
Suzanne Lazear

Autor von Innocent Darkness

3+ Werke 189 Mitglieder 27 Rezensionen


Werke von Suzanne Lazear

Innocent Darkness (2012) 136 Exemplare
Charmed Vengeance (2013) 39 Exemplare
Fragile Destiny (2014) 14 Exemplare

Zugehörige Werke






Started good, ended in absolute insanity.
Kalal | 18 weitere Rezensionen | May 27, 2020 |
I went back and forth on this book. I had a hard time getting started on it but once I did, I couldn't put it down. I just wanted to keep reading. For some reason, I had totally missed that this book was a fae story. Talk about an unexpected combination - fae steampunk. Totally unique. And I liked it. I also liked the way that the author wasn't afraid to be unique in her writing and didn't feel the necessity to stick to one genre. I did think at times that the book was a little more young or juvenile than what I would normally read but the characters were kind of young. Hopefully, Noli will grow up in the second book. I am looking forward to it.… (mehr)
melrailey | 18 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 7, 2020 |
I’m going to be completely honest here, I read this book because of the cover. I love it and if it wasn’t for the awesome cover, I probably wouldn’t have read it. I’m not the biggest fae fan and I only like steampunk, I don’t love it. So I was surprised that I actually enjoyed Innocent Darkness.

Obviously, since I only like it, I thought it had its problems. There was even a point when I was reminded of Twilight. I rarely compare things to Twilight but V was acting like Edward. He just pissed me off. I also didn’t like the love triangle. Usually they don’t bother me but it did this time. I can’t put my finger on why.

Other than that, the book was very enjoyable, and I’m glad I read it. I will probably read the next book, Charmed Vengeance, at some point.
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TheTreeReader | 18 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 31, 2018 |
Take faeries, innocent young girls, put them in the early 1900s in an alternate universe over a steampunk setting and you have Innocent Darkness by Suzanne Lazear.

The unique setting of Innocent Darkness was what caught my attention. The Fae is real, but a little different than the usual fae that we see in young adult novels. Every seven years, these faeries take a young girl with The Spark, wine and dine her, giving her everything she could ever dream and hope for and then sacrifice her to the earth to renew their magic. Kevighn Silver-Tongue, a hunter for the High Queen, is given one more chance to make up for losing the last girl that was suppose to be used for the sacrifice and time is running out as the magic becomes unstable and slowly begin to disappear. With his world - and himself - at risk, Kevighn must undertake the challenge, even though he has lost some heart.

In the human world, it’s the turn of the century, early 1900s and Magnolia is a head-strong, smart girl who is living in a society that will try its best to stop her from making her own decision - after all society knows what’s best for women! Through a series of unfortunate events, she finds herself in a house for girls, where the heads are set on stomping out any individuality and making the young ladies into ladies society will welcome.

The premise of the story, the setting… everything was aligned for a wonderful tale, however, I found Innocent Darkness lacking. It started of with a bang, Magnolia - Noli - and her friend Steven - V - are caught illegally flying a car that Noli fixed and Noli ends up in a reform school in San Francisco. The things that happen at the school are very real and I felt for poor Noli and found myself rooting for her to remain the same and not be broken. Then, Noli is taken into the Otherworld and everything goes downhill from there.

The biggest issue that I had with this story is the love triangle! It’s not just that I’m not a fan of love triangles that I found an issue with it, it’s that this love triangle makes absolutely no sense to me! I’m sure there might be a bit of Stockholm Syndrome going on, but the way that Noli falls for Kevighn when he’s basically going to kill her was quite unbelievable - even the little explanation between Noli and Charlotte felt flat and forced. Also, the way Kevighn became enamored with Noli was also unbelievable and a little creepy, especially when he keeps comparing her to his younger sister.

The other issue I had was Noli’s behaviour towards the end. Yes, I get that she wants to go home to her mother, but she seems a little out of character towards the end, almost acting like a petulant child and this caused me to lose any respect I built up for her in the beginning.

The first half of the book flew by, but I found myself slowing trudging through the last half, as the characters irked me. It’s a shame this happened, the story really was interesting and the setting was gorgeous, I wish I could have cared about what happened to Noli and her friends in the end, she had such great potential. But alas, in the end it wasn’t a tale for me.

[Review of ARC from BEA]
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iShanella | 18 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 2, 2016 |


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