
Kirsten LeeRezensionen

Autor von Unravelled

2 Werke 28 Mitglieder 15 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern


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I really enjoyed Kamilla. Except it was too short! A great idea for a story, sexual tension, hot sex, but could have been developed into a full length book instead of having to make us wait! I look forward to the rest of the story!
TinaC1 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 21, 2013 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
Most definitely an enjoyable novel for fans of romantic comedy! Although I did notice some spelling/grammatical errors, I didn't mind because of the sheer amount of "laugh out loud" moments. (Yes, I really did laugh out loud - several times, in fact!) True, some things were a bit predictable, but overall I thought Unravelled was an entertaining read.
madamediotte | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 7, 2013 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
This was one of my freebies from LT authors for reviews (sorry guys that it takes me 5 months to read and post reviews, i am working almost non-stop).
It is funny, well written and i can see Sandra Bullock in it :p. But... the story is a little lacking and predictable for a seasoned reader, also some of the gags lose a lot because of the repetitive use of them (the dog is funny but not all the time). But again, is not meant to be War and Peace, it is meant to entertain and it does so. It made me laugh so many times that it was worth my time and effort :)
tigerlyly | 10 weitere Rezensionen | May 19, 2013 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
I received this book in a Library Thing giveaway.

Unravelled is a charming story with some original aspects to its premise such as the heroine’s recent makeover which includes her mannerisms as well as her hair, makeup and clothing. One can’t help rooting for her while at the same time being certain the makeover is doomed. The editing could stand some improvement, however it’s an enjoyable read for romance fans.½
jane.oldaker | 10 weitere Rezensionen | May 13, 2013 |
My Review:
I really liked the idea of this book. Women with "special abilities" need to band together to save a town that they have never been in until now. Kamilla is one of the chosen women and as a perk to her ability she also gets a man. At least that is what the legends say. However there are evil forces that are trying to keep the other women away. I liked that flowers were used to keep the women away. Flowers are known to do all sorts of things depending on where they are planted. For example rosemary by the garden gate, etc. I thought it was cool for flowers to be "evil". I also thought that Kamilla was a great character to be a prosecutor because she can tell when people are lying. The author did a great job describing Kamilla and the Sheriff. There were also secondary characters that were introduced. I just got into the story, and then the book was over. This is a short book, and is an introduction to a series, but I thought that the ending was too much of a cliffhanger. I felt like I had pages ripped out because so many things were left unanswered. However if the author continues to elaborate on the characters then I will be reading the rest of the series! I also liked Xander the sexy sheriff that kept saying "Darlin'" in a very sexy voice (at least in my head! lol).
I am giving this book a 4/5. I was given a copy to review by LibraryThing, however all opinions are my own.
dealsharingaunt | 3 weitere Rezensionen | May 11, 2013 |
This book is part of Kirsten Lee’s Naughty collection. It is a short adult book but still has the start of a good story. It did a wonderful job of introducing the main characters Kamilla the new prosecutor with a built in lie-detector and Xander her sexy police chief lover. It hints at the deeper purpose to her being drawn to the town and hints at other women yet to come. I really wished that part of the story had been developed more, but hopefully a future book will do so.½
handybear | 3 weitere Rezensionen | May 10, 2013 |
**Disclaimer** I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an HONEST review!

Kirsten Lee is a new author featuring "Naughty & Nice" books. "Kamilla" falls into the "naughty" realm as it is a book written for an adult audience. There are HOT sex scenes in it, but nothing obscenely graphic. I read a digital copy, but it's also in print & the book cover is nicely done - and wouldn't be embarrassing to have sit around your house.

Kamilla is new to the town, Amity, and is a prosecutor with a built-in lie detector. (Won't give too many details so it doesn't act as a spoiler!) She's in lust/love with the town Sheriff, and this book is their story - with a twist. Kamilla comes to find out that she was drawn to Amity for a very particular reason - she's one of five women that are supposed to save the town, which in turn will save the world.

I have to say - I absolutely LOVED Kamilla. (The character & the book.) My only problem with it? TOO SHORT. I would say this is one of those novellas that could easily captivate a reader even if it is turned into a novel - the interactions between the prosecutor and sheriff; more of the story about the mystical town; more of the story of how she came to the town. While the novella length did not detract from the overall story, it really could have been better as a novel.

It's shown in the book who else is one of the five women; I can't wait to see her story come out - and hopefully we'll also hear more about the town, the symbol, and the calling of these women!

Great virgin voyage for Kirsten Lee's "Naughty" side!
SnarkyMom | 3 weitere Rezensionen | May 6, 2013 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
Unravelled is a romantic comedy involving the pitfalls and wonders of event planning. The story is believable and quick paced. A wonderful entertaining read.
MrsRM | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 26, 2013 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
I received this book via the MemberGiveAway program here at LT and I am happy that I did. Unravelled is a fun and charming romantic book. Alex is a festival planner who travels to a small town to organize a festival there. Of course there are lots of problems she runs into, not the least of which is her annoying boss for this project. There are lots of funny situations, which can be quite recognizable. And of course there is lots of romance. I can easily see this book made into a cute romantic comedy movie!
SimoneA | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 7, 2013 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
Unravelled by Kirsten Lee is your classic romance novel.

Starring Alex Fields as the fiery and "curvaceous" (her words, not mine) protagonist, we first meet her stranded on the side of a road, in the middle of nowhere, with a large Newfoundland named Blossom (though he is male)- who has colon problems and separation anxiety.

These problems arrive courtesy of her best friend, Erin, who needed someone to help plan an art festival after he broke his leg and couldn't go himself. The company that hired them rather unhelpfully left it to the last minute after trying to organise it themselves and now Alex has a mere seven weeks to make all the preparations.

Back to her current predicament. While pondering if her life could get any worse, Alex's "knight-in-shining-armour" appears in the form of a tall, dark, handsome, but obviously unimpressed businessman, who Alex nicknames "Mr. Wall Street". Immediately, the two are at each other's throats and glad to be on their separate ways. Predictably the two meet again and discover (to their horror) that they will have to work together on the same project. But maybe their ferocity towards each other is something else entirely? And so the plot is set up.

Alex is new to the business world, but very good at her job. She recently had a "make-over" (after a bad break-up) and changed herself completely to look, talk and act every bit the confident woman.
Considering the title of this book, you can make an intelligent guess that her very carefully held together "new self" is going to "unravel" at some point in the story.

Working with a company of eclectic people and with her growing feelings for "Mr. Wall Street", Alex fits in surprisingly (to herself at least) well, even if she is the mistress of cringe-worthy moments and (to her assistant's amusement) can never get her outfit to completely match. Inside, she isn't a woman of power-suits and killer heels, but of comfy, bohemian wear and this story is as much a story of accepting who you are as it is a romance.

The book itself is predictable, but enjoyable. It's written with the usual formula of romance novels (along with all the usual cliches) and would be a good "beach read". I got a kick out it, especially a few of the "laugh-out-loud" moments. A book that will leave you with the same feel-good vibes as a favourite chick flick.

Disclaimer: This book was sent to me by the author. This is not a sponsored review. All opinions are 100% my own.
1 abstimmen
needtoreadgottowatch | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 3, 2013 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
This wasn't really my thing; I somehow couln't finish it. The first half was good, but the second half was not what I expected.
doeternietoe | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 23, 2013 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
Alex, who lives in the city, is an event planner. Her business partner arranges for her to take on a large project in a rural area for Adam, a friend of his. Before Alex even gets to town she meets a man who rubs her the wrong way - turns out it's Adam. Eventually, as it turns out, Alex and Adam are made for each other.

This book was very light and entertaining. A cute and fun romance to read quickly. Alex, the main female character, is very clumsy and awkward, especially around Adam. I'm sure that a lot of us could recognize ourselves in Alex around that "cute guy".

I did enjoy reading this book, it was a break from the mysteries and sci-fi that I usually read. The writing was fine, not bad, but by no means the next greatest novel either. The characters were for the most part believable and the story flowed so it was easy to read.

If you are looking for a cute romance to pass the time, perhaps on the beach, you might take a look at this one.

I received this book through a LibraryThing giveaway in exchange for a fair review.½
rretzler | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 8, 2013 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
realalondra45 | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 3, 2013 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
I received this book free from Library thing to read and review. This is a fantastic story about an event planner, who takes over organization and planning an arts festival for a rural community. Along the way, she somehow picks up a big dopey dog, who farts all the time (but there is no smell attached) due to some strange biological disorder. In the community, Alex encounters some rather interesting people, all of who are determined to help her with the even planning and execution. They all pitch in except one, the villain of the story. Finally, there is Adam, the standoffish company CEO who is helping finance the festival. Sparks fly between him and Alex almost from the start. I found this a thoroughly enjoyable story. Even the villain wasn’t all that evil. There is so much humor in the story that it would be far too tedious to discuss it specifically. Though I had figured out some of the ending quickly into the book, I still kept reading it to discover were the next humor moment would come from, and who would be involved. If you are looking for a real feel good story with a plot that doesn’t take too much to suck you in, this is the story for you. I don’t think I have enjoyed a book as much in quite a while, and I feel certain you will feel the same.
KMT01 | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 30, 2012 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
I received this book as a giveaway from author, and I'm delighted that I did. Unraveled is an endless source of entertainment from start to finish. This book is incredibly funny, sweetly romantic, and unexpectedly uplifting.

There are so many things I love about this book, it's hard to pinpoint them in a few words. As a festival organizer, this was particularly fun for me to read. Sadly, I don't have a Mr. Wall Street of my own to spice things up, but I'll settle for reading about Alex Fields and her fabulous interactions with Adam Montgomery. The chemistry between them is palpable and a great joy to follow. It helps that Adam truly is Mr. Perfect, and Alex is one of the more admirable characters I've read. She makes a wonderful protagonist as she is easy to relate to and easy to like.

One of the strongest points of this book is the humor, which is quite hilarious and occassionally absurb without ever becoming ridiculous. I kept a steady smile the entire time I was reading this. The author's wit astounds me, as does her clever skill at turning a phrase. Kirsten Lee is truly a masterful writer, and I'd love to read more of her work.
TheBooknerd | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 30, 2012 |
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