
Über den Autor

Nick Kolakowski is a magazine editor, ghostwriter, and literary gun-for-hire, who presently is a staff writer for Nick has written for McSweeney's, Playboy, WebMD, AutoWeek, Washington Flyer, LOST Magazine, AARP the Magazine, and DC Style, and freelanced for the Washington Post and mehr anzeigen Washington City Paper. He lives in Brooklyn, NY. weniger anzeigen


Werke von Nick Kolakowski

Zugehörige Werke

FOUND: An anthology of found footage horror stories (2022) — Mitwirkender — 54 Exemplare
Lost Highways: Dark Fictions From the Road (2018) — Mitwirkender — 19 Exemplare
Noir City Annual No. 14 (2022) — Mitwirkender — 5 Exemplare



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WOW, I was intrigued by the first book and it only got BETTER by the time I read the last book, but I want more!
HOTCHA | Nov 27, 2022 |
This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader.
Well, isn't that a tricky question? There is too much. Let me sum up. There are multiple people who start off intending to commit one crime and end up doing something entirely different.

Fiona's been hired to steal something, and it's a timely thing (and she's not deterred by much), so despite an impending hurricane, she goes for it. Sure, the Inside Man tries to wave her off, but, again—she's not deterred by much. Which is a shame—she should've paid attention to either the weather or the Inside Man. She ends up with a price on her head and multiple people around the city.

While she's busy, Bill's trying to prep for the storm in the home they're squatting in when some police break in looking for the man who lives there. One thing leads to another, and they kidnap Bill, believing he can lead them to the millions his former employer had hidden away.

Thankfully. that assassin they thought Fiona killed at the end of A Brutal Bunch of Heartbroken Saps survived—readers knew that, but Fiona and Bill didn't. Not only did he live, but he's been keeping tabs on them. He's been trying to live a different—less lethal—life and he has a chance to help them. Will he be enough?

(I have no idea if the above makes any sense—trying to cram it into three brief paragraphs doesn't do the plot any favors. In the non-condensed version, it works. Trust me.)

Up to the point where it looked like Fiona killed him (maybe a little sooner), I thought that the hitman who was sent after Bill in the first book was the protagonist. His is the only first-person perspective we get through the series—almost like he's relaying what he knows and hears about this crazy couple while he's dealing with his own problems like they're a diversion for him.

His personal arc is very different from theirs—they claim to be trying to get out and live a straight life, if only they get one more decent score to set them up. The unnamed assassin is going a different path, he's still a violent criminal, but like Jules Winnfield, he's looking for something more. There are lines he won't cross anymore (he seems to be making those rules up on the fly, but at least he has them.

As you can probably tell, I find it difficult to articulate his development and role in the series—but using him (sparingly, on the whole) and his arc throughout in juxtaposition to Fiona and Bill adds a layer to these books that few authors would have utilized, but make the whole thing better.

Be sure to check out my Q&A with Kolakowski (posting later today) for more about him.

The thing that really kicks off the Fiona storyline is her stumbling across something she wasn't expecting while discovering the thing she came to steal wasn't there. Her discovery of the other nefarious action—and the way she prevented it from being completed*—is what starts the manhunt for her, more than the attempted heist. If she'd just walked away, I think it's likely no one would've come after her.

* It is so tricky to discuss this obliquely.

Then when it comes time for Fiona to go save Bill, that storyline is dropped. Which is actually fine and good, because ultimately what it's replaced by is more interesting. But in the back of my mind couldn't stop asking—and, a week later, still can't—what happened? What led up to Fiona's discovery? What happened after she and the unnamed killer ran off to rescue Bill?

Typically, leaving these threads hanging would annoy me enough that I'd downgrade a novel over it—but Kolakowski pulls it off. If you're going to abandon a plotline, this is the way to do it.

That said, I'd pony up twice the typical Shotgun Honey novella price today to get Love & Bullets #5 if it picks up right after this to tell the rest of that story. Maybe thrice.

The previous three installments were novellas, but this is a novel, clocking in at 50-100 pages longer than the rest. And it didn't feel like it at all. It was the same adrenaline-fueled, not-quite-frenzied pace and was over before I was ready for it to be. My daily schedule kept this from being a one-sitting read, but I think I could've done it in one sitting without realizing it.

This is pulpy fun. There's action, there's heart, there's comedy (some subtle, some absolutely not), there's a lot of violence, and you can't forget the bunch of heartbroken saps that are at the center of things. They're crooks and killers that really seem like decent people when you stack them up next to the nastier crooks and killers they can't stop encountering. In the middle of all that chaos (and you can't forget the chaos of the storm), there's hope, forgiveness, and love. And who can't use a little of that?

I don't know if Kolakowski is going to come back to these characters in the future—I'd be content with what he's given already, but I also know that I'd jump on any future installments, too. I encourage you to do the same.
… (mehr)
hcnewton | Aug 8, 2022 |
This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader.
Miller's a thief, a fairly successful one. This comes in handy because he's not as successful when it comes to gambling. He needs to pay a debt, so he takes a job with a couple of strangers. They betray him, the job goes wrong, and Miller (and the cash) escape without his partners. They don't know his name or home base, so he figures he's safe for a little bit.

He's soon contacted by a figure from his past, Rick Redfield:

“I’ve entered into an arrangement with some… men of violence, shall we say. Which means I need the services of the most violent man I know. Which is you.”

“I’m no bodyguard.”

“No. You’re capable of terrible acts, and that’s the necessary thing here. Besides, bodyguards ask too many questions.”

With the promise of a large payday on the horizon, Miller's in—and soon finds himself involved with some Nazis who escaped from Germany in the waning days of the war, Nazi hunters, and a few more dead bodies than Miller was prepared to deal with.

Miller and most of the characters that he deals with are of a fairly typical sort—you'll recognize the types easily. They're interestingly-drawn and well-used, but they're types.

Then there's Jill Reilly—she's Miller's love interest and is a secretary in the Medical Examiner's office. Given the proper circumstances, she'd probably make a pretty good Examiner herself—but between the education, she'd need, and the rampant chauvinism in the office, that's probably not going to happen. Reilly feels like she's got one foot in the Girl Friday type, but with a rebellious streak that keeps the other foot out of the type.

The other character that stands out as not fitting into a typical mold is Scott, Redfield's friend who acts as a liaison to the outside world when Redfield needs to stay out of the light. He's a timid, uncertain man—who needs to use a ventriloquist's dummy, Colonel Longshanks, to communicate those things that are too much for Scott to handle. Miller has no patience for either of them—but can force himself to work with Scott. The Colonel on the other hand...

There was a moment where I wondered if Scott/Colonel Longshanks would over-take Monkey Man as my favorite strange Kolakowski character. He didn't, but that he was in the running says something about the character development in this short novel.

If what I've described seems pretty straight-forward, it is. If anyone's read Kolakowski before, that's not how he rolls. Right?

There is something else afoot here. I don't know that it added much (if anything), but it didn't hurt anything either. Maybe if I was in a different mood when I read this I'd have a more positive take on the "something else," but right now, I can take it or leave it.

The material with Miller, the Nazis, Nazi Hunters is enough to focus on and keep you entertained. If you happen to get the rest of it, that's gravy.

This feels like the kind of pulpy thrillers from the 1960s and 70s I've read—just in a post-WWII setting with a dash of Nathanael West thrown in. It's a surprisingly effective combination, and I'd have read another 200 pages of it without blinking. Although I do think this lean, mean, streamlined approach is far more effective.

Miller's absolutely the kind of character you want in this setting—his morality is stuck in the gray—it's a pretty dark gray, but he's not a full-on villain. And he's thinking about reforming, at least a little.

There were two scenes—or parts of scenes—that make this more than a quick, fun read. There's a visual in the last big gunfight that's so ridiculous, so comical, in the middle of a big action scene that makes you want a film version immediately (but it may be better in your imagination).

Before that there's another scene that I can't describe—you start it assuming X might happen, and yet when X does happen you still sit up and pay attention because you can't believe that Kolakowski actually did that. And then over the next 3 or 4 paragraphs, the shocking scene becomes something so unexpected that you have to read it a couple of times to make sure you read it right. Cackling while you read it every time makes the comprehension a little difficult.

A solid, stylish thriller with Kolakowski's style and sense of character is exactly what I needed to read last week, and Payback is Forever delivered. Do yourself a favor and pick it up.
… (mehr)
hcnewton | Apr 4, 2022 |
The title is so stupid, but I liked to story of Bill and his ex-girlfriend, Fiona who were part assassin and part hustler. Bill is renown for out hustling a hustler, but when he stole his employer's credit card and went on a shopping spree The Dean had had enough and sent out hitmen. In one of the dive bars, he tried to make time with the female bartender, but he awoke with heavy duty zip tides on his wrist. Book one ended WAY TOO SOON AS I WANTED MORE!
HOTCHA | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 13, 2022 |


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