear and awareness.
Planting internal seeds.
Chapter 15 Balanced energy
Living effortlessly.
Balance of yin/yang and power.
Internal vs. external power.
Becoming the 'gatekeeper.'
Multiple attention.
How to enter this world.
Love and the power of play.
Internal earthquakes.
Chapter 16 Inner attention
Power animals.
Stuffed power animals.
The 'look of wonder.'
Job of the gatekeeper.
Interaction of attention and creativity.
Chapter 17 Spirit breathing
Circling the attention.
Momentum of attention.
Attitude of emptiness.
The power of habits.
Guarding an empty room.
Healing with emptiness.
Section III Learning T'ai-chi-Ch'uan
Chapter 18 The beginning student
When you first enter a T'ai-chi-Ch'uan school.
Geginner's preconceptions.
Standing up for yourself.
Letting go of routines.
Entering your protected space.
Finding a good teacher.
Creataing reality.
The power of will.
The battle of mind and will.
Building the strength of the legs.
Nourishing and centering the attention.
Staircase of body-minds.
Perceiving energy.
What goes on in the teacher's mind.
Freezing the partner's attention.
When body-mind takes over.
Jumping off the cliff.
How I teach.
Learning to see power animals.
Developing the power of attention.
Sitting meditation.
How to practice the Form.
Student-teacher relationships.
Chapter 19 The intermediate student.
Learning from teaching.
Competitive feelings.
Avoid telegraphing your intentions.
Interpersonal dynamics.
Phantom kung-fu.
Use of imagery and the origins of perception.
T'ai-chi students dealing with their friends and mates.
Filling the body with attention.
Teacher-student relationship.
Apple throwing.
The forest wine ceremony.
Seeing the cellular world inside you.
'Not being there.'
Releasing the talons of attention.
Balancing yin and yang.
Use of fighting for inner develoment.
Chapter 20 The advanced student
Cellular momentum.
Song of the gatekeeper.
Sparring to build enthusiasm.
Dropping the self-image.
Accepting body-mind as yourself.
Uniting inner and outer.
Ending the internal war.
Stepping behind your assumptions.
The trail leading to your true self.
Creating a myth, becoming the myth, vanishing without a trace.
The Animal Man.
Learning fear.
Turning fear into joy.
Letting creativity flow through the emptiness.
Healing from instinct.
Listen to your body.
Sharpening the attention.
Trusting the limitless potential of the body.
Getting seed-images to do the work.
Imitating life vs. living life.
When metaphors become reality.
Letting go of security to gain power.
Evaporation of the eyes.
Accepting imperfection.
Becoming a teacher.
Forms as diagnosis for healing.
Teacher's legacy.
The craftsman-teacher.
Magical creature of the forest.
Epilogue-Dream Eagle
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AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
Movements of Magic presents a lucid and complete discussion of T'ai-chi-Ch'uan and its implications for our lives. Leaving sequential illustrations of the 'forms' to others, Klein focuses on practical and spiritual aspects. He explores the evolution of consciousness of the student, the mehtods of the teacher, and the practical application of T'ai-chi principles to one's daily life.

Whether you are an advanced student or have no intention of learning the syseem, Movements of Magic will show you ways of living in harmony with the world around you, of developing personal power by tapping the natural energies of the planet, and of neutralizing the negative energies of other people.

Bob Kliein trained in ecology and Hebrew philosophy from childhood, turned to eastern philosphy in 1968 and, soon after, T'ai-chi-Ch'uan. He has been director of the Long Island School of T'ai-chi-Ch'uan since 1975.

Mr. Klein, a graduate of Cornell University in Zoology, maintains an active career in that field-studying, researching, traveling, lecturing and writing.

He brings this wealth of knowledge and experience about the naturall world to his teaching of T'ai-chi-Ch'uan, a way of living in harmony with nature.

Mr. Klein is currently completing a companion volume which explores the advanced practices and deeper implications of T'ai-chi-Ch'uan-touching such areas as rituals, I Ching, dreaming, and enhancing creativity.


Chapter 1 The form (I)
Chapter 2 The form (II)
Chapter 3 Push hands
Chapter 4 Kung-fu
Chapter 5 Healing
Chapter 6 The evolution of the human mind
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AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |



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