
Shawntelle MadisonRezensionen

Autor von Coveted

21+ Werke 393 Mitglieder 67 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern


Really enjoyed this book. The heroine is a werewolf with OCD - not just a quirk, but something she has to deal with everyday that often limits her choices. It was interesting to watch her navigate family, pack and larger community - especially since she was often having to deal with stressful situations. The book had a great balance of action and relationship issues - it did not bog down.
Shelley8059 | 22 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 25, 2024 |
Wow, what can I say, I was sucked into this one!

Stayed up to after 3 am this morning reading it, and then finished it off once the kids and hubby were gone for the day!

(spoiler alert!)

OK, I'm standing by my orig. thoughts on this one. Thorn, im just not feeling him as a mate for Nat. He acts like he is there for her, and is always guarding her from a distance. Her grandmother goes on about what he would do for her if he could.

His idiot of a father, who happens to be Alpha, just will not give Nat a break. So shes obsessive compulsive and has issues? so what? he has a napoleon complex! *evil grin*

If Thorn really loved her like he makes out, why the hell did he abandon her 5 years ago? why is he accepting a pairing with a powerful family just because daddy said so? Oh I care for you Nat, but I just cant be with you.. you don't understand.. boo hoo.. poor baby, man up and grow a pair!

whew.. sorry end rant!

now Nick the warlock.. YUMMY! open your eyes Nat! hes there, Hes sexy, and he wants you. and He came in all bad ass and took names when no one else stood up for you!

ARGHHHH!! OK OK.. need to de-stress.. but wait no, not gonna happen cause I'm off to buy the next book.. and possibly threaten the life of E-pages if they don't do what i want!

A really well done to Shawntelle Madison! I love it when i get drawn into a book, and my emotions get engaged! this book was well written, full of detail, and had you thinking about why the things that were happening were happening! *G*

also, has funny sarcastic dialogue and supporting characters you can only shake your head at and think.. OMG.. they let them out in public without a minder? *G*
brandy28655 | 22 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 11, 2023 |
Collected by Shawntelle Madison
From the Coveted series #.5. A prequel paranormal novella.
Natalya made an online purchase and is waiting anxiously for it to be delivered but the package goes missing before she can get home. Nat uses her werewolf skills to track down the thief.

Intriguing with only some basic world building and background. We know Natalya has OCD. We know she collects holiday decorations. We know it’s a magical world that still has a postal delivery service.
It’s a bit strange but also heartbreaking that she is separated from her family and clearly unhappy though we don’t really know why or what happened.
It’s an event and a clear ending but so many questions that I now will have to read first book in the series. A successful hook.
Madison_Fairbanks | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 29, 2023 |
Broken narrative

There are too many fundamental questions left unanswered. The day-to-day narrative works quite well, but the bigger plot points trip over each other. Everything werewolf seems disjointed and poorly applied to a normal romance story.

Why is Farley still Alpha? Why doesn’t Nat know about all of these magic details when she lived it most of her life? I understand history being fuzzy, but... and why does her therapy group suddenly show up to save the day?!?!!??
wildwily | 22 weitere Rezensionen | May 28, 2020 |
Broken narrative

There are too many fundamental questions left unanswered. The day-to-day narrative works quite well, but the bigger plot points trip over each other. Everything werewolf seems disjointed and poorly applied to a normal romance story.

Why is Farley still Alpha? Why doesn’t Nat know about all of these magic details when she lived it most of her life? I understand history being fuzzy, but... and why does her therapy group suddenly show up to save the day?!?!!??
wildwily | 22 weitere Rezensionen | May 28, 2020 |
ARC provided via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Sophie gives the wealthy what they want; Court side seats, fancy yachts, a lavish party? You name it, she can make it happen. When Xavier Quinn asks her to drop everything to help him land what could be the biggest deal of his career, she feels she must accept, especially for the money he's offering. Sophie keeps all her relationships professional, even those with handsome men like Xavier. But he always get's what he wants and, past be damned, he wants Sophie. Soon they are entangling business with pleasure and the stakes are high.

The idea of a personal concierge dropping everything to assist a businessman in a huge deal was very enticing for me. I wanted to know what lead to business people to put this one thing front and center in their lives, only to find passion between them. Both characters were super smart, I actually felt like I was reading from the perspective of two strong, determined individuals with the smarts to manage their own businesses. They have an immediate spark that the reader can see from a mile way, but they both have so much baggage they carry with them. What they can offer each other is their shared desires and those moments are sexy. I do want to share that the BDSM, though very light compared to other erotic romances, felt very realistic for a couple living in the real world. The interactions between the two characters felt natural, like two adults in the business world who join together for passion and slip into their roles for the bedroom. I enjoyed their sexual interactions immensely, but somehow the business portion of the book got lost.

I really wanted to love Bound to You, the premise was intriguing and I really liked Sophie, but it just didn't click for me. Details that seemed important weren't given until too late to matter and I felt like I was missing something throughout much of the book. Those lacking details made Sophie's past hard to grasp and while I felt her chemistry with Xavier, I couldn't put them together for a future without understanding them completely. Mix the lacking past in with Sophie's friends and I was lost. It felt forced and confusing, I couldn't put the people together, which made it hard to picture any of the scenes that featured anyone more than the two main characters. I would really like to see if the character development expands in the future novels in the series.

I think Bound to You was a great introduction to the main characters that make up Sophie and her friends. All were a little eccentric and definitely a little kinky, but not enough is given to hint at what is to come. The story of Sophie and Xavier is a hot, contemporary romance with a side of kink, though it is a superficial sexy that didn't expand for me. I am interested in sticking out the series and seeing what may happen next for the four friends.
CarleneInspired | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 14, 2019 |
I thought I'd give this author another try so I read this book and was disappointed once more.

I'm not sure it's all this author's fault. I've thought about it very seriously and I believe it's possibly me that is to blame at least for not liking the whole story. I thought the writing was somewhat good and the pace was decent, but the story was too juvenile for me. Me thinks I'm too old for this story.

If you're a teenager, I believe you might like this more than I did. Those that loved Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series might like this series too. I just didn't so I'll stop at two.

Melanie for b2b

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher
bookworm2bookworm | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 5, 2017 |
I don’t usually read paranormal stories but this one had such an interesting blurb that I thought I’d give it a try. Now I wish I never did.

I didn’t like the main characters, I didn’t like the plot and I had a hell of a time finishing it. In the end I wondered if I would have at least liked the writing but even that left me cold.

If you’re looking for a very light fare in urban fantasy, you just might give it a go. But if you’re looking for a bit of a romance within the pages, I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed.

Melanie for b2b

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher
bookworm2bookworm | 22 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 30, 2017 |
A concierge and a billionaire get together & the sparks start to fly. As their 2 weeks together unfold, Sophie proves she's competent, connected and quite a catch for Xavier both professionally and personally. With both of their past baggage, they find a way to connect through their mutual kink, and find a way to get over the past and step into the present. Interesting and steamy, this one will fill your tank and have you asking for more.
*I received an arc from NetGalley for an honest review
KimMcReads | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 9, 2016 |
Through grace, talent, and hard work, personal concierge Sophie Ashton has turned international corporate warfare into an art. But when she meets her new client, a suave CEO who radiates masculine heat, she knows this is no ordinary job. With a past hurt fresh in her heart, Sophie tries to keep her professional relationships exactly that: professional. But Xavier Quinn is a man who knows how to get what he wants, and soon Sophie is tempted into his wicked dance of seduction.

Xavier needs Sophie’s charm and finesse to land a coveted contract with a Japanese tech mogul, yet he’s even more intrigued by her as a woman. He sees Sophie’s darkly sensual nature and can sense her passion. He wants to dominate her, more than he’s ever wanted anything before. He’ll make her submit, though he can’t give her his heart, not after the tragic death of his last sub. Xavier assures himself he can keep his distance from Sophie . . . but can he? He’s used to taking risks in work and in life, but the stakes have never been higher. Because the game he plays with Sophie will bind them together—or destroy them both.
treehousereader | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 23, 2016 |
Read all my reviews on

I think in the end I just didn't want to be under Tate's skin. But the cover was so beautiful!

It's a Dystopian that starts with a simple aptitude test. Tate's results aren't normal, and she's selected for serving the Guild. No one seems to mind that selection is done via this very weird form of applying. It's more like a sort of slavery.

Immediately Tate, who's the special snowflake from around the corner, starts thinking something must be off. What exactly is a 'water bearer'? Why does the water taste funny? I don't mind Tate having a mind of her own (ironical pun intended) but what annoys me is that it's yet another novel where the heroin is the only person to have this questions. The rest is just a meek flock of water bearers.

The idea is of course shocking, distasteful and highly unethical, but these are not even my biggest problems with it. It didn't make any sense. I'm supposed to believe that no-one except a lucky few are aware that people are taking possession of other people's body in order to stay young? How do you explain the differences in person? The General for example now suddenly is a woman? What's the strategical purpose of that? Don't tell me it is because he likes to wear a dress.

And besides, if you're able to create this system, why not find ways to upgrade your normal body? It would definitely make more sense.

Then there's a romance. I did not see that coming! I didn't like it, that's all I'm going to tell about it.

The writing wasn't that bad but the story bored me quite quickly. It just wasn't for me.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!
Floratina | 2 weitere Rezensionen | May 26, 2016 |
Die Jägerin Cynthia ist sehr krank und schwach und trifft auf Kaden einen Werwolf - Alpha. Die Story liest sich streckenweise sehr interessant, fällt aber manchmal stark ab. Das macht leider die ein oder Handlung irgendwie unvollständig. Der 1. Band ist relativ kurz und daher auch schnell durch. Vielleicht ist das einer der Gründe warum die Handlung manchmal so abgehakt wird. Die Fortsetzung werde ich mir noch anschauen. Vielleicht wird dann ja der Handlungsbogen übersichtlicher und spannender.
Buechermomente | Jan 9, 2016 |
Okay, this book was pretty bad. The main character was a werewolf and could not have been more of a victim if she had tried!!! First of all, whoever heard of a supernatural creature with OCD? Not that I'm belittling mental or personality disorders mind you, but in a WEREWOLF fiction, it gets a little silly. Second, for someone who can shapeshift onto a giant carnivore, this woman was constantly in danger. To top it all off, she followed her ex boyfriend around like a lost puppy (pun intended) even after finding out he was engaged to another woman for political reasons. Pretty pathetic. If I wanted relationship drama I'd look at Facebook.
novaengliae | 22 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 20, 2015 |
First of all I just love the cover on this book. She is beautiful, elegantly dressed and yet at the same time seems uncomfortable in her skin as if that isn't the real person. I basically fell in love with this particular book due to its cover and am pleasantly surprised by the novel itself, which kept pace with the cover.

And again first of all the writing is simple and there isn't that much rough pieces to swallow so it could be read by young adults and adults alike without worry that it crosses the line.

What stands out for me on this particular book is the balance of the book itself - regular teenish, creepy, drama, twisted, annoyingly calm and emotional. And all of this is grounded by the fact that Tate's world is almost similar to what some of us face while the advancements of their military has led to such government abuse, which we can see in our own world.

It is a refreshing book that kept nagging at me that I had read something similar although I cannot put my finger exactly on it. And Tate sounds like an actual teen of her age - indecisive, reluctant, rebellious yet easily crushed. Her heart is in the right place but I honestly think that her cousin had more of a story, more personality than her in some sense.

There are two things that I saw in reviews that some people fretted. Just like one or two I would have loved to know more about the world that she was in but since of the length of the book, the type of person she was before becoming a Water Bearer and the leash she had on her the restrictions to where she was as a character definitely made enough sense. Any later books may be able to add to this world later on.

And I saw a complaint or two about Tate and Quinn falling in love with each or including a bit romance that didn't seem like there was much basis. It reminds me of "Speed" where you had an even more unlikely romance while the reader needs to remember these are both young adults with hormones so even if the world was collapsing they would still be infatuated with each other.

All in all this is definitely a keeper. Although the ending didn't seem like it had finished just right there was enough closure to end the book if it was the only one but also another of an opening to continue a series although in my honest sense I would love to see more of Tyson and Zoe :).

**Received this book as part of the Giveaway at for free in exchange for a review**
flamingrosedrakon | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 26, 2015 |
Even thought I pretty much knew what was going to happen in this book (since I read book #2 - Kept first), I still was enthralled from beginning to end. I LOVE this series. Definitely a must read.
seanbata | 22 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 14, 2015 |
This the second book by Ms. Madison I have read, and once again, I am impressed.

Here is the thing, I do not normally like werewolf stories. Ms. Madison's stories just have a way of pulling me in and I cannot put it down till I turn the last page.

Short read, but I so enjoyed it.

I received an ARC from net galley in exchange for an honest review.
Sirsangel | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 17, 2015 |
Natalya Stravinsky is a werewolf…with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). In her human form, she works forCoveted by Shawntelle Madison a goblin selling antiques to other mystical creatures. Thorn, Natalya’s ex-lover, returns to town to lead the pack against the newest threat, a pack from Long Island, New York, which is intent on capturing Nat, and taking over South Tom’s River,NJ.

This was a rather fun read. I identified so much with Nat, as I struggle with OCD myself. My downfall is Musical Carousal’s.

I have to say that I’m not Thorn’s fan at all. I found him to be quite unlikeable. It felt like he was constantly toying with Nat and her emotions. He has been promised to another werewolf by his father, the leader of the South Tom’s pack, yet he keeps doing things that lead Nat to believe there could be a chance.

Enter the good looking magician, Nick. He’s got some problems of his own, and he understands some of what Natalya is going through, but can he get past her love for Thorn, who left several years ago and has only now returned, to get married…to someone else? Personally, I hope he can.

I recommend Coveted to anyone who likes knowing that the supernatural creatures have their own quirks like we ‘normals’ do. On a rating scale, this would be a ****1/2 for sure. I so want to read the second installment, Kept now.

Thank you, Shawntelle for the opportunity to read and review Coveted.

(Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the print version as a gift from a contest. It was my own decision to review and was not asked for, nor expected.)
Sirsangel | 22 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 17, 2015 |
I had absolutely ZERO issue getting into UNDER MY SKIN. Not only did I really enjoy the characters, but the world was awesome and the whole concept of the story was unique and interesting. Even with the blurb I didn't fully GET what was going to happen. I had an idea but I didn't realize how much more there was to my idea. I don't want to spoil anything for the reader so I won't go further into the details.

Tate can't possibly understand why she was picked to be a water bearer. She finds nothing special about herself and has no clue what the fuss over her is. She had no want to be a water bearer, but she is thankful that her cousin Zoe was picked along with her. Tate was great. She doesn't do anything quietly and refuses to give up on herself and Zoe even though the odds are stacked against her. Don't get me wrong she has her moments of weakness, but she was a bad-ass and she knew it.

I wanted a little more out of the romance between Tate and Quinn. There were plenty of feelings there, but I wasn't totally able to fall into their story as a couple. I also felt the final showdown between Tate and General Dagon was lacking. The whole book leads up to this point. Tate has her chance to be free of him and it's just over in a few moments. I wanted more out of it.

I am very interested in seeing how book 2 will start out. Tate has some big shoes to fit into and I can't wait to see if she pulls off her deception.

* This book was provided free of charge from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
STACYatUFI | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 9, 2014 |
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: A matchmaker for supernaturals finds herself in a bad situation when her car is repossessed, taking with it her last chance at keeping her business afloat. Now, she must enter Limbo to try and find it, all the while fighting her attraction to her guide, the man who repossessed her car in the first place.

Opening Sentence: From behind the desk in her matchmaking agency office, Tessa Dandridge thought she’d heard it all until her client blurted, “My last date had National Geographic boobs.“

The Review:

When I first read the plot description for this book, I thought it sounded promising, so I went into it with an open mind. After the first couple of chapters, I thought I was really going to enjoy the book. Unfortunately, everything went downhill after the first few chapters, and reading started to become more of a chore. In the end, the book just didn’t end up being for me.

Tessa runs a matchmaking service for fellow supernaturals. Unfortunately, business isn’t quite booming, and money is becoming more and more of an issue. Her last hope of success comes in the form of a client who can only be contacted using a special scroll that is kept in her car. As luck would have it, Tessa’s money troubles catch up to her at just the wrong time, and she discovers that her car has been repossessed. She doesn’t think she has the time to wait for the appropriate paperwork to be filed so she can get her car back, so she instead decides to begin going on repo jobs with the man who repossessed her car, Rob. During every repo job, there is an opportunity for Tessa to enter Limbo, the dimension where her car is located. All she needs to do is find her car, retrieve the scroll, and then her business can be saved. As she and Rob spend more time together, they can’t fight their growing attraction. There are things Rob isn’t telling her though. Will the discovery of Rob’s secrets tear them apart?

If you’ve read any of my more negative reviews before, you know that I have a hard time liking a book when I can’t connect to the characters. Once again, that’s a big part of why I didn’t end up liking this one. The only character I really enjoyed was the spirit that lives inside Rob’s satchel, and he really didn’t show up all that often. Both Rob and Tessa were extremely underdeveloped. They both seemed very one dimensional, which made it hard for me to bring myself to care about what was going on with them, including their romance.

Another factor that affected my enjoyment of the book was the world building. There really wasn’t any to speak of. By the end of the book, I knew that there were witches, wizards, and warlocks, but I really couldn’t tell you the difference between them or why there was such animosity between the wizards and warlocks. Maybe if I had a better understanding of the universe the book takes place in, maybe I would have enjoyed the plot a bit more.

Overall, this book just left a mainly negative impression on me. It lacked character development and the world building was non-existent, making it very hard for me to enjoy what was going on. I’ve heard good things about the author’s other series (which is connected to this one), so I may try that one someday, but I won’t be in any hurry to do so.

Notable Scene:

He interrupted her escape. “Do you have a roommate?”

“I used to have one when I first moved here. Now, it’s me and my familiar, Kiki. She might make her appearance in a bit for attention.” The cat stirred from her hiding spot in Tessa’s bedroom at the sound of her name.

“You have one pet?” Kiki had jumped into his lap, hungry for affection. her tail flicked like fly fishing pole.

She nodded. Unless she had another and was too busy to miss the elusive feline.

His eyes darted to various places in her living room. “There are nine cats in here.”

Her forehead scrunched from confusion, then to frustration.

“Oh, those were my familiars before Kiki. They all died.”

“Died? Cats live around fifteen to twenty years. There is a roomful of ghost cats in here.”

“Over the years, I’ve had a few problems…”

“That’s not what the short-haired tabby just told me.”

The madness never ended when it came to Rob. “You aren’t an animal empath, are you?” Not only was he wonderful to look at, but he could communicate with Bambi as well.

“Did you really think it was a good idea to put the litter box next to your Uncle Charlie’s magic hat?”

“I can’t believe Little Toes told you that. It was an accident. Uncle Charlie left a dragon in the hat. After the cat used the litter box, he jumped into the wrong place…Why am I explaining this to you?”

She marched to her bedroom to change her clothes and slammed the door for good measure.

“You need to feed Kiki more!” he said.

FTC Advisory: CreateSpace provided me with a copy of Repossessed. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
DarkFaerieTales | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 12, 2014 |
Reviewed by: Rabid Reads

I came into this novel anticipating that it would be a 5-star read; after a rocky start in book 1, this series really hit its stride with KEPT, and I expected more of the same from COMPELLED with the addition of a satisfying conclusion to Natalya Stravinsky’s journey. This finale definitely delivered on the action front with an all-out wizard vs. warlock war, and a race against time to save Thorn’s life. However, as far as trilogy endings go, it fell short of its mark. The secondary characters that I have grown to know and love were all but absent, the romance was minimal, and “alpha” Natalya just wasn’t very believable.

The opening chapters of this book were the most enjoyable in my opinion, because they were on trend with what I’ve come to expect from this series. Aggie and Nat are no longer sharing a house, and yet the heroine’s BFF continues to uphold her ex-roommate’s OCD tendencies by ensuring that the place is spotless. Tyler’s dwarf dinner date was hilarious; I loved how foreign their mate requirements were. “You must have a house underground, you are too tall, etc.” However, I wish there’d been a bit more recap on account of the last installment having been released eighteen months ago. I found myself having to re-read my review of KEPT to help fill-in the blanks.

For some unknown reason, the author decided to cast all of her beloved secondary characters aside in COMPELLED. Thorn, Aggie, and Nick have all played pivotal roles throughout this trilogy only to get the boot at the final hour. Stravinsky’s family and the South Toms River werewolf pack were also barely a blip on the radar, and although I liked the new personalities that Madison introduced in this installment, I wasn’t able to learn enough about them to really care about their fate. The explanation for Nick’s absence was tenuous at best, and Aggie’s disappearing act at the end of the story was obviously a set-up for her upcoming novella, but it kind of felt like the author was putting the cart before the horse in that she’s already planning her next book instead of finishing off this one properly.

The plot itself was a little too epic for my tastes, or maybe it was just the rushed way in which it was delivered. The focus shifts entirely away from the werewolves, and instead we see an influx of other supes like cyclops’, water demons, darklings, warlocks, etc. I found it all rather overwhelming to be honest, and the pathway to the ending was also entirely too convenient. Nat’s first attempt at travelling magically lands her on an island where four werewolf acolytes have been trapped for 400 hundred years, but they just so happen to be the key to winning the war. Then, they help her free some wizards that have been trapped for seven centuries, who in turn… well, you get the idea. It was like shooting fish in a barrel.

Natalya’s come a long way since COVETED, but the leap her character takes from KEPT to this latest installment was a bit of a stretch. I wish the author had further explored her struggles with her new alpha status and her OCD because it felt like she conquered both practically overnight. All this to say that aside from the bucket load of action, COMPELLED was a disappointing conclusion to Shawntelle Madison’s werewolf series.
RabidReads | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 12, 2014 |
Beautiful cover! I really enjoyed the previous books in the Coveted Series. After KEPT I was excited to see what would happen now that Natalya and Thorn were finally together. Unfortunately a good bit of COMPELLED took place with them apart and when they were together it was away from the pack and while Thorn was deathly ill.

Overall there was a lot of character growth and Natalya did a lot of self learning but I missed her family and friends and I was really hoping to have them more involved in clan life now that the happy couple was finally together.

* This book was provided free of charge from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
STACYatUFI | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 6, 2014 |
Supernatural matchmaker Tess Dandridge is in a pickle. The only means of contacting her V.I.P. clients, her magical Smythe scroll, is lost when her car is repo’ed.
Not one to give up easily she works a deal with Clive, repo man Rob Shin’s boss. She’ll help Clive find a match if she can accompany Rob on his trips thus giving her access to Limbo to search for the scroll.
Rob, a Navy Seal on medical leave, is doing repo work to pay off his family’s debts. Having Tess tag along isn’t Rob’s idea of ideal working conditions. Everyone knows repo can be a dangerous job.

Tess is following in her grandmother’s matchmaking footsteps. Able to open her business with a legacy to do just that Tess is struggling to stay afloat. Robbing Peter to pay Paul isn’t the best business model. All she needs is to secure a match for Archibald Cramer. With his endorsement business would take off. The chance to satisfy Cramer is endangered when she loses the Smythe scroll. Can the matchmaker find her Smythe scroll, save her business, and secure true love for herself?
Rob Shin is a warlock. He joined the Navy right out of high school and eventually made the SEALs. On medical leave for a month he takes the repo job to pay his aunt & uncle’s debt. They’re all Rob has left in the world; well he does have Harabeuji the spirit in the bag he carries, and family is important. Initially, Rob isn’t happy about having Tess tag along but she begins to grow on him, even proving to be helpful once or twice. He certainly didn’t plan on putting her in danger or falling for her, after all he only has a month.

Having never read Ms. Madison or her other series I wasn’t sure what to expect from REPOSSESSED (Warlock Repo Man Chronicles), the first in her new urban fantasy romance series. Warmth, wit, humor, and family oriented is what I got. Ms. Madison has created a viable supernatural world that co-exists with the human world. Each chapter begins with a funny dating tip setting the tone for the chapter.
Tess and Rob possess humor, intelligence, and a genuinesss that pulls the reader in. Their problems are relatable. After all, who hasn’t struggled or worried about money and making ends meet? Family figures prominently in the lives of Tess and Rob, sometimes to their chagrin. I was taken with the notion that beloved family members could visit and stay in touch. That could be a two edged sword but who hasn’t lost someone they wished they could talk with again?
REPOSSESSED possesses a quality that isn’t normally equated with urban fantasy, magical or otherwise, charm. Count me in for the second in the series!
Reviewed by IvyD for Manic Readers & Miss Ivy's Book Nook
ivydtruitt | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 31, 2014 |
Originally reviewed on Romancing the Dark Side (

A fun and flirty unexpected romance between a matchmaking witch and a warlock repo man!

Tessa Dandridge is a not so powerful water witch who has continued the family legacy of matchmaking among the supernatural community. Her job is no easy feat, her clients are beyond demanding and their late payments are putting her business in danger of failing. Just when things couldn’t get any worse, Tessa’s car is repossessed, along with a magical scroll she uses to contact her clients. To save her business and reputation, Tessa must team up to work with Rob the sexy repo man (by paying him to tag along) who has access to the place her car has been sent…Limbo. As Rob and Tessa join forces to get her scroll their attraction grows stronger and it’s not long before danger finds them in the form of a rogue warlock set on attaining his repossessed possessions and starting an all out supernatural war!

REPOSSESSED is a light and entertaining romance with just enough paranormal elements for this PNR junkie! First off, I was thrilled to see the story is set in NYC, my hometown…it made my connection to the story that more special. Tessa is a delightful leading lady who is totally relatable, she comes from a wealthy family (with plenty of drama) but wants to earn her own money and follow in her grandmother’s footsteps as a great matchmaker. She’s a single, independent woman dedicated to her job and has some of the worst luck, but her determination to succeed on her own is admirable. As a water witch she doesn’t have extraordinary powers, they range from cloaking spells to possibly saving herself while in water, but only if she isn’t distracted! Tessa is extremely curious and outspoken which often gets her into trouble and Rob is the perfect compliment to her strong personality. Her supernatural abilities are not enough to help her out of the sticky situations she gets herself in but thank goodness she has a warlock repo-man in her corner!

The leading man in this story is none other than Rob Shin, a real renaissance man…he’s a Navy SEAL, powerful warlock and supernatural repo man. He comes off as a flirty alpha hero but there’s more to him than that. To help his struggling aunt and uncle, he takes on odd jobs as a repo man while on medical leave from the Navy. The last thing he needs is a sexy feisty witch with money problems over his shoulder as temptation but the need to help his family trumps anything else. He has a few secrets he’s hiding from them and ultimately Tessa, but he’s just trying to be honorable and do the right thing. I love his non-chalant attitude and sexy banter when it comes to Tessa…this warlock definitely has swagger!

The chemistry between Rob and Tessa is electric from the moment they set eyes on each other, but I enjoyed the build up to their romance. They spend a lot of time together on repo jobs which gives them time to really get to know each other (in between their flirting..haha). I especially like that the author paired up a witch and a warlock, I love a forbidden romance as much as the next girl, but this was a refreshing romance of two people who can actually be together without any outside conflict. Rob and Tessa are a sweet and sexy couple that keeps you engaged from beginning to end.

REPOSSESSED is more character driven and focuses less on world building, leaving me curious about a few things but completely expected while reading the first in a new series. I hope to learn more about this fascinating world of witches, warlocks and wizards and the politics behind it all. Although this is a romance, Shawntelle Madison adds a little darkness to the plot with a villain by the name of Dagger (yes, it doesn’t get more villainy than that!) and also introduces Rob’s “spirit” bag Harabeuji and Tessa’s grandmother who love to share their hilarious thoughts at the most inopportune times. A little bit of magic, suspense, and a smexy romance will leave you eager for more of this fun, new supernatural world.
Loriann422 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 17, 2014 |