
Maria Lewis

Autor von Who's Afraid?

14+ Werke 161 Mitglieder 4 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Maria Lewis is an Australian author, journalist, and social commentator. She was born in New Zealand in 1988, but is currently based in Sydney, Australia. Her journalism career includes working for The Daily Telegraph, The Daily Mail. Her work has appeared in the New York Post, Empire Magazine WHO mehr anzeigen Weekly, Huffington Post, The Sunday Telegraph,, SBS, and many other media outlets. Currently she works on The Feed, a SBS 2 news program. Her work as a pop culture commentator includes appearances on SBS, ABC, Nine, and many more. She is the producer and host of the Eff Yeah Film & Feminism podcast. She is the author of a story that was included in the anthology, Hot Stuff: Surfing Love, published in December 2015. Her debut novel, Who's Afraid?, was published in January 2016. The second book, Who's Afraid Too?, was published in January 2017. They are the first two books in the Tommi Grayson Series. (Bowker Author Biography) weniger anzeigen


Werke von Maria Lewis

Who's Afraid? (2016) 52 Exemplare
Who's Afraid Too? (2017) 26 Exemplare
The Witch Who Courted Death (2018) 17 Exemplare
The Wailing Woman (2019) 16 Exemplare
It Came from the Deep (2017) 14 Exemplare
The rose daughter (2021) 11 Exemplare
The Graveyard Shift (2023) 7 Exemplare
Her fierce creatures (2022) 5 Exemplare
Who's Still Afraid? (2020) 4 Exemplare
One Girl and 3 Guys (2009) 1 Exemplar

Zugehörige Werke

Damnation Games (2022) — Mitwirkender — 3 Exemplare






Her Fierce Creatures is the breathtaking conclusion of Maria Lewis’s award-winning Supernatural Sisters urban fantasy series.

Since my very late introduction to this series with The Rose Daughter, I’ve tracked down the earlier instalments but regrettably not had the time to read them, so I was hesitant to jump into the finale. I was relieved to find my lack of familiarity with the series overall proved not to be a hindrance, and I quickly found myself absorbed in Her Fierce Creatures.

After centuries of oppression and increasing cruelty by the Trieze, the ruling class of the supernatural that live hidden among modern society, the time has come to revolt. The balance of power hinges on the safe delivery of banshee Sadie Burke’s triplets, and the best way to protect them is to disrupt and divide the forces of the Praetorian Guard, uniting races and clans in the fight.

Supernatural emissaries from all over the world gather in the Australian dessert to plan their rebellion. Vankila, the Scottish underground prison from which sprite Dreckly Jones is the only one to have ever escaped, is a priority target and they devise a risky plan in which werewolf Tommi Grayson gets herself arrested, to stage a break out, rather than a break in.

There’s lots of fast paced, high tension action as Tommi enacts the plan with plenty of help, while groups of volunteers simultaneously attack other Trieze facilities around the world. Dreckly Jones and Corvossier 'Casper' von Klitzing, also play major roles in the battle. The clashes are dangerous and violent, and there are losses that will weigh heavily on them all.

Meanwhile Sadie is hidden from the Trieze in a remote New Zealand stronghold, guarded by her family and Tommi’s Māori werewolf relatives. Sadie is struggling with both the physical and emotional pressures of her pregnancy, and her anxiety grows after a vision suggests that the Trieze will come for her. Werewolf Simon is tasked as Sadie’s personal guard, and I was surprised and delighted by the heartwarming romance that developed between the two.

Her Fierce Creatures is a must read for fans of the series, those familiar with the Supernatural Sisters will appreciate the elements of closure for the characters they’ve grown to know and love, and the ending is as dramatic and climatic as could be hoped for.
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shelleyraec | Apr 7, 2022 |
The Rose Daughter is the seventh book in the Supernatural Sisters urban fantasy series from award-winning Australian author, Maria Lewis, but don’t be afraid to jump right in, it works perfectly well as a stand-alone. Just be prepared as you’ll want to add the rest of the series on your TBR list as I did.

The daughter of a forbidden union between an earth elemental and a selkie, Dreckly Jones was born the prisoner of the Trieze, raised by her father in a cell buried under a hill in Scotland. Since her escape she has largely heeded her father’s advice -to be careful; to hide who she is; to not be a hero. For the last eight years or so, she has made her home on a boat in Sydney Harbour, shucking oysters at the Fish Markets when she’s not putting her artistic skills to work forging identification papers for those in need.

Though she looks as if she is in her early 40’s, Dreckly is more than a century older, and the narrative alternates between her past and present. Dreckly is an appealing, well-crafted character. I liked her wit, and found her to be smart and resourceful, though not without her flaws. As a sprite, her ability gives her powerful control over air which she wields in unusual ways.

I was intrigued by her backstory, which has Dreckly travelling the world from Scotland to Hollywood, from behind enemy lines in wartime France to Africa, where she finds family, adventure and love. The ‘past’ narrative skilfully builds Dreckly’s character so that the decisions she makes in the present, make sense.

In the present, there are rumours that the Trieze, who govern the supernatural world, are abducting other supernaturals. Mindful of her past experiences, and her promises to her father, Dreckly battles with her conscience when she is asked for her help. Lewis builds the tension as the Trieze’s nefarious plans are revealed, and provides exciting action when the supernaturals take a stand.

I liked the world in which the story is set with an interesting mix of supernaturals who live alongside, but hidden, from most of humanity. Lewis succinctly explains the history and politics, and while it’s obvious there are links to story and characters from previous books, they don’t have any notable impact on this story.

Offering interesting characters, exciting action, and romance, I found The Rose Daughter to be an entertaining read. I’m delighted to have discovered Maria Lewis and I hope to be introduced to the other ‘sisters’ before the next book in the series is released.
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shelleyraec | Apr 22, 2021 |
A great urban fantasy novel vividly brought to life with enough doses of reality to create an imaginative story that is grounded in a familiar world. Plenty of twists and action, and a brilliant cast of characters.
AngelaJMaher | Dec 20, 2019 |
Read for judging in the Australian Shadows Awards
AngelaJMaher | Jun 21, 2018 |


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