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Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D., practiced cardiology for fifteen years before beginning his exploration of medicine beyond its currently established framework

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This is a vastly comprehensive, scientific book, more suitable as a reference book than for reading cover to cover. It goes into detail about the many various infectious diseases that can be cured and prevented by Vitamin C.

For each disease the author specifies whether it is reversible, preventable or/and curable.

He acknowledges the groundbreaking work of Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., Linus Pauling, Ph.D and Albert Szent-Gyorgi, M.D., Ph.D. in educating the world on the many benefits of Vitamin C.

It was Pauling who influenced most people in taking a good daily dose of Vitamin C though he earned his two Nobel Pries for other things; it was Szent-Gyorgyi who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1927 for the discovery of Vitamin C.

We are shown how Vitamin C both treats infectious diseases and neutralizes toxins.

Vitamin C is still “greatly underutilized” today.

Diseases such as acute polio and acute hepatitis, considered by modern medicine as incurable, have been “readily and consistently cured”. “Polio babies are completely well in less than a week, and hepatitis patients are sick for only a few days.”

Moreover, “properly dosed Vitamin C can reverse and almost always prevent other significant medical conditions such as cancer and heart disease”.

Vitamin C needs to be applied in frequent enough doses, in high enough doses and for a long enough period of time.

Most animals with the exception of primates, fruit bats and guinea pigs, can themselves synthesize Vitamin C. Humans cannot.

For each disease the author cites previous research in absolute detail.

Some of the infectious diseases examined in relation to the effects of Vitamin C are scurvy, polio, viral hepatitis, measles, mumps, viral encephalitis, chickenpox and herpes infections, viral pneumonia, influenza, rabies and leprosy.

There is also a chapter examining the curative effects of Vitamin C on specific toxins such as alcohol, barbiturates, carbon monoxide, pesticides, radiation, etc, etc.

I know from personal experience the value of Vitamin C since I have not had a cold or the flu for 44 years after I began taking Vitamin C. Unfortunately, I can’t remember how much I took at the beginning. At present I’m taking large quantities since I have a lung complaint that my doctor can’t diagnose which gives great discomfort necessitating frequent doses of 2g of Vitamin C, after which I have no symptoms.

Also, as young adult I was very ill with whooping-cough. The American nutritionist Adelle Davis advised the taking of a certain amount of Vitamin C to cure infectious diseases. I took that amount to no avail, but I believed that the vitamin would help me so I began to take a large amount of chewable Vitamin C pills until suddenly the coughing stopped. I found that I needed then to take an amount every 15 minutes to prevent further coughing; I don’t recall if this was 1 or 2 grammes.

Then I could get up from my bed and lead a normal life. The only time I coughed was when absorbed in a chess game at the chess club when I forgot to take my dose, and also in the morning when I needed to take a large dose again, After several months I was cured. (Yes, it takes a long time.)

Also my 1 or 2 year-old daughter and myself were cured of mumps. I gave my daughter a bottle of Vitamin C pills and told her to take as many as she could, She did so. Her face was swollen on both sides. I gave her a bottle of chewable Vitamin C pills and told her to take as many as she could. She did so and then slept for 14 hours. When she awoke the swellings had disappeared and she was completely healed. It took longer for me to be healed but then I don’t think I took as much as she did. I was healed after a few weeks or so.

I am sure that in the present epidemic we would all be protected from the Corona virus (some say it is a bacterium) if we took a daily dose of C-vitamin though I can’t say how much. (I would suggest at least 2 grammes, preferably more.)

And since Vitamin C also neutralizes toxins, and vaxxed people are filled with toxins I will also suggest that they take it.

If anyone is in doubt about the efficacy of Vitamin C, I would recommend that they peruse this book. It is an immensely valuable, informative and enlightening book. I would advise that all doctors read it.
… (mehr)
IonaS | Dec 5, 2021 |

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