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Mustygusher | Dec 19, 2022 |
Suosittelen kuuntelemaan tämän äänikirjana, ääninäyttelijä Lars Svedberg eläytyy mainiosti hahmoihin.
tuusannuuska | Dec 1, 2022 |
Note: I accessed digital review copies of this book through Edelweiss and NetGalley.
fernandie | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 15, 2022 |
Although the eponymous Mr. Clutterbuck believes that he leads a quiet life, in reality his persistent sleepwalking involves him in every exciting public event in his city. Refusing all kinds of invitations for after-work activities, our horned hero inevitably heads home, feeds his pet guinea pig Gus, and goes to sleep. No sooner is he slumbering, however, than he is up again, wandering around town while the vigilant Gus follows along, attempting to steer him away from trouble. In the course of his somnolescent saunterings, Mr. Clutterbuck manages to make peace between warring motorcycle gangs, save a sausage factory in danger of going out of business, help a famous rock band create their latest hit song, redirect the energy of the town's busiest mess maker toward cleanup, and catches the thief who has been stealing everyone's spoons.

Sleeping has never been as actively (and inadvertently) heroic as it is in Goodnight Mr. Clutterbuck, the fourth picture-book I have read from the Brooklyn-based Elsewhere Editions, a new publishing imprint dedicated to translating children's books from languages other than English, and presenting them to the American market. Mr. Clutterbuck is known as Herra Hakkarainen in his native Finnish, where he is the hero of a number of idiosyncratically humorous picture-books by author/illustrator Mauri Kunnas. I'm so glad that he has finally made it into English, and that I had the chance to read this story, which will be coming out in November, 2017 (I had access to an ARC, or Advance Readers Copy)! I found the story here humorous and involving, and the artwork intensely detailed and full of charm. Children will enjoy poring over these illustrations. I do think this one is a little text-heavy for younger children, so I would recommend it to more mature picture-book readers, perhaps five to eight years old. Let's hope more of Herra Hakkarainen's adventures find their way into English...
AbigailAdams26 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | May 17, 2017 |
Ihana Mauri Kunnaksen autokirja perheen pienimmille, miksei myös muillekin! Kirjassa on aivan ihanat kuvat, joista löytää paljon yksityiskohtia ja katsottavaa. Tässä kirjassa on myös erilaisia kulkuneuvoja, jotka kiinnostavat lapsia. Kirjan lopusta löytyy liikennemerkkejä, joita on mukava opetella itse kunkin.
jennijohanna | Dec 14, 2015 |
Taitavasti piirretty kuvakirja, joka kertoo Joulupukin ja tonttujen elämästä Korvatunturilla. Tonttu-ukkojen ja -eukkojen arkea käydään läpi tammikuusta jouluaattoon asti.
Saimi_15 | Nov 24, 2015 |
Koiramäen lapset ja Näkki sisältää tarinoita entisaikain Koiramäestä. Mauri Kunnas etsi kirjaa varten vanhoihin kansantarinoihin liittyvää perimätietoa ja muisteli lapsena kuulemiaan tarinoita.

"Kun Koiramäen vaari oli lapsi, ei ollut radiota eikä televisiota. Talvi-iltaisin aikuiset kertoivat pirtissä jännittäviä tarinoitaan kummituksista, hiidenväestä, trulleista, näkeistä, maantierosvoista ja merkillisitä luonnonilmiöistä."

Mauri Kunnaksen hulvattomat tarinat ja kuvitukset saavat hyvälle mielelle. Kirjassa seikkailee myös Herra Hakkarainen.
Marinen | Jan 4, 2014 |
Koirien Kalevala ei ollut lasteni suosikki Mauri Kunnaksen kirjoista, mutta kaikki Kunnaksen kirjat ovat kyllä olleet meillä(kin) hyvin luettuja. Tämä kirja tutustuttaa lapset mukavalla tavalla Kalevalan maailmaan. Minkä nuorena oppii, sen vanhana taitaa :)
KirjastoPia | May 29, 2013 |
Todella hauskaa luettavaa linnuista pitäville ja kehittävä iltasatu lapsille.
liisilotta | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 15, 2011 |
Ihana sukellus suoraan 70-luvulle Kunnaksen maisemiin Vammalassa. Samalla sai viivähtää oman nuoruutensa ajassa. On hämmästyttävää, miten yksinkertaisista aineksista lapsuuden onni ja suuri luovuus onkaan syntynyt!
jtaina | Mar 7, 2011 |
Yksi lempikirjoistani, pidän Kunnaksen piirroksista ja huumorista. Sopii aikuisellekin.
Riisku | Jan 13, 2011 |
Picture book for the smallest of children - and for the Mauri Kunnas fans! Not the best choice of pictures for the kids, but more fun for the adults "reading" the book.
jouni | May 7, 2008 |
Combining all four existing Riku, Roope and Ringo (Ricky, Rocky and Ringo) books, originally created for an American "Crown" publishing company around 1987. The books are Colorful Day, where you follow chameleon from color to color, Count on Pizza, where you count from 1 to 10 while making a pizza for rhinos, On TV, where boys sing pirate song and Go to the Moon, where a robot needs some warm clothes.

All great stories, requested and read several times! The first one is most likely the best.
jouni | Mar 31, 2008 |
Book about everybody's favourite sleep walker, Mr. Hakkarainen (goat), and his trusted friend and protector Masa Marsu (guinea pig). Several short stories, great for bedtime reading!
jouni | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 27, 2008 |
Book about small birds, with funny but surpricingly accurate pictures. Definitely for kids above 3 years. There's about one page a bird, but it contains so much facts that some concentration is requires.
jouni | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 26, 2007 |
More fun (details) than in "Numbers" book. Same kind of great drawings from older books, but now there is some additional new stuff with the forever sleep-walking goat Mr. "Hakkarainen".
jouni | Sep 25, 2007 |
Great drawings teaching numbers 1-20, collected from other books by Mauri Kunnas. Enough details to keep 2-5 year old boys glued to pages several times in a row. Also fun for parents! Especially I like the sheep, which seem to be in fashion nowadays.
jouni | Sep 9, 2007 |
This is one of my very favorite children's books, and I'm sorry that I don't see more members as owning a copy. It's a wonderful collection of humorous "scary" stories suitable for Halloween and readers all ages. The illustrations especially are a treat!
1 abstimmen
MyriadBooks | 1 weitere Rezension | Aug 14, 2007 |
I can't believe I am the only person in LibraryThing who owns this book. It's wonderful! The illustrations are just great and so details you can look at each page over and over again and still find some new little treasure hidden in a corner, like a spider sleeping or a mouse inching along holding a tiny candlestick. This is really a treasure to have in any collection.
MooreBooks | 1 weitere Rezension | Aug 8, 2007 |
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