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Über den Autor

Shai Linne is a recording artist who has released numerous acclaimed Christian hip-hop albums, including The Atonement and The Attributes of God. After completing a pastoral internship at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC, Shai cofounded Risen Christ Fellowship, an innercity church in mehr anzeigen his hometown of Philadelphia, PA. Shai is the author of God Made Me and You and has written articles for or been featured in outlets such as Christianity Today, 9 Marks, The Gospel Coalition, World magazine, and Wretched Radio. Shai and his wife, Blair, have three children: Sage, Maya, and Ezra. weniger anzeigen

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Thoughtful, funny, challenging, and thoroughly based on Scripture, this is a powerful book, the best I've read this year.

Shai Linne describes himself as a Christian hip-hop artist. He is that, but much more. The book reveals the intellect of a teacher, the heart of a pastor, raw emotion of one who has suffered, and the clarity of a visionary: one who calls the 21st-century church back to its first love and first mission.

The New Reformation comes in four parts. Part 1 is Mr. Linne's story: his life growing up in Philadelphia and how he came to be a Christian hip-hop artist, then part of the 21st-century reformed church. If you find that an odd mixture, the story of how it happened will intrigue you.

Part 2, "Back Story" continues the author's story, but puts it in context of both current American culture and the history of the church. Mr. Linne confronts and deals with difficult issues in both: how black people see our current culture and the difficulty many American blacks have with Jonathan Edwards and Martin Luther. It is piercing in its honesty.

In Part 3, "His Story" the author begins to set himself apart from many modern writers, putting the issue of ethnic division (he chooses not call identify the issue as "race") squarely against the teaching of Scripture and finds the modern church far from where we should be. "The key to addressing ethnic disunity in the church," Mr. Linne says, "is the proper application of justification by faith alone." Curios to understand that line of reasoning? Get the book.

Finally, Part 4, "Our Story" calls the church to real Biblical unity. Not some false "we're all the same" unity, but one based on the marvelous kaleidoscope of ethnicities, ages, sexes, nationalities, ideologies, and histories that God has brought together to form His church: one in Christ.

In his introduction, Mr. Linne reveals the purpose of his book: to address his concerns about the unity of the church and the church's witness to the world. He quotes I Corinthians 1:10: "I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment." The author's writing is worthy of that appeal. His book is well worthy of the reader's time and thoughtful engagement.
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fathermurf | Oct 4, 2023 |
In God Made Me and You, Shai Linne addresses the sensitive topic of ethnic diversity. Rather than adopting the “be color blind” stance, this tale promotes celebration of all of God's creation. The narrative points out, rather than ignores, the differences in nature as well as the differences in people. Delving deep, the text identifies living in a world cursed by sin as the root of racism and bullying. Next, the author points to Jesus' sacrifice on the cross as the remedy for sin. There's a clear presentation of the gospel and as well as an explanation of how the gospel calls us to love each other. Following the story are two pages that give parents direction about helping a child appreciate God's design for ethnic diversity.

I think this is the first children's book I've seen in which the author addresses how racism and bullying are more than bad behavior issues. The text cuts to the heart of the matter as it discusses sin as the root of all the meanness. Like this book says, since the fall of man, the world exists under the curse of sin and “the very differences meant / to give God praise / Are now reasons for hatred, / so evil our ways.” Thankfully, the story doesn't end there! It continues on to address redemption, salvation, and love for “saints of all colors.”

I find this book is more of an educational resource for us than a book for recreational reading. My daughters request it only occasionally, but they look, listen, and appear to embrace its ideas when we do read it. We homeschool so I use books like this to teach my girls how to respond and appreciate people of other races.

God Made Me and You: Celebrating God's Design for Ethnic Diversity appears to be targeted to early elementary age children. My six year old was immediately interested when we received the book and the children depicted in the illustrations seem to be about her age. The colorful illustrations by Trish Mahoney complement the rhyming narrative of God Made Me and You. They are modern, fun, and help to accentuate the theme of the book.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this complimentary book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
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BeautyintheBinding | Oct 17, 2018 |

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